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I have LYME Disease -- went to the doctor, taking antibiotics, can't believe all I...

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can do is sit when there is so much to do.


I dug a little poppy seed shaped thing out of my upper arm a few weeks ago and was totally clueless as to what it was -- duh!:svengo:


The spot where I dug it out is not healing -- I've been putting acne medicine on it -- made sense to me.:rolleyes:


My hands have been so sore I had enormous difficulty making the pillows for the Seder --and I've noticed aches and pains the likes of which I have never experienced before.


On Thursday, I had a killer headache that would not go away -- I slept from Thurs 1pm till Friday morning. Got up Friday morning, showered, dressed, etc, was able to pack two boxes and was chilled so bad my teeth were chattering. I went to sleep.


When dh came home, we both commented that something was wrong (you think?).


In the middle of the night, going over everything in my mind, it hit me - OMG - I have Lyme disease.


To the doctor first thing this morning (they open at 8 - I was there at 7:30) -- she agreed and put me on doxycycline.


Came home, and went to sleep again. The pain is just in every joint - feels like there is a mallet smashing every joint.l


So much to do this week -- dh has the kids packing. I cannot even think about getting up off the couch.


Prayers and good thoughts much appreciated. Thanks:grouphug:

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It is amazing on how fast it totally sucks the life out of you. PM me if you want to know what we found that got dh back on his feet.


There was a post a few days ago by Mommyfaithe:


You need 4 weeks of doxycycline folled 28 days later with Zithromax and then 28 days later another round of Zithromax. Do not take no for an answer., Lyme is no joke. Ds has post Lyme and it has changed his life is so many ways...can not swim competitively, fuzzy thinking, joint pain, back aches, head aches..he is 16! He has lost 2 years of his life due to a bad diagnosis.

My df just spent 2 weeks in the hospital because she could not breathe..after a gajillion tests...it turned out to be Lyme. She was a very active woman who is now totally and completely debilitated because the Lyme was not treated quickly and accurately. We walked 3 miles a day together for 15 years...she gets breathless walking down the driveway to the mailbox.

PLEASE...get treated completely. 3 weeks of treatment is not enough. You need the full 28 days and then the follow up. Lyne spirochetes have a 28 day cycle. Do some research...and good luck! You are so lucky you actually have a bullseye. Dh had one and is totally fine. Ds and df did not... and were not diagnosed quickly enough (ds had Lyme bands over 5 years old and df over 9 years.)

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Praying for you. Dh had lyme's and we weren't able to figure it out for several years. Finally, it all clicked in and the tests semi-confirmed it (he had an odd result...basically, yes, he'd been exposed, had it, but was headed into remission). It really took a toll on him.

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This is so good, that you caught it so early and are curing it before it goes to something chronic and nasty like CFS. So glad that you figured it out!


Heavens yes -- but I am kicking myself b/c with the history our family has had with lyme's, you would think I would have been on this a few weeks ago.


:grouphug: and healing thoughts. Glad you caught it early.


Yes -- you are so right! And I feel like I wasted time not realizing what it was.

Oh Mariann!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm so sorry honey. :( Praying for you. :grouphug: :grouphug:

:grouphug:Thank you so much! (((hugs)))

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Heavens yes -- but I am kicking myself b/c with the history our family has had with lyme's, you would think I would have been on this a few weeks ago.





Do not kick yourself! That stupid germ is doing all the kicking you need!


Be nice to yourself! Healing thoughts! Prayers! Good food! Being waited on, hand and foot!



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You poor baby! I am so sorry. Just think how much like Christmas it will be opening the boxes the family has packed. You'll never know what you'll find! It will all work out and you'll feel better soon. You have the advantage of knowing the doctors and the drill. Prayers for you and your family.:grouphug:

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DS has chronic Lyme. We are on month 6 of antibiotic treatment. I can't even put into words how much stress this horrible disease has put on our family. The journey to finally knowing what was wrong with DS was a long (5 years), painful (psychologist told us he believed DS was bi-polar), and expensive one (of course none of this is covered my insurance).


Please take care of yourself and make sure you get treatment for long enough. DS was treated initially at age 2 with the standard 30 day course of antibiotics. That didn't work.


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Heavens yes -- but I am kicking myself b/c with the history our family has had with lyme's, you would think I would have been on this a few weeks ago.



As soon as I read your story I thought you might be feeling like this. So sorry you're having to go through this. I had Lyme years ago, but thankfully I did get the bullseye and was put on meds before Lyme titers could be detected.


Praying for healing and rest for you. :grouphug:

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Oh gosh...but like other have said you caught it early! After the antibiotics, I'd see a naturopath. Some also recommend Oil of Oregano for a little while after the antibiotics. Buy some probiotics while you are taking the meds. Let everyone else do the work. You'll have little choice anyway, might as well accept it. :grouphug: Praying for complete healing.

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I'm praying for you!!!!! You're in the journal next to Stacey and Mario who I am still praying for as well. So, I think I'll just make it a whole "Mariann's family thing" because really, you need rest and that means the family also needs to take on some responsibilities and pamper mommy. Therefore, they need prayers to! :D


:grouphug: Faith

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You are all so kind -- thank you so very much --


and, yes, ticks - ick ick ick! And I know not to waste my time putting acne medication on the spot where it was :glare:.


I had to laugh when I read what a few of you wrote about leave the packing to dh and the kids and sort it out later -- :lol: -- I fear that is just what is going to happen.:lol:


I'm observing the four of them - I am fairly certain they have their noses out of joint even if just a little that I am not able to help. I am guessing this is 'normal'?:confused:

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Mariann, I am so sorry. Please take care of yourself!!



Oh gosh...but like other have said you caught it early! After the antibiotics, I'd see a naturopath. Some also recommend Oil of Oregano for a little while after the antibiotics. Buy some probiotics while you are taking the meds. Let everyone else do the work. You'll have little choice anyway, might as well accept it. :grouphug: Praying for complete healing.


Liz, can you elaborate on the oil of oregano or point me to a website on how to use it? I have some and I'm currently on week 2 of doxycycline. my dr gave me an rx for 28 days but she doesn't do more abx after that as others here have recommended. I'm not sure what to do after the doxy! (Fortunately I don't have symptoms, just had a bullseye rash that went away within 1 day.)


sorry Mariann for the hijack!!

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can do is sit when there is so much to do.


I dug a little poppy seed shaped thing out of my upper arm a few weeks ago and was totally clueless as to what it was -- duh!:svengo:


The spot where I dug it out is not healing -- I've been putting acne medicine on it -- made sense to me.:rolleyes:


My hands have been so sore I had enormous difficulty making the pillows for the Seder --and I've noticed aches and pains the likes of which I have never experienced before.


On Thursday, I had a killer headache that would not go away -- I slept from Thurs 1pm till Friday morning. Got up Friday morning, showered, dressed, etc, was able to pack two boxes and was chilled so bad my teeth were chattering. I went to sleep.


When dh came home, we both commented that something was wrong (you think?).


In the middle of the night, going over everything in my mind, it hit me - OMG - I have Lyme disease.


To the doctor first thing this morning (they open at 8 - I was there at 7:30) -- she agreed and put me on doxycycline.


Came home, and went to sleep again. The pain is just in every joint - feels like there is a mallet smashing every joint.l


So much to do this week -- dh has the kids packing. I cannot even think about getting up off the couch.


Prayers and good thoughts much appreciated. Thanks:grouphug:


That is awful! But good you caught it so early. Lyme is a sneaky, sneaky critter. Please tke care of yourself...and make sure you get a full 28 days of the doxy...21 is not enough.....and rest...rest...rest. Immune system health is of utmost importance!


Praying for you.

Faithe (who is beginning to think Lyme disease is the scourge of mankind and is trying to take us all out!)

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Do not kick yourself! That stupid germ is doing all the kicking you need!


Be nice to yourself! Healing thoughts! Prayers! Good food! Being waited on, hand and foot!




Woah! I hope you get some relief soon. It's always better to know what you're dealing with.


Oh no!


I know how hard this is. ALL of my kids have had it. My prayers are with you.





You poor baby! I am so sorry. Just think how much like Christmas it will be opening the boxes the family has packed. You'll never know what you'll find! It will all work out and you'll feel better soon. You have the advantage of knowing the doctors and the drill. Prayers for you and your family.


right? And summer is coming so schoolwork will be light if there's any? And you already have a lot of knowledge of the Lyme disease from helping your dd. But I hope you get better fast for your and your family's sake.


I'm sorry, Mariann. It looks like your dh and kids will have to take up the slack this time. It might not be done perfectly but it is a good opportunity for them to serve you.


BTDT. It's the worst. Take care of yourself.


DS has chronic Lyme. We are on month 6 of antibiotic treatment. I can't even put into words how much stress this horrible disease has put on our family. The journey to finally knowing what was wrong with DS was a long (5 years), painful (psychologist told us he believed DS was bi-polar), and expensive one (of course none of this is covered my insurance).


Please take care of yourself and make sure you get treatment for long enough. DS was treated initially at age 2 with the standard 30 day course of antibiotics. That didn't work.



As soon as I read your story I thought you might be feeling like this. So sorry you're having to go through this. I had Lyme years ago, but thankfully I did get the bullseye and was put on meds before Lyme titers could be detected.


Praying for healing and rest for you.


Oh gosh...but like other have said you caught it early! After the antibiotics, I'd see a naturopath. Some also recommend Oil of Oregano for a little while after the antibiotics. Buy some probiotics while you are taking the meds. Let everyone else do the work. You'll have little choice anyway, might as well accept it. Praying for complete healing.




I'm praying for you!!!!! You're in the journal next to Stacey and Mario who I am still praying for as well. So, I think I'll just make it a whole "Mariann's family thing" because really, you need rest and that means the family also needs to take on some responsibilities and pamper mommy. Therefore, they need prayers to!






I'm so sorry.


I hope the sleep fairy comes and knocks you out for a few days so you don't have to think about what is going on around you.


I'm so sorry!!!!!!


Mariann, I am so sorry! I hope you feel better soon, and as someone else mentioned - this is a good time for dh and kids to take up the slack. You can sort it all out when you unpack.


Praying for you.






Wow!! I am so sorry.


Praying for you, Mariann.


I'm just glad you caught it early...


OH I'm so sorry! My DS7 has already had 2 ticks this season. ICK ICK ICK!


I hope you start to feel better soon.


I am sorry; Lyme really sucks. However, it sounds like you caught it early. Yay for that. Just make sure your doctor keeps you on the antibiotics long enough.


Mariann, I am so sorry. Please take care of yourself!!





Liz, can you elaborate on the oil of oregano or point me to a website on how to use it? I have some and I'm currently on week 2 of doxycycline. my dr gave me an rx for 28 days but she doesn't do more abx after that as others here have recommended. I'm not sure what to do after the doxy! (Fortunately I don't have symptoms, just had a bullseye rash that went away within 1 day.)


sorry Mariann for the hijack!!







Looking on the bright side- you know how to treat it!


I am praying you will have a mild case and recover quickly so you can get back to your life.




That is awful! But good you caught it so early. Lyme is a sneaky, sneaky critter. Please tke care of yourself...and make sure you get a full 28 days of the doxy...21 is not enough.....and rest...rest...rest. Immune system health is of utmost importance!


Praying for you.

Faithe (who is beginning to think Lyme disease is the scourge of mankind and is trying to take us all out!)


[quote name=radiobrain;2656131


That is horrible! I hope you feel better soon!




Mariann' date=' I am so sorry. Praying for you. :grouphug:


Make sure your doctor understands the disease and gives you the full course.

If they do it right the first time you will be ok, I am so sorry you are going through this. It is one pernicious disease.



Oh, heavens -- my original answer was deleted. I'll try this again -- thank you all so muich for your prayers, advice and good wishes. I have read every rword and will again today as some of you told me stuff about oils, etc that I did not know.


I feel infinitely better today after a not very good yesterday. I was very stiff when I wok this morning - felt like I could break in half, but I know from dd30's experience, that getting up and moving is the best thing. The brain fog hasn't arrived yet so hopefully I will be able to 'order' everyone here around so our excellent pace at pre-moving continues. We are just about ready to 'stage' which means that everything extraneous and superfluous is out of the house -- YAY!


DH and the kids have left for Church giving me a little time of peace and quiet -- we learned that 'Juilliard Graduation /Seder Outfits' can double in a pinch as Easter outfits -- YAY again!


Thank you again for your prayers and thoughts and advice -- keep them coming -- I am a firm believer in the power of prayer and positive thoughts.


Blessings to all of you -- HUGS (out of smilies)

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Oh, Mariann! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: That is just unbelievable! I'm sorry you're going down the Lyme road yet again. :( But I'll echo the others and say that I'm glad you did indeed "click" with what it was and that you're getting such quick treatment. It's heartbreaking to hear how quickly the symptoms and the pain hit, and I hope you get relief soon.


I'm with Faithe on this, by the way. Definitely, definitely the scourge of mankind. :smash: (That's me and nasty ticks, in case you weren't sure.)

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Oh, Mariann! :grouphug: That is just unbelievable! I'm sorry you're going down the Lyme road yet again. :( But I'll echo the others and say that I'm glad you did indeed "click" with what it was and that you're getting such quick treatment. It's heartbreaking to hear how quickly the symptoms and the pain hit, and I hope you get relief soon.


I'm with Faithe on this, by the way. Definitely, definitely the scourge of mankind. :smash: (That's me and nasty ticks, in case you weren't sure.)




Wow. I'm so sorry! I will be praying for you!


Thank you - thank you - thank you. I will never again mistake a tick for a blackhead or some other such disgusting thing.


Kirsten -- keep smacking 'em down!

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