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Okay ladies who have had mammo's, fess up

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I need to know what I am in for. I am going for my first one tomorrow. I have heard horror stories of the worse pain ever, to uncomfortable.


Our mammo machine has these new "warming pads". I guess they say it is supposed to be more "comfortable". Well what I wanna know is, how comfortable can this be if you are getting your breast squished like a pancake??


I will be on day 4 of my period. Will this effect results?



I made an appt with my GYN for Monday, 2:00 pm, for my annual, and some other issues. Should the results be ready by then?


If there is a problem, how soon would they call me, or would they not call? Would my GYN would call me if he recieved my results either before or after my appt with him?


Please put my mind at ease(or not).....Thanks!

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It is definitely uncomfortable, but it isn't painful. There was one moment that I thought it was impossible to squeeze me any tighter, but then I just focused on how accurate the results were going to be and was able to deal with it. It was not a long procedure at all. My results were mailed to me in about a week and a half.

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If it hurts, tell the technician. They're not evil sadists ;)


What is uncomfortable is that they need to get the plates really close to the chest wall, the ribs. So you're leaning in a kind of awkward position trying to thrust it as much forward as possible & sometimes the edge of the plexi will dig into your ribcage.


Once it's in position, she will tighten the plexi plates. I'd say it's less painful than getting blood drawn. It's an uncomfortable feeling - but I don't find them terribly painful. (mind you I breastfeed toddlers & I think they damaged a whole bunch of nerve endings with the gymnastics at the breast :D)


My clinic is nice and warm, the lights are quite low, and the technicians have warm hands :001_smile:


And it's fast! But you do need two views per breast so just when you think you're done, they flip the machine & start again...

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I did not think it was that bad, either. My mother had told me it felt like your breast was getting run over by a Mack truck, but I just found it slightly uncomfortable. I've heard, though, that the smaller you are, the more pulling on your breast, so it might hurt a little more.


The lady who does mine says it's better to have larger breasts and be shorter than the person manhandling them.


I've never had a problem.

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I've had one. It was excruciatingly painful. If you have dense tissue, it will hurt to some degree. What I found so frustrating was due to density, the mammo was inconclusive. I had to have an ultrasound.


The news recently had a show about ultrasounds actually being better than mammos by the way.

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It's not all that horrible. The squishing against the chest wall is the worst sensation.... during a few of them I remembered and did my Lamaze breathing and distracted myself for a few seconds and poof! it was OVER. Worth the discomfort to know.

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As you can see from the variety of answers here, it depends. For some women, it's painful, for others it's not painful at all. For me, it's painful, but not unbearably so. I have to be careful when I go (time of month) because my breasts become very tender between the time I ovulate and when I start my period. 4 days after my period starts would work fine for me, and it should for you too, as long as you don't usually have any problems with painful breasts at that time of the month. I find it helpful to take ibuprofen before a mammogram.


I think that the timing for the test results making it to your dr. will probably vary, too. Depends on the mammo facility. I think my dr. usually gets the results within a week. I get a letter about the results myself in about 2 weeks. I would let the staff at the mammo clinic know about the timing of your dr's appointment to see if they can get the results to your dr. by that time.

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I would not recommend going when you have your period.


That is all I will say.


I don't want to frighten you.



This is why I was asking. I was not told if there is a "better" time to go. I will be 4 days into my period. So, what does this mean? It will show a problem, and I will have to go back?


Your statement is more frightnening to me, then you telling me why.



Oh, and I am only a 36B, and 5'3. Somehow, I think there is going to be a lot of tugging going on. :glare:

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This is why I was asking. I was not told if there is a "better" time to go. I will be 4 days into my period. So, what does this mean? It will show a problem, and I will have to go back?


Your statement is more frightnening to me, then you telling me why.



Oh, and I am only a 36B, and 5'3. Somehow, I think there is going to be a lot of tugging going on. :glare:


For me going during my period made it much much much more painful than if I had not had my period.


I will never make that mistake again.


I have an unbelievably high pain tolerance and I started yelling.


Then it was over.


Not so traumatized that I won't go back. I'll just choose a better time of the month.

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I've had 2, and they were like nothing! I kept saying "I don't understand what everyone makes a big deal about!" Seriously, I must have no feeling there or something, because I wouldn't even say it was uncomfortable.


Hopefully, you'll take after myself & some of the others that had good (?) experiences.:001_smile:

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I wouldnt call it uncomfortable either... just embarrassing. I wasnt allowed to wear deoderant, and I was sweating from anxiety. I was sooo glad when it was all done and over with.


This is how I felt exactly. It didn't hurt, it was just kind of embarrasing.


Get it done and overwith, and check off another mildstone of your life. It really will not be as bad as you imagine it to be.:001_smile:

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I had my first one last year. I thought the pain was about a 3 on a 10 point scale. I had my results read right away because I had found a lump earlier in the week. I had an ultrasound within the hour. All clear - just a cyst.


Anyway, I don't know if you all had to wear little stickers on your n-pp-es with a BB in the center....but that was the most embarrassing. I felt like a str-pper. My hubby would have thought they were cool :tongue_smilie:.


You'll be so relieved once it's over that you'll hardly remember how nervous you are now. I get 1000X more nervous for the dentist!! :001_huh:


Good luck!

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For me going during my period made it much much much more painful than if I had not had my period.
It's interesting that everyone is so different. For me, the two weeks before I start my period are the tender breast period. Once I start my period, I get immediate relief, and 4 days into my period would be no problem at all. You just have to know your own body.
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I have had more than 2 less than 5? Can't remember for sure.

Last one I had didn't hurt at all......

The tech said if it hurts someone is not doing them right.

She also said emphatically size does not matter. Again, a good tech will not hurt you ahnd they don't need to be flattened....etc.

REally, as previous posters ahve said, it won't be as bad as you think it will. The techs are well trained, they are aware of your nervousness.......

and I never had to wear stickers!

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I have had many, many mammograms and they really are not that bad. It is the "not knowing" and going into something new and possibly scary that makes it so much worse. It is just like child birth, women will tell you awful stories and sacre you to death. :D


Most nurses that do it are very nice and make it as comfortable as possible. I agree peeling off the band aid like n*pple covers was....different. :lol:


The normal mammogram is okay....I had to go back for a different view where they squished me sideways and even flatter....if that was possible. It did not hurt, it was just uncomfortable. If you made it through child birth....this will be nothing I promise.

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Having heard all the horror stories, I was pleasantly surprised after my first one. They really are not that bad and they are quick. The first one I had was a regular mammo and I think they mailed me results w/i two weeks. (I assume they'd call if there was a problem). Now my OB has digital mammograms and those you get results right away.

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I had my first one this year, as well.


Before I left I told my husband I was going to treat myself to a Starbucks Venti Hot Cocoa afterwards as a reward.


However, it was not big deal and when I left I felt guilty for getting Starbucks because I didn't think my Mammo appointment earned me one.


Now the dentist......

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I've had one. It was excruciatingly painful. If you have dense tissue, it will hurt to some degree. What I found so frustrating was due to density, the mammo was inconclusive. I had to have an ultrasound.


The news recently had a show about ultrasounds actually being better than mammos by the way.


That pretty much sums up my experience as well. :glare:

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I have some opinions on mammograms.


First being, I'd rather have a prostate. And have *that* examined. :glare:


Second, I firmly believe that if *men* had to go for an exam that required their testicles to be put between two plexiglass plates and flattened to about tissue paper thickness, it would have been obsolete and a better way found and instituted decades ago. :glare:


But that's me. And my experience was at age 16, after finding a lump under my arm. I felt humiliated, degraded, painful, seemed to last forever...Might have had a lot to do with my age, maturity, being completely alone at the appointment, worrying about having breast cancer, and feeling like a side of beef, with a tech that had the empathy of Dr. Lecter, but it doesn't change my opinion any.

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I've had several. Not something I look forward to, actually, but not something I dread, either. A squeeze that's a little tighter than is comfortable, and then it releases. If I remember correctly, it was something like: squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, release. A couple of different angles on each side.


Really it was no different than that uncomfortable feeling of the x-ray film in your mouth at the dentist or that uncomfortable tightness during a pap smear. Just one of those things we go through to check and see if everything is OK in the places we can't see.


I *do* look forward to that clear report that comes back . . . and I'll pray yours is clear, too!

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I found it unpleasant and, in a couple of the positions, a bit painful. I was told that the younger you are and the denser the tissue, the harder it is.


I've actually got a sono scheduled, because after the mammo and a follow-up mammo, they still couldn't see enough. My thought was, then why isn't the early screening just a sono to begin with???:glare:

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I need to know what I am in for. I am going for my first one tomorrow. I have heard horror stories of the worse pain ever, to uncomfortable.


Our mammo machine has these new "warming pads". I guess they say it is supposed to be more "comfortable". Well what I wanna know is, how comfortable can this be if you are getting your breast squished like a pancake??


I will be on day 4 of my period. Will this effect results?



I made an appt with my GYN for Monday, 2:00 pm, for my annual, and some other issues. Should the results be ready by then?


If there is a problem, how soon would they call me, or would they not call? Would my GYN would call me if he recieved my results either before or after my appt with him?


Please put my mind at ease(or not).....Thanks!


I had mine on Tuesday and got my results Wednesday. Did it hurt... no, just uncomfortable. But I'll take a few seconds of uncomfortable to know that I'm a okay anyday..kwim? Good luck!:grouphug:

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Why don't they use ultrasounds if it is better than a mammo??? I also know there is a lot of controversies over mammograms even being safe if you actually have a tumor??


Anybody care to address these two issues? I am curious. I am going on 37 in December so my time is coming and I want to be informed.



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I'm dating myself, but my count is into the double digits now.


None were over-the-top painful, some were worse than others. The call-back for diagnostic studies I had this year was the worst, but I understand that they were trying to see more detail than the screening mammo provided. I still ended up having an ultrasound on each side, which was no biggie at all. From now on though, it's a diagnostic mammogram -- no more quickie screeening ones.


I read the arguments on both sides as to whether they're really worth it or not, but I'm one who does everything I can for my health. Nothing medical is 100%, but mammograms do save some lives. My insurance is generous on mammograms, out of pocket for about a dozen views this year in two sessions was about $40 total. The ultrasounds were pricey.

Edited by GVA
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It's interesting that everyone is so different. For me, the two weeks before I start my period are the tender breast period. Once I start my period, I get immediate relief, and 4 days into my period would be no problem at all. You just have to know your own body.


My breasts are never tender at any time of the month, so I guess that will be a non-issue with me. I am more scared of the results then the test itself. I have General Anxiety Disorder. Specifically Health. I wish they could just read the results today so I won't have a meltdown all weekend.{{{{sigh}}}


I am going today,


These posts are encouraging though, thank you:001_smile:

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Why don't they use ultrasounds if it is better than a mammo??? I also know there is a lot of controversies over mammograms even being safe if you actually have a tumor??


Anybody care to address these two issues? I am curious. I am going on 37 in December so my time is coming and I want to be informed.




I would like to know the answer to this myself. If I hear someone(and I have a friend right now that is going through this), that has an abnormal mammo, they are sent for an ultrasound.


Plus, aren't ultrasounds safer as far as radiation is concerned?

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I remember looking at my "books" and being shocked that they could look like pancakes. It didn't hurt though, but it is odd to have someone move them around like they are rearranging furniture.


OMG Jan, thanks for the laugh. I will get quite a few chuckles thinking about some of these comments. I will also pray there is no fire drill:willy_nilly:

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Nursing changes the density of the breast tissue and makes the mammogram hard to read and interpret. I know someone who was told to wean, turned out there was nothing. Someone else would have more up-to-date info that I, but basically I wouldn't do it while nursing unless they have experience with nursing books. No point opening yourself up to that.

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You wanted honesty, right?


Next time I will schedule mine in the afternoon and have a glass of wine at lunch first :glare:


It was not fun, not comfortable. But ya know what? The results brought great peace of mind. I can handle it every couple of years for that (I think the new protocol is that once you have a good baseline, no family history of breast cancer and a year or so clear, you don't need one annually...YMMV).

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