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PJ's vs clothes


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DD tends to sleep either in clothes from the day before or in nothing, so she has to put on fresh clothes in the morning. If she actually goes to the trouble of putting on pj's at bedtime, she doesn't have to change clothes until it's time to leave the house.

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Although I think having a jammy day just because is one of the perks of homeschooling :D I think it's good training for all of us to get dressed in the morning.


From a practical POV, if something comes up that you have to leave the house RIGHT NOW, you'll all be dressed and ready to go.

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I am thrilled if my 5 year old is clothed in anything. My 10 year old gets dressed as soon as he wakes. I have nothing to do with that odd habbit.


Both boys wore/wear pajamas as 'daytime fur,' as they call it outside the house etc. I don't really care if we 'have to leave right now' and they are in pajamas. Once they are old enough to express an opinion on what clothes they wear, I pretty much step out of it. The both went through a phase of wearing halloween costumes all the time.


I prefer being dressed when teaching, but some days I just start as soon as we wake up. I don't like to run off and change because then I lose them. On those days I don't get dressed until lunch time.

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My rule is that you can't do school in your underwear. You must have some semblance of pants.


Isn't it crazy that such a rule is necessary? Oh well.


But I haven't noticed a difference if they're dressed or not. OTOH, my kids' PJ's are their regular clothes sort of - they put on a clean regular T-shirt, clean underwear, and either PJ pants or sweatpants. If they pull out sweatpants, then that's just an outfit. It streamlines getting ready in the morning. And even if they pick pj pants, sometimes instead of putting on jeans, they just go out in their pj pants. And unless we're going somewhere nice, I don't care.

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My ds likes to wear a "uniform" when he does school work. Slacks, button down shirt, tie and most of the time a vest. He changes when he's done. Obviously that's all his idea. I don't like for them to wear pj's during the day. It makes us all feel lazy.

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I do agree that things seem to be more productive for all of us if everyone is dressed before school starts. It's like the flylady thing--getting dressed all the way to your shoes--you will feel like you are up-and-at-em-ready-for-the-day. I understand that and find that there is some truth in it. That said, we all love PJs around here. Especially now that it is cold, it is just nice to keep on the cozy jammies.


I have relaxed on this, and we do have lots of jammie days. What the heck, less laundry for me! :tongue_smilie:When I notice a little slump in our day, I can go back to getting everyone dressed in the AM for a few days. But I will never be the one dressed to my shoes before 8 o'clock! I figure this is just one of the benefits of homeschooling, and for now it is not a big deal at all.


(And yes, we would be those people at the grocery in our PJs. :lol: Sorry!)

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I don't force our kids to get dressed if they'd rather wear their pjs - because I tend to have pj pants & a t-shirt on at home as well.


I can't stand that flylady "dressed to shoes" thing. It doesn't make me productive AT ALL - it makes me completely uncomfortable to the point where I feel like I'm gonna crawl out of my skin. If you want me to be productive, I need to feel comfortable in my clothing - snug clothes, or things with buttons and cuffs and collars and whatever else are NOT comfortable. Or shoes. Or bras for that matter - only if I have to leave the house. Hate them. :p

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I don't force our kids to get dressed if they'd rather wear their pjs - because I tend to have pj pants & a t-shirt on at home as well.


I can't stand that flylady "dressed to shoes" thing. It doesn't make me productive AT ALL - it makes me completely uncomfortable to the point where I feel like I'm gonna crawl out of my skin. If you want me to be productive, I need to feel comfortable in my clothing - snug clothes, or things with buttons and cuffs and collars and whatever else are NOT comfortable. Or shoes. Or bras for that matter - only if I have to leave the house. Hate them. :p


Unless we are going out, I stay in my pjs - which is usually sweat pants/yoga pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. Nobody wears shoes in the house.


I could get little dd dressed in the morning and she would be undressed down to underwear within an hour. She does not like to wear clothes. DS hates jeans so wears sweatpants/lounge pants and long or short sleeve t-shirts all day. Sometimes the same ones he wore to bed, sometimes not. Both kids ask me where we are going if I get dressed and get clothes out for them. :001_smile:

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I don't force our kids to get dressed if they'd rather wear their pjs - because I tend to have pj pants & a t-shirt on at home as well.


I can't stand that flylady "dressed to shoes" thing. It doesn't make me productive AT ALL - it makes me completely uncomfortable to the point where I feel like I'm gonna crawl out of my skin. If you want me to be productive, I need to feel comfortable in my clothing - snug clothes, or things with buttons and cuffs and collars and whatever else are NOT comfortable. Or shoes. Or bras for that matter - only if I have to leave the house. Hate them. :p



I sooo agree! Except, I don't mind bras. I put one on under my pj shirt once I get up. I wear pj pants or sweat pants. It does not affect my schooling one way or another. I clean more if I am NOT dressed in "regular" clothes. I refuse to get down on the floor or get dish water on my better clothes.


As far as the kids, they usually get dressed but I don't notice any difference either way.

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For us it depends on the day whether we are in pjs or not.


Some days we get up, eat breakfast, and do school. In which case, we will most likely be in pjs. Other days, we have to leave the house early, either for my classes, church, storytime at the library, etc.etc. and if we come home and do school we will be in our clothes. Still other days we don't do any schoolwork until after we've eaten dinner and taken a bath, and at that point we'll be in pjs.

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My ds likes to wear a "uniform" when he does school work. Slacks, button down shirt, tie and most of the time a vest. He changes when he's done. Obviously that's all his idea. I don't like for them to wear pj's during the day. It makes us all feel lazy.



That is adorable!!

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We get dressed to some semblance of order, but always in comfy clothes. There might be an occasional pajama pant, but overall we are more productive in comfortable clothing...not necessarily what we would wear out of the house. This has been a great post, lots of fun to read.

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Well, my oldest son (7 yrs old) sleeps in his clothes that he's going to wear the next day so he just jumps out of bed and he's ready to go. He doesn't like to mess with getting dressed. "Takes too long" so he says. However, I do find that being dressed instead of wearing pajamas makes a difference with me. When I quit working for pay and became a SAHM I wore sweats for a whole year "because I could". But, then I decided I just felt sloppy and now I wear comfortable jeans, a sweater or long sleeve t-shirt in the winter and capris and short sleeves in the summer. I always wear shoes, just so I don't have to take them off and on when I go outside. Beside, my feet are wierd, they always need to be covered.

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It makes a world of difference in MY attitide if I get up and actually have a shower and put on clothes, but 90% of the time I jump up to arguing kids, pull my hair up, and before I know it the day is over and I am still in my PJs.


My kids are almost always in PJs and if I make them put clothes on, they get excited because it must mean we are going somewhere to get out of the van. I am very guilty of loading them up in PJs and hitting a drive-thru for lunch! :tongue_smilie:

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In pajamas until we need to leave the house. Since most of my pjs are workout or yoga pants, I've been known to take the 3 year old to preschool in my pjs. If I do get dressed, I change back into comfy clothes when I get home. We don't wear shoes in our house so that isn't an issue. My girls will stay in pjs until it's time to leave the house -- usually not until it's time to go to ballet class. So they will go from pjs to leotard and tights.

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We ALWAYS (except for rare and special occasions) get dressed for school. Actually, before breakfast. I'm so mean, I tell my kids they're not allowed to eat till they've dressed and made their beds. They're much more productive in clothes.


They thoroughly enjoyed staying in pj's over Christmas break. ;)



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I clean more if I am NOT dressed in "regular" clothes. I refuse to get down on the floor or get dish water on my better clothes.

:iagree:Me too, only not in my pyjamas. I have three kinds of clothes. "Out" clothes, "Home" clothes which are the kinds of things I don't mind wiping the floor or weeding the garden in and pj's :)

DD asks me where we are going if I ask her to get dressed. That said, she usually showers and puts on clean clothes between breakfast and lunch. She's usually already done something "schooly" by then though.

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Well, I have to get dressed in the morning because I don't wear pajamas. The kids have to get dressed in the morning because the first thing we do after breakfast is take Karl to preschool.


I think I would probably require clothes anyway. I'd rather have the getting dressed chaos taken care of first thing.


If the kids ask to do school in their pajamas when they are older, I might consider it, but getting dressed in the morning is such an ingrained habit here that I'm not sure it would occur to them.

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Monday through Thursday they must be dressed and beds made before breakfast. On Friday, if we have made good progress and had good attitudes all week long, we have a jammie day and do school on the couch. Lazyness and sloppy work on jammie day results in having to get dressed and move to the table. We mostly do reading/read aloud subjects on Fridays (after math, Latin and composition). I find that pjs make my kiddos think they can slack off. Now, their clothes can be sweats and t- shirts, so it's not like I make them wear ties and dresses...

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Well, we are in a 'no bedtime' phase right now, which means that at least a couple people fall asleep on me fully dressed in the evening and get carried into bed that way. This works because everyone in the house right now except me happen to be MORNING people (ugh) and wake up cheerfully at 7 am demanding breakfast. Those who slept in their clothes are asked to change, please, or shower after breakfast and those who slept in PJs are also asked to change, but no one HAS to change out of PJs until I do and that isn't going to happen until closer to lunchtime. School always starts at around nine, so yes, I am at times the ONLY ONE in pjs. I am usually sitting there wrapped around a cup of coffee trying to stay awake while the dc chirp away busily with their workbooks, notebooks, legos, ect.

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We get up and have breakfast before we do anything else. Then my kids ask if it is "home" day or "going bye bye" day. If it is a stay at home day then they get dressed in our "comfies" meaning sweats or shorts with a t-shirt for ds 7 & leggings or sweats with a t-shirt for my girls. If we are going bye bye they put on their nicer clothes likes jeans, dresses etc. I change out of my pj's everyday, but like the kids I have "comfies" (ie. yoga pants etc) and "bye bye" clothes. I clean and do laundry while we work on school or shortly after and I don't do that if I am "dressed" to leave! We don't do shoes in the house at all. So yeah, we are pretty flexible (and casual!). I don't notice any difference in the kids attitude at all, but definetely do in mine!!

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