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Contents of your Purse


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I thought this might be a fun thread. What is in your purse? You don't have to name every single item.


Wallet (with the obvious items; DMV, insurance cards, blah, blah, blah)


Peppermints & two organic lollipops (for when the kids need to be quiet &/or are starving)

Burt's Bees Suntan Lotion

Epi-Pen (Son is allergic to stinging insects)

Son's extra toothbrush/paste (Yeah, he forgets a lot).

Copy of the Dewey Decimal System (just makes life easier at the library)



Cloth bag that rolls up very small (for impromptu trips to the store)

Lots of broken pencils (I obviously need to fix that)

Comb (see toothbrush/paste comment)

Safety Pins (it is amazing how often we need these)




Book (because I always have to have a book on me)

Pentominoes (A small game)

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Let's see:






last receipt from grocery shopping


another wallet with non-essential items

the Lowe's version of a Leatherman (you knew know when you might need pliers or a knife)

hair band

Primatene Mist


lip balm

pressed powder

pepper spray (dh's contribution- can you imagine? I'm being attacked. "Wait while I dig in my purse for spray to deter you" - I'm better off just hitting him with the purse)

one movie stub from Scott Pilgrim vs the World

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Let's see:


pepper spray (dh's contribution- can you imagine? I'm being attacked. "Wait while I dig in my purse for spray to deter you" - I'm better off just hitting him with the purse)


I kept pepper spray in my car (my Dad's insistence) until I went to open the glove box, the spray fell out, and sprayed my sister and I in the eyes. We were SCREAMING.


Never again. :glare:

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I just cleaned mine a few days ago but this is what is already back inside:



a ball of yarn and knitting needles, sometimes a started project

scraps of paper, usually old receipts with to so lists on the back\

wallet - usually no money but it holds cards and photos well


lip balm

cell phone

several pens and pencils

odd numberof crayons


gummy bears

mints picked up in restaurants

log book for my son's bowling scores

excedrine migraine

right now there are 6 sharpies of assorted colors - can't even remember why they are here

wet wipes

library calendar of events

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I have fairly recently purged my purse for good. The old contents could (and have) won prizes...


Now, I only have:



inhaler (just in case dc forgot to have theirs along)

Epipen (just n case dc forgot...)

dental floss (good for so many things including cutting birthday cake)

lighter (good for the impromptu campfire, or more often birthday candles)

Sharpie (to prove I am a home schooler):lol:

regular pen

pocket knife (large enough to keep me out of capitol buildings...):D

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I don't carry a purse, just my wallet and keys.


Me Too - No purse here.

In the winter I will carry a big purse that expands to hold the kids' jackets , mittens and hats when we go out. The rest of the year, I am purse-less. Free. Unencumbered. :) Wallet, keys and cellphone all fit in my pockets, and I always either have pockets or my dh's pockets.

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Wallet- DL, Credit cards, ect.

Cell Phone

Camera- I always carry it, otherwise I would never take pictures of the kids.

Traval tissues- My son has alergies, and can clear out his sinuses with one sneeze:ack2:

3 Pens- My kids like to draw during church and I like to write notes.

Small Pad of paper- it is so handy for jotting down phone numbers or lists.

Gum- I have recently started chewing gum and it is addictive, we must always have gum now.

Dental floss- for the occasional emergency

Small pouch with chapstick, lipstick and powder- Although I always carry it, I usually forget to reapply.:tongue_smilie:



Of course at the bottom of my purse I also have the fun assortment of junk; reciepts, gum wrappers, used tissue, and sometimes even a stray crayon or two.


ETA: Sometimes I even have my Kindle in there too. and loose change too. My purse isn't even all that big, but it can get a little heavy sometimes.:blush:

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I don't usually carry a purse. When I'm out by myself, I have my wallet in my right back pocket, phone in the left, reusable bag in left front pocket, and keys & change in the right front. Yeah, I'm usually in jeans. :) If I'm out with the kids, I have my wallet, change purse, and checkbook in the front of the diaper bag, and a reusable bag or two down the side pockets.


If everyone's reliably potty-trained and we're going out for awhile, I have a Timbuktu bag that I transfer everything into, along with books, etc. for the kids.

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Wallet with all the normal items


2 diapers

Hand sanitizer


Post it notes for stopping auto flush toilets

Few snacks

Pen and small notepad

My iPhone

Foundation and lip gloss


Small spray bottle of water (to wet kids hair to comb it)

Female items


Kids itouches

3 year olds glasses case

Usually a few of the kids toys


Pocket knife

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Library Cards, Drivers License, Debit Card, and Store Cards.




Cell phone


a pen.


My purse is one of those barely bigger than a wallet with the purse strap kind. When I am out with the kids, I carry a backpack with kid books, diapers, an epi, childrens benedryl, and an extra change of clothes for the little one. I put my purse in the backpack.

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I'm amazed at how many of us have an epi-pen.


After I wrote out my list, I realized my 8yo son should be carrying a purse and not me, since I'm mostly hauling his junk around. :lol:




My dh used to get on my case because I don't carry tissues. Ds was a clean kid, I rarely blow my nose, and they get all ratty in a purse. Sometimes my purse was too small. He would say "You're a mother, you're supposed to carry tissues." :001_huh: Really, was that in the manual and I missed it?


He now carries his own tissues.

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Oh boy, this is probably going to be scary. Before I had kids, I could fit everything I needed into my jacket and jeans. Since having kids and realizing how much I hate diaper bags (I've never never found one I like) AND how much I dislike switching things from bag to bag, I carry a very large shoulder bag all the time. The really disturbing part is how little of the stuff I carry is stuff for ME. :tongue_smilie:


Diapers, wipes and a changing pad

Emergency clothes for my 2-year-old (the child who can destroy an outfit in 30 seconds or less)

Wallet, cellphone, keys

A small compact mirror

Extra sunglasses (this sounds weird, but I have really sensitive eyes and can barely function outdoors without them, so I don't want to be caught without if I misplace my usual pair)

Water bottle, sippy cup, and snacks. Even if we're only going out for an hour. You don't want to see my kids if they get hungry and I have nothing to feed them (and neither do I! :lol: )

Small notepad and multiple pens

Notebook and crayons - a lifesaver with the toddler while waiting at ballet class etc!

Usually at least 3 toy cars, trucks or little animals

Hand sanitizer. While we almost never use it, the few times we've been out and the kids have done something revolting like pick up a chewed piece of gum off the ground have convinced me it's worth lugging about. Blech!

Bandaids and Polysporin

Tylenol (for arthritic husband) and Benadryl (for allergic dd)

Hair ties and clips

In summer, hats and sunscreen. In winter, extra mitts/gloves (somebody always loses one)

Fold-up cloth shopping bag


Plus, whatever trip-specific items I decide to throw in, like a field guide for a walk in the woods. Plus whatever things my husband sweetly asks if he can just 'throw in the bag'. Plus whatever surprise items my toddler might have stuffed in the side pockets when it was sitting in its usual place by the front door.


It's, umm...heavy. But I figure that's what the stroller is really for - pushing your bag around in!


We're having a new baby in a few months, and I'm scared I'll have to upgrade to a duffel bag. :blink:

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I don't use a purse. I actually have a couple but they are such a pain. I don't own a wallet. All I need is my ID and debit card if I go out (oh and keys if I'm driving). If my lil ones go out with me, I grab their diaper bag which has only diapers, baby wipes and allergy meds for my 3yo. Sometimes I grab extra clothes to toss in, depending on the plan for the day. I travel as lightly as possible. If I need something, I can almost guarantee it is *somewhere* in my van.

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8 pens (I horde my lavender/purple ink pens in there because the boys are not supposed to get into my purse.)


1 mechanical pencil



1 business card holder because our insurance company requires us to have a card for every person plus we have an extra for dd since she's 19, one for her to carry, one for us....oh and a different prescription card for each family member as well and a vision card for everyone.....something like 14-16 medical cards. UGH!


Burt's Bees Lip Balm

Lip Gloss

3 bobby pins

1 bandaid

several receipts

1 ponytail holder

travel size hand cream

loose change that dh threw in the bottom (don't ask me why)

shopping list




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Well, the most important things in there are:

wallet & pen



very small calendar notebook


tic tacs


Other than that, I have a few misc. items (tissues, lipstick, a couple of receipts, a separate keyring that holds all those store cards & my library card, small flashlight).


I'm laughing putting tissues on my list because of elegantlion's post. :lol:


ETA: A small bottle of benadryl pills. Ds & I had a nasty reaction to getting into a bunch of fire ants once. Now, I always make sure I have at least a few benadryl on me....

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Oh boy, this is probably going to be scary. Before I had kids, I could fit everything I needed into my jacket and jeans. Since having kids and realizing how much I hate diaper bags (I've never never found one I like) AND how much I dislike switching things from bag to bag, I carry a very large shoulder bag all the time. The really disturbing part is how little of the stuff I carry is stuff for ME. :tongue_smilie:


Diapers, wipes and a changing pad

Emergency clothes for my 2-year-old (the child who can destroy an outfit in 30 seconds or less)

Wallet, cellphone, keys

A small compact mirror

Extra sunglasses (this sounds weird, but I have really sensitive eyes and can barely function outdoors without them, so I don't want to be caught without if I misplace my usual pair)

Water bottle, sippy cup, and snacks. Even if we're only going out for an hour. You don't want to see my kids if they get hungry and I have nothing to feed them (and neither do I! :lol: )

Small notepad and multiple pens

Notebook and crayons - a lifesaver with the toddler while waiting at ballet class etc!

Usually at least 3 toy cars, trucks or little animals

Hand sanitizer. While we almost never use it, the few times we've been out and the kids have done something revolting like pick up a chewed piece of gum off the ground have convinced me it's worth lugging about. Blech!

Bandaids and Polysporin

Tylenol (for arthritic husband) and Benadryl (for allergic dd)

Hair ties and clips

In summer, hats and sunscreen. In winter, extra mitts/gloves (somebody always loses one)

Fold-up cloth shopping bag


Plus, whatever trip-specific items I decide to throw in, like a field guide for a walk in the woods. Plus whatever things my husband sweetly asks if he can just 'throw in the bag'. Plus whatever surprise items my toddler might have stuffed in the side pockets when it was sitting in its usual place by the front door.


It's, umm...heavy. But I figure that's what the stroller is really for - pushing your bag around in!


We're having a new baby in a few months, and I'm scared I'll have to upgrade to a duffel bag. :blink:


I could have written this one except for the new baby in a couple of months. With 6 kids and a long drive anywhere we go, I always leave prepared.

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I don't usually carry a purse, either, but I've had to get one since inhaler season has rolled around again. I carry my wallet, keys, phone, and son's inhaler. I think my camera is also in there right now since we attended a homeschool group event, but normally it would go in my front right pocket, my wallet in my back right pocket, my phone in my front left pocket, and my keys attached to a belt loop. I make a point to keep the purse uncluttered because it's so tiny.

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Wallet with cards that I use daily or at least once a week.

Bundle of various cards that I don't keep in my wallet.


Moisture Stick and lipstick

loose coins for parking meters

mints or gum


coupons to fave restaurants

Single key to my car. Seperate ring with 3 keys for the house/mail/inlaws home.



That is about it. I carry a pretty small purse and don't like to carry things with me that I won't be using.

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My wallet-which contains way too much but it's organized.;)




Cell phone






A couple of pens and a pencil


A pack of gum


Chapstick and lipgloss




One of my prescriptions


Just in case feminine products




Reading glasses


I don't carry the epi pen or benadryl in my purse. We have a separate bag for that so that who ever has the 5 year old can easily grab his meds and go.:)

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cell phone


a pack of gum

a couple of "Wisp" disposable toothbrushes

a handful of crayons rubberbanded together

female supplies


a few pens/pencils

a small note pad

a small bottle of hand sanitizer

a Tide stain remover pen

a sandwich baggie containing: wipes, bandaids, Neosporin to Go, childrens Tylenol, children's Benedryl, an inhaler, and ibuprofin

and a bottle of water

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Monthly supplies in case I or one of the dd's are out and about and need 'em.

Wallet. With all my insurance/Library/membership cards and ONE credit card. No cash.

Folding scissors.



tiny notebook - I keep track of ideas for gifts and gifts I have bought for everyone for b'days, Christmas.

sugarless gum.

cell phone.

headphones (and iPod if I am going somewhere and need it to kill time.)


Oh - and extra Lactaid, which I do NOT need, but seems everyone else does (and never remembers to have on them!)

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In my cute little knock-off Coach bag:



makeup (rattling around. need small makeup bag...)


library cards (also rattling around. need wallet...)



I carry cute little knock-off in a much larger bag because, well, let's be realistic. In that bag:


small purse

apple :confused: (not sure where it came from)


a roll of paper towels :confused:

Barbie bracelet

enough receipts to start a fire

penny encased in melted gum

a few silly bands

reading glasses that I've never worn, but should

library book that is about 5 weeks late. It's in the bag so I won't forget to return it...:001_huh:

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Palm pilot in a wallet with about $12, credit cards, ID and membership cards to various museums.


Kohl's Cash for $20.


Arnica Montana 6C

Lip gloss

Mechanical Pencil

Feminine Personal Products

Business card case w/ my business cards

Weight Watchers booklet and tracker

Weight Watchers pamphlet from the last meeting

Assorted receipts

Cell phone

Comb/brush combo (for dd's hair)

Small hair clip for when my curly do becomes a frizzy don't

Wet wipe

Eyeglass cleaning cloths

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why is my passport in here? that is being put upstairs now.


writing implements- lots of them


ponds cold cream (I have really dry skin and have jars of cream everywhere.)


chapstick (the dry skin thing- I don't leave home without it)


all of my make up (I don't keep it anywhere else. So, my tube of mascara, lipstick, blush, foundation, cover-up, eye shadow, and eyeliner are all in my purse.)


hair brush


hair bands/bobbles


little bottle with a mixture of otc pain pills


Hand Sanitizer


reading glasses


little pieces of paper


loose change


an emergency capri sun


a emergency granola bar


happy meal toys


Oh dear- where is my little bag of Neosporin spray and band-aids? I had it at the park on Sunday. I also don't see my suglasses that I had at the park on Sunday. hmm, maybe they are in dh's vehicle.


It is also common for me to have a gameboy and/or a book, but my keys and phone do not stay inside my purse.


Thanks, Daisy. Now I know what to put up for Wordless Wednesday.

Here is my purse empty and full.


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I could have written this one except for the new baby in a couple of months. With 6 kids and a long drive anywhere we go, I always leave prepared.


I don't know anybody in real life who carries as much stuff, and plenty of people have treated me like a nut. Then something happens and they need something from my uber-bag and they realize how lucky they are to have a friend who's obsessively prepared... ;)


I do sometimes miss having the ability to travel light, though.

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I prefer to carry cardholder with atm card, Id etc and my keys/phone in my pocket. But I do have a big ol bag that I use too.



Book....Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence


insurance papers


invitations to a holiday event for our business to give to clients


zippered bank envelope because I deposited moolah at the bank yesterday


yellow lined notepad from meeting on Monday night


educational business training cd




two protein bars


one protein shake


rhodiola energy supplement


4 pens


Artistry light up lip gloss


sansa mp3 player


usually a check book but not this morning


A fun spin off thread could be what's in your car? If you are a messy like me that could be interesting.

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Nothing really, since my purse is emptied out every time I get back home. I have different purses/bags for different needs.


If you ask me what is in my "Mommy" purse-wallet, sunglasses, house key, car key, cell phone, powder and lipstick. What southern gal goes anywhere without her lipstick? :-P


Now if you ask me about my the bag I take when J is with me, that is a different story. I carry a full sized Vera Bradley backpack with us. In that you will find dramamine (great for anxiety and non-rx), benadryl (severe allergies), albuterol inhaler (for Asthma), and a bottle of Germ-X. Also carry his TAG Reader and/or his Leapster, with games and books of course. Then all of my goodies as well.

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cell phone

free coffee coupon





strawberry lip gloss (translate that as 2yo dd entertainment)

misc cards, cash, change, receipts



spare binky

Fruity Flakes packet or two (toddler friendly fruit snacks from Trader Joes)

shirt for the baby (he's a spitter)



I think that's it. The baby does have his own bag, but I usually leave it in the van unless needed.

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cell phone charger


show lead (small, thin collar and leash for showing dogs)

dd's old armband number and rubber band (from last weekend's dog show)


old grocery store receipt

gas receipt


Tide stain stick


maybe some liver crumbs (see dog show, above)



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Oh boy.


I don't even have the basics in it! My wallet is in my car for example.


Anyway, in my purse:


Large print Bible

Daughter's normal size Bible

a few study materials (personal and one book to share)

two highlighters and a pen

I'm sure there is a receipt or two also.


Usually, I have a bunch of JUNK and LOTS of writing utilities, but not right this second.

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I realized that I mostly carried a purse mainly to have something for my wallet. I realized that was silly so I bought an organizer bag. I love Fossil but only certain styles.


Then I realized there was one designer bag I always wanted, and I took the financial plunge. BUT, I still don't want a big purse to carry my wallet around in!


So, I bought small, and I intend to keep my purses small. I've been doing this for a couple of years now. My current purse holds 2 - 3 pens, a couple packs of gum, my checkbook, which also holds dollar bills behind the register, a change purse, lipstick, chap stick, Advil, cell phone, credit cards. That's it.


I realized that the bigger the bag, the more junk I stuffed into it. The heavier my purse became, the more sore my shoulders were. I finally found what worked. And, it's big enough to carry all I want, but too small to stuff papers and crap in it that shouldn't be there.


When out in public, I put my keys in the purse, and at that point, nothing else is going in.

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spi belt (holds important cards like my license, insurance cards and Sam's Club)


mini Type 1 diabetic first aid kit(glucose tabs, spare pod(daughters insulin pump) and bandaids,tissue)


dog treats

cell phone


roll of medical tape


I can fit 2 books or a notebook, plus check book and a bunch of other stuff I just never carry that sort of stuff, except when i take the big first aid kit. These items are put in a few times a day when leaving the house, otherwise the the above items are what is in my purse right now!

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I just cleaned mine out this morning!



Cell Phone


3 Pens




Dramamine (son gets carsick going ANYwhere)

Ibuprofen/Migraine meds for ds


Glasses in a case (my seeing glasses, my sunglasses are in my car)




A couple of Bandaids

Hand Lotion

Swiss Army Card (like a Swiss Army Knife, but flat like a card)

Car Keys


Wow! I didn't realize I had so much stuff in there!


ETA: Sometimes I carry my nook in there too.

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3 lip balms (one chocolate, one fruit cake and one normal one)

my ipod



packet of tissues


Jeeves and the Tie That Binds

Taco Del Mar Reward card

antibacterial hand gel (island margarita scent)

3 ink pens (2 black, 1 red)

1 blue highlighter


eta: When I'm out my phone goes in there, but it's not in there when I'm home.

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This is funny. I feel like I've gotten a glimpse into your lives.


I'd love to ditch the purse. It gives me a horrible neck ache.


But honestly, I don't think I could fit the epi-pen, cellphone, keys, and wallet into my pockets. I'd need cargo pants. LOL.

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A wallet. There is nothing I need when I'm out and about except my license, cash and a credit card.


My cell phone stays in the car, except for when I'm at school. I use it as a watch.


My keys (one house key, one car key) and a car remote are on a lanyard which hangs out of my pocket.


And I think that's it. :)

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I envy those with small or no purses!



I have:

the normal wallet, keys, phone

dog treats

dog poop bags

hand sanitizer




silly putty

sticky tack

playdough (quiet things to entertain my boy with)

gel type sensory toys and squishy stress balls

mini rubic's cube (keychain toy)

mini hungry hippo game (keychain toy)

mini pool table and balls (keychain toy)

balloons (not so quiet because he likes to pop them)

gel pads (they're a doodle toy to figet with)

NINE different flavoured Lipsmackers plus 3 different chap sticks/lip glosses plus 2 different lipsticks... I'm addicted

2 packs of gum

1 container of mints

3 lollipops

random change

bottle of mixed migraine meds... I'm a walking pharmacy



small bottle of Febreeze... I need to get rid of that

oops... an envelope I was supposed to mail 2 weeks ago

dog nail clippers, those suckers are huge for a Lab... weighing me down!

small first aid kit

wet naps

an airline barf bag

airline bag of party mix munchies... completely flattened

baggage claim receipts

a lock for my gym locker, that sucker is heavy too!


3 pens

a swimming brochure


That's all. That's no too bad. Right?

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A wallet. There is nothing I need when I'm out and about except my license, cash and a credit card.


My cell phone stays in the car, except for when I'm at school. I use it as a watch.


My keys (one house key, one car key) and a car remote are on a lanyard which hangs out of my pocket.


And I think that's it. :)


Wow, only two keys? We should have a spin-off thread about how many keys people have and what they're for. I have a janitor-sized set of keys to match my humongous bag. :tongue_smilie:

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