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How do you feel about traveling outside your country?

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You could easily arrange for a WTM tour of the US through this board. I'm confident that there are many of us who would be thrilled to host you and your children.


Now wouldn't that be fun??




Oh, that would be fun!

I must admit I love Asia best because of its cultural contrast, but the nature in the U.S. is awesome, just like in Australia (except different, of course). I have seen the Grand Canyon...amazing.

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As for the danger....we seriously considered that before we went to Bali. I guess you know about the bombings there. The Australian govt has a level 5 alert about going to Indonesia, including Bali. So, it wasnt something we just did lightly.


But, we are so glad we did it. It is a cheap holiday from where we live, for an o'seas trip. The Balinese people are wonderful, and they were so badly hurt by the bombings- economically, which for them means survival.

I feel its important people keep doing what they do, travel, everything, otherwise the terrorists win, fear wins. Of course, every situation needs weighing, but I don't want to be too afraid to travel, when the risks are actually pretty low.


Travel expands you, it takes you beyond your world and somehow stretches you, and I think that can only make you better. We are very lucky that we can. Most of the world- by far most- cannot ever leave their own country.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest kwiley

I am new to this. Did not realize was an old thread, and did not know that it was not OK to post on old info. I really was just trying to encourage people to travel if given the opportunity. Sorry if I upset anyone.:001_huh:

Edited by kwiley
old thread.
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OK, I am going to get on my soapbox here just for a minute. I live have lived in Bahrain for the past 17 months and have had incredible opportunities to travel with my 9 year old (just turned 10) son. I too, was nervous at first. The media tends to make us feel as Americans that we are hated everywhere. While it is true that there are people who do not like Americans, most of them welcome us (and our money of course). It is such a learning opportunity to travel.


God has REALLY blessed us. My son and I have even traveled without my husband to Israel, Jordan, Istanbul, Dubai, and London with absolutely no problems! (I went with other girlfriends and their children).


BTW, travelling is a new thing for me. I did not even have a passport until 2 years ago :001_smile:. If you have the opportunity to travel abroad, don't let fear stop you. Enjoy God's world, and use your travelling as an experience to spread the Good News.

Um, FYI this is a VERY old thread.

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We love to travel! We lived in Italy for three years and didn't get to see nearly enough (although we did see a lot; Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, England, Turkey, Greece, Slovenia, and Croatia). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that DH will get orders back when the time comes (it will require us to stay on sea duty for about 6-8 months longer than planned, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, lol).


When we left Italy, we had the option of flying straight to WA, but we decided to make the drive across country (after visiting family on the East Coast first). We took our time and really enjoyed the good ole USA. The kids loved it and learned a lot about America after living in Europe for 3 years. It was a fun drive with lots of compare/contrast conversations (my daughter was not even 2 when we left the US, so Italy was all she knew; fast food restaurants and toilets with handles amazed her, lol).


I have also been to Puerto Rico, Mexico (on a cruise), Canada, Guam, and Thailand. Out of those, the kids have only done Canada, but they were too little to remember. We do have plans to travel to Canada sometime soon though, as we don't live very far from there.


Right now our travelling is mostly on hold as we get our finances under order. Hopefully, we'll be sitting better this time next year and can start taking the kids places again.

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I love traveling inside or outside the country. My husband and I are looking forward to doing just that after the kids leave home. We don't do a lot of international traveling right now because of money and my 14yo son has severe food allergies.


I have to admit that it is exhausting, though. Being a tourist is hard on the body.

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I used to dream of going on a tropical vacation but no more. My husband has been all over and he says every big destination city is the same (boring).


With the price of gas and the environmental implications of air travel, it's just not for me.

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Havent read other responses.


I LOVE to travel. Well not the actual act of (flying and such) but I have been to so many beautiful places I can't imagine missing out on! When I was a junior in high school I lived in Australia. My husband is British so I have been to England, Scotland, Wales, and France as well. And of course being in Texas we have been to Mexico. I can not wait until the kids are old enough to appriciate traveling. We plan on going all through Europe. I would also love to take them to Australia though with prices the way they are that might have to wait for a while.

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You know, I hear so much about how Americans are hated, I'd be nervous to travel anywhere.


Come to Australia. The worst we'll do is tease you about your accent and call you a b***** Yank. :tongue_smilie:


The only overseas travel I have managed was three weeks visiting rellies in Poland. I was surprised it didn't really feel foreign. I bet it would have felt more so if I hadn't had them to teach me to use the train and to book the hotel when dd and I went on a solo jaunt :) 20 words in Polish got me a long way :) (To anyone traveling with a kid in a pram, learn the word for elevator :lol:)




Edit: Ha! An old thread! I only just noticed!

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We want our children to appreciate being a citizen of the world, not just of Texas (or USA).



You know, I hear so much about how Americans are hated, I'd be nervous to travel anywhere.

I would love to see Italy, the UK and the holy land.

Not necessarily always true about how Americans are hated. If Americans are nice and go to places with an open mind (not like the recent thread about the HP/cottage accommodation where the American family stormed out). they're treated like everyone else.

We're going to the U.K. and the Holy Land very soon. :D


One of my dreams for my children was to take them overseas, because I was taken overseas 3 times as a kid.

I love to travel, and I love to come home again, too. I am a homebody, but I doubt I have finished travelling at all. I feel very lucky.

That's how I feel. Dh and I both feel the same way. We love to travel. We need to travel, since we live on a tiny island and often need to travel just to shop. Both dh and I traveled much, much more when we were kids. Dh and his family drove from Iran through Europe and back, as well as from Iran to India and back as a kid. Me, I lived in so many places and we traveled a few times every year. Yet, dh and I also love returning home and are homebodies. We feel blessed.

Peela, how was your dh and dd's trip to Paris? :)


Sorry, I just realized that this is a very old thread ... :leaving:

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Haven't read everything but had to comment.


I love Disney, I love Texas, I love the USA. But as I sit here in my living room in Izmir, Turkey, I have to say I love traveling too. We are peripatetic and proud of it! DD seems to like the adventure too - she's grown up traveling as her first plane ride was at 3 months and her first overseas trip was at 4 months. We haven't stopped!


PS: My family thinks we're insane.

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I love to travel whether it's overseas, or a weekend away.

I was taken to England, Scotland, Iceland and also the U.S. when I was 7, New Zealand when I was 11, and Vancouver and the west coast of the U.S. when I was 13. We also travelled around the state frequently for holidays all my childhood.


When I was 21 I went to India for 3 months, and again when I was 36 and 37, each time for 3 weeks, leaving the kids with their dad. I have been to Bali 4 times. I look forward to more travel as the kids grow up and we are freer to do so, but I also just love going away for the weekend. I am a homebody but I love to adventure too.

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I despise road trips and I don't fly. When I actually arrive at the destination, I'm good...I have a fun time. But for the time leading up to the road trip, I am continually dreading it. I dread the kids not having enough to occupy them, I dread the actual riding/driving. I get car sick so I cannot read, watch TV, do puzzles, etc. I can't even sleep! So usually I just drive....and drive...and drive. And be completely bored.


Disney is 2.5 hours away from us, so I never dread that trip. It's over pretty quickly. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Disney. It's our favorite place to go.


I love getting away, but I really do love my bed, my own food, our home routine, the kids having their playroom, watching TV with hubby at night, etc. I'm always glad to be home.

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I would say that this is my "raison d'etre". I am American but grew up travelling all over the world with my expat parents. Only came back to the States when my English husband had to work here. Although I have been enjoying my time being re-acquainted with living here, I am completely restless and uneasy unless I have an overseas trip I am planning in the near future. And even though it is so expensive, I forgo furniture, expensive clothes, seriously tighten our budget in any feasible way just to be able to go away on an extremely budget conscious trip. I remember reading somewhere once that "travelling is the best education for children" and I couldn't agree more. My children have already lived in India, China and Norway and have also got the travel bug from us. I absolutely loathe the idea of Disney holidays. It's a huge vortex of commercialism and consumerism gone hoodwinking insane.


And as for only seeing your country first - America is too big for that. Your eyes will be illuminated so much faster by one overseas trip than by 25 years touring just this country. Just my humble opinion.


It is one of the main reasons I homeschool. Have books, have rucksack, will travel.....:)


And the best part of travelling? Coming back to your own home, digesting what you have just experienced and start planning for your next trip. ;)

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I love to travel, and I wish the dollar was stronger. I have travelled to many countries and to almost every state (we have driven across the country). We have close relatives abroad.


I love the bustling, messy streets of large cities, I love the quiet meandering roads of the country, I love car roadtrips, I love hotels, I love the ocean, I love the desert, I love outdoor markets wherever I happen to find them. I love WDW and DL. I love talking to people in lines. ;) I am ready to rock whenever/wherever we can afford to rock. I have never been anywhere I haven't been able to experience somthing good. 9Some trips are beter than others, of course, but I have no travel regrets. Sometimes bad trips/hotels/countries/towns make for really great stories! I can't hate any of that!


I wish the US dollar was stronger. :001_smile: Did I already say that? ;)



Have valium, will fly. :auto:


I also love to be home. I love my animals, I love my garden, I love listening to my kids play their instruments, I love piddling around my kitchen cooking and canning tomatoes. I love playing scrabble with dh on the proch in summer.

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With all the interesting threads today, the one that sparked me the most was the thread about not liking Disney World. I'm a huge Disney fan and love, love, love going to the parks.


What I do not have any interest in whatsoever is traveling outside my country. Actually, I don't even care to travel outside my state! We live in Georgia and travel to Wisconsin to visit my inlaws. We go to Florida for Disney. I have no desire to travel anywhere else. I'm usually heavily teased and criticised for having such a narrow mind. I don't consider myself a narrow minded person. I just don't care for traveling. I love *my* bed. I love a predictable array of foods. I love to curl up on my sofa to read a book, watch tv or be on my laptop.


My DH took me on a cruise where we visited St. Maarten, St. Barts, Saba, and some other islands that I can't remember. It was one of the LONGEST weeks of my life! All I wanted to do was stay in my cabin!


Last comment... I would take a Disney cruise if money were no object. But that's because it's Disney and I can't imagine ever being bored in a Disney environment. :)


Well I've spent the last 6+ years living out of the USA. I miss home sometimes, but really enjoy the adventures this military life has given our family. We lived in Korea for 2 years and were thinking of taking our youngest back because he doesn't remember it. Weve traveled to France, Italy, Spain, Austria with the several places on tap for the summer and were making our list for fall travel now as well. I love traveling and seeing how others live and have had the best experience of my life.


As for Disney...my parents took us every summer as kids. We had a summer house an hour out of Orlando. Two weeks in Florida was always so much fun for us.


Traveling in the US--Hawaii, lived in California, Texas, Maryland, North Carolina and grew up in Virginia. Our country has so much wonderful stuff to offer and seeing it really opens your eyes.


My kids all love to travel...we have a daughter who lives and works in Kuwait, another married to a military soldier in TX. I guess we all have the travel bug.


Well...now that I've talked(wrote) your ears off...better get busy prepping dinner. :D

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I like traveling, but I've only traveled within the US. I don't see that changing anytime soon.


It's much more expensive to travel overseas, we have a small child and one more coming, we prefer to spend what(little) travel money we do have in our own country, and my DH doesn't care for long flights.

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Wow, old thread!


We plan to see most of Canada as a part of moving. BC to ON.


Neither of us is particularily keen to travel Stateside. Just nothing is a 'gotta' for us. Not Disney fans.


We'd love to take the kids to the Carribean, Europe, Aus. If we were to win the lotto, we'd get passports, then board the next plane wherever :lol:

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This is a timely thread for us. My husband came home last week and said there is a possibility he could be sent to Paris, France for a year for work. I am literally drooling at the possibility and am going to be heartbroken if it doesn't come to fruition.


I'm also of the thought our children our world citizens and some of the best homeschooling can be done on the road. We took a 3 week road trip last winter out west, took 2 weeks to go to DC the year before, have been trying to hit the National Parks with the kids (I think they have about 15 jr. ranger badges). We travel as much as time allows us. We have not taken our kids overseas however. And now they really are at an age where it seems feasible to do it.


I've been all over Europe and to several locations in Asia. I had a wonderful experience in Asia - people were very friendly. I find people are less friendly in big cities. I think this is definitely true in the states as well.


Anyway - I've spent way too much time googling for kid's activities and expat resources in Paris the past week. Hopefully this opportunity will work out. My husband is traveling to France in 2 weeks and may come home and nix the entire idea. We'd be in an area served by the Metro and would not have a car. We'd likely be living in a shoebox as well. :D

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Oh - we are going to Colorado in 3 weeks and are going to family wedding in Florida in the October, which will get us to Disney. Not a big Disney fan here, but the kids have not been (my son at age 3 only), so they'll love it.

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I love to travel, and wished we could do more of it. Flying is expensive though and most of our travel dollars go to visiting my family for the holidays or to Canada to visit DH's grandma.


DH's boss travels to Vancouver and London for business and soon DH will need to take over those responsibilities. I can't wait.



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Very old thread.


That being said I love to travel out of the country and in the country and I adore Disney World too. Actually one of my goals is to visit all 5 Disney parks. So far I only have made it to Disney World and Disneyland. My sister went to Disneyland Hong Kong and I am jealous of her. I really want to go to Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong and Tokoyo.


I love traveling anywhere though. I did a month as a foreign exchange student in France in high school which was great, and I did a year long program in Israel which was amazing as well. I have also been to India twice to visit DH's relatives and will likely go back in 2014 again. Plus a bunch of other countries for shorter periods of time. There are just so many places I would love to visit.


Actually one reason we are homeschooling though a very minor one, is so that if we ever have the money we can do a cruise around the world, and show the small ones lots of different countries, at least small glimpses of them.

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I absolutely loathe the idea of Disney holidays. It's a huge vortex of commercialism and consumerism gone hoodwinking insane.

Love all this and couldn't agree more.

I need to hang around you and your family more. :grouphug:

We have done Disney and I can't imagine wanting to do that again.


And as for only seeing your country first - America is too big for that. Your eyes will be illuminated so much faster by one overseas trip than by 25 years touring just this country. Just my humble opinion.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


And the best part of travelling? Coming back to your own home, digesting what you have just experienced and start planning for your next trip. ;)

Yep! :D

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I hate/love traveling. I spent 2 years in Brazil (back when I was single) teaching at a missionary school and we did a lot of traveling in the country. It was great, but that was because the people we went with were experienced. We were in Rio once and got targeted and chased by thieves, but fortunately, because we were with my friends who had been in Rio many times, we got away (the robbers thought we were headed toward the large resort down the block, so they went around the block and tried to cut us off, fortunately, we were staying in the dive only half way down the block, so we missed out on getting robbed). I think I would be too scared to do much traveling in a foreign country if it were just my husband and me, since we don't know much about anything.:001_smile:

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Negin in Grenada - so nice to actually connect with someone! Especially as I often feel isolated and alienated with my views IRL. Thanks for the hug.

:grouphug: Thank you for your very kind words. :)

Yes, I can also relate to the IRL feeling of feeling alienated. ;)

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I have a love hate relationship with travel. I am so scared of flying, but I refuse to let my fear get in the way of me seeing the world.


Timely resurrection of an old thread. We are leaving for the UK on Monday. We have an international family, I am American and my husband is British. We go over there every other year. We try to go and see something new each time we are over there. I have walked on hadrian's wall, seen stonehenge, kayaked down the dordogne in France, seen the french and Spanish basque villages etc...


Now I just need to get to Asia and Africa.

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I love that we have had the opportunity to travel to a variety of countries (and to live on three continents). I really believe it has led me to be more accepting of different cultures, and more able to see things through other eyes. We eat very differently now to how we did before we travelled - we seem to bring at least one meal into our regular menu from each place we visit. I have no interest in Disney, and would prefer to spend my money on more .... real? .... experiences for the children.


That said, I'm quite a homebody - change is not comfortable or easy for me. Travel challenges me.


I think I would be too scared to do much traveling in a foreign country if it were just my husband and me, since we don't know much about anything.:001_smile:


That's why I believe in travel, I think. I think being out of ones comfort zone is empowering, even if, at times, it feels terrifying. I think, for the most part, if you know how to smile and say "please" and "thank you", even if it's all sign language, you know enough for any country. :001_smile:

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Well I've spent the last 6+ years living out of the USA. I miss home sometimes, but really enjoy the adventures this military life has given our family. We lived in Korea for 2 years and were thinking of taking our youngest back because he doesn't remember it. Weve traveled to France, Italy, Spain, Austria with the several places on tap for the summer and were making our list for fall travel now as well. I love traveling and seeing how others live and have had the best experience of my life.


:iagree:We've been in Asia for the past five years. Korea has been a favorite for us and we're looking forward to moving back to Italy someday so DS can "remember it." (he was born there, but we moved when he was just three months old.)


I LOVE to travel and when I was dating my husband and asked how I'd feel about moving away/going over seas, I thought it was too good to be true. We travel at every chance we can get. I'm looking forward to another trip back to Korea, a stop in China and I'd love to go back to Cambodia before we move again.


Road trips are the best! We did over 8000 miles this past summer.:D It was fantastic and the boys loved it.


Disney, we're freaks. Been to all five castles. We're kind of bummed since we'll probably be out of Asia before they open the park in Shanghai. We've only done Florida once and it was the worst Disney experience/vacation ever, but figure a decade is long enough for them to change and the boys need to see it. Someday, we'll get back.

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We love to travel and two of our ds's have serious sights on the same top tier college. This college is difficult to get into and one of the things they "like to see" on aps is travel experience, though of course, there are lots of other things as well.


Dh and I working our fannies off to get of debt in the next two-three years, so we can do some traveling with the boys while they are in high school. Our current plan is to attempt two trips off continent. The first will be 10 days in Europe, 4 in Germany, 4 in Denmark, and 2 in Normandy...we won't make it to Paris. The second trip is a humanitarian aid trip to Papua New Guinea where a friend is working to build a medical clinic in a remote area. It won't be completed by then, but the rough construction will be done. DH and boys will be helping with wiring and setting up the generators. I'll be a visiting teacher in an international school.


Aside from that, we've taken the kids to Chicago, Washington D.C., Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Mackinaw (here in Michigan), Orlando, Tampa, and Louisville to name a few. The southern cities coincided with trips to see relatives but we always hit museums or historical sites on these trips. The Freshwater Aquarium in Chattanooga is lovely!



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I have a love hate relationship with travel. I am so scared of flying, but I refuse to let my fear get in the way of me seeing the world.

Timely resurrection of an old thread. We are leaving for the UK on Monday. We have an international family, I am American and my husband is British. We go over there every other year. We try to go and see something new each time we are over there.

Now I just need to get to Asia and Africa.

I also have a love-hate relationship with it. I'm not scared of flying. I get horrible motion sickness and just feel icky and want to be on land. Have a great time in the U.K :D. We'll be there this summer. Yes, I would love to see more of Asia ... not very sure about Africa these days ... but Asia for sure. And South America ... too many places, too little time and $$$.


I really believe it has led me to be more accepting of different cultures, and more able to see things through other eyes.

That said, I'm quite a homebody - change is not comfortable or easy for me. Travel challenges me.

That's why I believe in travel, I think. I think being out of ones comfort zone is empowering, even if, at times, it feels terrifying. I think, for the most part, if you know how to smile and say "please" and "thank you", even if it's all sign language, you know enough for any country. :001_smile:

Brilliant post. I couldn't agree more. :D

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I have traveled to 5 continents of the world and grew up in Africa. 90% of my traveling outside of the country was before I got married. Since getting married (almost 16 years ago), I have only gone to Asia twice.


I would go all over the place now if we could afford it, but we can't. DH still goes at least once a year overseas for work.


I love to travel and would not hesitate to take my kids overseas at all.


I love Disney too! :001_smile:

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I love traveling to other countries!! It's such an eye opening experience to see how other people live. I've been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to be in several different countries (for a short period) and I had a wonderful time. I would go again any opportunity I had in a heartbeat!


And just a little 411, if ya'll ever find yourselves in Europe, the bathroom is called a WC (water closet). The bath room is literally just a room with a bath in it. I had to do the pee pee dance for 10 minutes in Holland waiting for a dude to get out of the "bath room" all the while thinking that the guy must be making it nuclear in there.


When he finally got out, I rushed in only to discover it was all steamy from the guy's shower and there wasn't a toilet in sight. I had to run back downstairs to ask the owner of the hotel where the toilet was and he was like, "oh the WC, it's over there." Yeah, live and learn! :p lol

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And just a little 411, if ya'll ever find yourselves in Europe, the bathroom is called a WC (water closet). The bath room is literally just a room with a bath in it. I had to do the pee pee dance for 10 minutes in Holland waiting for a dude to get out of the "bath room" all the while thinking that the guy must be making it nuclear in there.


When he finally got out, I rushed in only to discover it was all steamy from the guy's shower and there wasn't a toilet in sight. I had to run back downstairs to ask the owner of the hotel where the toilet was and he was like, "oh the WC, it's over there." Yeah, live and learn! :p lol


I heard a lady speak once about her first trip to the US. She really had to go once she got off the plane and couldn't find the toilets. She was VERY impressed that our airports provided so many "Rest Rooms" for tired travelers though! ;) Eventually she asked...

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