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Our dog died this morning :(

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Oh my goodness...I am so very sorry for your loss.


A dog's love is a beautiful, unconditional thing. I know it's hard, but she would want nothing less than for you and your family to find joy in the time you had with her and to find the kind of joy in each other than she found in you. You'll be in my thoughts today...

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Thank you everyone. Today has been rough. I miss her so much. I have been crying off and on all day. This totally sucks - my kids are heartbroken and I am a mess between missing my dog and feeling bad for the boys. I have previously lost cats, but this was my first dog and it hurts worse than I remember it being when my cats died. I feel kind of silly, but she has been a member of our family for a long time. I feel really bad that she died alone on chair while we were sleeping. :sad:

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Thank you everyone. Today has been rough. I miss her so much. I have been crying off and on all day. This totally sucks - my kids are heartbroken and I am a mess between missing my dog and feeling bad for the boys. I have previously lost cats, but this was my first dog and it hurts worse than I remember it being when my cats died. I feel kind of silly, but she has been a member of our family for a long time. I feel really bad that she died alone on chair while we were sleeping. :sad:


When our dog died earlier this year...I cried so hard!!!! It was a very difficult time.


Now we are moving, and are unable to take our other dog with us. We found him a wonderful home and he left about an hour ago. The hole is huge.


I'm trying to stay optomistic, I know this move is right for us...but right now it's so hard. The kids have lost so much. I'm trying to move heaven and earth to get their horses down to Houston, but it's chaos right now.


Just wanted you to know I feel your pain and I'm so sorry you are going thru this right now!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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