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Are these parents stupid or do I have a dirty mind?

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DD had an extra tumbling practice last night so I got to see some of the classes I don't usually see. I saw a group of 5 and 6 year olds go into one of the rooms and I heard the "thump, thump, thump" of rap music. I knew it was the Hip Hop class so I wasn't surprised. I asked the mom next to me what song her daughter was dancing to and she says, "Ice Cream Paint Job; it's about painting your car." My curiosity got the best of me so I googled the song title and found some other explanations for the title (men's bodily fluid is involved; don't google if you don't want to know more!). If you were one of the parents in that class, would you have checked on the "real" meaning of the song or am I just too curious for my own good? Would you let your daughter dance to a song thinking that is was about cars and ice cream when, in reality, it could mean something else? My daughter is dancing to Willy Wonka; I need to give her teacher a hug for picking such an age appropriate piece!!!

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I had to google.


"Cream on the inside, cream on the outside" repeated ad nauseum.




For one thing it's a stupid song: Grammar is awful, a HORRIBLE word used that starts with the letter 'n', just completely inappropriate in so many ways!! :001_huh:



(And I'm a very liberal atheist!!!!) :tongue_smilie:

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DD had an extra tumbling practice last night so I got to see some of the classes I don't usually see. I saw a group of 5 and 6 year olds go into one of the rooms and I heard the "thump, thump, thump" of rap music. I knew it was the Hip Hop class so I wasn't surprised. I asked the mom next to me what song her daughter was dancing to and she says, "Ice Cream Paint Job; it's about painting your car." My curiosity got the best of me so I googled the song title and found some other explanations for the title (men's bodily fluid is involved; don't google if you don't want to know more!). If you were one of the parents in that class, would you have checked on the "real" meaning of the song or am I just too curious for my own good? Would you let your daughter dance to a song thinking that is was about cars and ice cream when, in reality, it could mean something else? My daughter is dancing to Willy Wonka; I need to give her teacher a hug for picking such an age appropriate piece!!!

No, I would not have googled it. I would have never allowed my children to take a hip-hop dance class to begin with. This is one of the reason why I homeschool.

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UGH! The teachers/parents are probably just clueless. I'd have a huge, huge, hissy fit with the folks who run the class. Even if it wasn't my kid! If they didn't immediately yank to music and show huge regret, that'd be the last time I darkened the door of the studio.


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I'm with you, I'd have googled it.


I had my own shocker recently: We went to Eldest Boy's ps Dance Recital a few weeks ago. His dance routines were appropriate enough, but I was appalled to see one of the numbers presented was 13 and 14 yo girls doing Burlesque! No removal of clothing, but the moves were Gypsy Rose Lee all the way! I was glad to note that I was not the only parent outraged, there was a flood of calls and letters - it even made the local news. Needless to say, Eldest Boy will be joining Middle Son at home next year (that was already the plan, but still...) Constant Vigilance is a requirement.

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UGH! The teachers/parents are probably just clueless.


My MIL has run a dance school for decades. I know the enormous amount of time that she spends on picking songs and costumes so that they fit her recital theme, the props that she has and are age appropriate. She was picking recital songs when they visited at Christmas and will have songs for her Christmas revue picked out by June.


This isn't a song that would have passed her review.

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The thing is usually I can't understand the words. My dh says I'm half deaf, but I have difficulty in understanding the individual words. Some new neighbors moved into the rental next door. This past weekend we had the windows open, and the neighbors had their music blaring. I stopped and concentrated on the words. It was all about sex. Just disgusting. The thing is - my girls have no trouble hearing the words. I asked my dh what we were going to do. It's summer. I can't keep them inside.


Oh, and these neighbors have a couple little kids.

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No, I wouldn't have thought to google it. I'm 39 & literally just found out last year that Cyndi Lauper's "she bop" meant something bad. I liked not knowing personally. The nice thing about songs is despite the writer's intent, they can sometimes still be open for interpretation.



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Doesn't all this make you miss songs like "Puff the Magic Dragon?" At least there was a reasonable chance that it was just about a dragon. . .


That song always made me cry when I was little. For the longest time, I thought the little boy died. When I was older, I realized it was about growing up. Oh, and a dragon. Of course, it's really about a dragon. :D

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I probably wouldn't have thought to do that. I think in some cases, like the one you describe, ignorance is bliss.


That's pretty much my thoughts. I would actually presume the words of many songs in a Hip Hop class would be inappropriate if one looked too deeply...and I would either just accept it...or not let my kids do Hip Hop. In my case...I probably wouldn't be allowing younger kids do Hip Hop because I would find the music inappropriate...but I would allow my teens to and just accept the issue and not make too big a deal of it.


I do not restrict my teen's access to that kind of music now, but when they were younger, I did.

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I stopped and concentrated on the words. It was all about sex. Just disgusting. The thing is - my girls have no trouble hearing the words. I asked my dh what we were going to do. It's summer. I can't keep them inside.


Oh, and these neighbors have a couple little kids.


Go over there and tell them to turn the music down, do not accept anything but a positive result.



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No, I wouldn't have thought to google it. I'm 39 & literally just found out last year that Cyndi Lauper's "she bop" meant something bad. I liked not knowing personally. The nice thing about songs is despite the writer's intent, they can sometimes still be open for interpretation.




I knew what it meant because even as a teen, I checked lyrics. I wouldn't let my kids in a hip hop class.

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Has anyone seen "Hip Hop Harry?" It's not unreasonable that a hip hop dance class could be taught without songs containing inappropriate lyrics.


Of course, DH bought my DD Lady GaGa's new CD, and I only censored 2 or 3 songs. And I like Miley Cyrus's new video for "Can't Be Tamed" and actually watched it (and made DH watch it, lol) 3 times in a row so that DW#2 and then DD could watch it. So I'm not the most conservative judge.


Still, the music they were using sounds out of line, and that parent clueless.

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we love hip hop here---Christian hip hop at a Christian dance studio!


We are so blessed to have a unique dance opportunity for my dc. They love dance and many styles of music.


There is some fun and funky Christian music out there--Tobymac, kirk Franklin, KJ52...

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That song always made me cry when I was little. For the longest time, I thought the little boy died. When I was older, I realized it was about growing up. Oh, and a dragon. Of course, it's really about a dragon. :D



Call me naive, but as much as I've listened and listened, that song will never be about anything but a Dragon and his Boy to me...the other stuff, seems like it's reaching....

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but once I mentioned it to dh, he either would have known or he would have googled it.


I would have been in the ignorant category for sure. :001_huh:


BUT to get a beat for hip hop, that's probably what they need to use. Not saying it's good, just they probably don't have a lot of choices out there.

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I knew what it meant because even as a teen, I checked lyrics. I wouldn't let my kids in a hip hop class.


Well, you were superior to me as a teen;). I didn't check & I still wish I didn't know that Cyndi Lauper's song meant anything bad. FWIW, I wouldn't let my kids take a hip hop class either.




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Well, you were superior to me as a teen;). I didn't check & I still wish I didn't know that Cyndi Lauper's song meant anything bad. FWIW, I wouldn't let my kids take a hip hop class either.





No, I wasn't superior. I just came from a really strict home.


Most of the time, I learned from hearing other kids giggle about that stuff: She Bop, Frankie Goes to Hollywood's song "Relax", etc.


Remember Paul Simon's song, Late In The Evening? There's a line in it where he says, "I got a short little span of attention." I used to say that was a veiled male genitalia joke.


In 2001 I was lying on the bed with the TV on, and someone was interviewing Paul Simon. When they started talking about that song, he said the "short little span of attention" was a p*nis joke. I jumped up off the bed and said, "I knew it!"


Come to think of it, I guess it's not just hip hop that does this.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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I would actually presume the words of many songs in a Hip Hop class would be inappropriate if one looked too deeply...and I would either just accept it...or not let my kids do Hip Hop. In my case...I probably wouldn't be allowing younger kids do Hip Hop because I would find the music inappropriate...but I would allow my teens to and just accept the issue and not make too big a deal of it.


I do not restrict my teen's access to that kind of music now, but when they were younger, I did.


Yeppers. Most Hip Hop music is inappropriate for kids; most of the time, it's vulgar, crude, and violent. I wouldn't sign my kid up for a class that was using HH for dancing. Period.

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I had a similar experience a few years ago at my daughters' (then 6 and 4) old dance studio. There was a jazz class going on of 6-9 year olds dancing to an unedited version of "Greased Lightning" from Grease. I was floored thinking, do none of the parents actually know the lyrics to this song. Apparently no one cared, as the moms were all dancing in the hallway as well.

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I had a similar experience a few years ago at my daughters' (then 6 and 4) old dance studio. There was a jazz class going on of 6-9 year olds dancing to an unedited version of "Greased Lightning" from Grease. I was floored thinking, do none of the parents actually know the lyrics to this song. Apparently no one cared, as the moms were all dancing in the hallway as well.


They prolly didn't know the lyrics - I didn't, until a few seconds ago when I googled it...I'd heard the song a couple of times before, but I never really noticed all the words. I've always been really bad with lyrics - heck, I don't know all the words to some of my absolute fave songs! :tongue_smilie:


...I didn't know about that whole "She Bop" thing either...I used to listen to that all the time as a kid! :laugh:

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The teacher probably doesn't even know -- saw "ice cream" and figured it was okay or something.


Kids are often happily oblivious, though. I can remember working very hard on a dance routine to a song called "Let's Get Physical" when I was little -- I thought she wanted to do aerobics. My mom did the right thing by simply letting me think that, but I'm sure she was cringing on the inside when the singer went into lines like "let me hear your body talk to me" and such. I still laugh at myself when I think of that -- I was soooo sheltered!

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I don't have a clue what most of you are talking about. LOL. I attended a private school where I had to sneak out to my car to listen to Carmen. I would have looked up lyrics for any song my children were listening to, but unless it had blatant sexual content or bad language, I probably would have been clueless.


But anyway, we avoid dance studios (dance in general, if I'm honest) because of the issues with lyrics. I'd prefer my daughter find another way to burn off energy.

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Forever and a day ago it seems when my daughter was interested in thta sort of thing her dance studio did something very interesting. Yes they wanted to use alot of the music so they would take out the words. They used just the music for the kids recitals and practices. I thought that was great. Alot of music does have good sound just not good lyrics. Maybe that is something that can be brought up to studios?

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I knew what it meant because even as a teen, I checked lyrics. I wouldn't let my kids in a hip hop class.


I didn't even have to check the lyrics. I got the meaning right away. I usually pick up on these things right away. It seems that I spend a great deal of time everyday saying, "Not appropriate!"

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My dh really likes this song--claims not to have known what it was really about, still doesn't seem to believe me...:glare: Could it BE more blatant??


No, it could not. Billy Squire's Stroke It is another one. If for any reason you were in doubt the video would make it perfectly clear.

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