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I have trouble reading long posts that are a big long paragraph w/no spaces

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Me too. :o I guess that's why when I post, I end up putting in a lot of paragraph spaces that aren't necessary.... I find posts a lot easier to read if there's only a few sentences per paragraph.


Too many sentences and my eyes get lost in all the small type. I guess that's why I bought myself a Kindle and not a color Nook or iPad. It's too hard for me to read type on a computer screen, and I'm not even old. :lol:


I do worry that people here think that I can't write at all because I do end up using so many paragraphs or putting one sentence per line but if I can't read my own posts, I can't expect others to be interested. ;)

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I agree. I often go back and break my post up if it looks like too much text at once when I first post it. There are also a few people (very few, and they don't post much) who make such grievous spelling and punctuation errors that I can't even figure out what they are talking about, and I give up on their post.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I agree on the wall of text, and confess something else... If someone's sig line is expansive, I'm just breezin' on by without reading that, either. (Sorry!)


What? You're supposed to read their siggy, too?


Sorry, all, I don't read most of your sigs.


And I rarely read walls of text either. I need the mental break after a few sentences. :D

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Same here. I will attempt to read a long post if it's someone I know, but other wise...my eyes appreciate skipping it.


If I open a post like that, I don't even usually skim. I just close it. It is VERY hard to read a big block of uninterrupted text.
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What? You're supposed to read their siggy, too?


Sorry, all, I don't read most of your sigs.


And I rarely read walls of text either. I need the mental break after a few sentences. :D


Should clarify... I do love what some write for sigs. But if it appears too long, too detailed, too many different batches of info, I'll buzz past it.

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I can sometimes make long paragraphs. But I don't mind a few sentences. I hate it when there is over 10 lines of text.


My pet peeve is avators, that are animated. I wouldn't read a post if I have to look at something moving around, much to distracting. I don't think I have ever used a moving face in my posts. And if I see a row of moving anything I will sometimes just skip that post.


If I see the following I would just need to :chillpill:



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It is very hard on my eyes? brain?


Am I the only one?


I admit, sometimes I just give up reading them and skim them.

Me too. I also have trouble reading posts in soft, pastel colours or entirely in bold text. The latter feels like an assault on my eyes.

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I generally don't read them, either. Only if the subject or first few lines manages to make it clear that it's something I'm interested in enough for it to be worth the effort.


I read sigs only if I want to know more about the poster and their background.

Edited by ocelotmom
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For the most part, I try to maximally disregard the form - if one has a good content to say expressed well, in a clear and organized thought, well, my attention span can certainly handle lines upon lines upon lines of text which is not broken. However, I do agree that breaking the text into smaller chunks helps immensely, visually, and makes the text easier to read.


I have a killer attention span when something interests me or when I estimate it worthy of my attention, long posts on these boards are nothing compared to the complexity and length of the materials I used to read on a daily basis (now it is more of a weekly basis, but you get the point). Writing long posts is not a problem either for me, as I type quickly, and being used to long, elaborated, detailed forms, personally, I prefer such a communication in the first place.


Whether or not I stop reading somebody's specific post - or start skimming over somebody's contributions in general - has perfectly nothing to do with length or visual organization, and everything to do with organization of thoughts, clarity of thought, my personal and educational gain from reading their contributions, etc.

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I don't like a long post with no breaks either.


On the flip side, I don't know a lot of people here well and if they are "short and to the point" and I don't have the background, I simply don't respond because I don't know how to answer. :001_huh:


Alot of paragraph breaks help a long post, though. :)

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