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How long did you know your spouse before you married?

How long did you know your spouse before marrying?  

  1. 1. How long did you know your spouse before marrying?

    • Less than 3 months
    • 3-6 months
    • 6-12 months
    • 1-2 years
    • 2-3 years
    • 3-4 years
    • 5-8 years
    • 8-10 years
    • other

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By "know" I kind of mean "dated," but you can put whatever means the most to you.


I knew my dh for a almost 2 years before we married. We've only been married 12.5 years, though, so I'm still a newbie compared to many. ;) Most people I know that have been married a long time (like 15 or more years) knew their spouses for anywhere from 1.5 to 5 years before they married.


For the purposes of the poll, you can count knowing them your whole life here. If it's longer than 10 years, you can put other and note how long in the comments. You can also vote more than one option if you've had more than one spouse.

Edited by Audrey
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We were engaged 6 weeks after we met. And I had already turned him down twice. We got married 4 months later. We were going to wait a year and stay engaged 10 months but pushed the wedding date up so I could be his dependent during basic training.


We were 19, I had a 4 yr. old and we've been married 10 yrs.

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14 months. When you know, you know.


We met online.


We've been married 21.5 years.



Um, wow. I didn't even know what *e-mail* was 21.5 years ago, much less the internet. :001_huh: I'd be interested in hearing that story!


We met at the beginning of our freshman year of college, began dating near the beginning of our sophomore year, and got married just after our senior year (well, we both had a bit of finishing up to do--he had a summer class, I had student teaching). So 3-4 years, depending on whether you're counting how long we knew each other or how long from when we really started hanging out together.

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I met dh in March of 1998 and we were married in July of 1998. I knew he was it for me and have never second-guessed myself.


ETA: We were married less than one year after my brother and SIL - they had been dating for 10 years! We're all still together. I don't think its the time before marriage but how well you know yourself and each other.

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Ours is a long story.:001_smile:


We met at freshman orientation in college. We dated our jr year, but never broke up. Just kind of stopped dating. Always stayed friends, though.


After college, he went into the Navy, and I moved around quite a bit. We kept in touch loosely for the next 14 years. We'd see each other when he was on leave, but just as friends.


Then one night he called out of the blue. Things moved quickly after that. In less than a month we knew we were going to get married. Because of his duty station, though, we didn't get formally engaged for 6 months, and got married 2 months after that.


Friends from college, who knew us both, said they were wondering when we would finally get married!


Although neither one of us had ever gotten married, we'd each been engaged to other people.


18.5 years, 8 moves, and 3 kids later, here we are!


So, to answer your question, we knew each other 15 years before we got married.:D

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I met dh 4 days after I got out of boot camp, at the ripe old age of 18. He was 21. That was Aug. of 1998. We were married in Feb. of 2000. We started discussing marriage after 3 months of dating. I don't like to wait.;) We have been married 10 1/2 years and have enjoyed 99.9% of those years. No one else in this world would deal with either one of us, so we are happily stuck with one another.

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I "knew of" my dh from... I guess when I was in 9th grade, so 7-ish years before we were married. But, we didn't hang out in highschool (I really did NOT like him the first time I met him, lol)...Fast Forward to my senior year and my bf was dating his roommate. We spent a LOT of time at thier house and we were NOTHING but friends. I would even go so far as to say "aquaintances", lol... then, after my ds was born (I was 20, no baby-daddy in the pic) my bf & his bf broke up... and we went like 3 weeks without seeing each other. He called me up and we laughed about how we guessed we'd never see each other again unless we made a concerted effort. :tongue_smilie: And, that was the beginning of the end! :001_smile: 6 months later we moved in together, 6 months after that, we were married. :) We just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. :001_wub:

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We were casual acquaintances for 2-1/2 years before DH got the bright idea to ask me out. My first thought was that I wasn't interested. THANK G-D THAT WASN'T MY LAST THOUGHT! We had two dates and pretty much decided we were 100% compatible. After 8 weeks he proposed, and after 9 months we were married. I've been grateful ever since that I didn't say no. We were definitely meant to be together. It's been a very lovely 8 years. Looking forward to lots more!



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Well, it's complicated. We met and dated for a few months and then HE broke up with me (I'll never let him forget this). While we were dating though, we set up our BFF's and they were still dating and ended up getting engaged, so we were kind of always around each other. We (read: I) learned to get over the upset feelings and we became good friends. We dated other people and it was all good.

We ended up getting back together 2.5 years later on the weekend of our BFF's wedding. We were married a year later. We've been married for 15.5 years. Our BFF's ended up getting divorced after 4 years.

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My husband and I met on a blind date while he was home (he lived in HI and home was NC) in August of 1995. I believe that I saw him a grand total of three days. We spoke on the phone daily until Nov. when I flew to HI for a week. He put me up in a hotel and never, ever "made a move" on me the entire week that I was there. I was in love :D We were engaged a month later, when he came home for Christmas, and were married the following June ('96). In all, I believe that I physically saw my husband less than 21 days before our wedding day!

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I met him on January 31, 1997 and we were married June 6, 1997.


I had a baby on January 7, 1997. If you do the math you'll know why he's a pretty awesome guy. :) Well, that's just one reason he's awesome. We were just talking last night about how so many people said we'd never make it.

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I've known my husband since I was 14yo and he was in my Algebra class in school. We dated a couple times when I was 17yo then began dating exclusively when I was 18. We got engaged on my 19th birthday then waited until I had almost finished my master's degree before getting married when I was 23.


We've been married for 17 years.

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I met my husband on a blind date - set up by friends. We dated for 18 months before he asked me to marry him (the 2nd time - he asked me after about 9 months, but I didn't think I knew him well enough yet.) We married 7 months later. Our church requires a 6 month waiting period in order to go through pre-marital counseling (pre-cana.)

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I met my husband while on vacation. After spending a couple of days together I went home and we kept up on the telephone. Within the week we decided he should move across the country to be with me, and a couple of weekend visits and a one-way trip later, there he was. We were committed and living together two months after we met. That was a little over 12 years ago. :D (About 4 yrs later we took off to Las Vegas and did the ceremony marriage bit, but I consider our committment to have been from the beginning when we started co-habitating.)

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9 months.


In Jan we celebrate our 19th anniversary.


Ditto here! We met at a cafe in April, met his parents in May, started talking marriage in July, waited for me to turn 18 in October ;), and were married in December.


I am certain I didn't have the maturity to *know* we were meant to be together at that point in my life, but I truly believe that God knew, and brought us to each other. There are too many twists of fate involved for it to be chance.


Looking forward to celebrating our 20th next year...with a 1 year old! :tongue_smilie:

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I dated my first husband 6 months before we got married and we were married for 9 years. The first time I think I was more in love with the idea of being in love than actually being in love with that person. He was a romantic though and cetainly knew how to woo a woman. Turns out, I am not such a romantic though.


I dated my current hubby less than three months before we got married and we will be married 20 years next month. I knew I was attracked to him the moment I laid eyes on him. I think I actually saw sparks fly. He took a little bit longer to come around but I am nothing if not a persistant woman. Once I got him on our first date, he was mine.

Edited by KidsHappen
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My husband and I bought a house together within 6 months of dating, got pregnant right after that, his mother moved in, we had a second child, THEN we got married 6 months after that.


So, we have been married for 10 years, but have been together for 13-14 years.


Barely any "dating" before we got right down to business. The marriage was an afterthought. ;)

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We dated 8 months then were engaged. We were engaged for a year. I started dating my dh the week after I initially met him. So a grand total of 20 months from when we met/started dating and were married.


We have been married for 19 years and 5 months.:D


We have been together for 21 years:thumbup:

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DH and I met in college at a game club, in October 1996 and started dating then. We got married in August 2001. We knew within 3 or 4 months that we would get married one day, we just weren't ready to get married before we did. We've been married for 9 year now, and still going strong.

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I met Dh in College the last week of August 1986, began dating January 1987, engaged September 1987, and married June 1988. So, almost two years and we've been married 22 years this past June. I look forward to many more years. He's the best guy in the whole world even if he does annoy me occasionally!



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We dated for 4 years before getting married. The reason we dated so long is we were high school sweethearts. We dated in highschool for a year, did the long-distance thing for a year after he left for college, dated in college for a year and then were engaged for a year. Although in a very 50's high school moment, he gave me a promise ring after we had been dating for 6 months and we considered ourselves engaged from that moment on. The rest of the dating/ waiting seemed to be to get his family to shut up about how young we were, how unsuited we were for each other, and how if you marry a girl from "that" religon your children will go straight to hell! :D


We celebrated 20 years of married life this summer with our very first child-free vacation.


Amber in SJ

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