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Hello Hive friends,


After a whirlwind of driving and doctor appointments we are home.


My PET scan spots in my spine are still inconclusive. The radiologists either didn't agree or couldn't tell. They suggested a mri followed by a bone biopsy if the mri didn't offer input. The oncologist said something to the effect of "Forget it, if you can't tell what this is I'm not putting her through two more tests. We will just call her stage III and treat her with curative intent."


So, that is in Ann Arbor. In MN we met with the doctor who is offering the study that would best help me. I told her what the MI oncologist said to me. The doctor in MN said that would probably be the case here but her radiologist would still have to look at it and come to their own conclusion. She explained the study to us and both my husband and I felt confident that we should do the study as it would give me an edge. The only downfall is that we have to wait approx. 10 days before I would be able to get the chemo. In that time, the cancer could spread. However, the doctor said my breast looked better than she expected and she thought I had the benefit of time to wait but of course she does not know for certain. We went back to see her again and tried to pin her down and she said, "If you were my sister, I would advise you to wait and get into the study."


If I accept the standard chemo which I could do in my hometown the current numbers are that 40-50% will have no evidence of cancer at time of mastectomy. Of those people, 80-90% will survive to 5 years. At 5 years the rates for recurrence really drop for triple negative which is the one good factor about it.


The other scary thing that I thought of is that the MN radiologist might insist on a bone biopsy. Also, my local oncologist might do the same. If it comes back with cancer then I would be a stage IV and would not be treated with curative intent. Although, if Ann Arbor did not find this information out I could still go back there for regular treatment or even be in the study.


Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Please pray that I can get into the study and receive the correct arm of the study which is the PARP Inhibitor. Even the other arms may offer an edge and if I get into the standard of care arm we feel it would be better than local treatment because I would be highly monitored with additional mris to the breast and if the tumor doesn't respond the doctor could add radiation at the same time.


I'm sorry this is so long. Thank you so much for all your love and support.



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Praying for you and your family.


i am so sorry you are going through all this. Breast cancer has been the bane of my family's existence with 4 aunts, 4 cousins and my sil. All survived except 2 of my aunts who were older and stubborn about treatment.


God bless you and guide you onto the path that is best for you. You are in my thoughts, heart and prayers.


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We went back to see her again and tried to pin her down and she said, "If you were my sister, I would advise you to wait and get into the study."




I listen to those kind of words.


It is clear you are grabbing this bull by the horns and using your brains. This is so important. I'm glad you are living up to your board name :thumbup:.


p.s. a bone biopsy isn't as awful as it sounds.

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It's quite the journey you are called to be on right now.

Just the driving alone is exhausting. (I am from MN and quite familiar with the road from Michigan to MN.)

(Do you go thru Chicago?? Get an IPass, it will take 30 minutes at least off your trip.)

Praying for you.



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Hi Christine,


For someone whose mind is whirling, your update post rings with clarity. (ETA, well, not on the part of the radiologist, but in your explanation of your circumstances and options) Thanks for sharing your news with us.


Try to fill your ten days with *really* *good* *stuff* to keep your mind from lingering on things that won't help you feel better.


Now this may sound weird to you, but I'm going to get my dry erase marker to write your name on my bathroom mirror.


Keeping you and yours lifted up in prayer.

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I'm following your story, and it takes me back to my battle with breast cancer. The options you have are very, very good, and it's true that by participating in a study you will receive lots of oversight and care. I was ineligible to participate in a study at the cancer treatment center near me, but would have traveled to do so if it was urgent. In my case, I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction, as well as chemo. All of it was heavy, but God's grace truly is sufficient.


It's amazing, isn't it, how He gives you clarity and focus, as well as courage in the face of this. I never would have thought I could make it through all I've been through, but I did, and I give all glory to God. I really do. People said I was strong all the time, and I just chuckled to myself. No way could I have mustered the strength on my own to face 6 surgeries and months of chemo! But God...


I'll be praying that you experience the same sense of His carrying you through. Look to Him as the author and perfecter of your faith.

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I'm following your story, and it takes me back to my battle with breast cancer. The options you have are very, very good, and it's true that by participating in a study you will receive lots of oversight and care. I was ineligible to participate in a study at the cancer treatment center near me, but would have traveled to do so if it was urgent. In my case, I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction, as well as chemo. All of it was heavy, but God's grace truly is sufficient.


It's amazing, isn't it, how He gives you clarity and focus, as well as courage in the face of this. I never would have thought I could make it through all I've been through, but I did, and I give all glory to God. I really do. People said I was strong all the time, and I just chuckled to myself. No way could I have mustered the strength on my own to face 6 surgeries and months of chemo! But God...


I'll be praying that you experience the same sense of His carrying you through. Look to Him as the author and perfecter of your faith.


:grouphug: Beautiful!

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Hello Hive friends,


After a whirlwind of driving and doctor appointments we are home.


My PET scan spots in my spine are still inconclusive. The radiologists either didn't agree or couldn't tell. They suggested a mri followed by a bone biopsy if the mri didn't offer input. The oncologist said something to the effect of "Forget it, if you can't tell what this is I'm not putting her through two more tests. We will just call her stage III and treat her with curative intent."


So, that is in Ann Arbor. In MN we met with the doctor who is offering the study that would best help me. I told her what the MI oncologist said to me. The doctor in MN said that would probably be the case here but her radiologist would still have to look at it and come to their own conclusion. She explained the study to us and both my husband and I felt confident that we should do the study as it would give me an edge. The only downfall is that we have to wait approx. 10 days before I would be able to get the chemo. In that time, the cancer could spread. However, the doctor said my breast looked better than she expected and she thought I had the benefit of time to wait but of course she does not know for certain. We went back to see her again and tried to pin her down and she said, "If you were my sister, I would advise you to wait and get into the study."


If I accept the standard chemo which I could do in my hometown the current numbers are that 40-50% will have no evidence of cancer at time of mastectomy. Of those people, 80-90% will survive to 5 years. At 5 years the rates for recurrence really drop for triple negative which is the one good factor about it.


The other scary thing that I thought of is that the MN radiologist might insist on a bone biopsy. Also, my local oncologist might do the same. If it comes back with cancer then I would be a stage IV and would not be treated with curative intent. Although, if Ann Arbor did not find this information out I could still go back there for regular treatment or even be in the study.


Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Please pray that I can get into the study and receive the correct arm of the study which is the PARP Inhibitor. Even the other arms may offer an edge and if I get into the standard of care arm we feel it would be better than local treatment because I would be highly monitored with additional mris to the breast and if the tumor doesn't respond the doctor could add radiation at the same time.


I'm sorry this is so long. Thank you so much for all your love and support.




All my love & prayers. :grouphug:

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