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SWB's new blog post

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Here Is anyone who has attended any of the Great Homeschool Conventions willing to out the speakers who've specifically and negatively mentioned SWB in their talks? I am a Christian of the conservative and reformed variety & I do NOT wish to inadvertantly support companies which advocate this sort of behavior.
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This is too much! What's a girl to do?


Go to the K8 board and read the stick at the top, for starters.


Thanks for the link. It was an interesting blog entry, and I keep forgetting to make it over there. I disagree with SWB's take on why the invective (or, I think there is more layers of what is going on, and would consider it very impolite to yap on about my opinions on her own forum :001_smile:), but it was a good blog entry none-the-less.


There is an old Japanese saying: The nail that sticks up is the one that is hammered down.


SWB: I'm glad you stick up, and I'm sorry you were hammered.

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There is an old Japanese saying: The nail that sticks up is the one that is hammered down.


SWB: I'm glad you stick up, and I'm sorry you were hammered.


I have my own saying....No good deed goes unpunished!


I am sorry this is mostly the case. Keep on keepin' on SWB. We are here rooting for ya!

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Note to self: I guess I don't want to be SWB when I grow up after all. I couldn't take the many attacks.


Susan: what a vacuum there would be in the homeschool community without you. I don't even want to think about it.


Alley who is off to get a glass of wine

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I sat in a talk four or five years ago and listened to her homeschooling instruction described as incompatible with Christian beliefs, but it's not the same guy this time. :D


No matter what you believe, there should be a certain level of respect and restraint when it comes to other speakers/ vendors at the same conference. :glare:

Edited by angela in ohio
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OP, thanks for posting about Susan's blog entry.


I find it interesting that many Christians seem to be afraid much of the time. It is the opposite of what they are taught in the Bible. Plus, they seem to take delight in instilling fear in others too.


2 Timothy 1:17 ~ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

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:iagree: with SWB.


I was considering a product with one of the vendors whose blog post is now being freely pushed on Facebook (time to weed out my friends list) but I refuse to do business with bullies. Think I'll go purchase the remaining STOW I need to finish my collection instead.


Why must it always be a war with Christians? Either you're not Christian enough or you are too Christian. Why don't we heed the words of Paul who said clearly that some people are convicted on certain matters and some are not. Doesn't make either of them more right than the other or better. Just different.


I am a Christian but I'll be switched if I think highly enough of myself to determine who is or is not 'Christian' enough.


:glare: And people wonder why I have trouble with churches....

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OP, thanks for posting about Susan's blog entry.


I find it interesting that many Christians seem to be afraid much of the time. It is the opposite of what they are taught in the Bible. Plus, they seem to take delight in instilling fear in others too.


2 Timothy 1:17 ~ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.




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G I disagree with SWB's take on why the invective (or, I think there is more layers of what is going on, and would consider it very impolite to yap on about my opinions on her own forum :001_smile:), but it was a good blog entry none-the-less.


Yap away. There are a LOT more layers. Blog posts have to be short to be effective. Even that one was too long for truly good blogging.


As long as you don't make conclusions about where people are with God, or pronounce blanket condemnations of books without reading them, or make personal attacks, disagreement is not only perfectly fine, but healthy. Fear of disagreement is part of what's wrong with the scenario I've been describing.



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GREAT post SWB!! I am shocked. I haven't attended a curriculum fair with speakers in several years. Ironic that parents who are homeschooling to keep the public school system from telling their CHILDREN how to think, are PAYING others to tell THEMSELVES what to think.


I am amazed at the amount of money that people are willing to shell out for others to tell them how to live/what to wear/what should or should not go on in the privacy of their own home.

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As long as you don't make conclusions about where people are with God, or pronounce blanket condemnations of books without reading them, or make personal attacks, disagreement is not only perfectly fine, but healthy. Fear of disagreement is part of what's wrong with the scenario I've been describing.




Amen, amen, AMEN!

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Well the bible also mentions a healthy dose of fear is proper - of God.


Tho I am not overly fond of tossing bible verses, a better, more applicable reference would be:


Isaiah 8:12

"You are not to say, 'It is a conspiracy!' In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it."


Coupled with:


Exodus 23:1

"You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness."


These people are making false claim of SWB and her materials. And attributing a conspiracy to her that not only does not exist, but even if it did - can their product not stand on it's own as quality? Is the only way they can sell it is to diminish the product of others? Has their product no value of it's own to buyers other than that it is not SWB materials?


Personally, I get really annoyed when I go to hear or read about something and instead all I hear about is the negatives of the alternatives. It's poor sportsmanship and salesman ability. And it is annoying bc even if they are right about the other choices - they still have not said what is good about their product!:glare:

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Sorry you have to put up with such people!


Thanks for being so gracious.

And for hosting these boards!

And, of course,for the excellent books! I've borrowed TWTM many times from the library, but I used some birthday $ to buy it this weekend. :D

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You can't win for losing, can you?


We love your books. Please keep writing them.




I also love the new series by Peter Enns. I was tasked with choosing a new curriculum for our early elementary class at church, and this is what I selected. The class (which includes D) is responding very well to the materials, and both the previous teacher and I (the current teacher) love the layout & content. :hurray: for PHP!

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Well I am not altogether sure *what* is going on. It seems a little confusing to me, BUT I just bought OPGTR, and I am about to buy WWE on PDF :D


I :001_wub: SWB, and hope we get a chnace to see her speak at SETHSA in Houston!!

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Susan, I attended one of your sessions and thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks so much for being there in spite of feeling so bad. Thankfully, none of the speakers I heard were SWB-bashing:) I did end up buying Telling God's Story, in spite of all the bad rap, simply because it looked interesting. However, I shall suspend opinion until I've read it through and see all the information;) Oh, and I bought your evil History of the Ancient World, too! :D

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Was Ken Ham the only speaker doing this? I was under the impression that there were more. (Not that I *want* there to be more--just want to know who to stick on my "list" ;))


Seems Mr. Ham is on a roll....sigh. So much for graciousness....and remembering what Thumper's Mom taught him.



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Well I'm an atheist and I don't think she is too Christian nor not Christian enough. I enjoy her books and I've learned a lot from them.




That's pretty much why I'm here. We're doing HO but we does use SOTW since it's the main spine for HO. And I'm an atheist. Happily.


But it does make me laugh that SWB gets bashed from the extremes of both sides to the extent that she does. It's usually done by people who haven't taken the time to actually READ her works or by people who are too scared to be exposed to material that doesn't fit their very narrow worldview.

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Gee whiz. Makes me want to go sit in one of those Susan-bashing lectures just so I can get up and walk out in a huff. :glare:


Thanks for all you do, Susan, especially for your dedication to excellence. I'm beyond impressed with everything I've seen from Peace Hill Press.



ETA: You know, I think I'd get up and leave ANY seminar where the speaker was bashing another author/speaker/curriculum. How tacky and unprofessional.

Edited by Kirch
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Was Ken Ham the only speaker doing this? I was under the impression that there were more. (Not that I *want* there to be more--just want to know who to stick on my "list" ;))


I would like to know this as well. Gotta make sure I'm boycotting all the people that deserve it.

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I would like to know this as well. Gotta make sure I'm boycotting all the people that deserve it.


:iagree: I steer clear of religious publishers as much as I can and already don't support anything produced by Ken Ham, but I'd like to be aware of any others. :glare:


Did any of these sorry SWB-bashing saps stop to consider what happens when you kick a beehive? :angry:

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Susan, if it weren't for you and your mother, I would not have begun homeschooling 8 years ago. An aquaintance was trying her best to convince me to homeschool and I was having none of it. She finally intrigued me with info. from your first book so I got a copy and read it.


After that I was chomping at the bit to homeschool! My husband thought I was crazy but he let me pull my son out of a private school and homeschool.


Your materials are some of the best. You brought a high level of education back to us and made it accessible to anyone who wants it. Thank you!


I'm out here singing your praises to all the homeschoolers, afterschoolers and brick and motor schoolers I know. :grouphug: to you.


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I am SO glad I only attended a handful of talks that did not involve Susan. I cautioned my friends who were there about VF and company. I will be TICKED if any of the cds I ordered contain anything like that, but I think I avoided all of the baddies. I was sorry enough for her voice, cold, and terrible hall they put her in. :(


Thank you, Susan and PHP! I could not do this without you, and I appreciate your attempts to stand up for those of us who do not fit the stereotype.

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I'm not at all doubting SWB's view of the events but is there some way to get a link to what Ken Ham (or whoever) actually said about her?


The BioLogos and AiG issue is far bigger than SWB. The BioLogos and AiG issue is bigger than even BioLogos and AiG. It has become a virtual online showdown between creationists and BioLogos' brand of theistic evolution (I really don't know what to call it because they eschew just about every label).


It is all over theological circles right now. I could link to many articles of debate. While the rhetoric at times has become harsh, I've appreciated the discussion.


Edited because I don't really want to make assumptions about this quarrel. I'll just stay out of it.

Edited by Daisy
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