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So are you done wrapping?

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Nakia, don't you mean, are you done SHOPPING?


Some of us just started last night.


I'm just sayin'. ;)


Nah, there's another on that. :lol:


Me too and I am NOT done. Maybe if you wrap mine, I could wrap yours and then we don't have to wrap our presents. Will that confuse us enough to make us think it's OK?


Hmmm...how many do you have to wrap? If it's less than 10, you might have yourself a deal. ;)

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I have about 4 more presents to wrap and that's just because I don't have the right size boxes!


Seriously, do you have a tween-aged girl in your neighborhood or church? Most girls (or maybe even boys) are into wrapping presents! I paid my 13 year old a few dollars to help get all of our gifts wrapped! We had fun and she earned a little money for purchasing gifts for her friends and siblings!

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I used to detest wrapping, but I think that's because it would turn into a long, rushed event. Now I wrap a few each day, and don't mind so much. Since we do Hanukkah and Christmas and had to be ready for one so early this year, I just went ahead and did all of it in November..... Of course, I have to dust the presents now that they are wrapped and under the tree, which does seem a bit absurd.

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I actually enjoy wrapping. :o I dunno what it is but something about it makes me smile. I tend to think about the joy on the kids' faces when they open each gift and I do love giving a good surprise. :)


That said, I haven't even started my wrapping and I have a *ton* of it to do. :svengo: I usually enlist dh's help, more for the company than the actual help but he doesn't enjoy it as much as I do. :rolleyes:


Now... going out and buying the wrapping paper? I don't enjoy that part as much. I obsess about getting it at a good price and finding patterns the kids will like. We also wrap Santa gifts so I need to find special "Santa" paper that doesn't scream "mommy picked this out" but isn't too cheesy. Plus, for me there needs to be a good variety of wrapping paper under the tree so I need to make sure I get a good selection of paper. :001_huh: That part gets tedious so for me, the wrapping is the easy stuff. :lol:

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I'm not big on wrapping either. I wrap as I get the present if I can. Right now all the presents in the house are wrapped. They are stacked against a wall in my bedroom. The kids come in and ooh and ahh at them. I refuse to put them under the tree because they shake them and guess what they are.

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I haven't started wrapping. I hate wrapping. If I could afford to, I would hire someone to wrap the gifts for me. And I don't even have that many to wrap. Our Christmas gift list is short. But.I.just.don't.like.wrapping.


OMG Nakia I am right there with you!! I HATE wrapping! HATE IT! And it's the only thing I put off; I"m generally doing it at midnight on Christmas Eve. Every year I tell myself I won't leave the wrapping until the last minute, and every year I do.





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Done shopping but haven't started wrapping. Hopefully I will get started today.

I used to dread it but my two youngest have gotten old enough that they really do help and we enjoy it together. It is fun to see their enthusiasm that just seems to go on forever.:001_smile:

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Everything that is in the house is wrapped. I have a few more presents coming that still need to be wrapped.


This is exactly where I am at. I spent the entire day yesterday wrapping...and, Nakia, I am right with you on the wrapping thing. I HATE it!


But, dh is out-of-town for work this week, and the kids don't get home from college until the weekend.........so this was the opportune time to wrap. I got out everything and stacked it on the table, then just took my good-ole time, making sure to take plenty of breaks.


It was soooo much easier than holing myself up in my room on Christmas Eve all.day.long. while stressing that I had so many other things to do. Honestly, I would pay someone big buck to wrap as well. Dh used to do it every year, now he finds excuses not to. Bummer.


And, whoever it was that said gift bags were great: I TOTALLY agree with that!! I found a set of amazingly beautiful gift bags at Sam's Club this year and it made my 'wrapping' much more enjoyable. I'll be doing more of that in the future.

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I haven't started wrapping. I hate wrapping. If I could afford to, I would hire someone to wrap the gifts for me. And I don't even have that many to wrap. Our Christmas gift list is short. But.I.just.don't.like.wrapping.



Me, too.


Last year after Christmas I bought some Christmas fabric and ribbon. I made a bunch of fabric bags last month. Now I don't have to wrap a single item.


Put gift in bag, tie a pretty bow, set under the tree.:001_smile:

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I haven't started wrapping. I hate wrapping. If I could afford to, I would hire someone to wrap the gifts for me. And I don't even have that many to wrap. Our Christmas gift list is short. But.I.just.don't.like.wrapping.


I always buy wrapping on clearance after Christmas, so I have paper. BUT... I am really tempted to go buy bags and call it a day. I don't usually do that because I really like to have things wrapped.


I will still have to wrap the kids stuff. It is just not the same for them to not have wrapped!

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I haven't started wrapping. I hate wrapping. If I could afford to, I would hire someone to wrap the gifts for me. And I don't even have that many to wrap. Our Christmas gift list is short. But.I.just.don't.like.wrapping.


I'm totally opposite. I love all the wrapping!


Dh and I are all done shopping and wrapping for this year. My parents sent us money for Christmas this year. Money to use to buy gifts from them to our family. I am eagerly awaiting the time when dh and I can go shopping online. When those things come I'll get to wrap presents all over again!


My mother hated wrapping presents too. She liked to pile everything into groups by person, give me the paper and tape, and leave me to do it all. Fun!


Yes, I love to wrap! :001_smile:

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Now this sounds lovely! BTW, I LOVE your signatures!! I may try the closet one:001_smile:



It works best when you take the weiner dog in with you. (we love her so much I kept spelling it weiner god! :lol: ) She can howl while I scream. :tongue_smilie:


And, btw....I don't wish to point fingers coughcoughcoughoriginalpostercoughcoughcough, but someone, and again, I don't wish to name names, but She Who Shall Remain Nameless MAY have PM'd me to call me a weirdo because I LIKE wrapping presents. What happened to non-judgmental? Geesh! :toetap05:


And, again, while I'm not naming names here coughcoughcoughOPcoughcough or anything, I'm just sayin' that if it were to happen again someone could get beaned upside the head with one of my delicious bourbon balls. :001_unsure:

Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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It works best when you take the weiner dog in with you. (we love her so much I kept spelling it weiner god! :lol: ) She can howl while I scream. :tongue_smilie:


And, btw....I don't wish to point fingers coughcoughcoughoriginalpostercoughcoughcough, but someone, and again, I don't wish to name names, but She Will Shall Remain Nameless MAY have PM'd me to call me a weirdo because I LIKE wrapping presents. What happened to non-judgmental? Geesh! :toetap05:


And, again, while I'm not naming names here coughcoughcoughOPcoughcough or anything, I'm just sayin' that if it were to happen again someone could get beaned upside the head with one of my delicious bourbon balls. :001_unsure:


I can't believe someone had the nerve to call you a weirdo just because you love to wrap presents? I mean, good grief. That was really mean.


What are bourbon balls?

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I haven't started wrapping. I hate wrapping. If I could afford to, I would hire someone to wrap the gifts for me. And I don't even have that many to wrap. Our Christmas gift list is short. But.I.just.don't.like.wrapping.




I am finished shopping but I loathe wrapping. I will probably pawn most of that off on dh.

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I haven't started wrapping. I hate wrapping. If I could afford to, I would hire someone to wrap the gifts for me. And I don't even have that many to wrap. Our Christmas gift list is short. But.I.just.don't.like.wrapping.


I'm all done. I had to finish with THE FAMILY's because I had to mail them the other day. I went ahead and did the gifts for the kids and dh while I was at it. DH didn't wrap a THING! But, I griped at him the whole time I was wrapping, saying things like "these presents aren't going to wrap themselves!" and "there ARE two sets of scissors and tape here, just for the record!" :lol:

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