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Homeschool Family lives in 320 square feet!

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Loved it. I don't think our family would fit in that one, lol, but I'd ADORE downsizing... by a lot.


18 months ago we moved from a small house. We loved that old farmhouse. It forced us to get rid of "stuff." We moved to a really big house, thinking we'd love the room. :glare: We don't. And like she said, it's a LOT to maintain. Plus, the stuff? I think it breeds in the closet.

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In the midst of all of our transfers, we had an 800 sq ft apt for the four of us when the kiddos were little. We loved it and am thinking about major downsizing from 2000 sq ft when youngest leaves next year. I love looking at the little house websites-very creative use of space!

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I think that is awesome. I'm on the hunt, currently, for a 1000 sq. ft. home for our family of almost 7. I like the idea of living simple, being thrifty, and saving money. We lived in a 600 sq. ft. home when we just had two kids and really enjoyed it, both the living small part and the common goal of getting out of debt and being able to help others financially was a thrill to us.


However, I don't know if I could do the full size bed in the master bedroom. I'm really liking the sleep I get with a king.

And I noticed she had a brother laser printer. DEFINITELY a necessity!

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However, I don't know if I could do the full size bed in the master bedroom. I'm really liking the sleep I get with a king.



We moved into a 1,000 sq ft home a few years ago and had to trade our king for a full. We've actually had no trouble at all adjusting ~ I think I might even like the full more.

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I think I would be extremely claustrophobic in that house! Maybe if I lived somewhere that I could be outside year round, but I couldn't do it over the long winter.


That said, I think they did a great job of fitting everything in there, and if it works for them, great!


Yes, I think the hyper-introvert in me doesn't WANT to be touching people all the time:tongue_smilie:. I'm itching to move out of our poorly laid out 1200sqft home with 7! And my girls would all kill each other up in that loft, LOL! It's dicey with the 10x10 room they've got now.


I wonder what their style of homeschooling is. We don't have a TON of books but enough to need some space. I didn't see a lot there?

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I think my dream would be to make a little community of family and friends with a central library/kitchen/gathering area and a bunch of these houses.


That's basically what I really want (but just for my immediate family, lol). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to work out the "extra" costs to make it reasonable.


Land would be $20,000 minimum outside of a development (which would be a requirement in order to avoid association regulations), and a lot more for more than one acre.

Septic and well, $5,000 - $8,000 (potentially much more, depending on the land)

2 units estimated at $15k each (one for sleeping areas, one for gathering areas).


Add in any needed engineering and permits, foundations, bringing in electricity and/or the cost of alternate energy, my family's absolute need for internet service and a maybe on regular phone service, and the total cost goes WELL above $15 or $30,000.


Factor in all of my lost equity in my current home and the near-impossibility of being able to sell it, and my cute little dream of "downsizing" becomes a financial nightmare! :glare:

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I love looking at the Tumbleweed site. The houses are so craetive and seem so neat and tidy. I will hope to downsize when my kids are gone but for now (with a tall husband and two soon to be tall sons) we need more space.


As far as the books....she has a storage unit that could hold those things. I suppose she hasn't downsized stuff but just living space. I wonder how big that storage space is?

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We downsized to about 1000 sf last year. Of course we now have a basement and dh still has a garage shop, but the house has been great. She has great ideas! I do think as the economy tanks for some sectors people need to examine how much they are willing to give up to live affordably.


We've been getting creative in our space. We've also been getting rid of stuff, that's a nice feeling too.

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We moved into a 1,000 sq ft home a few years ago and had to trade our king for a full. We've actually had no trouble at all adjusting ~ I think I might even like the full more.


We moved last year and had to get rid of our king, but we replaced it with two doubles side by side. I would not want to down grade the size of my bed. Mind you I like the floor space in my bedroom being less then one square metre. That is because I know that we will simple make a dirty laundry mess of it. If the space is less then one square metre it is really easy to clean up when it gets bad. But if the floor space is bigger then that then well...

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I'd like a bigger living room, so maybe a 500sqft house? LOL With a wraparound porch...


The overwhelming sense I got while watching that was one of peace--she seems very peaceful and content, and that is priceless to me.


:iagree:I totally agree! It is not about how big or small your home is, but being content with what you have and where you are and not worrying about what you don't have. I have decided to "bloom where I'm planted!" I love those tiny homes, but they are just not doable for my family of 8. So I will be content with my home and continue to down size and purge the unneccesary "stuff" from our lives.:001_smile:

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I think my dream would be to make a little community of family and friends with a central library/kitchen/gathering area and a bunch of these houses.


Our family has had this dream for years. Now that great-great-aunt has passed away and the 90-acre farm is up for grabs, maybe we'll be able to do this. Fun to dream.


Off to watch the video now.

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Guest momk2000

Ok, maybe now I can stop complaining that my house is too small. :D


I would so love to be mortgage free, but we would go bonkers!

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Ok, maybe now I can stop complaining that my house is too small. :D


I would so love to be mortgage free, but we would go bonkers!

:iagree:In my case, it is my MIL who pressures us to do add on to our 1100 square foot house for my family of four. Now I can be content that it IS big enough.

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I would NOT want this! It is cute, but no way, no how would I be able to live this way.




I couldn't under normal circumstances. Only if I won the lottery and built a bunch of them around a communal area for school/library/large kitchen/play area. But, it would also have to be something more like this.

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When my husband and I had our first apartment here it was 350sf. Until then I had never experienced claustrophobia. I used to have dreams that I was looking out the screen door of the apartment (we didn't have one) but I couldn't get out. NEVER.AGAIN. That's just too small. And it was just dh, me, and the baby.

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I don't find anything appealing about this idea at all. I liked how organized, neat and tidy things were, but that can be done in any home. I didn't care for the tone that people with bigger homes, more stuff, and mortgages were not peaceful or content. And while I think her home is simple, which she really loved to use that term, so is my 1800 sq ft home. We aren't packed to the gills with stuff. We're happy.


I won't say I'm totally content though, because I do not like our smallish home. We downsized from a 3000 sq ft home thinking that moving into a smaller home would be easier. It's not! I miss having multiple rooms where we can all just BE and not get in each other's way. Her idea that brushing against one another forces their family to be more interactive is rather strange to me. I think personal space is extremely important. I don't think it's easier to care for my 1800 sq ft home over my previous 3000 sq ft home. The smaller home seems like it always needs to be cleaned because we live in every space. The larger home had areas that weren't used all the time and didn't need such attention. I'm currently sitting in my dining area which is attached to the kitchen. We have shelves behind the dining room table to hold books and supplies. It makes for a cramped feeling. I'm looking directly into the living room. We have either the tv or music playing all the time. If I want quiet, I have to go into my bedroom and shut the door, which closes me off from the family. And honestly ladies, I would have real teA trouble in that home. :tongue_smilie:


I just don't think smaller is simpler.


Editing to add: I'm a SAHM and my DH works from home. He's a computer software support specialist with HP and needs to be online all day. I'm not sure a small house like that would work for people who use their house for all day living. The family in the video have a workshop they can work in, and it looked bigger than their house. I wonder how much time they spend in there.

Edited by Night Elf
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I know I like our 1000 square foot house better then our bigger one. One reason is my dh has a habit of locking himself away in the computer room and forgetting about other stuff. And now with the computer room on the main floor in the kitchen/dining room. That is just not possible. I know that at times he would prefer being in his own dungeon. But that isn't good for him, or our family.


Other then the bedrooms and ONE bathroom we have two rooms in our house the tv/book/school room and the kitchen/computer/dining room.

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I'm oddly drawn to this type of living. I love the idea of a small space with few "things."


Me, too! Dh wouldn't be able to live in such a small space for an extended period of time, though. He needs his space. Deep down in his heart he's a country boy stuck in suburbia. I grew up in the city--1200 sq ft (or so) for a family of 6.


I think I'm more drawn to her sense of contentment and peace. And that's possible in whatever home is right for the family that lives in it.

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I don't find anything appealing about this idea at all. I liked how organized, neat and tidy things were, but that can be done in any home. I didn't care for the tone that people with bigger homes, more stuff, and mortgages were not peaceful or content. And while I think her home is simple, which she really loved to use that term, so is my 1800 sq ft home. We aren't packed to the gills with stuff. We're happy.


I won't say I'm totally content though, because I do not like our smallish home. We downsized from a 3000 sq ft home thinking that moving into a smaller home would be easier. It's not! I miss having multiple rooms where we can all just BE and not get in each other's way. Her idea that brushing against one another forces their family to be more interactive is rather strange to me. I think personal space is extremely important. I don't think it's easier to care for my 1800 sq ft home over my previous 3000 sq ft home. The smaller home seems like it always needs to be cleaned because we live in every space. The larger home had areas that weren't used all the time and didn't need such attention. I'm currently sitting in my dining area which is attached to the kitchen. We have shelves behind the dining room table to hold books and supplies. It makes for a cramped feeling. I'm looking directly into the living room. We have either the tv or music playing all the time. If I want quiet, I have to go into my bedroom and shut the door, which closes me off from the family. And honestly ladies, I would have real teA trouble in that home. :tongue_smilie:


I just don't think smaller is simpler.


Editing to add: I'm a SAHM and my DH works from home. He's a computer software support specialist with HP and needs to be online all day. I'm not sure a small house like that would work for people who use their house for all day living. The family in the video have a workshop they can work in, and it looked bigger than their house. I wonder how much time they spend in there.


Thanks for posting this (esp. the part I bolded). I don't think my life would be simpler in a tiny house.


I know my house is way more than we need for 4 people (and one kid leaving for college soon). BUT we just had a grad party for 60+ people - how could we have done that in a tiny house? We routinely entertain smaller groups and it's nice to have the adults downstairs and the teens in the open "bonus room" upstairs. Our guest room, which sometimes seems like useless space, is in use at least 8x/year. So I'm sure we could live in a smaller house - but I can't picture us being in 1000 sq ft and able to continue the hospitality.

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I'm embarrassed to say I could never live like that unless I *had* to. I feel almost convicted because I do have a large home and too much stuff, but we are happy.


I sometimes feel that way, too - like there's a moral superiority to living in a small house, and I wish I could achieve it. But when I am rational, I think we should be content in whatever circumstances, as a pp mentioned.

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one other thing. My home is dh's and my haven and it's our favorite place in the world to be. We love our privacy, we love our home, we love our farm. I could stay here literally for weeks or months and never leave and be TOTALLY happy, provided that I had everything I needed to survive.


Before living here I lived in a neighborhood in a small duplex. It was spacious because of the layout, but I really spent a ton of time outside, going for walks, going to parks, day trips, etc. I *needed* to get away.


I love nothing more than to relax in my home. I think a tiny space like that would really stress me out.

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I grew up in a trailer around that size and.... no. I live in a 1325 sq ft house for 4 people and it is way too small. I can see the appeal, and I do really need to get rid of a ton of stuff, but I like space, privacy, room for homeschool, room for office. In other words, I am not a good enough housekeeper for so small a space.

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