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How MUCH milk does your family drink?

How much milk does your family use in a week?  

  1. 1. How much milk does your family use in a week?

    • None
    • 1 gallon or less
    • 2 gallons or less
    • 3 gallons or less
    • 4 gallons or less
    • 5 gallons or less
    • More than 5 gallons

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It just hit me that my paying $7 for a half gallon of raw milk isn't really that big of a deal for us because we rarely use more than that in a given week. However, a family who drinks 4 gallons of milk a week would be bankrupt paying that much.


$7 per half gallon - Half gallon per week = $28 monthly

$7 per half gallon - 4 gallons per week = $224 monthly


That would be NUTS.

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No way! LOL. I didn't think anyone (even the large families) would say more than 5 gallons. Okay, if you drink more than 5 gallons a week, can you give us a ballpark of how much you buy/use?

I'm the one who voted more than 5 gallons a week ~ but we're atypical in that we produce our own milk. We have a 2 gallon container that is refilled at least once a day, so we go through more like 10 gallons a week. Hans and the boys use milk each morning on their granola. They drink at least one glass and one at dinner. I use raw milk to make yogurt every few days, and use it in baking/cooking as needed. I also buy one gallon of 2% OV each week for my own consumption, since the farm milk is too rich for my tastes.


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It just hit me that my paying $7 for a half gallon of raw milk isn't really that big of a deal for us because we rarely use more than that in a given week. However, a family who drinks 4 gallons of milk a week would be bankrupt paying that much.


$7 per half gallon - Half gallon per week = $28 monthly

$7 per half gallon - 4 gallons per week = $224 monthly


That would be NUTS.


I buy organic. It certainly takes a chunk out of my grocery budget for sure!

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We go through about four gallons a week, and recently I discovered where it all goes.

My older son had a temporary job with our football team during training camp. He was at work 10-12 hours a day for three weeks. During that time we went through only a single gallon a week. :001_huh:

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I'm the one who voted more than 5 gallons a week ~ but we're atypical in that we produce our own milk. We have a 2 gallon container that is refilled at least once a day, so we go through more like 10 gallons a week. Hans and the boys use milk each morning on their granola. They drink at least one glass and one at dinner. I use raw milk to make yogurt every few days, and use it in baking/cooking as needed. I also buy one gallon of 2% OV each week for my own consumption, since the farm milk is too rich for my tastes.


That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining. I'd love to have access to raw milk like that. We would probably drink a lot more. :001_smile:

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We go through about four gallons a week, and recently I discovered where it all goes.

My older son had a temporary job with our football team during training camp. He was at work 10-12 hours a day for three weeks. During that time we went through only a single gallon a week. :001_huh:


LOL. I remember my sister used to take her allowance money and buy a quart of whole milk. She'd drink it all in one sitting.

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Occasionally my 14yo and 17yo will drink chocolate milk. When they want it, I will buy a 1 gallon jug for them to share until it's gone. I buy maybe 4-6 gallons of chocolate milk each year.


I go through maybe one pint of regular milk (whole if they have it in the one pint container) to use with Jello instant cheescake mix. I buy maybe 15-20 of those each year.


I go through two of the BIG boxes of nonfat dry milk powder each year. That's the milk I use for cooking.

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2 gallons or less for a family of 5. We used to go through more until I trained the kids to use less in cereal. I don't like people drinking from bowls after they eat cereal, so the excess always went to the sink. Now, that they are older and more conscious about the amount they need, vs making the cereal float...we go through much less. We probably go through just over a gallon a week of all forms combined.

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We go thru 4 when it's just ds18 and dd10, and I don't drink milk. Dh has a latte (so, about .5 cup) every day, and drinks a homemade milkshake after working out about 3-4 times a week.

We go thru 5 when ds20 is here from college.


We don't drink juice, the kids have milk with dinner, breakfast (cereal), lunch and snacks, and we use 12 oz glasses (not that they fill them all the way, but I'd say probably up to about 10 oz, except dd drinks slightly less).

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We get soy, coconut, and almond depending. We are under a gallon a week almost every week. This is *probably* because we quit cow's milk when my kids were itty bitty, but didn't substitute it. It's only been in the last 3 years we used ANY milk and only in the past year that we've been doing 1/4 to a full gallon per week.


Meals and the rest of the day: Usually water. In spurts, we'll have sodas or the rest of the family will have tea. I wish we did that a whole lot less often and drank less of it when we did do it. Oh, and my hubby drinks a LOT of coffee. But I am proud to say that I have FINALLY gotten use to drinking water.

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We go thru 4 when it's just ds18 and dd10, and I don't drink milk. Dh has a latte (so, about .5 cup) every day, and drinks a homemade milkshake after working out about 3-4 times a week.

We go thru 5 when ds20 is here from college.


We don't drink juice, the kids have milk with dinner, breakfast (cereal), lunch and snacks, and we use 12 oz glasses (not that they fill them all the way, but I'd say probably up to about 10 oz, except dd drinks slightly less).


Sounds like another interesting poll. What do people drink with meals?

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We are huge milk drinkers here. We go through any where between 3/4 to 1 gallon a day. I buy 2 gallons every time I go to the store. The small store here Kum and go (used to be 7-11) sells if for 2 for $5, so it is affordable for us. No organic here, no where in this town sells organic milk, actually.

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I'm the one who voted more than 5 gallons a week ~ but we're atypical in that we produce our own milk. We have a 2 gallon container that is refilled at least once a day, so we go through more like 10 gallons a week. Hans and the boys use milk each morning on their granola. They drink at least one glass and one at dinner. I use raw milk to make yogurt every few days, and use it in baking/cooking as needed. I also buy one gallon of 2% OV each week for my own consumption, since the farm milk is too rich for my tastes.

Ditto on all of this. We have a dairy farm, and the boys bring home 2 gallons per day on most days. Realistically, we only use about 1 1/2 gals. per day, and the rest is enjoyed by pets or used in cooking. I buy 1% for the girls to drink right now, because they're very focused on reaching a healthy weight. I don't drink milk.

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We go through 3 Organic Valley 2% cartons a week, so a gallon and a half. (I have no idea why our store doesn't carry gallon containers, I am guessing b/c it would compete w/ the store brand organic, but I am a die hard OV supporter) That's our milk (and half & half, sour cream etc.).


And, Collen, that is so cool you are an OV producer! I know I've read that in your siggy before, but never put two and two together. Perhaps we have had some of your milk. :)

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4 of us in the house.


3 of us love milk (me and the boys.)


We go through 5.5 gallons a week. And that's really just me and the boys. DH rarely drinks milk.


I've just recently started having us drink water during one meal a day to start to wean us off the milk.

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Drink About 3- 6 oz /week. Only one person in our family likes to drink milk.


Cook with/use would be a differnet number. But drink? Not much. We drink water and use milk for coffee, cereal (not big on cereal), and one child will drink it at times.


We maybe (?) use a quart a week. I buy local organic raw at $6 1/2 gallon. I often freeze leftover milk for cooking later.

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Another OV producer here! Thanks for the support!


Our family typically goes through 1 gallon/day but some days it is more so I think we are working our way up to 2 gallons/day. I am so thankful for that fresh, raw, organic milk that my husband works so hard to provide. I love our milk, it tastes so good! It's a wonderful perk of the profession!

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We usually go through just under a gallon a week. We only use it in cereal and mornings we have muffins or pancakes. I also use it for baking/cooking. The weeks I make chocolate cookies we go through two gallons. The cookies, which freeze well, don't really get a chance to be frozen - they just get gobbled up with an extra gallon of milk.:001_smile:

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There's just the two of us, and I don't really drink milk much. DD drinks a glass a day, we occasionally eat cereal, and then I use it in cooking.


Honestly... it's probably closer to none than 1 gallon!


We buy a half gallon and I'm usually harping on one of the milk-drinkers to finish it off for us. Not big milk fans here.

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I don't buy the milk that often because we have our own, and we have a local dairy we buy from (I support local whenever possible). However, I buy OV sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese and butter (on occasion since the local dairy does sell rolls of butter also).


I had done research some years back and OV ranked at the top in almost all areas, including more ethical animal treatment.


I'm proud to know there are several OV farming families here!!

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I don't buy the milk that often because we have our own, and we have a local dairy we buy from (I support local whenever possible). However, I buy OV sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese and butter (on occasion since the local dairy does sell rolls of butter also).


I had done research some years back and OV ranked at the top in almost all areas, including more ethical animal treatment.


I'm proud to know there are several OV farming families here!!

Thanks for your support, Stacey.:)
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I answered your topic title before I read your post. :-)


We don't drink milk as a beverage; dds were lactose intolerant and didn't drink milk or eat cold cereal (no milk on hot cereal like oatmeal, either). Mr. Ellie eats cold cereal, and I cook with it some, so it's certainly less than a gallon a week.

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Family of 5, and we usually use about 1 gal/week. My older two kids don't drink any at all, dh and I only use it on cereal (I use 8 oz a day on cereal, dh uses more, but less frequently), and ds2 has a bit with cereal and sometimes drinks a cup. The rest is used for cooking and baking. We're not big milk people here.

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Family of 6; dh drinks milk at breakfast, kids have it at all three at-home meals, I drink it occasionally.

We go through about 5 gallons a week. Our milk (non-organic, sorry!) runs about $1.50-$1.75 a gallon at the store.


Wow. I can't get conventional milk that cheap. It costs at least $3.50 a gallon around here. :svengo:

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I buy two half-gallons of Organic Valley milk a week (2% and skim) usually, unless I haven't been drinking much milk, since I'm used to drinking water most of the time now. I also buy Organic Valley butter. Then it depends on which store I'm at whether I buy Organic Valley eggs, sour cream, or cottage cheese. One store has the eggs, but not the others, and another store has the sour cream and cottage cheese, but not the eggs.

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It just hit me that my paying $7 for a half gallon of raw milk isn't really that big of a deal for us because we rarely use more than that in a given week. However, a family who drinks 4 gallons of milk a week would be bankrupt paying that much.


$7 per half gallon - Half gallon per week = $28 monthly

$7 per half gallon - 4 gallons per week = $224 monthly


That would be NUTS.


Yikes! I thought I was paying a lot for raw jersey milk, but now I think I'm getting a deal. I pay $4.39/half gallon at my local co-op.


When I can't get to the co-op (or if they're out of raw milk) I buy Organic Valley whole milk, for somewhere around $6/gallon. (The raw milk makes the organic stuff seem inexpensive in comparison, too.)


We spend a lot on milk, but it's worth it to me to know I'm getting milk from healthy, pastured cows. Then there's the taste...other milk just doesn't taste right anymore.

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No way! LOL. I didn't think anyone (even the large families) would say more than 5 gallons. Okay, if you drink more than 5 gallons a week, can you give us a ballpark of how much you buy/use?


We go through 5-6 gallons a week. This is with each boy getting one glass of milk each morning (except for the 4 year old, who drinks more than that), I put it on my shredded wheat, we use it in coffee, and occasionally the boys will have cereal with milk.


If I allowed it (or could afford it), the boys would happily drink a glass of milk with nearly every meal, easily doubling, possibly tripling the quantity we use per week.

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Wow, I just did the conversion- 4.55 litres to a gallon. You gals drink a lot of milk!


We probably drink around 4, but sometimes 6 litres a week- which fits into your 2 gallons or less catagory.

I like to buy raw local milk but dh wont drink raw, so I buy normal for him, and sometimes pasteurised organic.


At $2 a litre for milk (or a bit under for bulk) we obviously pay a lot more than you guys do. My raw milk is $4 a litre! It may be cheaper on the east coast of Australia, though, since I guess we don't have heaps of dairy land here. Not sure.

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