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Poll: How many K-6 math programs have you owned? (please read criteria)


How many K-6 Math programs do you own? (please read criteria)  

  1. 1. How many K-6 Math programs do you own? (please read criteria)

    • 0 (I/we design our program)
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9 or more

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Edited to add: This is not about which programs we use; if you've purchased or otherwise obtained a program and never used it, it would still count. :)


For the purpose of this poll, "program" means something that can be used as a full program for at least one year, and that is not designed to a supplement. Times Tales and Primary Challenge Math wouldn't count, but Miquon, even if only used as supplement would. One level/year/half year counts, and you need to have actually used it. Having printed up a level of a free program like MEP, or using online licensed content such as EPGY counts as "owning." :001_smile:

Edited by nmoira
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We have, and have used:


Right Start

Singapore Primary Maths US Edition



Mathematics 6 (Russian Math)


We have, and have kinda used:

Singapore Early Bird Math (both old and new editions)

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I voted 5, but I have been homeschooling for a long time.

We've used:





Math Mammoth


I wasn't sure if "Key To.." counted as a supplement or full program, but I used that to supplement years ago. I've probably used over a dozen supplements.


The number is even higher for grades 7-12, and I've only had three kids go through those levels!

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I wasn't sure if "Key To.." counted as a supplement or full program, but I used that to supplement years ago. I've probably used over a dozen supplements.
From what I understand of the series, I'd think it would count.


The number is even higher for grades 7-12, and I've only had three kids go through those levels!
That's why I limited this to K-6. :)
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We have and have completed at least one year of the following: (And we haven't been homeschooling that long. :D)





Miquon (used as a supplement, though)


I really see us sticking with some combo of the above through elementary school, although MUS is in the back of my head for my dd if she really struggles with the above.

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I voted 5 but in all fairness I have three girls that use these. We have changed math a few times during our first year but I think that was more about finding out which style and method worked best for each kiddo. Here's hoping what they are each using now will continue to work.

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Shameless hussy that I am with history, language arts, and science, we have only used Saxon through 6th grade. Or put another way, we use Saxon through 8/7. For Algebra and above - all bets are off.:tongue_smilie:


I did supplement 8/7 with Problemoids and Mathability, but neither are full programs, so they don't count, right?

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I chose 9+, and my actual number is 13. I've homeschooled for 9.5 years and I can't think of many math programs we haven't tried. Sometimes, my kids flew through something and rather than move to the next level, we just changed up the programs. I rather liked utilizing lots of different programs, I figure it was less of a chance to have gaps. So far so good! My kids rock in math. :)

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I read your poll and thought "This is easy...1. Saxon." Then I thought about Fred, and the Key to series, and the Math Mammoth Blue Series that I bought 2 weeks ago.


So I had to vote 4, even though Saxon has been our main, consistent program since we began :tongue_smilie:.

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I voted 6, but actually should have voted 7. I forgot about using Math Mammoth for a while last summer.


So far we've used for at least half a year.



Teaching Textbooks (levels below 6th)

Math U See





Right now we're using MUS over the summer and I plan to use Horizons during the official year.

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We've used:


Saxon K

Rightstart A

Singapore Primary Math 1a-2a

MEP--I've used a couple of the levels

Math Mammoth 2a

Essential Math A and B (DS used this one)


My oldest is going into third, and she used the first five. :blush: We've used SM the longest and I just added MM for extra practice this summer. I'm hoping DS will use SM through level 6.

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I voted 9 or more, but I have been 16 years and I have already schooled over 16 years through all grades K-12. Through the years, I have had to use different programs for different kids. We have used:






Addison Wesley



Teaching Textbooks

Larsons/ Chalkdust

Life of Fred

MEP (several levels)

and we have used various suppleements through the years....



Edited by Mommyfaithe
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I have sitting on my shelf or in a box somewhere:


Right Start (3 levels)

MUS (1 level)

Ray's (2 books)

BJU (4 levels)

Saxon (refuse to count)

Horizon (2 levels)

Miquon (all of them)

Keys to .... (two sets of keys)

Fred (From fractions through advanced Alg minus the second pre-alg.)

MEP (more than one level)

MM - (at least two levels)

Singapore EB through 4 plus NEM and all of the CWP before they went OOP.


That is enough to top out your poll. :)

So I'll quit before I hurt myself. Please don't ask how many supplemental math things we have.



eta... oops I forgot that I have R&S 3 here somewhere too.

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My youngest has been difficult to fit.


I have owned and used:




Key to (it may be considered supplementary, but it is my youngest dd's entire math program right now)

Professor B


Moving with Math

CLE Math


MUS was a disaster for my oldest. Professor B, MathSteps, and CLE Math were very short-lived here. Moving with Math actually lasted about 8 months (all of level B).


The programs that were used for more than one level were:



Key to (supplemental for my oldest, full math program for my youngest)


My favorite math sequence is:

Miquon for K-3

Singapore 3A-6B for 3-6

Key to as needed


Miquon didn't work at all for my youngest. Singapore worked for her most of the time, but she'd hit a brick wall and we'd have to wander around in other programs for a while before returning to Singapore at her request. Key to is fabulous. My oldest used it supplementally. My middle didn't need it at all. My youngest is using Key to Fractions, Decimals, Percents, and Algebra for the last half of 6th and beginning of 7th grades. She hit a brick wall near the end of Singapore 5B and that's when I switched her to Key to. My plan is to have her do Lial's BCM when she finishes Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. I'll probably also have her do Kinetic Books Pre-algebra when she's finished with Lial's because I think she's going to need a 2nd year of pre-algebra. That could change though.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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I've used Singapore (Texts, workbooks, IP, CWP and PC games) with my kids since the very beginning. It is our spine. I have supplemented with Miquon and a smidge of R&S (I like some of their blacklines and I assigned some of their fraction lessons from level 5). I forgot about Life of Fred when I voted in the poll, but we use that, too. I don't know if I'd consider LoF Fractions, and Decimals & Percents complete though. I think more practice would be required for these two to be stand alone.

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I have bought myself and my dc have used:


Scott Foresman Exploring Mathematics 1 and 2

Miquon (one ds)

Singapore 2A, 2B, 3A



I have bought but not used:

Math Mammoth Light Blue Series

Other level of Scott Foresman




Given to me, in storage, but not used

Various levels of Saxon

Keys to....Series



Bought and sold:

Horizons K

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I voted 3, but it really should be 3 1/2 since I do own a bunch of the MM single-topic "blue" workbooks.


Right Start B & C

Singapore 3A & 3B

MEP Yr 3 (printed the whole dang thing out but haven't really used it much)


I do plan on getting the Life of Fred books but my oldest isn't there yet.

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Math Mammoth



We have RS games too, but I didn't count that.


We are settling down with Miquon as the front runner (:tongue_smilie:) along with Singapore CWP. I will probably pull from MEP this coming year when we need something "new," and learn some more of the RS games. Other than that, I'm going to follow my own siggie and keep it simple.;)

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I put 6 -- but I could be missing something. I know I've owned Singapore, Horizons, Saxon, Macmillan, Addison-Wesley, RightStart, Key To... Oh, wait, that's 7... ;) I bet there's more...


*But* we've *used* Horizons very consistently and it remains my favorite spine. We've used Singapore fairly consistently along the way. I used Saxon K and 1 and owned 3 with my oldest. Macmillan and Addison-Wesley were essentially inherited and never used. We used Key To supplementally toward the end of Horizons and Singapore Primary. I played around with RightStart a bit with my less mathy child, but never did the whole program.


So I'm saying we've *owned* a lot -- but our math program has been pretty consistent despite that. :)

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

Horizons (grades 1-4, dismal failure)

Saxon (6/5, an even more dismal failure)

MUS (Alpha - Algebra 1, finally success:D)

MOTL (love but my dd I'm working with is totally into workbooks :001_huh: so I just use for living math and additional approaches)

Math Mammoth (Blue, Green & Golden Series, which I use for my workbook loving dd and haven't used long but really like)

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Edited to add: This is not about which programs we use; if you've purchased or otherwise obtained a program and never used it, it would still count. :)


For the purpose of this poll, "program" means something that can be used as a full program for at least one year, and that is not designed to a supplement. Times Tales and Primary Challenge Math wouldn't count, but Miquon, even if only used as supplement would. One level/year/half year counts, and you need to have actually used it. Having printed up a level of a free program like MEP, or using online licensed content such as EPGY counts as "owning." :001_smile:


I'm afraid I might skew the poll in an unrealistic way. My answer is 6, but I have really only used 1 for the past 14 yrs.


When I first started homeschooling, I ordered full Seton K which came with MCP (gag!!) and I ended up ordering Abeka. I ordered Abeka and Miquon for 1st grade. I used strictly Abeka for 2nd (my kids love playing with cuisenaire rods, but I am not a Miquon lover even though I owned (probably still do somewhere) several levels.)


I switched to Horizons when he was in 3rd. I purchased the entire Singapore series when he was in 6th (the a and b books as well as challenging math problems (or something like that....it has been 10 yrs) We went through the 5th and 6th grade A&B books in just a couple of weeks w/o any problems.


I have never looked back from Horizons since. I did just download MM 3a&b, ratio/proportion/percentile worksheets, as well as reviewing 5B &6A. After spending a considerable amt of time with MM, I am still sticking with Horizons. My 6th grade dd (just finished 5th grade, but Horizons 6) finished all of the ratio worksheet book over the last couple of weeks. She really didn't have any problems at all.....careless mistakes in a few spots and not understanding exactly what the question was asking in a couple of places, but otherwise she had a solid understanding of all of that material.


So, while my answer seems like a high number, it is really just Horizons.


(And that doesn't include Saxon 54 which someone lent me (so I didn't own it) and very happily returned after looking through it during the summer.

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Oh wow-- Ok What we Use:


--Singapore for my rising 3rd grader

--Horizons for my rising 3rd grader

--Abeka for my rising 3rd grader (she whizzed through that, we will not do that again, to easy)

--BJU for my 6th grader

--LoF for my 6th grader


What I bought for my poor 5 year old:


--Horizons (going to use)

--MUS (going to use)

--Liberty (going to sell:crying:)

--Making Math Meaningful (going to sell:crying:)

--Miquon (I dont know what to do with this:confused:)


And I think I own every math manipulative ever made except an algebra scale


ETA: Saxon. I bought that the year before we started but decided against it


thats 11 (we have only been homeschooling 3 years, is that a problem???)

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I voted 6 but that includes 2 that I bought before I had any children and never used. (Saxon, which I sold, and an Original Ray's Arithmatic which I still own.)


IF I could figure out how to print MEP, it would be 7. But, I really have enough math so I didn't work too hard to make it work.

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I voted four.


Abeka - 1st -3rd

Singapore PM - 4th-5th

LOF - 5th & 6th

1972 Dolciani Pre-algebra - 6th


Maybe it should be five. I downloaded one level of MEP, did one page with ds and realized it wouldn't work for him, so we returned to Singapore.

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Oops. I said 3 but forgot I also had RightStart for a little while, so I should have said 4. This is only those that include K-6, so I didn't count Miquon or LOF which are on the edges. I also didn't count MEP since I didn't think we technically owned it even though we printed some of it out, nor did I count something free we had because I can't remember the name of it and we didn't really use it.


In order:




Singapore Math


The last 2 are the ones we've used for the most years.

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I voted 3. I have


RightStart (own levels A-C, used levels A & half of B)

Miquon (own all 6 books, used one and a half books)

The Verbal Math Lesson (own two books, used as a supplement)


I also have Singapore CWP as a supplement.


My oldest just finished 1st grade. I expect to use at least two more math programs before getting to 6th grade.

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Hmm. Let's see:


BJU (for K,1,2,3rd, part of 6th grade with my oldest)

Calvert for grades 1-4 ( belch)

K12 ( for K and 1st with my third daughter, for 4th and 6th with my older two.. belch)

Singapore 1 for my 2nd daughter,, she just didn't get it

Miquon for my 2nd daughter's K year ( I think she just liked playing with the rods. LOL)

CLE for last half of 5th grade for my oldest

Saxon ( I have used K, 1, 5/4, and 6/5 so far) this is what we are using so far.

Abeka 3 ( used for a short time so I'm not going to count it.)


Saxon seems to work best in my house. I did enjoy using BJU math with my oldest though. It fit her to a T. I liked CLE math but my oldest dug her heals in. Calvert and K12 , no go here. I liked Miquon but had a hard time using it as a main math program because it was so foreign to me.

I really wanted to use Singapore but my 2nd daughter just couldn't get it and it sent her into tears.


That's what we've used so far in the 8yrs of our homeschooling.

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