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Huge prayer request, positive thoughts, or wishing for the truth to show itself.


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The update makes me very suspicious of the housesitter. Perhaps she is covering her tracks by accusing someone else.


My thoughts exactly. I hope the police are at least looking into that possibility.


OP, I'll be praying for your son and for your whole family. :grouphug:

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That completely stinks. I can't stand hearing things like this. Is a character investigation going on about the house sitter? I think that would be a great place to start digging. How old is she? Does your ds know her?


Keep us updated. I'm sure it will work out in the end, but it will be a giant pain getting there. Your poor ds.



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That completely stinks. I can't stand hearing things like this. Is a character investigation going on about the house sitter? I think that would be a great place to start digging. How old is she? Does your ds know her?


Keep us updated. I'm sure it will work out in the end, but it will be a giant pain getting there. Your poor ds.




:iagree: I'd do a UDS on that sitter and her SO.


Oh, my goodness. I'd be beyond tears and on to vomiting!!

Edited by kalanamak
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Guest Dulcimeramy
:iagree: I'd do a UDS on that sitter and her SO.


Oh, my goodness. I've be beyond tears and on to vomiting!!


Me, too. I was in actual tears telling DH about this. As Jennifer in MI said, this could happen to any of our boys. Tap is very brave.


Our family is committed to praying for your son, Tap.

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OH my!!!!!!! I can't even imagine what you, as Mom, are going through!!! I'm SO very sorry!!! I don't understand how something like this could happen.


Did she identify his accomplice?


I would take a video of the dogs as you walk by to show the courts how the dogs behave. I would make sure you get the proof to show that the one dog is a guard dog and also a report of the time the police were sent out due to the door being open and the alarm sounding. It really does sound odd about the house sitter. If they dust the house for prints, would they find your sons? Has he ever been there?


I'm SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am shocked to hear you're going through this. I pray that the truth be shown and that all charges be dropped. I don't know what else to say. :grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Tap. I'm so sorry this nightmare isn't over for you. My brother was arrested in high school for a crime he didn't commit. I remember the stress it caused for the entire family. My parents had to take my brother to a psychiatrist for an evaluation and that was used in court. Maybe you could do that?



Please keep us updated. How is your son? How are you?

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A few thoughts I would ask the lawyer, or find a lawyer you can ask:


--how and why would they charge him without any corroborating evidence? From what I read, he has an alibi (I get that it is mom), and the only evidence against him is the word of the house sitter. Were there other folks at home with him that night?


--Does the lawyer (or can you find a lawyer) who has a good relationship with the DA on the case to find out what is going on, and who could say "look, I know we see a lot of problem kids but this isn't one of them?"

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UPDATE: Sept 10, 11:15.


We went to court, he plead not guilty and was assigned an attorney. The judge did not dismiss the case. We meet with the attorney next week. That is pretty much all the update there is. We are in a wait and see position right now. I have a friend who is a family court judge. I called her to ask if we should hire a private attorney or go with the court appointed one. When she found out who we were assigned she said that he is great and tenacious. She said if she was going to hire and attorney for herself, she would absolutely hire him. So, that it at least a relief in the financial cost of this. We are going to have some long hard weeks ahead of us. Please keep us in your prayers and positive thoughts for the truth to come out.


A few details that people have asked about:

The robbery was at 3am. He was home, I was asleep on the couch and can see both exits to the house from where I was. I have a 3yo with night terrors so I still have strong mommy ears and would have heard him come downstairs and open the door. A mom as an alibi isn't a great one though.


We are collecting character references. I plan to present the attorney with a file of them at our meeting so he can peruse them at will. It is one thing for the family to say someone is great, but I hope that by giving him a stack of references from other people, all willing to testify on his character, he will have his heart in the case and work extra hard to prove him innocent.


We are eagerly awaiting the police report but I guess it takes a few weeks to get it to the attorney. There are a few facts that we are very interested in knowing. The home has a security system with a sensitive alarm and linked to the police. They also have 3 large dogs, one of which is a trained guard dog. All we know is that the house sitter says she 'came into the kitchen and found 2 youths in there'. I wonder how likely that is, with an alarm system and trained dogs in a 1500ish sq ft house? The dogs bark if you walk by their house, yet let 2 unknown people in the home? We were told that the event happened on Tues/Wednesday but they didn't file the report until Thurs. If you have a home invasion, do you wait a day and a half to file the report?! Lots of details aren't adding up, but they are coming in from different places so we don't know how accurate they are. We know of the security system personally (the police showed up this summer when someone left a door open) and the dogs. The timeline of filing the police reports is from the detention center officer.


Please keep praying, there is something really stinky about this case and we hope that if they are making it all up, that they come to their senses and that they will drop the charges soon. For our families mental health in this case, we are focusing on that it really did happen, she just misidentified our son. We are assuming that there is no malice on her side, just a good ole' fashioned mistake.



This reminds me of something I was accused of years ago. I was called into the police station with my fiance (now dh) and sat in an interrogation room. I had no clue what it was about. Turns out my previous landlord (3 mths prior) was "robbed" of precious gems totalling over $500,000. Her ex husband was a gemologist (?) and so she did have a vast collection which she showed me when I first rented her basement. I had to go through her house to get to my suite, so she accused me. Obviously I didn't do it, I'm no thief, but they didn't know that. So I asked them to give me a lie detector test. Little did I know they don't do that on a whim, but that was all it took to clear me; the willingess to be tested. I also told the officer all I knew of the puzzle: she was about to lose her house, that is why she decided to rent her basement. She had 3 highschool friends stay the summer from Switzerland, she had new babysitters every weekend, her boyfriend had a key, plus cleaning ladies came every week. I think she rigged it all to make a phony insurance claim. Desperate times call for desperate measures... for those without a conscience.

All that to say that they likely are making it up to make an insurance claim. Your son's character will shine through. I'd offer to give him the lie detector test if the owner of the house would do the same... even this so called "witness." It might be enough when they back down and your son remains adament. Hang in there. :grouphug: Still praying.

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Thanks for the update; I've been wondering all day how things went for you, TTT.


As for the new info--- something's not right here, IMHO. The house sitter's story just doesn't jive; makes me think she had "friends" over or something, and now that items are missing she had to come up with some kind of a CYA story.


UGH. SEnding good thoughts your way. Chin up!



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This is a big 'whoops' in the road, and those things (at least in my experience) never come without meaning...maybe your son will end up going into law, maybe his character needs to be shown to some of the players in the piece...we may never know, just stand fast in his innocence and let the pieces play out...I am pretty sure there is a purpose here...keep to your faith! :)



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Wow, the more this gets updated the more unreal is all seems.


Without evidence (other than the accuser), one has to wonder HOW do they plan to win their case, and therefore, WHY are they going through so much trouble to blame someone, especially someone who has never been in trouble before and is unlikely (based on his profile) to have done this? As I said, it all seems so unreal.



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Oh Tap. I'm so sorry to hear this. This just keeps getting worse and worse. Is there any way you and your dh can hire a private investigator to do a background search on that house sitter? She just sounds VERY suspicious.


What I can't believe is that they can arrest your son and his friend with basically NO physical evidence. There is ONE person who claims to have seen them there. This is just SO scary. I can't believe this will actually hold up for a trial though.


I'm still praying for you and your family. You've been on my heart a LOT.

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I am so sorry for this. I pray that through all of this you, your son, and family will be strengthened. I think sometimes the things that seem like the hardest tests end up bringing us to a place of even higher faith, testimony, and witness. I pray that is what will happen for you all. It sounds like he is a wonderful young man.

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Oh, that's awful! The hate crime charge certainly adds a new layer of challenge.


Tap, have you the resources to call in some big guns? Like a very good attorney and/or a private investigator? There needs to be a very thorough background check of both the homeowners and the eyewitness. Perhaps the added charge is a desperate attempt to keep their case afloat, especially if they fear that their initial case might not "stick" but they couldn't back out after making the initial accusations.


Does your son, and/or his friends, have an alibi for the additional nights in question? Is there any chance that your family is being targeted because you are home schoolers?


*Gently* Is there any chance that your son's friends are involved, even if he is not?


Praying here that the case against these young men will fall apart due to lack of evidence. And for wisdom and calm hearts & minds for you all.

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I am so sorry. I was once accused of doing something in grade school that I knew I didn't do. The powers that be were absolutely bent on making me the guilty one. I prayed like never before and I still remember the helpless feeling I had inside the whole time (and, like I said, I was a little child and the "crime" was nothing like what your son is facing...just some scribbling on the bathroom wall). I just still remember how it felt to be accused of something you didn't do. I am going on my knees in prayer for your son right now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE SEPT 28-I can't update orig post anymore so I will put this here.


We had the appt with the attorney. He basically went over the police report with us:(loosely quoted from memory/summary of attny...)


On Tues/Wed night, 3am, the house sitter heard voices in the house and the dog was growling. She went out to see who it was. There were two teens, one tall blond, one w/ dark curly hair. She asked them what they were doing, one responded "don't talk to me". They then jumped over the counter and ran out two different doors. She didn't call the police until the next day because 'it is an open door neighborhood, where neighbors walk in and out of each others houses. I wanted to talk to the homeowner first and see if anyone was supposed to be in the house. When I told him they went through the medicine cupboard, they told me there should be some oxycodone there, and it wasn't there...so that is what they stole'.



end quote....


So, hellllllloooooo~!! Okay, there are a few families at the end of the block who all smoke, primarily in their garages and yes they walk in and out of each others homes/garages during the day. We are not part of this group. BUT! at 3am????? And with such a rude reply to the house sitter????? and then jumping over the counter and running out of the house???? (sarcasm) that sounds soooo like a friendly neighbor that I can see how she was confused. And the neighbors who are part of this group, are not teens...they are all mid/upper 20s and into their 50-60s. She knows them all, she is at this house often and is part of the smoking crowd.


She was asking around about my son the second day after the robbery, but at that time had told a neighbor that she didn't know if it was him. She was being led by the notion of 'he is a blond kid in the neighborhood' lets get more details about him. When she ID'd him on the third day, he was walking to the mail box. He was 50+ feet away from her. She pointed to him and said some version of 'that's him', so they arrested him. No police questioning first, no photo line up to help make sure the ID wasn't being led astray. She was peeking around a house corner, hiding behind a wall, looking at my son checking the mail across the street, to ID him.


From an earlier post...the police didn't even bother to take finger prints. The robbers supposedly broke a door, opened cupboards, moved around prescription bottles by picking them up and putting them in an other spot, then jumped a counter, and exited a sliding glass door. There were several surfaces that could have had prints on them, most specifically the rx bottles, but they didn't take the time to do that. Our attorney is requesting that the bottles be handed over and printed now, but 2 weeks later....what is the point really.


She had many, many people in and out of this house over the time she was there. I am assuming that they don't really know when the pills went missing. They could have been gone days or weeks earlier. The pills were from a surgery he had earlier in the year, not a current script.


One thing that the attorney noted was that there had been an investigator assigned to the case. I have a friend who is a judge, and she says that is a good sign because that means the prosecutor is trying to find more evidence (the case is weak) or they wouldn't 'typically' do that.


The family of the second boy accused has not been contacted at. all. yet. So, we are hopeful that he will not be drug into this.



There are soo many little details like this that make me really question the police departments handling of the case.



I need to run for now, but I want to thank everyone for your prayers, well wishes and support. It really means a lot to know there are so many people out there praying for him. All we are asking for is that the truth be shown, and that he is released from this situation.



Oh, as far as hiring a private attorney....we have had several people in the legal field (including my friend the judge) tell us that this attny is top notch and is a real fighter. Several people have told us that if they were going to recommend someone to hire privately...he is one they would recommend. I was reluctant to go with a PD but with so many people saying great things about him, we are going to stick with him for now.

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Tap :( :grouphug:


I'll pray for you. It sounds like there is no case against your son at all. Let's hope that this ends up a learning experience about how our justice system works and why we are all considered innocent until proven otherwise.


Sounds to me like the sitter stole them and is trying to pin it on someone else.


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