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My Best friend didn't make it...

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Thank you all so much, it is so hard to say goodbye to someone that you love so much. Her funeral is this Sunday, and thank you for all of the virtual hugs, it doesn't matter to me that they are virtual! They feel the same. I just can't believe that it happened so fast, and I feel even worse because she had just left my house 10 minutes before. I didn't even know until her parents called my cell while I was out walking my dog. I was able to see her one last time before she died, she was in and out of sleeping and being awake.


But the reason she needed the surgery was because her bones were crushing some of her major arteries and they neede to fix it fast. That was when they lost her.


Becca was responsive when I saw her last in the hospital, her last words to me were, "Take care, you will always be my best friend. I can't wait to see you in heaven Cheyenne". She went back to sleep then.


I cried so hard after she said that, and I never got to see her again. Her parents are so devastated, and I have been getting many hugs. Thank you all so much, this has been very rough for many of us.


I am glad I got to say good bye to her.

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Thank you all so much for your support! I showed her family this thread and they were crying tears of joy and pain at the same time for seeing people pray for them and I. They were thrilled and wanted to say thank you for supporting them for this difficult time.


I just wish this never happened, but God has a reason for everything, and sometimes we have to live with the decision He makes. Thank you all, Becca is now in a better place.


"For great is his love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord." Psalm 117:2

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She died last night during surgery, the doctor's did everything they could to save her, but it didn't help.


She was 16 years old, loved horses, was a junior in high school, just got her license, and was a very kind person. She had a good outlook on life and wanted to become a vet when she was graduated.


Jus please pray for her family so they can get through this tough time, they really need it. Thank you for all of the prayers while she was in the hospital too.


The man who was drunk and driving will be brought to court and will spend the rest of his days in jail.


In Memory of:

Becca Marie Lee B]



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Been thinking of you and your friend's family today. While we are here for you, please don't hesitate to seek help with your grieving. I know schools will bring in grief counselors, please don't hesitate to ask for someone professional to talk with if you need.


Again, I am sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

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I am so very sorry for your loss. A long time ago I was president of our SADD chapter. I will make a donation in your friend's honor this year. Drunk Driving must stop.


I will pray for you and her family as well. Take care of yourself darling in this difficult time.:grouphug:

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:crying:I said a prayer for you :grouphug:, Becca's :angelsad2: family and that justice will be served to the fullest extent for the scumbag drunk driver :cursing:.

Thank you, and yes justice should be served. From what I hear he is going to live out his days in jail. Drunk driving is so terrible!


How tragic. My cousin was driving a car where one of the passengers was killed last year. It was not her fault, but it was such a tragedy. All of the girls were only 16.


I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing my best friend!


Thank you and yes, it is really hard to lose my best friend. We were really close friends, and she had just dedicated her life to Christ this past year and ws planning on going on a missionary trip. I can't believe it happened like this.


praying for you and all the family and friends. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much!


Been thinking of you and your friend's family today. While we are here for you, please don't hesitate to seek help with your grieving. I know schools will bring in grief counselors, please don't hesitate to ask for someone professional to talk with if you need.


Again, I am sorry for your loss. :grouphug:


Thank you, it is kinda hard to talk about these things, and sometimes I just want to keep it inside me and make myself look happy on the outside. Thank you for the suggestion, and I will look for help, I am just in shock still right now, I can't believe it.


I am so very sorry for your loss. A long time ago I was president of our SADD chapter. I will make a donation in your friend's honor this year. Drunk Driving must stop.


I will pray for you and her family as well. Take care of yourself darling in this difficult time.:grouphug:


Awww, Thank you so much! That will mean so much to me and her family! Drunk Driving needs to stop. My dad and I almost got into an accident a few months ago when a drunk driver almost rammed into us. I mean, it was so scary, and even though it cam close, nothing happened to us, thank God.


Thank you all!

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