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At what age do you let your daughters wear makeup?

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Also, what do you let them wear.....a little lip gloss and mascara or anything they want? I ask because my niece just turned 13 and my sister is letting her wear makeup now. I think it's way too young, but my sister makes a point of saying that she's ONLY allowing her to wear mascara, lipstick and a little bit of blush. Now my dd, who's 8 months younger than her cousin, is asking if she will be allowed to wear makeup when she turns 13. I wasn't planning on letting my dd wear any makeup until she's AT LEAST 15 or 16. Am I being an old fuddy-duddy?

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At 13yo, I will take my girls to the local Ulta salon and have the people there help them find the shade of base and blush that goes with their skin tone and teach them how to apply it. My oldest jumped at the chance, wore her makeup maybe 4 or 5 times and then stopped. My middle dd didn't want anything to do with it. My youngest will probably go for it.


I don't wear makeup. I can't stand the feel of it on my skin. I can't stand the feel of sunscreen on my skin either (makes me feel like I'm suffocating), but I can deal with it better than makeup.


I had my dd get Bare Minerals makeup because it seemed like one that she would be less likely to react to (lots of skin allergies to detergents and soaps).


So at 13yo, I allow base, blush, and lip gloss (not lipstick -that's gross).


I don't know what age I'd allow more because it hasn't come up yet. Mascara/eyeliner would be a LONG way off. I'd allow eye shadow long before that stuff, 15yo maybe?

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I was allowed to wear lip gloss and a bit of blush in the winter when I was 12. In New England in the wintertime I look ghostly without blush. Blush in moderation doesn't make me look "made up", just healthy IYKWIM. Full makeup I had to be 15.


If it were up to me, I'd allow lip gloss, tinted sunscreen, and a bit of blush at 12 or 13. But DH feels pretty strongly about no makeup until 16.

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DD 1 didn't start wearing any until around age 14. She didn't want to. Now at 16, she does wear make-up at times. She usually wears make-up to debate tournaments, dinner out, concerts, etc. She sometimes wears it at other times. She looks fine and I don't see an issue. She know how to wear it properly and she just looks more put together.


DD13 started wearing foundation at around 11 or 12. SHe has a skin condition that turns her bright red and this just helps her look normal. She doesn't wear mascara yet. SHe does wear lipgloss or chapstick due to dryness.

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My 13yo dd is allowed to wear a skin or neutral color eye shadow and lip gloss. She will never need mascara because her lashes are so thick and long. When she is 15 or so I will let her wear more. She is very opinionated already about which make-up she likes, so I guess I will take her to the Mac counter. :001_smile:

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My dd9 has asked at what age she will be allowed to wear make-up. She likes to plan ahead. She will be allowed to wear nail-polish on her fingers at 10, and I said make-up at 16. However, she does wear lipgloss now and then.

But we will see as she grows if that changes, and is moved earlier. I was never taught to wear makeup, and was never told when I could wear makeup. I just started wearing it, and not so well.:tongue_smilie:

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DD is only 4.5, and would you believe this issue has already come up?


At her dance recital (and for pictures), many of the other girls in her class were wearing make up. And I mean MAKEUP, not just a little tinted chapstick or something. I even saw one mom putting mascara and eyeliner on her daughter!


I flat out refused to put makeup on my daughter. Luckily the dance school had said it was optional, but my mom pushed me to put makeup on her, and DD wanted to wear make up. No way. She's 4!


I imagine I'll be allowing her to wear makeup on the stage long before I allow her to wear it in everyday life. She has already asked about makeup for the dance recital next year.. :glare:


Makeup in everyday life... probably not until 14-15, maybe even later. No need to grow up even quicker!

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I think I was allowed to wear light makeup - lip gloss, maybe some eye shadow - at 13. I can't remember exactly. Because I have a MK business (well, more like a hobby to support my own habit :D) I will be able to help them with their makeup. I let them wear lip gloss and nail polish now.


The nice thing is that there are so many options for base. I would encourage mine to choose a powder foundation, especially with oily skin. It's nice sheer coverage, helps with oil control, and will even things out for them a bit.


Em has started to need Velocity cleanser and some toner on her face, so we're working on getting her to do good skin care. So far, she's balked even at wearing mascara for ballet recitals, so I haven't had to discuss when she will be allowed to wear makeup with her yet.


I think Abbie will be more into makeup. Since she and Emma are a year apart, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. It will be hard for me to make her wait a year while she watches Emma wear makeup, if Emma decides that she would like to do so at 13.


My older niece doesn't wear much makeup and we don't see her often enough to worry about it. My girls are the oldest on my side of the family so here's hoping I don't upset the apple cart for my sister, who has 3 little girls.


I am thankful that we don't have lots of close friends or cousins wearing makeup. Abbie tried to convince me for 2 years before she actually needed glasses that she did need them because her oldest cousin wears them. It would be something to hear her argue a case for makeup!

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When they ask, I address the issue. My 3rd dd will be 13 next month; so far, she hasn't ever mentioned make-up. My older two didn't ask about makeup until they were at least 15, maybe 16. I detest makeup - when I need it for some important event I usually have to go buy it because it's all dried out since the last time I used it. So, with my poor example, my girls haven't cared much until peer influence creeps in.

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Are there camps on this? Basically, I allowed my daughter to do as she pleased for the most part. I would tell her "no makeup" for some things or tell her what she could wear for others; but mostly, I let her do whatever. And all that started like at 9.


By 13 or 14, she barely wore any ever. I think she's worn make up twice in the last 3 years (she's almost 18).

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I started at about 13 as well but was never consistent. It was a pain to remember and take the time to put on.


My daughter is 12.5 and likes lip gloss but hasn't asked for anything else. When she does we shall see. I don't see a problem with mascara and lip gloss for her.


Full makeup when she is older. It just looks funny to see someone so young with all that make up on!

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My older niece doesn't wear much makeup and we don't see her often enough to worry about it. My girls are the oldest on my side of the family so here's hoping I don't upset the apple cart for my sister, who has 3 little girls.


I am thankful that we don't have lots of close friends or cousins wearing makeup. Abbie tried to convince me for 2 years before she actually needed glasses that she did need them because her oldest cousin wears them. It would be something to hear her argue a case for makeup!


See, this is the problem we are having. My niece got glasses, so my dd wanted glasses. She, however, doesn't need them. My niece got braces, so my dd was excited to get her braces. Now it's the makeup. My sister tends to be a bit more lenient with the kind of movies she lets her kids watch and such, so it can be a problem.

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I had a mom tell me that when her daughter expressed interest in makeup she would take them to one of the Mary Kay skin care things and then let her know that if she was diligent with taking care if her skin for 6 months then she could have a little bit of makeup. That showed if the child was truly interested or just following the crowd.

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Nail polish as soon as she asked for it - toddlerhood.

Lip gloss and scented lip balm became a stocking stuffer when we moved north - 4-5 years old.

Play make up entered the house about age 7.

The rest of it will have to wait. I don't have a set age in mind. IMHO there is no set age that allows automatic privileges.


At 10 she shows signs of wanting to wear it because every once in a while she puts on her play make-up. That does not get worn out of the house. She really has no clue yet about proper application. More often than not she looks clownish.

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Since she weaned, my DD has been able to decorate her body as she pleases. So nail polish, yes, body art markers/stamps/temporary tattoos, and glitter powder have also made appearances. Basically, little-girl stuff. I discourage anything that looks like "traditional" adult women's makeup. That can wait until she comes of age. I might allow lip gloss, and she can wear chapstick, but lipstick has thus far been limited to halloween. As a teen, once she comes of age she will get to style her makeup as she pleases, though I might talk with her about what message her appearance projects to the world (just as I do now, but on a more sophisticated level.)

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My 4 yo wears nail polish and toe nail polish now. She also has some chapstick that she just loves!!!


I'm going to take it as it comes. I have the feeling she's going to love it and ask for it early. I wouldn't have a problem allowing her to wear it for a dance recital or even at Halloween when she dresses like a princess.


I think 13 is completely appropriate for some appropriately-applied makeup.

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I never made makeup a big deal. At around 10 my daughter started using a bit of lip gloss. At 12 she uses some foundation/coverstick when she has break outs and then uses other light makeup for dress up occasions. I have showed her how to use it so that she looks natural and have never made an issue of it. Sometimes I think things escalate when they become too big of an emotional issue and then the child won't listen or cooperate when you do want/need to show them how handle it.

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I allowed older dd at Christmas after she turned 13. Just the other day, younger dd asked if she could start wearing make-up in another 11 days. When asked where she came up with that number, she said cause then she'd be the exact age as older dd when she started. :tongue_smilie:


But to answer your other question, before make-up, they are allowed to wear lip gloss. Any play make-up in the house, but only lip gloss out of the house. Then when they are allowed, only foundation and eye liner to start. (That's all I wear on a daily basis.) Then after a while, blush and eye shadow. Oldest dd still doesn't wear mascara. Oh, and lipstick back at the beginning.


They have heard since they were small that no one should look at you and say "you did a good job on your make-up today." People should look at you and say "You look really nice today, what's different?" Make-up should be subtle, not in your face.


Younger dd (middle child) is the one I'll have to watch. Her lip gloss has been obvious (to me) for years. She's the one that will go whole hog on the make-up.

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My soon to be 12yo dd can wear lip gloss and very light colored eye shadow. She wears glasses so you can barely see it. Most days she wears nothing. She can wear light colored polish on her fingernails and the darker colors on her toes.


She has asked when she will be allowed to wear more and I'm just not sure yet. I hate to get her started on foundation too young because I don't want her to feel like she can't go out of the house without it.

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It's popular around here to allow 11 yos to wear eyeliner. Yuck.


No makeup until at least 14 or 15. She's beautiful without it.

I should add I do allow lip balm (not gloss) now and finger/toe nail polish (but not dark, only pink or "natural").

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Eye shadow at 13, lipgloss around the same time or maybe 12.


I have told DD that she can't use eyeliner or mascara until she is 16. That is because those are actually dangerous if you're not careful.


She has fooled around with nail polish forever, but I didn't let her wear it seriously (like to church) until this year.

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Makeup at 14 when she's a high-schooler. And I reserve the right to tell her it's too much and to wipe it off and try again. ;) (and provide help if she's interested)

Exactly. Maybe 13 for mascara because as a strawberry blond my dd's beautiful long eyelashes are blond.

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If you're being an old fuddy-duddy, then I am right there with you.

Dds in our house can wear make-up when they turn 16. My oldest is 18; my next is 15, and the youngest dd is 12.


My oldest dd had one friend in particular with whom she'd stay overnight periodically. I don't think she was younger than 14 or 15 at this point. I know they played with make up when dd stayed over, but it was always washed off before going home.


My girls have all worn some lip gloss before 16, but I don't really look at that as "make up" I guess.





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My oldest starting wearing makeup to school when she was 12 or 13. Just a small amount - lip gloss, foundation/cover-up. More starting in high school. She's been wearing it for dance since she was 4 and by 12/13 already was able to put it on herself and have it look proper. She wears at least a little bit most days but usually you can't even tell unless you catch her at the right angle in sunlight.


I never wear makeup (maybe once or twice a year) so I expect younger dd will not show much interest unless she goes to school someday. She's more rough and tumble/tomboyish. DH will probably not want me to paint her nails anytime soon since if I do, ds will want it too. :D

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I don't even remember...11 or 12. I gave them powder, tinted lip gloss, and clear mascara. Kept them happy for a few years!


Just remembered, dd15b developed pretty bad acne at about 12. I purchased make-up from ProActive for her that she wore on a daily basis. It really seemed to help control her breakouts. So, she was in full make-up at that point.

Edited by Lolly
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At 14 yo, they can wear the whole lot. My 14 yo has no interest whatsoever, and she has never worn even lipgloss. I am going to take her soon to buy some anyway, so that it will be here if she decides she wants it. I bought her ligloss at 12, but she never wore it. My now-12-yo won't wear it either. :001_smile:


We are pretty conservative about most things, but I think we may be more lax about makeup than some. I don't let dds wear spaghetti strap/ tank tops or shorts above the knee, but makeup is fine with me.

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I started using makeup in 7th grade because that's when my school allowed it. I would have been horrified and mortified had my parents made me wait till 15 or 16!


I don't have a specific age in mind for my girls. It depends on puberty, what their skin is like once the hormones kick in, etc. Maybe, being homeschooled, they won't feel the pressure to start using it as early as I did.

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I let my daughter wear mascara and lip gloss and powder at the age of 13, in 7th grade. She attends private school and that is similar to what her peers were doing at the time. I didn't object to very light make up and it made her feel more comfortable at school so I allowed it. She is almost 15 now and has the hang of make-up for the most part. I do have to give her advice here and there when I see overcaked mascara and other overly dramatic make up. She is still in the learning curve process. I recall my own bright blue eye shadow at the age of 14.:tongue_smilie:

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At her dance recital (and for pictures), many of the other girls in her class were wearing make up. And I mean MAKEUP, not just a little tinted chapstick or something. I even saw one mom putting mascara and eyeliner on her daughter!


I flat out refused to put makeup on my daughter. Luckily the dance school had said it was optional, but my mom pushed me to put makeup on her, and DD wanted to wear make up. No way. She's 4!!


My daughter started dancing when she was 5 and putting on makeup for recitals was such a special treat, especially since all the big girls were wearing stage makeup as well. My mom brought her some samples from the department store where she worked and she had so much fun with it. She's 12 now but occasionally would want to put it on for play or dress up but the rule was at home, inside the house, and shower before we go anywhere to get it all off.


When I showed an interest for light makeup in 6th grade my mom took me and bought me good quality makeup (I have really sensitive skin). I think having the freedom to wear it made me not want it so bad.

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Are there camps on this? Basically, I allowed my daughter to do as she pleased for the most part. I would tell her "no makeup" for some things or tell her what she could wear for others; but mostly, I let her do whatever. And all that started like at 9.


By 13 or 14, she barely wore any ever. I think she's worn make up twice in the last 3 years (she's almost 18).


This is how we've handled it. :001_smile: I don't make a big deal out of it. I do/will insist they keep it classy. My oldest dd is nearly 10. She wears colored lip gloss and eyeshadow somewhat regularly. I don't mind buying her basics, and she likes springing for the "fun" stuff with her own money. I made sure she knew how to put it on right without overdoing it.


All my girls have worn formaldehyde free nail polish after they outgrew putting their fingers in their mouths. Come to think of it, the 4 and 2yo have worn colored lip gloss too. They consider it a special treat when big sister shares some with them.


I had an arbitrary age boundary put on makeup as a child. It just made makeup seem that much more important to me. *shrug*

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I had a mom tell me that when her daughter expressed interest in makeup she would take them to one of the Mary Kay skin care things and then let her know that if she was diligent with taking care if her skin for 6 months then she could have a little bit of makeup. That showed if the child was truly interested or just following the crowd.


That makes sense. Dd has done a good job taking care of her skin. I let her know a year ago that she should be washing her face every morning and evening. She's been very diligent.

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Guest Carburke

I have 2 dd's. One is 23; one 12. 23 yo has perfect skin...never touched make-up-uses nothing but mild face wash and sunscreen and stays out of the sun. She will look 20 when she's forty! My other dd (12) is already nipping at the bud. She is allowed to wear ONLY lip gloss right now, but I will relent to mascara in high school. Not blush because she has a natural, lovely color. But, I will make sure she is taught correctly when it's time. I like all your suggestions. A Mary Kay consultant at home is another good option for learning.

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She was allowed to wear lightly applied eye shadow (mostly fleshtones), face powder from a compact (to control shine), lightly applied blusher, and a few swipes of mascara. I taught her how to apply them, and she didn't abuse the privilege. She has worn shiny lip gloss since she was very young (4 or 5)--no color, just shine and maybe a bit of sparkle. When she was a "tween", Claire's was her favorite store. :)

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At our house, age 13: matte powder to help with shiny nose, tinted lip gloss, and mascara.


If they prove responsible with that, then they can have more whenever they care to buy it.


The rule that keeps all of this in check is:

"You can wear makeup as long as Dad doesn't notice it. If he does notice, then it's too much and you have to go wash it off and try again." My dh tends to look past such things, and will only notice if it's really unnatural looking. I don't mean he doesn't know about it, because he does. It's just that if it's overboard he's gonna call them on it. :001_smile:

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I let my 9 year old wear nailpolish now and then, and lip gloss now and then when she asks for a special occasion.


I think at 13 I'd let her wear lipgloss and a little light blush regularly if she wanted to. Eye make up? I don't know... 15 or 16, I guess!

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Whenever she feels like wearing it - provided she's continued to show me her abilities and willingness to care for her skin properly. When the skin-care regime gets lazy, the makeup will go away.


My oldest is just-turned 12, though - and it hasn't come up yet. Sometimes, for fun if we're going out somewhere "fancy" I'll give her some lip gloss and clear mascara and a light powdering of blush. Same with the 9yo. It's not noticeable, but makes them feel very dressed up.

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My daughter started dancing when she was 5 and putting on makeup for recitals was such a special treat, especially since all the big girls were wearing stage makeup as well. My mom brought her some samples from the department store where she worked and she had so much fun with it. She's 12 now but occasionally would want to put it on for play or dress up but the rule was at home, inside the house, and shower before we go anywhere to get it all off.


When I showed an interest for light makeup in 6th grade my mom took me and bought me good quality makeup (I have really sensitive skin). I think having the freedom to wear it made me not want it so bad.


I agree that having the freedom to do something makes it less appealing sometimes.

I guess I should have clarified that DD does have play makeup at home, but it is always taken off before we go out. I guess I'll probably allow her to wear some lipgloss and maybe light blush or something for the recital next year, so that she feels special. :D DD has already expressed an interest in the performance squad for the year after next, and I know they are required to wear makeup, so I might as well let up a little next year!!

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Guest Katia

What an interesting thread to read.


We never had any age limits, rules, etc. when it came to make-up.


I painted my dds finger-nails for Easter and Christmas since they were 18mo old! It was a special holiday treat.


Both dds started dancing when they were 4yo and the studio required make-up for recitals; they even passed out sheets that gave the name brands and colors that were required, along with a chart for how it was to be applied. No exceptions.


I bought both dds play make-up sets when they turned 5yo and they could make themselves up to their hearts content. I took pictures and we all laughed...then they played dress-up. But it was at-home make-up only, because the colors were too....too......brilliant to wear anywhere else, LOL.


Both dds stopped playing with their make-up kits by age 6, and both hated the yearly application of required dance picture and recital make-up, but they loved dancing and knew it was non-negotiable.


So.....now they are 18yo and almost 21yo. They wear make-up for on-stage performances, and for special pictures, but never on a daily basis. I didn't make this a rule, they just decided it on their own and I suspect it was because make-up was never made a 'big deal' out of in our home.

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My 16 yo started wearing powder foundation and mascara at 15 yo. That's pretty much all she needs because she has naturally rosy cheeks.


When my kids were younger, I'd put a little blush or lip gloss on them if they asked because I didn't want make-up to be a "forbidden fruit." I've always emphasized that make-up is supposed to make you look better without looking made-up. So 16 yo wears the foundation a little too heavy some days, but other than that I think she has pretty good common sense about it.


My 14 yo has SPD and hates using cleanser, let alone make-up, so no issues with her.


My 8 yo is the one that will probably want to push the limits :D, but so far all she gets is a swipe of blush once in a while. Oh, if nail polish counts, she paints her finger and toenails sometimes.

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Also, what do you let them wear.....a little lip gloss and mascara or anything they want? I ask because my niece just turned 13 and my sister is letting her wear makeup now. I think it's way too young, but my sister makes a point of saying that she's ONLY allowing her to wear mascara, lipstick and a little bit of blush. Now my dd, who's 8 months younger than her cousin, is asking if she will be allowed to wear makeup when she turns 13. I wasn't planning on letting my dd wear any makeup until she's AT LEAST 15 or 16. Am I being an old fuddy-duddy?



My mom was VERY conservative on make-up, but she allowed me to wear mascara and clear lip gloss at age 12. I was also allowed to wear a bit of concealer to help cover acne. She taught me how to apply everything. To be honest, although I was not a girly-girl then, I was so pleased to be able to wear grown-up make-up. I still treasure the memory of Mom ever-so-carefully showing me how to apply it so it looked natural and neat. I didn't wear any more make-up than that until around age 14-15.


I still wear (at least) mascara and lip gloss every day and think of her.

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We have painted nails since maybe 2? My 9 year old does competitive cheerleading and wears makeup/glitter for that- although she hates it and it comes off as soon as shes done. The 3 1/2 year old just wore blush, mascara and lip gloss for her dance recital. As for regular vs stage makeup....maybe 12,13?

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I think it's better to teach them how less can be more than say no and have some friend teach them. My dd was 13 or 14 and I didn't make a big deal of it so it was less important to her. I have had her redo it occasionally through the years. :)

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