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Getting out of jury duty...

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Has anyone successfully been excused from Jury Duty b/c of being a homeschooling mother or stay-at-home-Mom? Just got called for JD in July and I do NOT want to go. Plus, we will be schooling year round and I do NOT have a reliable daycare provider. I'm going to write a letter asking for an excusal but wanted to know in advance how successful that might be. Thanks.

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When we lived in Colorado they specifically said we could not be excused due to homeschooling. So you might be able to call and ask that question -- there might already be a yay/nay policy. FWIW, I didn't get excused, got chosen for the jury -- and LOVED it! Loved it. It was only a 3-day case but I'm so glad I did it.

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Nope (at least, no one that I've ever known has escaped jury duty due to homeschooling).


But, you CAN usually call ahead and have them reschedule you to a time of your choosing. I rescheduled mine and delayed it 4 or 6 weeks. Gave me plenty of time to arrange care for the kids and such. :001_smile: I had to go for 1½ days. Was only called in to one jury-selection, but wasn't one of the original 15 or so that they questioned (I was one of the 6 sitting in the chairs to the side... in case they dismissed more than 2 or 3 of the jurors they questioned). And, I have to say - once I got there and got it out of the way - I halfway enjoyed the process. :)

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Has anyone successfully been excused from Jury Duty b/c of being a homeschooling mother or stay-at-home-Mom? Just got called for JD in July and I do NOT want to go. Plus, we will be schooling year round and I do NOT have a reliable daycare provider. I'm going to write a letter asking for an excusal but wanted to know in advance how successful that might be. Thanks.

In Ga, I was excused when I stated I homeschooled my dc. I found out I could have just called in, but I showed up on day 1 ( dh took the day off work) and was home within a few hours. I have accepted jury duty before, with dh taking the time off work, but this time it was not going to work out.


Good luck with your situation.

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Here it depends on the county. I haven't been excused specifically for homeschooling, but I have been excused for breastfeeding and also for being the child care provider for a child under the age of 12 (I've been called and excused twice). But the county next door provides child care at the courthouse, and doesn't let anyone off the hook.


Definitely call the courthouse and ask.

Good luck!

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I've been excused because JD would result in a financial difficulty for our family. The $10/day stipend would in no way cover the cost of child care for my 2 kids, let alone the cost of paying someone to answer the phones and schedule the techs for our business.

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I recently received a summons for jury duty. At first, I tried to reschedule and the automated system kept denying my request (couldn't get a human being to talk to). I tried to reschedule online. I was denied there as well.


So then I mailed in my excuse ~ that I homeschooled my 3 children AND at the time did NOT have a car. Public transportation would take me 4 hours to arrive at the courthouse, according to the transportation website.


They denied it.


I called again, and finally was able to talk with a very nice clerk and changed my time to the summer, although I school year-round. Thank God I was able to purchase a car this month!

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Hey -- just wanted to say hello. I haven't seen you in a while! :D


I recently received a summons for jury duty. At first, I tried to reschedule and the automated system kept denying my request (couldn't get a human being to talk to). I tried to reschedule online. I was denied there as well.


So then I mailed in my excuse ~ that I homeschooled my 3 children AND at the time did NOT have a car. Public transportation would take me 4 hours to arrive at the courthouse, according to the transportation website.


They denied it.


I called again, and finally was able to talk with a very nice clerk and changed my time to the summer, although I school year-round. Thank God I was able to purchase a car this month!

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I was excused due to homeschooling. It was about 9-10 years ago when my kids were younger. At that time you were able to put your reason in writing and submit it for approval. I told them I was the primary educator of my children and there wasn't anyone else to teach them. They wrote back and said I was excused.


I'm not sure I could do that nowadays. I had jury duty just a few months ago and the form they send now and the requirements seem to have changed.


In AZ we have a mandatory one day of service. You are required to appear for at least one day unless you can prove that you have a valid excuse. Valid meaning that it has to be one on their list of excuses. Otherwise, you have to show up and make your case before the judge with regard to why you couldn't serve if you were selected for more than one day.


I just found my form. I made a copy of it. It has a box to check if..."it is impossible for me to get appropriate substitute care for one day for someon who is under my care." Then it says you must attach a written statement explaining why you are responsible for that person, if it's by court order, and why you can't get anyone else to care for them.


With the one day system they have here it would probably be hard to use homeschooling as a reason. I showed up for my one day and had planned on telling the judge I was unable to serve more than that because of my dd. I do teach some of her subjects and I can't leave her for too many days or a few weeks and neglect school. Even if she could be home alone, I am the person responsible for her education. At least that was my line of thinking.


I was sent home though and never did more than sit in the jury pool waiting room. So, I don't know what they might have said.

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I've been excused three times so far, and just received my fourth summons and hoping to get excused again. This summons says the case is expected to last 4 months!


The first time, I was pregnant with hypermesis. I suggested that I could do it but I'd need immediate access to a nearby restroom at all times. They decided they didn't want me to come in.


The second time I was nursing the baby from the above pregnancy. She was maybe 6 months old. I was excused.


The third time I was pregnant with my second child. I was to report three days before my due date. I told them I could come but they didn't want me there. :lol:


This time I'm homeschooling, the primary caretaker of 4 young children, nursing an infant, and can't afford childcare. I hope they excuse me. If they don't, I'm not sure what to do. We don't have family or friends who can take the kids. The baby has extreme stranger anxiety and will cry if people even look at her sometimes. I can't even leave her home with DH in the evenings without her screaming until I get home. I don't know where you find childcare for 4 kids, what it costs, or how we'd pay for childcare for 4 months (DH only made $29,000 last year...kind of hard to cover childcare for 4 kids on that).


They never once summoned me before I had kids. They had a good 8 years where I willing and eager to serve. :glare:

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Here it depends on the county. I haven't been excused specifically for homeschooling, but I have been excused for breastfeeding and also for being the child care provider for a child under the age of 12 (I've been called and excused twice). But the county next door provides child care at the courthouse, and doesn't let anyone off the hook.


Definitely call the courthouse and ask.

Good luck!


It depends on the county here as well, but in my county they usually will only defer it once, and not usually for homeschooling. They allowed me to defer when I was 8 months pregnant but the next time wouldn't when I had young children and a nursing baby. I had to show up twice, but got sent home fairly soon both times. In hindsight, I probably should have gone when I was pregnant knowing they would have sent me home for sure.

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before kids... Jury duty was fun! Day one: selected. Day 2 we returned a conviction. got 2 meals out of it too.



after kids:

local jury: was there for one and a half days. much harder case (longer) During my juror questioning before the judge and attorneys, they realized I was wearing a nursing shirt. Asked me about my that. ... the prosecuting attorney was a nursing mom.

They asked about child care (well a friend of mine who homeschools says it won't interfere too much with their school for the first week.) then realized that I was close friends with the probation officer of the defendant who was going to be a witness. Decided that I wasn't the person they wanted on this double murder case. I wonder why :lol: I still went. My dh stayed home for part of it. His employer counted it as jury duty time on it. didn't lose vacation time at all. they were understanding.


federal jury: checked the box that said I was care giver of children under certain age and that one child was autistic. never heard back from them. But there was a box for it. never mentioned the homeschooling thing.


other friends: requested deferring due to school schedules. deferrals were granted. They usually went to each other's houses and had the teen agers do the babysitting. You have teens at home? talk about a service project!



moved out of state...not been called yet....




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Yes, I was excused once, then the second time, I was told they really needed me to have "serve." So, they scheduled me for a week where there was a low chance of jury trials (July 4 was in that week).


Luckily, my husband was scheduled to be in town for that week. In the end, as heavily hinted at by the coordinator, when I called the Friday evening before to find out when to report, I was excused and marked as "served." :)

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I received a notice last Fall. The director of the co-op where I teach wrote a letter and the court clerk responded with a letter which said I would be recalled this summer when school is not in session. I'm fine with that. My guys can get along fine without me all day.

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I did not read the other responses. But I am in PA and just called for duty in June. I called the number on the form and asked about homeschooling being a valid excuse. She said you can list it on the initial form under reasons you are unable. She said I did not even need to submit a letter, since I homeschool. So, we'll see but I am hoping everything turns out okay without a hassle.

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I was excused three times over the years in Ohio for having a child 6 and under. We moved before I needed to, but they also said I could send in a copy of my homeschool letter and be excused that way. I had no alternate care. Dh, who could be excused and paid from work, never got called. :001_huh:


Now my dc are old enough to stay without me, so I haven't looked into Michigan's policies.

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I was given a postponement for homeschooling so instead of reporting for duty in November I reported in June. It turned out to be a very high profile murder case in the Twin Cities that I was familiar with from the local news. I had already come to the conclusion that the guy was guilty and told the judge that during my interview (the defendant was in the courtroom when I said this). That was the only reason I was excused. They would not have excused me for childcare issues.

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I've been called 3 times. I can't just fill out the postcard but have to go in to the courthouse and meet with the court officers on a certain date. I tell them that I am already under other obligation to the county to provide homeschooling and that I have no substitute backup teachers, show them a copy of my letter from the school board acknowledging my request to homeschool, tell them that we school year round. And that is that. I have been excused all 3 times because I am homeschooling.


Like many others here, I was of age, childless, and would have been glad to serve for 14 years before I had my dd, but got no call. Now I've got other priorities and don't want to go do it. My biggest fear is that I would get involved in a long term case of several weeks. That would totally wreck our homeschooling plan for the year. Not to mention the fact that I don't have anyone to watch dd, and I refuse to have her stay home alone for hours on end here at the end of a rural, dead-end, dirt road. Not safe.

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I've been excused three times so far, and just received my fourth summons and hoping to get excused again. This summons says the case is expected to last 4 months!


The first time, I was pregnant with hypermesis. I suggested that I could do it but I'd need immediate access to a nearby restroom at all times. They decided they didn't want me to come in.


The second time I was nursing the baby from the above pregnancy. She was maybe 6 months old. I was excused.


The third time I was pregnant with my second child. I was to report three days before my due date. I told them I could come but they didn't want me there. :lol:


This time I'm homeschooling, the primary caretaker of 4 young children, nursing an infant, and can't afford childcare. I hope they excuse me. If they don't, I'm not sure what to do. We don't have family or friends who can take the kids. The baby has extreme stranger anxiety and will cry if people even look at her sometimes. I can't even leave her home with DH in the evenings without her screaming until I get home. I don't know where you find childcare for 4 kids, what it costs, or how we'd pay for childcare for 4 months (DH only made $29,000 last year...kind of hard to cover childcare for 4 kids on that).


They never once summoned me before I had kids. They had a good 8 years where I willing and eager to serve. :glare:


bring your nursing baby - I bet they won't want you :D

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The summons form ought to include verbiage for which circumstances release the person from having to report for jury duty.


Where I live, the rules were changed, I don't know when. Now I can decline a jury summons for as long as I have full-time care of a child under the age of fifteen. The old rules specified under the age of ten. When dd turns 15, then I'll just send her to her dad's office for the day.

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If they won't excuse you for homeschooling, young kids, or whatever.. just show up the first day and tell them that you already think the guy is guilty or innocent. They won't want ya! :laugh:



In all seriousness though - I'd prolly find myself in the position of having to say that, or something.


I couldn't serve on a jury, no way. The idea of deciding someone else's fate - what if I'm wrong? What if I missed something? What if I help send an innocent man to jail? (or worse) What if I disagree with the other jurors? What if...what if.... gah! :tongue_smilie:

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I've only been called once, before I was homeschooling. However, I never had to go in -- they had enough folks already. I called in every morning and got a message saying to stay home. So I fulfilled my obligation without ever having to leave the house. It would be awful nice if you could do the same.

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I've been excused twice because I indicate on the form that I take care of young children. I'm sorry, I can't remember the exact wording but there was a place to check that option. I never put that I homeschool.


Not twice, just once, but for the same reason. If you have full time care of young children you will probably be excused. I filled out the card and received recorded calls a couple of times - it was a few years ago so I can't recall exactly what - saying something about delaying and then a letter saying I was excused for some number of years. Didn't mention homeschool, just the care of children (under a certain age). That was probably 6 or 7 years ago and haven't been called since.

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I have never been called for jury duty. I wonder if they know I am bi-polar? Would that be a legitimate reason not to serve?


All of my brothers have been called several times and all of them have spent time in jail (all due to traffice violations in the state of TX). :confused: I don't know, but it seems to me that that alone would at least suggest a possibility of bias.

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I have never been called for jury duty. I wonder if they know I am bi-polar? Would that be a legitimate reason not to serve?


All of my brothers have been called several times and all of them have spent time in jail (all due to traffice violations in the state of TX). :confused: I don't know, but it seems to me that that alone would at least suggest a possibility of bias.


Mental health conditions are irrelevant.


I don't know how the "draw" is executed. When we lived in Denton County for five years, I was summoned only once. During our first five years in Dallas County, I received 3-4 summons. This seemed strange for a more populous county.

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Nope. Not even when I was nursing a newborn. My dh had to loose a day of work. I got excused when I was down there though. Shhhhh.....I don't even like to talk about JD because then I always get it.


*knocking on wood, crossing fingers that I don't get JD*

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I went down to the courthouse at the time of day that I would normally have to report for duty (but not on the day I was to report, well in advance) and brought all of my kids with me (mine and daycare kids). The woman at the counter said, "I think you need a jury exemption." :lol:


Now that my youngest will be in first grade and I don't have the daycare kids anymore, I will just serve the next time. I don't have a problem doing it, but we have no one here who can sit for us, so I needed to wait until dd was old enough to do it, and my dh or a friend can come here on their lunch hour and check in on everyone.

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I was called recently to be in an on-call pool for a Federal jury. There was a list of exemptions, including being the primary caregiver of children under age 10. I'll be happy to serve on a jury...when my kids are a few years older. I don't know yet if my exemption was accepted.

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This statement excused me from jury duty 6 months ago:


Jury duty would be impossible for me at this time. I am homeschooling 5 children, I do not have alternative childcare, and I am also breastfeeding an infant who does not use a bottle.

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I haven't read all the posts, but I can say it totally depends on your state. You need to find the statute or whatever determines these guidelines to see if there are any exceptions. Your state-wide homeschool support group might be able to tell you if homeschoolers are typically excused.


I had heard in the past that TX automatically excuses anyone caring for children under 10 or so. In contrast, when I was called for jury duty in MA, there were absolutely no automatic exceptions, for anyone. We were all required to show up, even women with babies and toddlers had to leave them in the daycare at the courthouse. Once called into jury selection, people could plead their case to the judge, asking to be excused.


So, only someone in your state would be able to answer this question.

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I was summoned multiple times while a student, and successfully postponed until vacation time. I recently got some questionnaire, which including asking about children, and I put down relevant info -- haven't heard back. Not sure what that means. I didn't volunteer that I homeschool (yet).


I had a relative who was the sole caretaker of a spouse being treated for cancer, who was told to travel to another part of the state (hours away) for federal service. I think that ended up working out, eventually. And a relative in her 90s who never left the house also got called once!

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Call and ask. Here, anyone who is a stay-at-home parent to a child age 5 or under is automatically excused. Where we moved from, they would not excuse you because they provided childcare. With adults that I didn't know. With ALL the other kids of people in the courtroom, including the criminals. Gee, thanks! :)

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Not true. I just received a jury questionnaire form (Texas) that specifically asks if there are any mental health issues that would prevent you from serving jury duty.


Perhaps if I were refusing to take my prescribed medications, and were not rational. I'm in Texas, and never would invoke such an exemption, even though I have mental health conditions. Bi-polar under management would not prevent the person from serving on a jury. If I were bi-polar, I definitely would not want to "feed the troll" of public ignorance regarding mental illness. The battle against prejudice is bad enough already!

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