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Do not open this if my asking for prayers for my sister & her dog makes you mad.

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I have thought about posting this for several hours. There are so many people here with worse problems than this that I feel badly about bringing this up. I mean, what's a dog or a sister, compared to about a dozen much worse things?


My sister asked me to, though, so I'm doing it.


My sister's dog, Frosty, a Samoyed, is spending the night at the vet's house, on IV's, because he suddenly developed pancreatitis.


He probably won't make it through the night, the vet said, which is why he brought Frosty home with him. He is sleeping with Frosty to keep an eye on the IV's and on Frosty's condition.


My sister is completely exhausted and devastated after spending 2 12-hour days at the vet, with Frosty. A year ago, she lost her beloved standard poodle to bloat after 4 emergency vets did not know how to treat it properly and while they dithered, the dog died. Right after that happened, another vet told her that he had successfully operated on a thousand dogs with bloat, and the emergency vet was supposed to call him right away when a dog came in with that condition. The 4 vets did not call him, even though none of them could perform the operation. That made my sister feel even worse.


She has no kids, no husband, and no family anywhere near where she lives. From her perspective, her dog(s) are like her children and she would probably win first prize for the way she takes care of them.


My mom and I are really worried about my sister and what her response will be if Frosty dies. We need a miracle. We need for Frosty to live.


My sister told my mom that it is her fault that Frosty is in this predicament because she fed him fully cooked ground beef (due to the fat content of the meat). It is also her fault that her poodle died because she played lightly with the dog after the dog ate a meal.


I am just really worried about my sister, and I'd appreciate prayers for her and for Frosty. She's got no one there for her and she lives thousands of miles from family. On top of that, my mother, age 75 with a serious heart condition, is not only worried but very depressed about this. Both of them live alone and neither of them live near family.


Thank you,


Edited by RoughCollie
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Please don't ever feel badly about posting prayer request. The Lord loves our animals more than we do and well, your sister, He loves her SO much more. Will be praying for both of them. I haven't read all the posts yet so I'm not sure how Frosty is doing. Where does your sister live? if she is anywhere near me, I would love to go and visit her and tell her she has not.done.anything.wrong. The cat is just being a snotty cat, he'll come around. Her playing with her poodle didn't cause his bloat, and even though that one vet said he has successfully operated on bloat patients, that is a very dangerous condition and many, many dogs don't survive it. And the hamburger is probably not the cause of Frosty's pancreatitis. I feel so badly for your sister, and for your mom and for Frosty. Please keep us posted.

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Thank you all for praying for Frosty, et al.


I have not heard from my sister yet this morning. She is in another time zone and I hope this is good news since it is nearly 10 a.m. here.


I have to take my DD to the orthodontist in town and I won't be back for a few hours since I run errands while I am there as it is a one hour round trip in an SUV that gets 10 mpg. My mom and my sister have my cell #, but this is a basic phone and I can't update from it. So, I'll update when I return around 2:30.


I really appreciate your kindness. I know many of you don't mind praying for a dog, but I was thinking that if I were someone who had a true tragedy involving people occurring in my life, I might find a dog's problems to be frivolous in comparison. I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm not talking about anyone in particular, it's just that I've read and prayed about so many tragic events here lately that I was thinking that posting about the dog might be insensitive.


Thank you, again.



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I have to share this as it relates to what you wrote baout in your most recent update.


This past January, a local family's house burned down soon after Christmas. It happened at around noon on a day when the parents were at work and the kids were in school. Their beloved family dog perished in the fire - everything they owned was destroyed as the house burned to the ground.


The little girl in the family was a team mate of my dd10 - they played basketball together. Our town rallied and the family received tons of support. This was all good.


When our team got together about 4 or 5 days after this happened, a few families were not aware that this had happened - of course, the first question asked (understandably so) was: 'everyone is okay? no one was hurt?' and thankfully - the mom, dad and kids were fine. One of our group, did offer that their dog perished in the fire - and everyone expressed sadness at that - except one woman who waved and responded: 'Oh, G-d, it's just a dog for goodness sake.'


Later another woman and I were talking, and while we agreed that certainly, the most important thing was that the family was not home and they were all unharmed, the woman who dismissed the dog's death was speaking insensitively.


All that to say, I do not think your prayer request is at all frivolous.:grouphug:

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We had 2 cats for 14 years before the boys were born. To both of us, they were children. They reverted to most loved pet cat status, however, once the babies came. It was one of the first things I noticed during that birth week -- the cats were not my children any more. We still loved them, of course. So I kind of understand both sides -- the pets are children folks and the pets are much loved but not people folks. Who I don't understand are the pet animals are expendable and relatively meaningless folks.

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I know many of you don't mind praying for a dog, but I was thinking that if I were someone who had a true tragedy involving people occurring in my life, I might find a dog's problems to be frivolous in comparison. I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm not talking about anyone in particular, it's just that I've read and prayed about so many tragic events here lately that I was thinking that posting about the dog might be insensitive.


That is so sweet of you, RC, but I think your prayer request for your sister and her dog are just as important as other prayer requests. Sure, some are more serious than others, but I always feel that if it's important enough for someone to ask for prayers, that person deserves our help. (Ok, maybe if they're praying to win the lottery so they can take a luxury cruise or that the dealership has the new car they want in white instead of silver, I might not be as concerned about praying for them, but you know what I mean!) Just because something truly awful is happening to one person doesn't mean that the semi-awful things or pretty-worrisome things that are happening to others are negated. I don't think it's the kind of thing to try to quantify.


Anyway, it sounds like your sister's vet is wonderful, and knowing that Frosty is receiving constant care must be comforting for her, although not being there with him must be heartwrenching for her.


I know a lot of people will never understand how she's feeling, but like many of us, I've been there, and I will absolutely pray for your sister and Frosty -- and for your mom, too.





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I'm not the praying type, but I will certainly keep you sister, Frosty, and your whole family in my thoughts and send as many "Good Vibes" as I can your way.


We lost our beloved sharpei/lab mix (12.5 yrs old) this past Feb due to cancer and I know how devastating it is to loose a pet.


It was certainly not insensitive for you to post about this. Pets are family members, and deserve all the good thoughts, vibes, prayers that can be mustered.

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Thank you all, again and again and again.


My mother told my sister this morning that you were praying for Frosty and she was greatly thankful for that.


She has been at the vet all day, and has her phone turned off. The last news my mom heard was at 1:30 EST. The vet thinks Frosty is doing a tiny bit better -- so he's still alive -- and that he is still on painkillers, and is tranquilized and catheterized. Apparently his pancreas dumped tons of toxins into his system.


All of us appreciate your prayers!



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