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If you arent a Christian...

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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying?


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it?


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time?


Just kinda wondering. I dont know if it offends non-christians if I say I am going to pray for them. I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts!

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I'm a cultural Catholic, LOL. I take my kids to church and raise them in the Catholic Faith, but my own beliefs are more humanistic.


That said, I say "pray" because believing Christians would think "may the good of the universe come to your aid" seems ridiculous! :D


I do believe that summoning good vibes and good wishes around people can be beneficial -- whether it is a "force" or a self-fulfilling prophecy - which I don't claim to know.

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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying?


SOmeone may be non-Christian and still believe in God. They may be non-Christian and believe in many deities. Non-Christian does not mean atheist!

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SOmeone may be non-Christian and still believe in God. They may be non-Christian and believe in many deities. Non-Christian does not mean atheist!




With that said, I don't think I've ever had anybody who actually knows me tell me they would pray for me lol. And if somebody on a forum ever said it (I don't even recall) I probably just figured that it was coming from their heart and appreciated the thought and that they probably didn't know I'm not a Christian. (In actuality, I'm a not-particularly-religious Jew who celebrates the main Jewish holidays for tradition and cultural reasons with the kids more so than religious ones and likely wouldn't bother at all if it weren't for the kids but who is probably a bit more agnostic than atheist at this point in time).


On the flip side, when I respond to a thread where most people are praying, I tend to say "I will keep you in my thoughts" or "thinking of you" kind of thing, and I sometimes wonder if THAT bothers some people, like "if you can't pray for me, go away" lol you know what I mean?

Edited by NanceXToo
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Well, I'm not exactly a "non-Christian," so maybe this question doesn't apply to me. :tongue_smilie:


BUT... If I'm in trouble or someone is ill or needs help, I'll gladly accept prayers (or white light or happy thoughts or whatever) from anyone. I don't care if they're Christian or Jewish or Buddhist or WHATEVER; I'll appreciate the intention and hope it works!


I believe what I believe, and others believe what they believe, and none of us knows 100% for sure what's "on the other side," so I don't discount or discredit anyone for anything they truly believe to be true. I may not agree with them, but I'm not going to preach to them, either, unless they come right out and ask me what I believe. (And even then, I won't try to shove my beliefs down their throats.)


I did know one woman who was highly offended when someone said they would pray for her sick mother, but I think she was probably the exception to the rule. I would think that any good thoughts were a nice gesture, and honestly, this woman's mom was really suffering, so I was very surprised that she wasn't willing to even accept someone's offer of prayers. The woman who said she'd pray wasn't saying they should sit down and pray together; she was just being nice and trying to help. (She wasn't waving a giant cross and yelling that the lady needed to repent and atone for her sins or anything -- she just said, "I'm so sorry about your mother. I'll be sure to say a prayer for her.")


Personally, I think that if someone offers you kind words and thoughts (without trying to convert you or turn it into a religious teaching opportunity,) you should just accept them politely and then think whatever you want about it in private. Kindness is always a good thing.



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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you? I appreciate that they care enough about me to spend their time thinking about me and wishing me well.


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying? Absolutely.


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it? No. If it is important to them then it is valid.


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time? I appreciate their concern and thoughts and that's all. Sometimes it is important to recognize that it may help them more than the object of their prayers and that has value too.

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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying?


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it?


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time?


Just kinda wondering. I dont know if it offends non-christians if I say I am going to pray for them. I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts!


I would appreciate it regardless of my own beliefs, just like I'd appreciate a non-believer saying they'd be thinking of me. It means the person cares and is trying to express that to you - what's to be offended about?


That's my answer for all well-meaning folks. If someone had been expressing a 'well I'LL PRAY FOR YOU' (because you're such a sinner and obviously bound straight for hell) attitude, I probably wouldn't appreciate it so much. Intent counts for a lot. ;)

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I wasn't raised as a Christian - I became one as an adult. So, speaking from my former POV: it never bothered me at all. I thought it was kind hearted & thoughtful of the person and appreciated the care that was behind it. :)


Along the same lines, it also doesn't bother me (speaking as a Christian here) if someone says that they'll "send good vibes" or "light a candle" or (whatever). As before, I recognize the kindness, thoughtfulness, and care behind it. :)

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It depends on the intent and the person....


Non-Christian, not an atheist...


Praying for me or my family in time of crisis doesn't bother me a bit, and I appreciate the concern. I do not beieve in prayer for those reasons, but I respect that they do.


Praying for me to "find my way back" to Christianity bothers me a bit (but I just nod and smile)

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It depends on the intent and the person....






I'm an atheist. I agree with the above, if my family is having difficulty and my religious friends say they'll pray for things to resolve themselves etc. I'm welcoming of them doing so. I know they are doing what they might feel is the only way they can help my situation.


If they are praying for me and my family because they believe us to be a bunch of heathens who need saving from ourselves, then No Thanks, please don't.

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Oh, and I used to be an atheist, and it never bothered me. I might inwardly have rolled my eyes, but I didn't get bent out of shape over it, including prayers for conversion (from my SIL, mostly). I didn't believe in it, so my thinking was "hey, whatever makes her feel better."

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All answers pertain to my thoughts before I became a Believer.

What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you? I found it very annoying and did not appreciate it at all.


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying? No, I did not care what they thought about God, and their sentiments were definitely not appreciated.


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it? Absolutely.


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time? No. The thought was hugely annoying to me, and I would have tried to avoid them in the future.


Just kinda wondering. I dont know if it offends non-christians if I say I am going to pray for them. I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts! The prayers of those who did not tell me surely had a great impact on my life.

It is a challenge for me, because my life is very different now, but I know just that fact offends those who were close to me in my old life. I am sure they are as uncomfortable with me now as I used to be with Christians.

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I'm an atheist. I believe in prayer. I've seen the power of prayer work miracles in people's life. I just don't know if one particular God is behind it. I firmly believe what you put out into the world, positive or negative, comes back to you 10 fold. Prayer is a positive action. That's why I think it works.

I don't even mind when people pray for my lost soul. It makes them feel better. It harms none. So, it's all good. They are entitled to their own personal opinions while in private conversations with their God.

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On the flip side, when I respond to a thread where most people are praying, I tend to say "I will keep you in my thoughts" or "thinking of you" kind of thing, and I sometimes wonder if THAT bothers some people, like "if you can't pray for me, go away" lol you know what I mean?



I'm a religious type (Christian) and it doesn't bother me when someone says that to me. It's actually nice to know the person cares enough to respond honestly.



on the original question... my mother in law is not a Christian (she's a spiritual type of person) and she tells me that she is touched when I say I'm praying for things for her (like the house sell, and the fractured relationship that one of the other daughters in law is giving the family....)


but my MIL is just an easy going person and doesn't get ruffled if others pray for her. She views it as the person is caring and wanting to be part of her life.



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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying?


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it?


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time?


Just kinda wondering. I dont know if it offends non-christians if I say I am going to pray for them. I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts!



IMO, it depends entirely on how it is said. Some people say they'll pray for you when you're facing some kind of stress or illness and they say it in a genuinely kind, concerned way. Some people say they'll pray for you and you know right away it is said in a condescending way -- as in they think they're better than you, or they think they're going to "save your soul."


The first is a lovely gesture -- whether I believe in their gods or not -- and I accept it with a "thank you." The second is obnoxious and deserves no response at all, except disassociation.

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IMO, it depends entirely on how it is said. Some people say they'll pray for you when you're facing some kind of stress or illness and they say it in a genuinely kind, concerned way. Some people say they'll pray for you and you know right away it is said in a condescending way -- as in they think they're better than you, or they think they're going to "save your soul."


The first is a lovely gesture -- whether I believe in their gods or not -- and I accept it with a "thank you." The second is obnoxious and deserves no response at all, except disassociation.


:iagree: I think this sums it up pretty well.


Also, I am not Christian but I do believe in God and prayer. I can not tell you how many times I have had people ask me if I was not Christian then who was I praying to. Christians are not the only people who pray.

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TThe second is obnoxious and deserves no response at all, except disassociation.




giggle... that's what I do when certain of my christian friends "pray for me".... LOL (and I'm a christian!) but yep, I'm disassociated with a few of them recently. ;)


you're right. it's all in the intent and attitude and situation.



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I'm a christian and posed this question to a few friends who are atheist. One friend told me that she prefers that I do NOT pray for her. Her stance comes from a place of logic, she does not believe in God and therefore prefers no prayer. She's a dear friend and I respect her decision.


We were discussing the prayers like I'm having a bad day, please pray. I have a doctor's appointment, please pray.

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I consider myself a serious Christian, but have encountered folks who disagree with that assessment. I appreciate kindness in whatever form from people of other faiths, or of no faith at all--prayers, thoughts, kind wishes, whatever. I appreciate that someone cares. And when people tell me they'll "pray for me" in that condescending "you poor lost soul, may you find true salvation" tone, I generally try to take it as well-intentioned, even if misguided, and I generally thank them and tell them that I'll happily do the same for them. ;)


I did have an interesting experience with someone of a different Christian faith once that has left me a little off balance when it comes to responding to prayer requests on forums, though. It was a "Christian" board, but supposedly open to guests of any persuasion. This person had asked everyone to pray for her about something that was going on in her life, and I responded along with many others that I would pray for her. She thanked everyone else for their prayers and then rather heatedly and at length "requested" that I not pray for her. She said that although I might think I was praying to God, she knew for a fact that the god I prayed to was NOT the real God, but, in fact, Satan, and she would really prefer not to have her struggles brought to the attention of my "god" in any way, shape, or form, thank you very much. She was rather rude about it, and it was rather disconcerting. These days I often pray for people without posting about it. I'm just self-conscious about posting. Silly, I know, because most people are very gracious about it, even if someone posts who doesn't share that person's beliefs.

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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


Depends on the situation, but I mostly find it very sweet.


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying?


Yes, I appreciate it. Unless the person is being very nasty in tone about it, I assume they are trying to do a good thing by praying.


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it?


No, I do not dismiss it when people are really trying to be kind.


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time?


A waste of the religious person's time? Not at all. To me, that would be like thinking it's a waste of time to smile or laugh or give a hug or encouragement. Of course, if the person was praying for me to become a believer in their religion, it would be a waste of time in that it just isn't gonna happen, but not a waste of time in that it provides the religious person with the comfort that they did what they could. ;) I would rather have someone praying for me in private than preaching out loud to me!


Just kinda wondering. I dont know if it offends non-christians if I say I am going to pray for them. I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts!


I generally take it as a kind gesture, and as something that means something very special to the person praying, which makes it special to me.


In the case where they are praying for me to abandon my own philosophies and join their church, I do find it arrogant and annoying. (Still better than preaching/recruiting!!) But MOST of the time, in my personal experience with the Christians that I know, they are praying to uplift me or help out with a situation, or just want to send blessings my way, in which case I appreciate it very much.



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She thanked everyone else for their prayers and then rather heatedly and at length "requested" that I not pray for her. She said that although I might think I was praying to God, she knew for a fact that the god I prayed to was NOT the real God, but, in fact, Satan, and she would really prefer not to have her struggles brought to the attention of my "god" in any way, shape, or form, thank you very much. She was rather rude about it, and it was rather disconcerting.


Good heavens, what a nut! :eek:


When I read things like that, I can't help but hope that she doesn't live in my neighborhood.



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IMO, it depends entirely on how it is said. Some people say they'll pray for you when you're facing some kind of stress or illness and they say it in a genuinely kind, concerned way. Some people say they'll pray for you and you know right away it is said in a condescending way -- as in they think they're better than you, or they think they're going to "save your soul."


The first is a lovely gesture -- whether I believe in their gods or not -- and I accept it with a "thank you." The second is obnoxious and deserves no response at all, except disassociation.


This is exactly how I feel. If their intent is to genuinely help me in a time of need, I appreciate it, no matter who they're praying to. Of course, I'm one of those people who think that most spiritual paths ultimately lead to the same place, so that might have something to do with it.


I've had more of a problem offering to pray to my gods for other people. In my experience, there are a surprising number of Christians out there who get quite incensed at the idea of a Pagan praying to Pagan gods for them. *shrug* Oh well.

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She thanked everyone else for their prayers and then rather heatedly and at length "requested" that I not pray for her. She said that although I might think I was praying to God, she knew for a fact that the god I prayed to was NOT the real God, but, in fact, Satan, and she would really prefer not to have her struggles brought to the attention of my "god" in any way, shape, or form, thank you very much. She was rather rude about it, and it was rather disconcerting. These days I often pray for people without posting about it. I'm just self-conscious about posting. Silly, I know, because most people are very gracious about it, even if someone posts who doesn't share that person's beliefs.


I've had more of a problem offering to pray to my gods for other people. In my experience, there are a surprising number of Christians out there who get quite incensed at the idea of a Pagan praying to Pagan gods for them. *shrug* Oh well.



I completely understand both of these. I find there are many people who get offended if I offer good thoughts their way, which is why I always ask first before actually taking the time to light a candle or meditate for someone. More often than not, Christians will tell me "don't bother," so if i don't offer too often, it's not because I don't care about their troubles, but more because one does get a little tired of having good intentions rejected.

Edited by Audrey
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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you? I appreciate it because I believe that it's all energy and sending positive energy my way will help.


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying? I appreciate it and honestly, I wish that I could believe. It would make things so much easier and happier.


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it? I don't dismiss it. I appreciate it.


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time? The thought definitely counts and I do not think it is a waste of time.

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I think that when someone approaches me/my family with kind intentions there is no way I would be rude and dismiss that. However, I DO think that prayer is a waste of time. To me, it is exactly the same as saying, "I'm wishing for you" or "I'm hoping for you". As someone pointed out in another thread about prayer, "If what you WANTED to happen....happens then xians say that a prayer was answered, but if it doesn't happen then they say that god has his own way/knows best", etc. So, pretty much, whatever was gonna happen happened, but people spent time praying beforehand.


Now, when people have told me that they are praying for my family (typically right when someone is very ill and about to die) I just said 'thank you'. I appreciated that they were thinking about my family with positive regard and wishing/wanting the best for us/wanting us to be well.



And, of course, as other posters have pointed out, if the "I'll pray for you" line is spoken as a retort when someone figures out that I don't believe like they do.....what's the point of a response? I'm not going to change their mind and they aren't going to change mine.

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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying?


Do you think its a crock and dismiss it?


Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time?


Just kinda wondering. I dont know if it offends non-christians if I say I am going to pray for them. I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts!


When Christians say they will pray for me, I feel sincerely appreciative of the gesture.


I don't necessarily think it's a "crock" per se, but I very much believe in a more fatalist world. I realize they, however, do not; I'd never dismiss a sincere gesture, whether I agreed with it or not. For me it's all about the intent.


I definitely think the thought counts. Is it a waste of time? For them, no - not if they believe it will help. It would be a waste of time FOR ME to say a prayer because I don't believe in the properties of prayer; but that's not to say that it'd be a waste of time for someone else to pray, persuant to their own beliefs.


I guess it's like saying that it'd be a waste of time for me to try to teach my stubborn, poorly coordinated three year old to tie her shoes. I'd much rather wait another year until she was more coordinated and receptive to my help. But for her to try to teach herself to tie her shoes right now wouldn't be a waste of time FOR HER. That's a poor analogy, and hopefully not offensive to anyone, but it's the best I could come up with considering the many distractions around here LOL (darn kids want to eat! off I go!)


I don't feel threatened by Christianity, or any other prayerful group. I've never been Christian or raised in an environment hostile to Christians, so I have no real baggage in this situation. I know that someone offering to pray for me is offering to help in the best way they think possible, and I take that part to heart. My kids pray for me every morning :D

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I would appreciate it regardless of my own beliefs, just like I'd appreciate a non-believer saying they'd be thinking of me. It means the person cares and is trying to express that to you - what's to be offended about?


That's my answer for all well-meaning folks. If someone had been expressing a 'well I'LL PRAY FOR YOU' (because you're such a sinner and obviously bound straight for hell) attitude, I probably wouldn't appreciate it so much. Intent counts for a lot. ;)



Exactly! I'm an atheist, former Evangelical, but someone said the other day they'd pray for me about an issue, and I said, "thanks so much." It was a kindness she was extending to me.


On the other hand, I have a Christian friend who keeps telling me in emails, "I'm praying that our God (who You once knew) will draw you back before it's too late." I told her that if she wanted to maintain a relationship with me, I'd appreciate her stop doing that. I told her, "I know you want me to start believing in the Christian deity again, but I never tell you, 'I hope you'll abandon your invidious superstition and join reality.' I know we have different hopes for each other, but if we can remember not to rub them in one another's faces perhaps we'll be able to keep up our relationship."


Truly, intent counts for a LOT!



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It totally depends on the spirit in which it is said. I've had it said out of anger when I didn't agree with something a Christian said, and I've had it said in kindness. If it's said in anger, that ticks me off. If it's said in kindness, I thankfully accept it. I view prayer as positive thoughts and energy. If positive thoughts and energy is being directed at me, it would be rude and ungrateful of me to take it any other way.

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IMO, it depends entirely on how it is said. Some people say they'll pray for you when you're facing some kind of stress or illness and they say it in a genuinely kind, concerned way. Some people say they'll pray for you and you know right away it is said in a condescending way -- as in they think they're better than you, or they think they're going to "save your soul."


The first is a lovely gesture -- whether I believe in their gods or not -- and I accept it with a "thank you." The second is obnoxious and deserves no response at all, except disassociation.


Haa. LOL. I'm a Christian and can't stand when I get the above bolded prayer. I've had that many a time. "Oh, you are a freak who is obviously raising your children in the wrong way which explains their current behavior so I'm going to PRAY for you," or, "You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out. But I'll pray that you wake up one day and stop being a total idiot."


I just love those prayers. :glare:


I love prayers. I hate manipulation.

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I'm not Christian, I do believe in God. As others have stated, just because one is not Christian does not automatically mean they are atheist.


I don't feel offended at all if a Christian is praying for me or my family if we are sick or anything similar.


I do feel slightly offended when I'm being prayed for because I'm not Christian. However, I try to keep the mindset that the person is just doing this because they feel they are doing the right thing and then I in turn pray for them.

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IMO, it depends entirely on how it is said. Some people say they'll pray for you when you're facing some kind of stress or illness and they say it in a genuinely kind, concerned way. Some people say they'll pray for you and you know right away it is said in a condescending way -- as in they think they're better than you, or they think they're going to "save your soul."


The first is a lovely gesture -- whether I believe in their gods or not -- and I accept it with a "thank you." The second is obnoxious and deserves no response at all, except disassociation.


I was just about to type something similar -- it depends on the context and the motivation whether or not I'm appreciative or simply shrug it off.


And perhaps this is a different topic of discussion, but I think it also matters how people pray. I believe in the power of positive thought, and that intentions and the vision we hold for others matters. I think prayer works when people hold an image of good things happening for the person they are praying for, and do so with faith. On the other hand, I think sometimes people pray from the perspective of lack, or holding a vision of what's wrong or with a lack of faith in things turning out ok. I actually think this is not in the least bit helpful, and can actually work against someone.


So I guess my opinion is if you're positive and have faith, please feel free to hold me in light. If you're negative and expecting doom and gloom, I'll pass, thanks. :)


I also often wonder how Christians would feel if I offered to cast a spell for them, or meditate for them, or to help manifest something they expressed a need for, or to send Reiki, etc. I personally see this as the same thing as prayer, but I imagine it wouldn't feel the same for many people. But I would never do this for someone without them requesting it or giving permission, and I think many people feel free to pray for people without first clearing it with them.

Edited by MelanieM
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I'm just going to say this. I cannot imagine EVER telling a non-christian that I was praying they'd convert. That isn't prayer. That IS emotional manipulation. Those kinds of prayers should be between you and God, imo.


I think this is actually very, very common. In fact, I would hazard to guess that a poll would reveal that most every non-Christian here has experienced this. I know my own father has said he would pray that I find Jesus so I can understand true happiness, which is ironic because I live a joyous and spiritually rich life and I think he's generally pretty unhappy. Of course, he says that with love and good intentions, even if he is misguided, so I appreciate it for what it is and leave it at that.

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I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts!


Why are you telling them? Habit? To comfort? To let them know you are a caring person?


When are you saying this? While they are in tears because their child is very ill? When their car won't start? When you just bump into them at the store?


Assuming you mean to comfort someone in a time a need, if I didn't KNOW they would appreciate it (i.e. I knew them well enough to know their spiritual tendencies), I wouldn't say it aloud. In your belief it helps anyway, so why mention it to someone who might be taken aback?

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I think this is actually very, very common. In fact, I would hazard to guess that a poll would reveal that most every non-Christian here has experienced this. QUOTE]


Ooh, I think this would be a great poll!


As far as telling folks you were praying they would convert/accept Jesus/repent. . . well, I was the "chief among sinners," so to speak. :001_unsure:

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I'm just going to say this. I cannot imagine EVER telling a non-christian that I was praying they'd convert. That isn't prayer. That IS emotional manipulation. Those kinds of prayers should be between you and God, imo.



Oh.... unfortunately, not everyone shares your ethics, Daisy. It happens frequently enough. My FIL's wife tells me this almost daily. She will even call just to tell me that -- and nothing else whatsoever -- just "I'm praying for you to come to God and bring your son to God (and the One True Church)."


Now THAT kind of prayer, I could really do without. Or, if she really feels so compelled to pray that, then it would be much less spiteful and hurtful if she just did it and didn't tell me she was doing it every. single. chance. she. gets.


On the other hand, I have a very special Hutterite friend, who tells me that I am always in her prayers, and I know that she means that in every sense -- that she probably also prays that I come to her God, too -- but the way she says it is not manipulative, not hurtful, not anything at all bad. I tell her I pray in my own way for her, too. That makes her happy -- as it makes me happy.

Edited by Audrey
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A prayer for my health, love, happiness, general well being, I say thank you. A prayer is a prayer and I am happy someone is thinking good thoughts for me.


Praying for my soul because you think I missed the boat and am going to rot in hell, well, that is a different ball of wax.

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What kewb and Audrey said sums it up pretty well.


Also, just because one isn't Christian, doesn't mean one doesn't pray. Though my personal philosophy is to not pray too much or too often, because the attentions of the Gods aren't a free lunch.

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I think that when someone approaches me/my family with kind intentions there is no way I would be rude and dismiss that. However, I DO think that prayer is a waste of time. To me, it is exactly the same as saying, "I'm wishing for you" or "I'm hoping for you".


This is how I feel about prayer. If it makes someone feel better to pray for me (and to tell me they are praying), it doesn't bother me as long as it's done with good intentions. But I don't believe in prayer or in any deities myself.


I HAVE been told by a Christian that she would pray for me because I was "lost". That seriously annoyed me because of the "I'm better than you" attitude it conveyed.

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I did have an interesting experience with someone of a different Christian faith once that has left me a little off balance when it comes to responding to prayer requests on forums, though. It was a "Christian" board, but supposedly open to guests of any persuasion. This person had asked everyone to pray for her about something that was going on in her life, and I responded along with many others that I would pray for her. She thanked everyone else for their prayers and then rather heatedly and at length "requested" that I not pray for her. She said that although I might think I was praying to God, she knew for a fact that the god I prayed to was NOT the real God, but, in fact, Satan, and she would really prefer not to have her struggles brought to the attention of my "god" in any way, shape, or form, thank you very much. She was rather rude about it, and it was rather disconcerting. These days I often pray for people without posting about it. I'm just self-conscious about posting. Silly, I know, because most people are very gracious about it, even if someone posts who doesn't share that person's beliefs.


Grrrr! Reading about your experience makes my blood boil. Please keep on praying for people; we need each others' prayers. My faithful Catholic mom's very closest and dearest friend was a faithful and devoted LDS woman. About three times a week, Mary (mom's friend) would ride her bike down the block to visit mom, and they would sit at the table: my mom with her strong, black tea, and Mary with her Postum. Anyway, if something wasn't right, she would give Mary a call and ask her to pray. In return, Mary was frequently asking my mom for prayers. One time I was talking to Mary about her dd who had been in a car accident, and she told me it was all okay - after all she had my mom praying about it. :001_smile:


I'm sorry for the experience you had. It was shameful. Your prayers are always welcome.

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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying?



Just because I'm not a Christian does not mean I don't believe in God. I appreciate any positive energy put out by others on my behalf.

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I'm not Christian but I pray and know the power of prayer. I may have different concepts about why it works, but I know it does. You are wlecome to pray for me :) May your prayers be returned to you a thousandfold :)

If someone prays for me, I am touched. Actually there are so many thousands of people on this earth right now this very moment praying for us all, praying for peace, praying for our governments to come to their hearts and see clearly and act in integrity, praying for the environment, praying for each other...it is truly beautiful. There are people of all faiths and no faiths praying. I personaly have met one Indian saint who prays al the time- all day and much of the night- for the awakening of the world, for people to come to their hearts and love each other. He is 88 and has been doigng it for the last 50 years. So whether we like it or not- we are all being prayed for, in the most beautiful and sincere way, all the time :) It is a deep spiritual practice for many people to pray for everyone. I love it.

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I'm an atheist. I believe in prayer. I've seen the power of prayer work miracles in people's life. I just don't know if one particular God is behind it. I firmly believe what you put out into the world, positive or negative, comes back to you 10 fold. Prayer is a positive action. That's why I think it works.

I don't even mind when people pray for my lost soul. It makes them feel better. It harms none. So, it's all good. They are entitled to their own personal opinions while in private conversations with their God.


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What do you think when Christians say they will pray for you?


I usually assume they are being sweet.


Do you appreciate that some people believe in God and that they are trying to do good by praying? Do you think its a crock and dismiss it? Does the thought count, but you think its a waste of time?
I don't care whether people believe in God or not from my own point of view, only theirs. If someone wants to believe in God, I hope they can. If they don't want to believe in God, I hope they can be comfortable with that. I do think praying is doing some good. I don't think there is a God to answer them, but praying for someone is a positive expression and that is good.


Just kinda wondering. I dont know if it offends non-christians if I say I am going to pray for them. I will just do it anyways, because I know it works, but I was wanting to see what runs through your thoughts!
If it offends anyone, they ought to chill out and you needn't do anything about it except, perhaps, make a mental note to translate it out of Christianese for them next time because their internal translator is defective.


Well, as other said, if it's a prayer that I'll recover the One True Path, I'll laugh and suggest they spend their prayer on a less hopeless case. If they continued to keep telling me over and over after that, I wouldn't talk to them any more. Once is doing your Christian duty, more than that is being obnoxious. If someone is praying for my pagan soul to see The Light and not telling me, it can't bother me at all.


On the flip side, when I respond to a thread where most people are praying, I tend to say "I will keep you in my thoughts" or "thinking of you" kind of thing, and I sometimes wonder if THAT bothers some people, like "if you can't pray for me, go away" lol you know what I mean?


Well no one has ever told me to go away, but I have had someone PM me, completely surprised, but pleased that I had bothered. Dunno why, I thought everyone knew that I stickybeak in CC threads :tongue_smilie:


I also often wonder how Christians would feel if I offered to cast a spell for them, or meditate for them, or to help manifest something they expressed a need for, or to send Reiki, etc. I personally see this as the same thing as prayer, but I imagine it wouldn't feel the same for many people. But I would never do this for someone without them requesting it or giving permission, and I think many people feel free to pray for people without first clearing it with them.


I think it is a different situation. Someone praying to a god I don't believe in doesn't hurt me. Something I don't think exists can't hurt me (and if it did exist, I wouldn't attribute hurt to it anyway coz as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't exist!) I'm probably going to word this badly or possibly inaccurately so apologies in advance, but my understanding is that some (or maybe all?) Christians think the gods they don't worship can hurt them. If that's the case, how is an offer to alert a false god or demon or something to their plight going to make them feel better? It's another thing to worry about!



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