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Huge prayer request, positive thoughts, or wishing for the truth to show itself.


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Update: Sept 14. 12:15 amMore bad news. Tues night is when the break in happened. Wed night, there was vandalism. Written on the house was "die F@g". They are now filing federal hate crime charges. Friday there was a rock thrown at the house from over the fence that backs up to RR tracks.


When my son was arrested he and I told the police that neither of his friend has dark curly hair (the accomplice has dark curly hair) and his friends names are R and N. The eyewitness has now decided that she heard one of them call the other 'N'. N has light brown wavy hair that has been cut short for months.


No fingerprints were taken from the broken lock, door knobs, rx bottles that were moved around, nor anywhere else.


'N' wears a distinctive size 11+ shoe. No footprints were searched for on the side of the fence.


At the 4th of July neighborhood pic nic, my son and N were at their house and the accuser was there. So, she has seen them together before. I am sure that if they really do look familiar to her, that this is why.


As far as the hate crime goes...my son and his friend knew that the couple is gay. We were all together for the 4th of July. My Sil and her Partner, as well as my gay niece all went to this same house on the 4th of July. Yet, supposedly my son hates gays so much as to vandalize their home 2mths later? My son could care less who is gay or not. He feels that that is personal choice and has nothing to do with who a person is.


This crime reads like a bad TV drama. I won't go into all of the details because it would take up too much room, but just know they are still prosecuting ds and now his friend too. The story they are trying to pass off, just doesn't make any sense.


UUUUUUGhhhh. My head really, really hurts.


Ds is holding strong. His faith is still strong and of course, he knows he is innocent. We always reinforce to him, that anyone who really matters, and truly knows him, knows that he is innocent.


Thank you everyone for your support, it means a lot to me.




UPDATE: Sept 10, 11:15.


We went to court, he plead not guilty and was assigned an attorney. The judge did not dismiss the case. We meet with the attorney next week. That is pretty much all the update there is. We are in a wait and see position right now. I have a friend who is a family court judge. I called her to ask if we should hire a private attorney or go with the court appointed one. When she found out who we were assigned she said that he is great and tenacious. She said if she was going to hire and attorney for herself, she would absolutely hire him. So, that it at least a relief in the financial cost of this. We are going to have some long hard weeks ahead of us. Please keep us in your prayers and positive thoughts for the truth to come out.


A few details that people have asked about:

The robbery was at 3am. He was home, I was asleep on the couch and can see both exits to the house from where I was. I have a 3yo with night terrors so I still have strong mommy ears and would have heard him come downstairs and open the door. A mom as an alibi isn't a great one though.


We are collecting character references. I plan to present the attorney with a file of them at our meeting so he can peruse them at will. It is one thing for the family to say someone is great, but I hope that by giving him a stack of references from other people, all willing to testify on his character, he will have his heart in the case and work extra hard to prove him innocent.


We are eagerly awaiting the police report but I guess it takes a few weeks to get it to the attorney. There are a few facts that we are very interested in knowing. The home has a security system with a sensitive alarm and linked to the police. They also have 3 large dogs, one of which is a trained guard dog. All we know is that the house sitter says she 'came into the kitchen and found 2 youths in there'. I wonder how likely that is, with an alarm system and trained dogs in a 1500ish sq ft house? The dogs bark if you walk by their house, yet let 2 unknown people in the home? We were told that the event happened on Tues/Wednesday but they didn't file the report until Thurs. If you have a home invasion, do you wait a day and a half to file the report?! Lots of details aren't adding up, but they are coming in from different places so we don't know how accurate they are. We know of the security system personally (the police showed up this summer when someone left a door open) and the dogs. The timeline of filing the police reports is from the detention center officer.


Please keep praying, there is something really stinky about this case and we hope that if they are making it all up, that they come to their senses and that they will drop the charges soon. For our families mental health in this case, we are focusing on that it really did happen, she just misidentified our son. We are assuming that there is no malice on her side, just a good ole' fashioned mistake.












Ds15 was accused and arrested of a crime that there is absolutely no-way he could have committed. He was released to us, and has court in the morning. There is a remote chance that it could get dismissed tomorrow. Other wise he could go to trial this fall. He is accused of robbery, a felony. He supposedly broke into a house and stole prescription drugs from it. He was ID'd by someone house sitting in my neighborhood, who doesn't know him or us. DS is a typical, tall thin, blond haired teenager. He was identified as we walked to the mail box.


I can tell you who he is:


He is the type of person who won't even let me pay him for babysitting his sisters, because he feels it is part of being a family.


He chooses to not drink caffeine because he doesn't ever want to use any 'drugs'. This is not a faith based decision, just a personal choice.


One of the things he was most excited about, with the idea of getting his license this fall is that he can be more active in the church. He attends church, on his own, without us. Even getting up at 7:30am on a Sunday to catch a ride with a friend. At 16yo, he already goes to a young adults bible study, youth group and Sunday when he can.


His personal email is full of emails with the youth pastors at church. Not friend's sillly jokes and forwards.


He has a job working at a learning company as a tutor. His intention, for almost all of his fall earnings....is to pay his way over Christmas break to go on a Missions trip to Mexico. He hasn't asked for any support, he plans to earn it all himself. Then after giving up almost all of 3mths worth of pay he is giving up two weeks of his Christmas break to help others in need.


He gave up a week of summer to volunteer at a kids overnight camp this summer.


He does his chores, and ones that I don't even ask of him, just to help me out when I am busy. When I ask him to do something, anything, he says "sure mom, no problem". Never any attitude, just sincere a sincere desire to help out with anything he can.


He is the one who asked to be homeschooled and started this journey we have been on ever since. For one, he didn't like the way kids were disrespectful to their teachers at school and got in trouble in class.



Everything in this child is servant based. He exudes kindness. He is one of the most gentle people you could ever meet. I don't remember him being in a bad mood, ever, seriously! He has never done anything, that could cause anyone, to think ill of him. Even today, after all of this, he is laughing and joking, knowing his is innocent and certain that the truth will come out.


Whenever someone hears about this allegation, they literally LOL, and say 'WHAT? K! NO POSSIBLE WAY!!" His pastor at church couldn't catch his breath he was Laughing so hard. Even the neighbors next door, that I have called the police on numerous times (loud music), that can't stand me, came to his defence with the accuser, saying they are accusing the wrong person. (This was before we knew anything about it.)




So, please, please pray that the judge will see who ds is, and be led to the truth. We know he is innocent but there is always that fear ....that the courts don't always get it right.



Any prayers, positive thoughts, or just a a simple wish for the truth to be shown....will be so very appreciated.


~Thank you,


Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I sure hope it turns out well. It probably will in the end.


However, I hope there is some proof he couldn't have done it (like he has a verifiable, by someone other than mom, alibi; or they found footprints of a size 18 outside the window).


I feel so sorry for your son as I know it had to be scary to be picked up as well as awful to be arrested for something he didn't do.

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Does he have an alibi? Because character is not enough to get the case dismissed when he is facing an eye witness testimony even though research has shown that they are completely unreliable. A lie detector mayb help but they are also very unreliable. I really hope that something breaks that will absolve him. My thoughts are with you guys.

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Praying for the truth to come out. How terrifying for you! Do you have anyone coming to court with you that can testify to his character? Does he have an alibi? I will be praying about this all day until I hear what happened. Your son sounds like a terrific young man.

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Praying here :grouphug: May the Lord use this powerfully in your precious son's life. He sounds like a wonderful boy!!!!!! I agree(from personal experience) that something like this can cause us to have empathy towards others. Will be praying for the truth to be known and God to be given all glory in all things!

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However, I hope there is some proof he couldn't have done it (like he has a verifiable, by someone other than mom, alibi; or they found footprints of a size 18 outside the window)...


Conversly, wouldn't they have to dismiss the charges unless there is some hard evidence to prove he actually *did* what he's accused of? Is a possibly faulty witness truly enough to make it through a trial? Surely the judge will see that there is little to prove your son guilty.


And your original post is beautiful. The judge needs a copy of that!

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Get some of those people who know him well to write a letter testifying to his character. They should cite how long they have known him, in what capacity, and give specific examples.

In addition to a great attorney, I completely agree with this. I would ask all those youth ministers he corresponds with to write one, his preacher, other community people that know him - take as many letters as you can. It could make a huge difference. Maybe some of them would be willing to go to court with you and be prepared to testify.


Too many 'bad' kids have parents that say the same wonderful things about their children but don't have proof. Make sure you have proof.

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How horrible! I can't even imagine how terrible this would be to walk through. We're reading about Joseph right now and I'm sure that your ds can relate completely. I am praying that this will be over quickly and that God will do something great with it, as it did with Joseph!!!!

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My nephew was arrested on felony robbery charges for stealing stuff out of the back up someone's pickup truck last year. The only evidence they have is that my nephew and his friends and known to hang around the neighborhood. His case has not come up for trial yet, and he is on probation until it does come up. He has been offered "deals" by the district attorney's office several times - all of which would have been bad for his future. Just be prepared for the wheels of justice to grind slowly.

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I'm checking the board about every 30 minutes or less waiting to find out what you find out. I just can't even imagine what you and your family are going through. Thoughts and prayers with you. Please let us know what happens!



I've been checking too. Still praying for you and your family.


I hope they're out for a celebratory lunch.

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My nephew was arrested on felony robbery charges for stealing stuff out of the back up someone's pickup truck last year. The only evidence they have is that my nephew and his friends and known to hang around the neighborhood. His case has not come up for trial yet, and he is on probation until it does come up. He has been offered "deals" by the district attorney's office several times - all of which would have been bad for his future. Just be prepared for the wheels of justice to grind slowly.


This is just so scary to think about. I mean, it really could happen to any of us or any of our children. . .

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One other thing I have learned about working with an attorney is that they can only be as good as the information YOU give them. YOU need to investigate this thoroughly and provide that information. Make sure YOU take copious, specific notes on each and every court date or interaction with any piece of this case. Make sure those notes are made available to your attorney repeatedly, and do not be afraid to remind him of key pieces.

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IF you can get a private attorney, it really is the best thing. They can make things go away, especially very weak cases. They have rapport with the DA office and I don't think you would regret the expense.


Is he the only one who was charged? Have they charged a person they think is the other boy? Does he know that person? How did the house sitter finger him if she never saw him- these are all questions you should be finding out.


I will be praying for your family and for everything to be favorably resolved quickly.

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