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I am so embarrassed, can't believe this happened...

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I've always been a fan of Buffy and I've been DVR'ing all the shows currently playing in repeats. I did see them all when they were new but that was quite a few years ago.


It's only showing on one channel in my area and I think many here would be absolutely shocked at some of the commercials shown on this particular channel. ;)

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I thought you were going to confess some equestrian goof - like putting the saddle on backwards.


Buffy! Bah!!



It would be easier to admit than this goofy obsession. I did ride the other day in shorts, and ruined my legs above the boots, still paying for that idiocy. Is that better?

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I am hooked on Buffy. She and Spike are my new favorite couple. There are no words.





Btw, I think Angel sucks. No pun intended. What a sissy.


I am in complete agreement. The Buffy series and Angel spinoff are both on the Netflix instant queue so I have been rewatching. I got hooked when my oldest dd was an infant and it used to be on F/X channel early mornings. I would watch and nurse. I love Spike. One of my all time favorite characters.


BTW- I did not like Angel in the Buffy series but liked him much better in the Angel spinoff. He is a better character away from Buffy.

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I am hooked on Buffy. She and Spike are my new favorite couple. There are no words.





Btw, I think Angel sucks. No pun intended. What a sissy.


Don't feel bad. I was hooked on The Osbournes for all 4 seasons...


And I watched every episode of the forst season of Rock of Love...:lol:


Sometimes it is just plain old fun to watch something so stupid it intrigues and relaxes you.

Enjoy Buffy! My oldest dd just discovered that series and loves it too. (She is 24 and can watch whatever she wants...



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Well, I am in shock! I'm shocked because I am just now watching Buffy on Netflix through my Wii for the first time ever! I seriously assumed I was the only adult in the world watching AND enjoying Buffy the Vampire Slayer. :lol: When our almost 4 year old was a newborn I watched Charmed and Angel all the way through due to sunrise nursing sessions. Previous to that I would have called you nuts if you had suggested I would have liked any of it. Also, that means I liked Angel before Buffy.


By the way, I'm on season 2 of Buffy in the show of Buffy's birthday when Spike and Drucilla are trying to rebuild some super, unkillable bad guy. Ugh! It sounds so stupid and embarrassing to write that. :)

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Buffy. Pfffft. Firefly is so much better than Buffy.




Allow me to share with you the correct Joss Whedon hierarchy:


Firefly > Dr. Horrible = Dollhouse > Buffy > Angel


You're welcome.


We also have Firefly and Serenity on Netflix waiting as well. Glad to hear a positive review. :) Thanks!

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We also have Firefly and Serenity on Netflix waiting as well. Glad to hear a positive review. :) Thanks!


Love Firefly and Serenity. In fact, we bought Serenity we liked it so much.


We don't get t.v. reception or cable. I had no idea when I watched Firefly that is was 1) several years old already and 2) canceled. I was looking forward to renting Season 2.


I did watch Buffy back when it was first on t.v. I had an injury and was channel surfing. I got hooked. I don't think I've ever admitted that before.

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Btw, I think Angel sucks. No pun intended. What a sissy.




BTW- I did not like Angel in the Buffy series but liked him much better in the Angel spinoff. He is a better character away from Buffy.


I was going to say the same thing.



I ended up loving 'Angel' even more than 'Buffy'....and I loves me some 'Buffy'!


And I was going to say this too. Buffy helped me get through an ugly breakup with my now-DH when I was 22. He's lucky Angel wasn't around at that point, or we might not have gotten back together :lol: I'd have been out on the streets of NYC all night long looking for steamy vampires! I have both series in my Netflix queue too, as well as Serenity and Firefly (which I only learned about here, so I know nothing about them yet, but I love that guy...the lead guy...what's that guy's name? I've liked him since I saw him on Two Guys and a Girl).

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Firefly > Dr. Horrible = Dollhouse > Buffy > Angel


What is Dr. Horrible? I googled it and I still don't understand.


I loved Firefly (saw them all), Dollhouse (saw them all), and Buffy (still sitting in the 5th season). I have Angel, but we haven't started it yet. We were planning on finishing Buffy first. We're in the 5th season.


My favorite Buffy episode so far has to be Hush. We were moving along in Buffy (my oldest and I) at a pretty fair clip, watching 5-6 episodes each week. Then my dh decided that he wanted to watch it with us (and didn't want us to watch without him). He started off being willing to watch 2-3 episodes/week, but then he dropped down to 2-3 episodes/month and then no more than 1 episode/month. We haven't watched any since before Christmas. I'm ready to start up again without him.

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Okay, to really embarass myself I have to admit that one of my favorite Buffy episodes is the musical one. :blush: I was going through an extremely rough patch at that time (divorce, car accident, lumpectomy/biopsy) and one quote from Spike really spoke to me at that time:


"Life's not a song, Life isn't bliss, Life is just this....It's Living."


It was recently DVR'd and it's the one episode I didn't delete right away.


Hush is another great episode and one that received a lot of critic recognition since it was so unique.




My other favorite is when Willow goes all evil witch and almost ends the world and Xander (who was feeling pretty useless) saves everyone.

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Didn't care for Buffy when it was first out on TV when I was a teen/young adult.


Fell in love with Joss Whedon after Firefly and Dr. Horrible, so I bought Season 1 of Buffy to give it a whirl. And....


I'm totally hooked! Loving it!


Trying to decide if I should sign up to Netflix for the rest, or just buy the set. We already own the angel set (but haven't watched it yet). :D

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We are Joss Groupies and I really like Spike. We were watching it when it was still in production. We have been through the series at least five times now and we know the musical episode word for word. WE have watched all of his other shows as well and we love them all but no one compares to Spike. Giles is pretty cool too and I love the transformation in Wesley when he moves on to Angel. I actualy cried when he died.

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Okay, to really embarass myself I have to admit that one of my favorite Buffy episodes is the musical one. :blush: I was going through an extremely rough patch at that time (divorce, car accident, lumpectomy/biopsy) and one quote from Spike really spoke to me at that time:


"Life's not a song, Life isn't bliss, Life is just this....It's Living."




We really liked the musical one as well. Although, it's been years since we've watched Buffy, back in the day we always laughed that we broke the demographic mold.


And we loved the Angel series also, but Buffy was better. Now yall are making me want to watch it again. :D

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We're Whedon fans here too. Dh, oldest ds and I have watched all of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, and Dr. Horrible. The youngers have watched a few select episodes, namely the Musical. We even have the soundtrack.


My sis lent us season 1 Buffy and started the whole thing. We tried watching libary DvDs but it was hard timing it right so that we could watch over the weekend and not be overdue. Dh can only watch on the weekend because of work. Then we joined Netflix, much more flexible. Now we own all except Dollhouse season 2 and are still hooked on Netflix.

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I own every season of BTVS and we are rewatching Angel on Netflix.

LOVE LOVE LOVE all things Whedon. With the exception of Dollhouse, belch, sorry Joss.

My sister and I pretty much speak in quotes from his shows.

Don't miss the brilliant Firefly either. I think it might have been his best work if it hadn't been canceled by the stupidity of the FOX network.

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Okay, to really embarass myself I have to admit that one of my favorite Buffy episodes is the musical one. :blush: I


"Life's not a song, Life isn't bliss, Life is just this....It's Living."


It was recently DVR'd and it's the one episode I didn't delete right away.


Hush is another great episode and one that received a lot of critic recognition since it was so unique.




My other favorite is when Willow goes all evil witch and almost ends the world and Xander (who was feeling pretty useless) saves everyone.



I agree with all of these. I probably watch the musical one once a week. I own all of the seasons, except the last one! There are so many wonderful memories wrapped up in so many of the episodes! In fact, I haven't found another show since that I loved as much.


I do prefer Angel, though. Spike did something to Buffy that I have a very hard time getting over. I didn't like Angel's show, though, after the second season.

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I did watch Buffy back when it was first on t.v. I had an injury and was channel surfing. I got hooked. I don't think I've ever admitted that before.



That's sort of how it happened for me, too. Austin was little and Riley was a baby. (And no, she wasn't named for the character on Buffy... she was born in the spring before that season came on TV LOL). Austin liked to watch Wheel of Fortune. So he would watch it and then my husband would put him to bed while I gave Riley her bottle. And Buffy would come on right after Wheel of Fortune and I could never reach the remote so it would be on. This was their senior year season, which remains one of my absolute favorites.


Soon I found that I was sitting down to feed the baby and making sure that Buffy was on. Then she was no longer needing that late evening bottle, and I was still watching Buffy. Then I was making sure I was home on Tuesdays at 8, which is when I knew I was hooked! ;)

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I think they messed up when they had Spike attack Buffy. Their "relationship" was already violent, with lots of punching and what have you before tea time. I half expected Buffy to acquiese (spelling????) after he punched her a few times. Or perhaps it was just plain ol messed up that they hit each other and then.....

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I think they messed up when they had Spike attack Buffy. Their "relationship" was already violent, with lots of punching and what have you before tea time. I half expected Buffy to acquiese (spelling????) after he punched her a few times. Or perhaps it was just plain ol messed up that they hit each other and then.....



Yes. This. I had a hard time watching that episode and it still sticks with me.

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Remudamom, welcome to the wonderful world of Joss Whedon. :D


Yes. This. I had a hard time watching that episode and it still sticks with me.


I remember reading an interview with James Marsters where he said that scene was very difficult for him to shoot; he hated it. Difficult for me to watch, too!

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Buffy moves into her college dorm and her roommate, who turns out to be a demon, puts up this life-sized Celine Dion poster as she's saying something like, "I just know we're going to be best friends," while Buffy looks at her like she'd sprouted horns.


Most of the show's plot lines require you to suspend believe, but I had no problems believing a CD fan was a demon. ;)


And the character with the green horns on Angel--can't remember his name now, but he was one of my favorites.



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Can I say that I love all of you? I have secretly loved Buffy, Angel, Firefly ( Nathan Fillion is amazing - try him in Castle) and Dr. Horrible. It is one of my deep, dark secrets only to be shared with my closest friends and here all of you are talking about IN PUBLIC!:lol:


Oh, the freedom of likemindedness. I don't care what curricula you use, if you agree with my poltics or my religion and it doesn't matter what kind of crock pot you use but if you like Joss Whedon shows, you are good people in my book.

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I will say this: I know I'm only in the second season of Buffy and I'm open to this changing but I like the Angel series better than Buffy. The characters are much deeper. I really cried during the series finale. I loved the characters even though it was such a silly show. ;) I'm still mad at what they did to Fred.

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I nearly fell over a few years ago when my mom admitted that she had "discovered" Buffy in syndication and was completely smitten with the Buffy/Spike thing. lol... I watched Buffy in college (and was even an extra in an episode or two!), but was so surprised when Mom fell for it. lol...


As everyone says though, Firefly is the ultimate Whedon.

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I will say this: I know I'm only in the second season of Buffy and I'm open to this changing but I like the Angel series better than Buffy. The characters are much deeper. I really cried during the series finale. I loved the characters even though it was such a silly show. ;) I'm still mad at what they did to Fred.


I think you're seeing this because by the time Angel spun off, the characters had deepened from being on Buffy so long. It usually takes a series a while to find its groove and really figure out who those people are. Stick with Buffy, it's great. The characters grow and develop over time.


I love all the Joss Whedon stuff too... I watched Buffy and Angel when they were on TV first-run. I don't have cable, so I got Firefly out of the library - so sad they cancelled it so soon!! I have yet to watch Serenity, and I've only watched the first two installments of Dr. Horrible... I should get on that, huh? :tongue_smilie:


Am I the only one that thinks that what Whedon did with the musical Buffy episode and Dr. Horrible helped embolden the networks to come out with something like Glee?

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I watched Buffy and Angel as first run episodes, which may be why I don't see Angel as being more complex. Buffy was at that point as well when Angel started IMO. I love the little bits of humor and irony thrown in to Buffy. Somehow Whedon was able to relate the things they went through to real life, even though they were dealing with demons and vampires. Anyone KWIM? I'm not sure I'm explaining that well.


I did also love Firefly for the short while it was on - kept hoping it would see new life on SciFi like so many others. I also liked (not loved) Dollhouse. I never even heard of Dr. Horrible, time to do some research.

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This is all just too ironic and funny. We borrowed the whole series from my sister recently and are working our way through them. We're on season 3 now. Dh and I watched it when it first aired back in the 90s, told my sister about it and got her hooked too. Now dd is hooked, from watching the mini-marathons on one of the cable channels. Thus the borrowing so she can see it from the beginning.


My sister also has all of Angel and we're thinking about working through them concurrently after we finish this season (Buffy season 4/Angel season 1, etc) like they originally aired. There were some cross-overs in the later seasons, both ways.

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I think they messed up when they had Spike attack Buffy. Their "relationship" was already violent, with lots of punching and what have you before tea time. I half expected Buffy to acquiese (spelling????) after he punched her a few times. Or perhaps it was just plain ol messed up that they hit each other and then.....


I was always troubled by this episode. Based upon their relationship up until that point, it was not clear that she really meant no this time until it was already too late. Spike had no reason to believe that this time was any different that all of the previous times. Of course, this was the turning point that lead him to redeem himself but it was still disturbing.

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Buffy. Pfffft. Firefly is so much better than Buffy.




Allow me to share with you the correct Joss Whedon hierarchy:


Firefly > Dr. Horrible = Dollhouse > Buffy > Angel


You're welcome.


Oh, I would have to disagree. For me it would be Buffy > Angel > Dollhouse > Firefly > Dr. Horrible.


I actually watched a few episodes of Angel first but it didn't have as much impact without the backstory. So we watched Buffy and then Angel. Then about the third time through we synced them up.


I liked Angel better in Angel than in Buffy but I just didn't think his character had as much depth as Spike. One thing I did have a hard time with was when Joss used the same actors as different characters in different series. I had a really hard time warming up to Nathan Fillion because I first saw him as Caleb. Joss has said that he made major changes in some characters to show off their acting range and abilities. Both Fred and Wesley's character changes were done for that reason and Dollhouse was created specifically to show Eliza's range.


Oh, and did anyone know that Sawyer was in the first (I think) episode of Angel? He was one of the guys in the bar.

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I am hooked on Buffy. She and Spike are my new favorite couple. There are no words.





Btw, I think Angel sucks. No pun intended. What a sissy.



You're doomed to become a sick, twisted little puppy now. I adore Buffy. I was doomed, too. Now, I just sit back and enjoy the show. Love that Buffy!!! :lol:

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I was always troubled by this episode. Based upon their relationship up until that point, it was not clear that she really meant no this time until it was already too late. Spike had no reason to believe that this time was any different that all of the previous times. Of course, this was the turning point that lead him to redeem himself but it was still disturbing.


EXACTLY! They have Buffy behaving just like some man would describe a woman who was messing with him, or leading him on. Buffy tells Spike "no" when she meant "yes". Then who can believe her when she says no?? Fuel for rapists as far as I can tell.

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