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longer or shorter labor for 2nd baby (and beyond)?

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(Apologies if this has been asked before, but I searched and didn't find any threads on the topic.)


For those of you who have more than one child, was your time in labor longer or shorter for subsequent babies?


I ask this because I'm a little nervous about getting to the hospital in time for my second baby (due in October). With my first, my total labor time was 3 hours, 15 minutes from the first contraction. My DH was terrified that I was going to have the baby in the middle of the night out on the county road as my contractions kept getting closer and closer. We live 30-35 minutes from the hospital, and we don't have the option of a closer hospital since we're in a rural area. Can anyone reassure me that I should have enough time to make it to the hospital? (I do not want to do a homebirth; I really, really like my OB and hospital)

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Shorter. However, with my second delivery, my water broke but no contractions until they kick-started them with pitocin in the hospital a few hours later. Third delivery, I had lots of small contractions, then a HUGE one that made me think we better get to the hospital. Big contractions all the way there (20 minutes), and I barely made it to L&D before the baby crowned.


Good luck!

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Is there anyone close to the hospital you could go & stay with when you felt like things were getting started?


Unfortunately, no--I don't know anyone in the town where the hospital is. Also, with my first, I really didn't have any warning that things were getting started. My first few contractions barely felt like anything, and we only left for the hospital because my DH insisted. He still says, "I told you so." :tongue_smilie:

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(Apologies if this has been asked before, but I searched and didn't find any threads on the topic.)


For those of you who have more than one child, was your time in labor longer or shorter for subsequent babies?


I ask this because I'm a little nervous about getting to the hospital in time for my second baby (due in October). With my first, my total labor time was 3 hours, 15 minutes from the first contraction. My DH was terrified that I was going to have the baby in the middle of the night out on the county road as my contractions kept getting closer and closer. We live 30-35 minutes from the hospital, and we don't have the option of a closer hospital since we're in a rural area. Can anyone reassure me that I should have enough time to make it to the hospital? (I do not want to do a homebirth; I really, really like my OB and hospital)


No, mine weren't, BUT they were induced. It went like this:


1st baby, labor started at 4am on day of induction. Went in at 6am, started pitocin between 6 and 7. Born at 11:09- total labor 19hrs, baby was 8.5


2nd baby, was also induced. 8hrs total, baby was 6.13


3rd baby, also induced. Went in at 7am, left at 8pm with a heplock because labor was NOT progressing. Came back at 8am the next day, had baby at 10:06. Labor that day was 14 hrs, combined was 27!! Baby was 7.6


4th baby was also induced. I don't remember what time I went in because things went to hell, and all I remember was 21 hrs and 7 hrs of transition with a failed epidural. After all that I was taken in at 4am for a c-section. His head was facing my hip and so he would NOT descend. He was 8.0 even.


After that, my last 2 babies were planned c-sections. I wanted a VBAC with #5, but hubby freaked at the last minute and begged me not too, he was too afraid I'd rupture and he could lose both of us :(

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Unfortunately, no--I don't know anyone in the town where the hospital is. Also, with my first, I really didn't have any warning that things were getting started. My first few contractions barely felt like anything, and we only left for the hospital because my DH insisted. He still says, "I told you so." :tongue_smilie:


I was the same. I was cooking dinner and had one contraction and then my water broke. Everything was fast after that. My dh said, "This is just like on tv!" I didn't find it funny at the time.

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I was concerned about my 3rd baby coming too fast.


My first - 8 hours (induced)

My second - 20 minutes

My third - 7 hours


There is no guarantee that your baby will come faster than your other child. I did have a "plan" that if my water broke we were not going to attempt going to the hospital.

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First labor = 18 hours

Second labor = 6 hours

Third labor = 1 hour

(four subsequent labors between 1-1/2 and 3 hours).


Here's my interpretation: The first was a c-section, so didn't go through the birth canal. Second one a VBAC, so acted more like a first delivery in that regard (pushing through). The third came SO fast, and the others since then have been very quick. In the later ones, early labor and transition were a little longer, but the pushing remained very fast. Since that one-hour delivery, I've pushed 2-4 times and they've been OUT. Hope that helps.

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1st labor-40 hours

2nd labor-about 14ish hours (hard to say, because I knew labor would be starting soon, so I ran around cleaning and cooking like a mad woman and wasn't paying attention to when labor actually started)

3rd labor-6 hours

None of them were induced.


But with all three of mine, I've gotten a sign that labor would be starting soon, so I've never had the worry that you have.

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all mine were different. they actually got longer with each pregnancy.

2.5 hours (after water breaking at home), 4.5 hours (after doctor rupturing bag), about 6.5 hours, large baby (almost 10 pounds), 18ish total but large twins (over 15 pounds total), overstretched uterus, augmentation needed to proceed.


my experience is that all labors are different. but i know for many they are shorter and faster for subsequent pregnancies.


good luck! :grouphug:

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I'm not sure you want me to answer this.


Total labor time:


1st: 10 hours, including 2 hours of pushing and forcep delivery (almost had to have a c-section). Went from a 4 to delivered in 6 hours. I labored the first few hours at home.


2nd: I was induced. Total labor was 4 hours. I never pushed. I went from a 4 to DELIVERED in one hour. He came before the Dr. could get there and the nurse delivered him. It was awesome - truly. I'm glad I had to be induced though b/c he came SO fast I would have delivered him somewhere other than the hospital, I am certain.


I did NOT want to be induced but had to for a very important reason. That labor was incredible though and my first labor/delivery was horrible.

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Person to ask is your OB.


I wouldn't expect #2 to be quicker for you -- mostly#2 is faster 'cause the first was soooo slow (body learning how, but some bodies already got it all down!). :D Most importantly, you know how to read your body.


For me:

#1: 5hr (3hr pushing);

#2 2hr (5sec pushing);

#3 17hrs :001_huh:


Ironically #3 was my smallest and I was all worried about not making it to the hospital but ended up laboring all night (water broke @home). :lol:

Edited by ChandlerMom
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Lets see I never really added up the hours:tongue_smilie:


First water broke at 11 pm and my beautiful boy was born at 10:22 am Grand Total hours 11:22


Second water broke at 1:30pm and my beautiful baby boy was born at

11:24 pm Total 10 hours


Both babies born on Sunday pretty cool

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Mine were progressively shorter.

#1 - Planned hospital birth, 22 hours from start to finish, though maybe 8 of active labor.

#2 - Planned home birth. Would have been anyway. 6 hours, easy-peasy, thought I had lots of time, had baby in bathroom with dh approx. 2 minutes after we made our first call to the midwife... oops:D

#3 - Planned hospital birth, 2 hours. Baby born literally 10 minutes after we parked in front of the hospital.


We have a 30-35 minute drive to the nearest hospital, so I know exactly what you mean. I just tried to be prepared as much as possible. I brushed up on the basics of emergency birth and packed an emergency birth kit to have nearby, whether he popped out at home by accident (like #2 - I seriously would never have even left the house yet if I had BEEN planning a hospital birth) or popped out in the car on the way. This included lots of clean towels and blankets (for baby AND mom), flashlights, etc.


However, through my own experience, I believe in the body's ability to "wait." I would never say that I voluntarily waited. When your body is ready, it's ready. At the same time, I remember a distinct feeling of letting go. By the time we got into our room, everything was foggy to me - I HAD to have that baby. I threw off my clothes, climbed onto the bed, and I let go. And he was born.


Just be prepared. I think you'll be fine:)

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First baby was a 3 day long ordeal.

2nd baby- waters broke at 6.30pm after very gentle contractions for a few hours, got to birthing centre at 7pm, baby born 7.35, home by 9pm.


Still, there was no sense of not having enough time. It just all went very smoothly and easily.

You will know- it will be fine.

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#1 Contractions started off and on 3am Thurs until that evening- very slow and intermittent, picked up that evening and baby by 8:am Friday, 29 hrs total, fairly light until around the last 5hrs, 3hrs of pushing (hosp birth but not even an iv- water broke in pushing)

#2 Contractions started very slow Tues am, got more serious around 12, had the baby at 8:30pm Tuesday night- 8 min pushing - 15 hrs total but pretty easy except the last few hrs (homebirth)

#3 Weeks of pre-labor stuff, finally at 8 days post dd contractions started in earnest, baby born 5 hrs later, 20 min or so of pushing. Homebirth- pushing took a while as her hand was by her head, which wasn't terribly small anyway. I truly believe she would have been born sooner if I would have tried, I was trying to be as still as possible and concentrate all I could to keep her in as I was waiting for the mw- baby born 30 min after she got there and would have been more like 10 or less if she had been positioned in there better.

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I wouldn't expect #2 to be quicker for you -- mostly#2 is faster 'cause the first was soooo slow (body learning how, but some bodies already got it all down!). :D Most importantly, you know how to read your body.



One of my worries is that I don't feel like I know my body! I honestly had no clue that I was about to give birth last time until 2-2.5 hours beforehand. My water didn't break until my 2nd or 3rd contraction (which were still very slight and not preceded by any other warning), and even then it was barely noticeable, and I only knew that it happened in hindsight.


It seems like the Hive sampling corresponds with the statistic that subsequent labors are often shorter, though not always. I guess just to be safe, DH and I will have to at least read up on emergency DIY birth, and we'll leave if I feel even the slightest contraction--better to be sent back home than not make it, right? Fortunately, my parents will be nearby (guest house 50 feet down our driveway), so I won't have to worry about waiting for them to come over to watch DS.


I kind of wish that I weren't an only child because my mom and I had pretty much identical labors--a little over three hours at 36+ weeks (except she had a little warning since her water broke earlier in the day). It would be nice to have another data point from her!


I didn't even think about pushing time until some of you ladies gave that info. I pushed for maybe 20 minutes max last time? My OB told me the pros for having an episiotomy, and as he was about to tell me the cons, DS decided that he couldn't wait and just came out.

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When I went that fast with number 2 they flagged me for rapid labor. After that I was induced b/c of it. I had Strep B with number 5 and HAD to be induced b/c as it was I barely got the meds in before he was born. I would opt for induction if you go that fast and are not near the hospital just for safety.

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My labors were shorter for each child, and the last one was so short that I am sort of afraid to have a 4th. :lol:


I completely understand what you mean about not knowing when you are in labor, maybe you have the same sort of labor as I do...it isn't as "obvious" as it seems to other people, I guess. My midwife (and everyone else really from my old OB to my neighbor) always says, You will KNOW when you are in labor. :glare: No, not really. But I did make it to the hospital, so I guess I did OK.


I have back labor and it starts out as just a lower backache and can last for a few days. I never feel like I get to that point of timing contractions, I just feel some pain, it is starting to change a bit, so we'll go to the hospital. :lol: We had our sitter come over the day our youngest was born, and I couldn't decide if I should have her come at 12 or 1pm, but I decided to have her come at 12 just to get settled in. I was sort of packing up a few things, taking my sweet old time, and DH was like, "LET'S GO!" (he is sure I am going to give birth in the kitchen :D, and he does not feel like he could handle it) So we get to the hospital around 1, and DS was born at 1:52. :ohmy: When I walked into the L&D area (yeh I was walking!!) the nurse said, You don't look like you are in labor! :glare: Wasn't she surprised when I was holding my baby half an hour later. :lol:


Just pay close attention to things when you think you are close. It will all work out. :001_smile:

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My first labor was 11.5 hours, my second 7 hours, and my third just under 8 hours. However, my first baby was posterior and took a while longer because of that. Of that 11.5 hours, 1.5 was pushing, whereas with the second, pushing was about 20 minutes, and with the third, it was just a couple of minutes. It also happened much more suddenly with the second and third, whereas the first was more of a gradual build-up to pushing.

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Yep, my second labor was pretty much cut in half. With #1 they began the pitocin at 7:45 and she was born at 6:09 in the evening. With #2 they began the pitocin at 8 AM and she was born at 1:20. Pretty much exactly cut in half. I'm pregnant with #3 (also due in October) and I'm nervous about it a little. With my first two I was induced due to low fluid both times. I'm not sure if that will happen again. If it doesn't happen, I have no idea what real labor feels like LOL.

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For me, each one was longer than the one before.


For my first, I was induced two weeks late with pitocin starting at 7am. My waters were broken at noon. My dd arrived at 1:58pm.


For my second, I was induced three days before my due date (because my doctor was going out of town for two weeks and I his regular backup doctor wasn't available so his actual backup would have been a horrible doctor I refused to be stuck with) at 7am. My waters were broken around 2pm. My dd was born at almost 6pm (wasn't looking at the clock this time).


For my third, I went into labor on my own at 11pm of the day I was due. My waters broke on their own around 5pm the next day. She was actually born around 6pm.

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I was induced for all 3 labors. My 2nd was electively induced at 39 weeks because my 1st labor was only 3 hours start-to-finish and we lived an hour from the hospital. That one actually turned out to be the longest of the 3.


1st- induced at 41 weeks after non-stress test, 3 hours

2nd- elective induction at 39 weeks, 6 hours

3rd- induced at 41 weeks, 4.5 hours

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For those of you who have more than one child, was your time in labor longer or shorter for subsequent babies?


Each was shorter. I go directly into active labor (defined as contractions 5 minutes apart). First one, labor was about 12 hours - 8 pm until almost 8 am. Second one was induced - 10 days late. Pitocin started at 5 pm, born at 1 am (8 hours). Third one was 3 hours. Water broke first at 7pm, born at 10:15 pm.


So yes, I agree, will you get to the hospital on time. All three of mine were late - 10 days natural, 10 day induced, 3 days natural. First and last were meconium babies, but did not aspirate it.

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I ask this because I'm a little nervous about getting to the hospital in time for my second baby (due in October). With my first, my total labor time was 3 hours, 15 minutes from the first contraction. My DH was terrified that I was going to have the baby in the middle of the night out on the county road as my contractions kept getting closer and closer. We live 30-35 minutes from the hospital, and we don't have the option of a closer hospital since we're in a rural area. Can anyone reassure me that I should have enough time to make it to the hospital? (I do not want to do a homebirth; I really, really like my OB and hospital)


What you had is called a "precipitous birth" and having a baby come that fast can cause serious complications for both mother and baby. I would talk to your OB about your concerns. (Your OB should be concerned about this as well). They might decide that it would be better to induce you when you get near your due date rather than take the risk of you not making it to the hospital.


I have had labors that short but not until after the first. My first was 9 hours, 2nd was about 4 (but I was 4 centimeters dilated before real labor began), 3rd my water broke first and it took all day for labor to really begin, but once it did it took about 3-4 hours, now that I think about it they have all been about the same, 3-4 hours except baby #7 was about 9 hours but contractions were very mild and stayed about 10 minutes apart for about all but the last hour or so. And my last was crazy fast. My water had broke and we waited a few days for labor to start. When I went to the midwife thinking I was finally in labor she told me that I was only 1 centimeter dilated and not in labor. I had a baby in my arms 3 hours later. (fortunately I didn't believe the midwife and refused to go back home.)


Susan in TX

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What you had is called a "precipitous birth" and having a baby come that fast can cause serious complications for both mother and baby. I would talk to your OB about your concerns. (Your OB should be concerned about this as well). They might decide that it would be better to induce you when you get near your due date rather than take the risk of you not making it to the hospital.


I'm seeing my OB on Tuesday, and I will definitely bring this up. If my first is any indication, I had him at about 36.5 weeks, and I'm not sure that my OB would want to induce earlier than that (and my DS was only 5 lb 10 oz). I don't know if it's due to being really petite, but the OB told me with my first pregnancy that he'd be happy if I made it to 36 weeks and anything after that would be gravy. But other than giving birth really fast, I didn't have any other problems with the pregnancy.

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I was induced both times, with no epidural or pain meds. DS(#1) was a 28 hour labor, and DD was 5 hours. They told my husband to go home at midnight, right after they started the Pitocin. We live and hour away from the hospital. My water broke 90 minutes after he left. He walked in about 3 minutes before DD was born.

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With DS I was induced (:glare:) at 37.5 weeks and was physically no where *near* going into labor on my own. They started the pitocin at 4:30pm and by 7pm I'd only gone from being dilated to 1.5 to being "maybe" a two. OB was unhappy and wanted to hurry things along so he broke my water (without telling me that he was going to). By noon the next day I was only at a 5.5 and they started talking c-section at that point and I started agreeing... which terrified me back to rationality. I remember looking at the clock at 12:10 and praying with every fiber of my being that this baby would be healthy and as naturally as possible (at this point) and that a c-section wouldn't be necessary. I went from being a 5.5 at noon to fully dilated and pushing by 12:25. DS was born at 1:15pm.


So I have no idea what my second birth will be like. I hope shorter, but in all honesty, I'm planning to have this one at home, in my comfort zone, so even if it takes just as long I don't think it will be nearly as bad as it was with DS. My midwife thinks my labor will be quick if I'm allowed to go into labor naturally just based upon how quickly I dilated at the end of DS's birth. Me? I have no clue... I'll let you know in late June/early July :lol:

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I have three kids and each labor and delivery was shorter and easier than the last. (My first was ridiculously long- like 35 1/2 hours. I was only 18. My second was MUCH shorter and easier, something like 6 hours from start to finish. And my third was something like 4 hours from start to finish). :) Good luck!

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5 hours, 3 hours, 1 hour (less than)


With my 3rd, I didn't even think I was really in labor and my mom nudged me out the door anyway. The hossy was a 40min drive. By the time we got there I was already 10cm and *ready* to push. It was the easiest delivery and recovery of the 3, by far!


I joked with dh after that about needing to go through midwifery training if we have any more dc b/c my labors are so quick.

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Mine have gotten shorter each time, except for this last one, but it was a bad positioning issue, and he had to have a vacuum extraction. My twins, though (the labor before that one), I was only in hard labor for about an hour and a half, with only 5 minutes of pushing them both out.

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