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Teacher cuts off student's braid

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MILWAUKEE -- A Milwaukee teacher was charged with disorderly conduct after cutting off a 7-year-old's braid in front of her classmates, WISN-TV in Milwaukee reported.


Lamya Cammon was angry, confused and scared by the incident last week in which the apparently frustrated teacher cut one of her braids off after she wouldn't stop playing with them in class.


Cammon, 7, sports a few dozen braids, but one is conspicuously absent.


"She told me to stop playing with it, then cut it off and sent me back to my desk," Cammon said.


Cammon, a first-grader at Congress Elementary, said her teacher used a pair of classroom scissors to cut off one of the braids after she absent-mindedly kept playing with them.


She said the teacher called her to the front of the room and cut it in front of the whole class.


"I went to my desk and cried. And they was laughing," Cammon said. "She threw it away, and she said, 'Now what you gonna go home and say to your momma? ' And I said, 'That you cut off my hair,'" Cammon said.


Cammon's mother is furious. She went to the school and confronted the teacher.


"I said, 'Well, you know, you cut a lot of her hair off.' And she was like, 'Well, I do apologize.' She said, 'But I was frustrated,'" Cammon's mother, Helen Cunningham, said.

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My girls are so attached to their long hair. I would be beyond furious. When my oldest was in Kindergarten, a boy behind her kept playing with her braid. I wanted him moved, but the teacher wouldn't do it.


I went to the headmistress, and said that if he cut Dd's hair, I would show up at his house with a gun. Did she want that kind of publicity for her school?


He was moved the next day.

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My girls are so attached to their long hair. I would be beyond furious. When my oldest was in Kindergarten, a boy behind her kept playing with her braid. I wanted him moved, but the teacher wouldn't do it.


I went to the headmistress, and said that if he cut Dd's hair, I would show up at his house with a gun. Did she want that kind of publicity for her school?


He was moved the next day.



Er...I don't think threatening children with violence is really cool.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Poor dear! What gets me more than anything is that hair twirling can be a nervous habit and that teacher just gave her more reason to be full of anxiety! She has ruined school for her, with the other kids laughing at her and putting her in the spotlight that way. :crying:


That teacher should find another way to earn a living. She shouldn't be working with kids if something as innocent as hair twirling sends her into an uncontrollable frenzy.

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Er...I don't think threatening children with violence is really cool.



wellllll..... she didn't exactly threaten the child. She said it to the headmistress. But yeah, that could be and would have in the glorious state of "sue me and you Georgia" considered Terroristic Threats. That is actually a charge here in GA.

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I was frustrated so I punched you in the face. I do apologize.


Oops, I called a civil attorney and I'm suing your @$$. I do apologize.


I didn't say it to the child, and I was not trying to be "cool".:coolgleamA:



I don't know if you meant to be funny, Amy G., but you made me snort. It must've been the spirit of the other posts leaking into yours... Another funny... the code for that particular smiley I added to your post is "cool gleam A." Named appropriately, imo.

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My girls are so attached to their long hair. I would be beyond furious. When my oldest was in Kindergarten, a boy behind her kept playing with her braid. I wanted him moved, but the teacher wouldn't do it.


I went to the headmistress, and said that if he cut Dd's hair, I would show up at his house with a gun. Did she want that kind of publicity for her school?


He was moved the next day.

I believe if you made that threat to a school teacher or principle here in the state of Washington you could expect to have a police officer show up at your house to arrest you.

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No question, uncalled for behavior on the part of the teacher. Anyone else catch the MTEA's excuse? Stress from budget constraints --- why am I not surprised --- give the teacher more money and she won't be in the mood to trim someone's locks. More money is the answer to all educational/teacher problems........



The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association can't talk about the incident but said stress is not unusual.


“As budget constraints get tighter every year, the stress level and frustrations do increase,†said the MTEA’s Sid Hatch.

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One moment of loss of self-control can lead to a lifetime of damage. The little girl will probably always remember the negatives in that classroom, and the teacher may get fired, and probably wouldn't get rehired, at least in that town. Sad all around. Hope the teacher takes a break and re-evaluates.

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Every time I've scanned thread titles this morning, I've read this as "Teacher cuts off student's head"--and every time I'm shocked for a second until the word "braid" finally registers :lol:.


Either way I think the teacher should be fired. I saw this on the TV news yesterday (I didn't see it in the paper, unsinkable, so I thought I'd clarify ;)) and was shocked she's not been fired. They did show the girl playing with her hair, and it would've driven me up a wall (she's got beads at the end of her braids and the tapping sound the beads made when they hit each other was highly annoying to me), but to cut off the braid is simply inexcusable behavior on the teacher's part.

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I agree it's assault. Can you imagine if the poor kid had struggled and made the teacher even madder while she had those scissors in her hand?!


And WTH -stress over her paycheck is an excuse for assault? Why is teachers can abuse our kids, but if a parent were to treat their kid that way it's grounds for CPS?


I'd be livid.


But what really freaks me out, is that any parent would send their kid back!


I know some can't homeschool, but still. I don't know what I'd do but my kid would not ever set foot in the place again.


My dd has very long hair. It's not just cutting a braid. You gotta know that meant her mother had to take her in and get it all cut even.

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In the interview, both the child and parent seem remarkably restrained. "Do we want someone like that working with our children" asked the mother calmly. I don't think I could have pulled that off. The little girl explained how the teacher made her get up and go to her, and in front of the class the teacher cut the braid and threw it in the trash. " Everybody laughed. I went back to my desk and cried".


Livid would hardly describe me if that were my little girl.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Why is teachers can abuse our kids, but if a parent were to treat their kid that way it's grounds for CPS?


Wow! That didn't even occur to me but you are so right! One call from the neighbor if you did that in your home and CPS would be charging you with emotional abuse and in your lives neck-deep.

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After she apologizes that teacher should pay for that little girl's trip to the beauty parlor to get it fixed. Hair like that doesn't come cheap.


Were they extensions? If not she'll be sporting that short braid for many years to come while it grow out.

I wonder if there was some thought on the part of the teacher that it was an extension and therefore "didn't matter." I can't help but wonder if this would have happened to a blonde girl in pigtails? I just really do.

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I wonder if there was some thought on the part of the teacher that it was an extension and therefore "didn't matter." I can't help but wonder if this would have happened to a blonde girl in pigtails? I just really do.

Not to say little blonde pigtails couldn't drive a teacher nut with fiddling, but no I don't think it would've happened to little blond pigtails. The pigtails would be a clue that the parent cared enough to take time to 'fix' their child's hair, meaning the parent would probably care enough to take the time to contact a lawyer. Also, as much as the race card irritates me, I would almost bet this teacher assumed this little girl's parents were too ignorant to contact a lawyer and too poor to pay one. The Mom almost seems worn down to me, like she nearly expected this. :(

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What bothers me almost as much in this story (other than the obvious assault on a child) is the fact that her classmates thought it was funny. What does that say about all those other 7 year olds and how they view acts of aggression. Makes me really sad.


It could be the teacher is a chronic bully and expects the class to laugh after she bullies a student. It is a very ugly dynamic but I have known teachers like this.

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My girls are so attached to their long hair. I would be beyond furious. When my oldest was in Kindergarten, a boy behind her kept playing with her braid. I wanted him moved, but the teacher wouldn't do it.


I went to the headmistress, and said that if he cut Dd's hair, I would show up at his house with a gun. Did she want that kind of publicity for her school?


He was moved the next day.


Well, you know me, I don't have a problem with this. I've personally threatened two little bullies, not with a gun, just with my own wrath. You were simply illustrating how strongly you felt about your dd's personal space.


I probably would have told headmistress that I was going to show up at HER house with a gun.

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It could be the teacher is a chronic bully and expects the class to laugh after she bullies a student. It is a very ugly dynamic but I have known teachers like this.

They had a 'Lie to Me' where the gym teacher was encouraging bullying. He made the kids feel like he would not like them if they didn't tease (think along the lines of heckling the non-hecklers).


I don't usually take tv for an example of reality, except I've known teachers like that.


That being said, there's comfort in a mob. Those kids could've been laughing from the sheer relief of NOT being the one getting their hair chopped off :(

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