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Do you have something in your life that you are truly passionate about? (excl hsing)

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Do you have something, that you actively participate in, spend time daydreaming about, or love to research... whether it be for fun or career... that you are honestly and truly passionate about? What I am really talking about is something that is just for you NOT for someone else's benefit. Home school doesn't count, unless you would continue to do the same amount of work towards it, even if you didn't have your own kids to teach.

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Marine Biology


Scuba Diving

...and anything else dealing with underwater stuff, to include all the creatures & all about each one to the environment they live in and how they're doing in it & even topography of the ocean floor. Especially the strange, weird ones that live in the deepest, darkest parts.


The study (book and hands-on) and research (collecting field data for new research) is something I want to pursue. Even if right now it means reading up about it on my own. I hope to have time soon to actually take a class or 2.


OH. and politics. haha But not here.

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Well, I think I meet your requirements regarding education. My dd has graduated and my ds is using a high school program (with some extras Mom requires), so I'm not really homeschooling anymore and yet I'm still very interested in keeping abreast of options, philosophies, opinions, etc. It may not benefit *my* children the way homeschooling has, but it's an interest that keeps hold of me.


Discipline (the teaching and guidance of children) has done similarly. Obviously, I'm past, for the most part, "what should I do?" But I have spent years invested in the subject. I was obsessed for many years and it has cooled down somewhat though (well, it may not have if I hadn't intentionally made it for personal reasons).


But there is one thing that has grown and grown and grown as an interest and passion. The more I feed into it, the more it grows. I absolutely LOVE that aspect of it. The more you learn, the more you WANT to learn. I think that can happen in other areas, but this particular area is more important, I believe. That passion has been about God and his ways. I have spent years learning more and more and loving every moment of it. It is so fulfilling because it works in life now and will have great benefits into the future. I love LIVING my faith. I may not do it perfectly and feel so inadequate regarding that (because I *am* a perfectionist!), but I know that the creator of the universe values me and my effort though I am just dust. The scriptures talking about how those who truly love him and his son will follow him just speak to me. There is nothing I could do to "pay them back" for what they've done for me and will do for me, but all they ask is that I do what will benefit me and those around me; and they don't even ASK for me to do so perfectly. WOW! Anyway, so the great love I've learned just propells me into wanting to learn more so I can love and worship more fully. I'm so thankful for the grand banquet of spiritual food available. And if I live forever and even in relative perfection, there will ALWAYS be more to learn regarding the creator and his works. I'm looking foward to every opportunity for all eternity :)

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Natural health- herbalism, ayurveda, various diets especially raw foods....all sorts of healing techniques. Flower essences. Essential oils.

Shamanism. Earth religions. Eastern religions. Meditation. Womens health, also women's spirituality, women's circles, women's studies. Cooking/food preparation.

I have been into knitting, sewing medieval costumes, painting and various other creative pursuits.


For about 7 years, homeschooling was my main obsession, apart from my own spirituality. The last 12 months or so that obsession has waned to just what I do, which I still enjoy and want to do...but I don't spend time researching and perfecting it like I used to. The kids are getting older and their lives dont revolve around me the way they used to. So it seems natural to also give more time to my other interests.

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Very young children. I worked in a daycare about 1.5 years ago but had to leave after 5 months because the time commitment was interfering with homeschooling. It was a full-time job. To this day, I still regret having to leave. The owners were a bit miffed at me for wanting to leave and although I gave a 2-week notice, they think I walked out because I left before they could find a replacement. (I had talked of leaving a month before that and they supposedly started looking but I guess that's another story). So anyway, my bridge to that particular school is burned. :(


So.. I've gone back to college to study Early Childhood Education: Ages Birth to 5. Of course, there are some non-related courses I must take in order to fulfill degree requirements. At least I am doing something besides homeschooling and without being gone from home all day. It should take me at least 2 years to graduate and by that time my oldest will be out of high school (although at the rate she's going, I shouldn't assume), my son will be a high school junior (hopefully working more independently than he is right now), and my youngest will just be starting high school. We believe she (dd12) will end up in public high school simply because she's talked about it for a while now. We'll see.

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Studying languages has been a passion of mine for a long time and I assume it will continue to be until my brain turns into mush.


Education is also. If I hadn't decided to homeschool my children I would have pursued a career in education. My own education is in linguistics with a focus on teaching ESL and I did that for a short time before accepting that it wouldn't mesh with homeschool. I sometimes consider the possibility of substitute teaching from time to time when my children are old enough to stay home and do a good chunk of their school work without supervision and help.

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Horses - riding is the one thing other then God/ Family/ Friends that brings me the most joy! When I ride, I actually get high! I can be on a riding high for a couple of days even and my DH will eventually say, "Okay, Lisa, I know you had fun. It was a great ride. You love your horses. Can you stop talking about it now?" (All said with affection, not criticism) The most wonderful thing that could ever happen to me happened this spring. My beloved DH found a horse he loves and after 7 years of riding alone, he now rides with me! On these days, I can not stop crying with happiness - no lie.


(Of course, some of you know I am sidelined with a hip injury and will not be able to ride for months. But the thought of riding again never leaves me and is what keeps me looking forward and working hard on my recovery.)

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Gardening is my passion :) I've been taking classes at a local botanical garden www.longwoodlearning.org on a very part-time basis for 4 years. Since I'll be homeschooling now, I don't know when I'll be able to take the next class. The Master Gardener course is offered in our county every other year (TTh 9-noon for two months), so I hope to arrange my/our schedule to take it next time around.


I have a Disney World problem too ;)

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* Natural Childbirth. My first child was delivered via emergency c/s while my last two were completely drug free. The absolutely *incredible* experiences of those two births has lead me to become a HUGE natural childbirth advocate. It was so incredibly empowering for me!!! When my kids are grown and don't require babysitting when both parents are out of the house I hope to become a certified Doula. :)


* Exercise. I enjoy a good, challenging workout that has me sweating at the end, and I love seeing the changes in my body when I meet a new challenge (better-toned arms, stronger leg muscles, better endurance, etc.) My older sister is an aerobics instructor, and if I could do that without having to come up with my own choreography, I'd totally want to try following in her footsteps.

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Breastfeeding (particularly extended breastfeeding) and the Ponseti method of non surgical clubfoot correction. ETA: Both of these benefit others but spring from my personal experiences with my kids. It is all intertwined.

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Writing fiction, I work part-time on it now. Once ds graduates that will be my full-time endeavor. By then I hope to be making a little money at it as well.


I'm also excited about my own self-education. There are many things I want to study that ds probably won't care about. I'll continue after ds graduates. I'd love to learn multiple languages too.

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Gardening of all sorts, baking, and cooking. I love to learn new how to grow, bake and cook all kinds of new things. To watch something start off from a tiny seed and become a massive beautiful breath taking plant is worth every bit of effort. The same goes for cooking to start with a few simple ingredients and turn it into a mouth watering dish that makes all your senses scream at once is so worth every step.

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Anything to do with the alphabet and language: history of language, listening to foreign languages spoken, history of the alphabet, production of the alphabet in various ways (handwriting, printing presses and history of both), sociolinguistics, language disorders, how language is physically produced (particularly by people in places where the language involves very different sounds than English), illuminated lettering....you get the idea.....


Antique paper ephemera: photographs, Spencerian penmanship copybooks (see above), old letters and postcards, old schoolbooks, old maps and atlases......I use these in collage and pendant art (hoping to start an Etsy shop!)


Children's books and certain illustrators of the late 19th, early 20th centuries, such as Walter Crane, Leslie Brooke, Walter Rackham, many more


Stop me before I clog the boards!:tongue_smilie:

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Researching organic farming practices, acreages, etc. Its all to benefit my family in the long run though.


I used to love writing fiction...I should just get through this block and get on with it...one handed writing is better than none!


Once I'm done with WCB, I've told my union rep that I want to volunteer my time for him...he's the only one in the entire union that deals with WCB, and is completely swamped. I'd love to be able to give talks on what goes on with WCB, coping with chronic pain/rsd.

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Writing and reading. I'm working on my second novel now (although I'm still building up the courage to let a friend read the 1st). I joined a writer's group last year, and that has been a blast. I also blog, write a church newsletter, and do other non-fiction copy as needed.


Food Sensitivities. I started on this one for my son, but I have done hundreds of hours of research, and I can pretty much talk about food with anyone who might look interested. I'm gluten-free, dairy-free, drink green smoothies, and we have no artificial colorings or additives in this house. I never thought I'd be like this, but boy am I passionate about the effects of food on people! :D

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I am most passionate about music. It is at the very core of my being. If I don't play flute or piano for more than a couple of days, my fingers start to itch and life feels unsettled to me. As soon as I sit down to play, it feels like everything comes into focus.


Other things are a bit random. I love to read and research about church growth and development. It's kind fo bad though because I see so many things that churches could be doing better.


I also tend to be a bit on the granola side of life and enjoy researching and reading about sustainable living, local & seasonal eating, alternative medicine. Occasionally hubby thinks I'm a kooky. :D

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education: Homeschooling is also a selfish interest. I enjoy learning and teaching. I hope to continue to help others on their educational journey long after I finish teaching my own. I want to spend the rest of my life learning.




gardening: I would like to do more edible gardening, but I will always enjoy beautifying our property.


exercising: I hope to branch out in terms of variety -- try new things


eating healthy: I enjoy learning about this and putting it into practice. There is something very satisfying about eating close to the source.

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Things I am passionate about and make time for in my busy home school life:

Reading, Writing, and Learning New Things.~I am open to new ways of seeing old problems. I am fascinated by the creative process.


I enjoy making things by hand~I embroider, sew, make baskets, crochet, knit, cook and bake.


I garden~I garden as therapy. It gives me great pleasure to work in the garden, caring for plants and trees, creating a beautiful outdoor space since my indoor space is a stalled work in progress.

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Scrapbooking - although I don't do it nearly as much as I did before I started homeschooling


Gardening - old garden roses, native plants and heirloom perennials using organic methods; I still read and research but don't actually garden as much as I used to either


Hearing loss - providing parent-to-parent support for families of children with hearing loss, political activism for issues releated to hearing loss (I testified last year before our state congressional insurance committe about hearing aid legislation, which unfortuantely didn't pass, but I am alreayd gearing up for next session!); I know this sounds like it is for others and I do hope I have the opportunity to bless someone else through this work, but it really is a rush to go out and educate people about hearing loss, current laws, the need for access, to get a business to provide assisted listening devices, etc.

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whole food

natural childbirth

nursing (babies, not hospital)

reading real books

and this:

Anything to do with the alphabet and language: history of language, listening to foreign languages spoken, history of the alphabet, production of the alphabet in various ways (handwriting, printing presses and history of both), sociolinguistics, language disorders, how language is physically produced (particularly by people in places where the language involves very different sounds than English), illuminated lettering....you get the idea.....
(thanks, Alphabetika!)
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Five years ago, I would have added being a flutist to that list. Sadly, I have had so many negative experiences with the musical community here, the love of music has been sucked right out of me. Even if I could force myself to forgive all the nastiness, there simply is no moving on as a musician in a town this small where you have been black-listed. I just have to let that part of me go.


So! On a positive note... Boy, do I ever love my dogs! (Well, all dogs really, but especially mine!:D) I have even started spinning dog fur into yarn for knitting. (Chiengora is the fancy term for it.)

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History especially medieval. If I could spend my life traveling and studying history that would be my ideal. Education wise, I am went to school for Museum Technology and Curatorship. It doesn't really cover the travel, but it was as close to the hands on history as I could get at the time.

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Wow...you all have such hobbies/interests. In reading of all your fabulous activities, I felt as though I am "lacking." Maybe it's just the season of life that I'm in (young children, busy schedule, etc), but I can't really think of any interests that I have that don't involve my children or homeschooling. I am involved in some church ministries, but that is not "for me"...it's something I do for others. I never feel like there are enough hours in the day (or energy in me) to seek out activities for me.


Hmmm...off to ponder this awhile!

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Education- once I'm finished putting my own kids' education first and foremost, I'd love to be involved with making the benefits of homeschooling available to those who don't have the option.


Childbirth- I keep putting off getting certified as a CBE. I don't want to promote any single "method" (Professionally, I mean. Personally, I happen to be fond of Bradley. ;)) I want to run classes that cover all of the options and all of their pros and cons so no woman feels pressured into doing something simply because that's what they've been told is best. INFORMED people know how to determine what's best for them.


Homesteading- I'll have me some chickens one day, gosh darn it!

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education: Homeschooling is also a selfish interest. I enjoy learning and teaching. I hope to continue to help others on their educational journey long after I finish teaching my own. I want to spend the rest of my life learning.



I feel exactly the same way. :001_smile:

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#1-HORSES...oh I miss them. I worked on an Arabian farm throughout college and then bought my own horse who I put on a retirement ranch. I havent ridden in 10 years and I miss it terribly.


all other animals...deer, cats, dogs, turkeys...you name it. I love to care for animals



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Well, if you don't count homeschooling in any way, I'll say:


self-education--reading and learning.


libraries--this is my career and I love it. I just got a little job in a CC library, so I'm both looking forward to it and very nervous (juggling that and homeschooling, eep!).


sewing--I spent about 10 years doing quilts and then moved into clothing, esp. heirloom sewing for my girls. ATM I'm learning to smock and make baby clothes (not that I have any babies). Am thinking of someday learning to sew vintage for myself.

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Well, if you don't count homeschooling in any way, I'll say:


self-education--reading and learning.


Because HSing fills the space right now, the only other thing I can think of at the moment is this. I feel like I could suck down book after book, detail after detail these days. I'm barely interested in fiction anymore--I just want to learn learn learn. Unfortunately, I don't get to feed this need much lately! But I keep trying :D


I also really really want to learn French and get myself (all of us, really, but especially myself) back to France. I was only there once for a very short visit, but it was as amazing as I thought it would be, and I really want to travel there more.

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Music. I play multiple instruments and have a deep *need* for music. I would count my iPod as my most valuable possession. The most difficult part of me having young children is that I can't play an instrument without kids all over me!


Reading and learning in general. I love, love, love books. I dream of the day when I can read from morning 'till night...


Nutrition. I grew up in the 90's when my parents thought that Spaghettio's were a good source of nutrition and fruit roll-ups were a good source of fruit. Now with my own children, I'm trying to undo my own bad habits and really delve more deeply into healthy eating, cooking, and whole foods. Each year I get better and better, and I'm always excited when I finally start to LIKE a new fruit or vegetable after forcing myself to gag it down for so long.


Childbirth. I've had two hospital births. The last one went so fast that we barely made it to the hospital on time. DS was born completely unassisted with a nurse standing by not knowing what to do. Now I can't stop reading about homebirth. If/when we have another, I really hope to go through with a homebirth. I still have many fears, but I'm hoping that if the time comes to make that decision that I'll be manned with the education I need to make a confident choice.

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Mate and I lived in a tipi for a year, pre kids..

I miss it . most sacred home I've ever had... been years.

I have half a set of poles done for a new lodge. this is a good reminder to collect and peel the remainder.

I also love and miss braintanning buckskin


playing fiddle and guitar with family and friends. not doing either of those actively right now either. did I mention this was a good post?


yoga, Earth-centered religions,



Christine, a

Baptist, Bhuddist, Witch in Alabama

offical label might be: Christo-Centric Pagan with Bhuddist overtones.. ( sounds like a wine label doesn't it :-)



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