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POLL: What kind of milk do you buy?

What kind of milk do you drink?  

  1. 1. What kind of milk do you drink?

    • Organic whole milk
    • Organic 2%
    • Organic 1%
    • Organic skim
    • Raw milk
    • Conventional whole
    • Conventional 2%
    • Conventional 1%
    • Conventional skim

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Just interested in knowing how many raw milk vs organic vs conventional milk drinkers we have at what fat level. Trying to decide if I want a change. Currently we drink 2% mostly organic and then use whole organic milk for yogurt, but I'm wondering if we should make a switch to whole milk or even raw.

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but we don't buy it. We sell it. We bought raw milk for seven years locally before we started our own small dairy. I've had the joy of hearing many, many of the raw milk health benefits in action from our customers. Just yesterday my husband told me a woman said "I praise you" to him :001_huh: because she has had severe stomach pain for over a year and since she began raw milk she's been pain free. Not everyone can do raw milk though. If you have a milk allergy, milk isn't good for you in any form. If you have lactose intolerance...then you can likely do raw milk.


Raw milk is an extremely nourishing food and healing food and I have a lot more to say about it than that, but I save my research and experience for those really interesed these days. ;)

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but we don't buy it. We sell it. We bought raw milk for seven years locally before we started our own small dairy. I've had the joy of hearing many, many of the raw milk health benefits in action from our customers. Just yesterday my husband told me a woman said "I praise you" to him :001_huh: because she has had severe stomach pain for over a year and since she began raw milk she's been pain free. Not everyone can do raw milk though. If you have a milk allergy, milk isn't good for you in any form. If you have lactose intolerance...then you can likely do raw milk.


Raw milk is an extremely nourishing food and healing food and I have a lot more to say about it than that, but I save my research and experience for those really interesed these days. ;)


I would love to hear more!

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I voted conventional, but I don't buy my milk at a store, I have it delivered. Yes , I have an old fashioned milk man that delivers half gallon glass bottles of milk to my doorstep every Tuesday. The company is Oberweiss and although they aren't organic, they use farms that don't use hormones or antibiotics in the milking cows.

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Didn't vote because we use two different kinds: Raw Jersey milk and Organic Whole (Organic Valley). I buy the raw milk when I can get to the co-op that sells it, but if they're out or I just don't have time to go there, I buy OV at the store. Milk is a significant portion of my grocery budget. :tongue_smilie:

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We have our own dairy goats. In our previous home, we bought raw from a local dairy.


Momling...one of our mentors told us the goaty taste comes from the milk not being cooled quickly. What they eat, of course, will affect the taste also.


See if you can try a different dairy. We love our goat milk!

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I buy conventional skim milk for the family. For DS2, I buy lactose-free 2% milk. I'd buy whole milk for DS2 if the store carried it, because he is underweight. We go through 7 gallons of milk a week (30.3 gallons a month), and I cannot afford to buy organic milk because of that. I thought about buying raw milk, but the only farm I can find that sells it is one that I don't believe complies with PA law on the issue, so I'm not willing to take the chance.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I only buy organic dairy - I used to be able to get grass-fed organic but since we moved I can't find it. Thankfully we don't use too much of it here, so the expense isn't overwhelming. No one drinks milk in this house... we use it for cereal and cooking. If I had a bunch of boys who drank gallons of milk a week I might have to regroup. ;)

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but we don't buy it. We sell it. We bought raw milk for seven years locally before we started our own small dairy. I've had the joy of hearing many, many of the raw milk health benefits in action from our customers. Just yesterday my husband told me a woman said "I praise you" to him :001_huh: because she has had severe stomach pain for over a year and since she began raw milk she's been pain free. Not everyone can do raw milk though. If you have a milk allergy, milk isn't good for you in any form. If you have lactose intolerance...then you can likely do raw milk.


Raw milk is an extremely nourishing food and healing food and I have a lot more to say about it than that, but I save my research and experience for those really interesed these days. ;)[/quote

ironically one of my sons is allergic to milk of all sorts. We'd been drinking raw milk for several years and I never thought milk was the source of his allergy since we were drinking it raw. He's on almond and rice milk now and his allergies have cleared up. I was bummed.

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that I am not a milk lover. I can not STAND milk with an off taste. Our goat's milk is sweet and the best milk I have ever tasted (and I've had goats on and off for 11 years-I realize they aren't all this good). The breed has something g to do with it, whether they keep a buck nearby, and how it is handled. We go from goat to strained sitting in ice within about ten minutes (or less). It is the best milk ever!!


That said, I do not like the ethics of dairy. I intend to milk her as long as possible then, if I rebreed her, I will keep any offspring. If I choose not to breed her again, we will keep her as a pet and drink alternative milk (coconut, almond), and occasional milk from the local drug-free farm if needed.


I do think raw milk has tons of benefits, but I'm not sure I can continue perpetuating the breeding to reap them...

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We have our own dairy goats. In our previous home, we bought raw from a local dairy.


Momling...one of our mentors told us the goaty taste comes from the milk not being cooled quickly. What they eat, of course, will affect the taste also.


See if you can try a different dairy. We love our goat milk!


Some also just have better tasting milk than others. I raised dairy goats when I was young (Boy, do I miss them!), and they were all fed basically the same. Some (most) of our does had lovely sweet milk, but once in a while you'd get one whose milk was either just okay/tolerable or downright icky (without any other explanation--we tested regularly for mastitis and kept our animals and equipment CLEAN).


When we started filtering & cooling immediately into a container submerged in ice water (as opposed to just putting it into the fridge), it improved the flavor further.

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Conventional whole, only if it says "no hormones."


Here, you can only legally buy raw milk if you own a share in a cow. I know of someone who payed $200 for her share, plus she pays an additional $35 a month for a gallon of milk a week. That's way beyond our budget capabilities.



It sounds like someone has sold more shares in that cow than they should have.

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We get organic 2%. I'd love to try raw, but I have no idea how to go about finding it in my area. Also, I remember awhile back hearing about raw milk that made a bunch of people sick because it was contaminated with something... I know I'm being silly about it, but since then the idea of raw milk has made me a little nervous.

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