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Do not open this if my asking for prayers for my sister & her dog makes you mad.

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I have to admit that I am always a little worried when I check this thread for updates because I know how seriously I'll Frosty is, but I am so happy that he is still fighting and that he seems to be improving a little bit every day.


I'll keep praying for him!



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My sister sends her greatest thank-you's and a hearty Happy New Year to all of you.


Tonight's update:


Frosty is slowly on the mend from the acute Pancreatitis. He stood with help 3 times today for a minute. He liked it the first two times but the 3rd time he wanted back in his "bed".


Tomorrow I hope he will be able to start eating again. Today he is on fluids, drinking water and getting liquid sugar of some sort.


He is in better spirits today than he was yesterday afternoon and last night. He did throw up once (green stuff) when he drank water, but the vets said that is part of the process of re-introducing things to his stomach, because his stomach and intestines have been dormant all week.


Once he is standing better, the vet will evaluate his bladder and spine. Seems that something is probably pinching several nerves.


I didn't send a pic today, not enough changes, very little sitting up.

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I'm baffled as to why prayers for any living creature would make someone mad?


Well, I thought that it would hurt some people's feelings and perhaps make them mad, that I am requesting prayer for a sick dog. Sometimes hurt feelings manifest as anger and a person only realizes that they are hurting when they look beneath the anger. I don't want to hurt anyone here. There are so many people going through awful experiences that are much more important in the general scheme of life than a pet. I don't think it is necessary to enumerate them, but they are right at the top of my mind, my heart, and my prayers. It is those people whom I did not want to hurt, just in case they thought that I was equating their circumstances with that of Frosty.


Yes, pets are important, and Frosty is especially important to my sister and my sister is especially important to me.


But dare I ask in view of other even more important prayer requests and needs for prayer that I read on this board every day?


I dared to ask, because I love my sister and I know how very important Frosty is to her, and how much she loves him. I also realized that what one prays about is a personal choice, and if someone did not want to pray for Frosty, then by golly, they weren't being forced to.


I love my dog, too. Since I had children, however, my perspective on pets has changed. My love for my dog is a second-tier love: People come first. Before I became a mother, I thought I loved my pets as though they were my children. If they had died (we had 2 cats) before our children were born, I would have been devastated. My perspective has changed. When my dog dies, I will grieve, I will be very sad, I will miss him very much. I cannot imagine getting another pet, ever, or loving another pet as much as I love him. BUT I can think of many circumstances that would cause me more grief and sadness than that. Those circumstances don't all involve death, but they do all involve people who are handling devastating situations in their lives.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Any updates on Frosty?


I appreciate the prayers very much. Frosty is doing the same as he was yesterday, and the vet is going to feed him for the first time in a week early in the morning. My sister was talking to the vet on the other line when I called her a few minutes ago, so the update was short, but sweet.

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Thank you all for continuing to pray for Frosty!


Here is my sister's latest update:


He ate a small amount of food late last night (canned from the vet) and we gave him a small amount of water afterwards. He would have eaten more and was still thirsty, but the vet didn't want to push it and have him throw up. He did not have much water in the evening because he was so upset when I came back from dinner (to find himself alone - he was sleeping when I left) that I didn't give him much because I didn't want him the throw it up from stress. The vet said he's had plenty during the day though, including his IV bag.


About an hour after he ate, he started yelping a lot. That lasted about 45 minutes to an hour and then he just whimpered off and on, but seemed to feel better.


I won't know until later how he tolerated the food. I hope it didn't reactivate his pancreatitis, but he had to eat because he had been so long without food. He can stand briefly but he is too weak to walk.


Today both vets will be there. If he is holding his food down and seems to be improving still, they might start letting me take him home at night and bring him back in the morning.

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Oh, no!!! Please, everyone, keep praying for Frosty and keep bumping this thread.


I know he's not my dog and I only know him from a few photos that were posted here, but I'm so worried about him and I would hate to see RC's sister have to face losing him after all she has done to try to save him.





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Good news!


This morning, Frosty has eaten a can of dog food and is drinking water. Yesterday, he did not recognize my sister, and today, he does. She fed him the food. She has been taking time off work to stay with Frosty all day while he has been at the vet's office. Luckily, her boss is very understanding.


Thank you all very much for your prayers.

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I think after Frosty pulls through we're all going to have to take a roadtrip and give him a big ol' pat on the head!

:iagree: -- but I'm going to hug him, too!


Bumping this again -- we can't forget about "our" Frosty!!! He is becoming like a member of the family!




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Good news!


This morning, Frosty has eaten a can of dog food and is drinking water. Yesterday, he did not recognize my sister, and today, he does. She fed him the food. She has been taking time off work to stay with Frosty all day while he has been at the vet's office. Luckily, her boss is very understanding.


Thank you all very much for your prayers.


That is fabulous news!! He has an incredible will to live! :grouphug: to Frosty.


I've been busy and haven't been able to spend much time on the board lately, but I've been trying to follow Frosty's progress. His story has grabbed so many hearts here.

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I spoke with my mom today. My sister went to work, so Frosty must be doing the same as yesterday, or she wouldn't have done that.


He isn't sitting or standing, but he has eaten a can of dog food and is drinking water as of mid-morning.


Thank you all for your continued prayers and positive thoughts for Frosty and my sister.

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Any updates tonight, RC? Still praying! Cat


No! My sister calls my mom every night, so I figure that nothing has changed since earlier today. No has called or emailed me. I'd call, but now that I've stopped for the night, it's too late. Story of my life. I'm busy until late, and every adult relative of mine goes to bed with the chickens.


So, for now, I'm thinking positively -- no remarkable change either way.


Thank you again for continuing your prayers!

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Update from this morning's email from my sister:


Frosty is back on IV's because his lipase went up. Eating is sketchy.


High fat diets, obesity, and lack of exercise are the most common life style contributors to a dog or cat getting pancreatitis.


Frosty ate a high quality, low fat diet, was not overweight, and was walked several miles every day. The week before he got pancreatitis, he had corticosteroid shots and was on steroid pills for a back problem that had developed. This is what I think caused his problem -- the high doses of steroids in a short period of time. Of course, I am not a vet.


This is a serious and painful disease for a pet (or a human, for that matter). So I'm urging those of you who are reading this and have pets to avoid the lifestyle components that can contribute to this disease.


Thank you for your continued prayers and positive thoughts,


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My mom has been anxiously awaiting news all day, and she just got off the phone with my sister. Mom has not asked about a prognosis because she thinks that would upset my sister.


Frosty still has a catheter. He cannot get up by himself. He is eating and drinking and keeping it down.


Thank you all for being so faithful about praying and thinking good thoughts!

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RC, I've been praying that things will work out so that whatever happens, your sister will be able to accept Frosty's prognosis. When our border collie got very sick a year and a half ago, all of us were determined to do anything to *make* him live. He lived through the surgery, but he stopped eating and only drank a small amount of water. He was very unhappy. It took weeks of forcing him to live before we realized that he was dying and we were just adding to his misery. We came at last to the point of acceptance, but oh, it was so hard!


I want very badly for Frosty to live, and I'm praying, but I'm also praying that your sister will be able to meet whatever happens with a calm spirit. (Tears.)

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I want very badly for Frosty to live, and I'm praying, but I'm also praying that your sister will be able to meet whatever happens with a calm spirit.



:iagree: and I'm glad to hear that Frosty made it through another day.





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Update from this morning's email from my sister:


Frosty is back on IV's because his lipase went up. Eating is sketchy.


High fat diets, obesity, and lack of exercise are the most common life style contributors to a dog or cat getting pancreatitis.


Frosty ate a high quality, low fat diet, was not overweight, and was walked several miles every day. The week before he got pancreatitis, he had corticosteroid shots and was on steroid pills for a back problem that had developed. This is what I think caused his problem -- the high doses of steroids in a short period of time. Of course, I am not a vet.


This is a serious and painful disease for a pet (or a human, for that matter). So I'm urging those of you who are reading this and have pets to avoid the lifestyle components that can contribute to this disease.


Thank you for your continued prayers and positive thoughts,



It can also be more prevalent in some breeds and older, aging Samoyeds unfortunately are one of those breeds :(

Hoping he recovers soon!

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