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Do you let your children play in your room?

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I'm talking about children who have their own space, in a house that is plenty big enough.


DS has a friend over to play. It is a beautiful day outside, but they are playing inside b/c friend is "allergic to the pollen". (I'm not sure I believe that.) They are playing upstairs so that friend doesn't have to deal with our dog. DS knows not to play in my room. I went upstairs to take up some laundry and found them in my room. When I asked ds if he knew not to play in my room, he looked guilty and said yes so I'm sure that friend said something about going into my room.


Friend has lately been sowing seeds of unrest - ds goes to be early. But he is also up before 6 am so he needs to go to bed early. Friend was saying "I've been going to bed much later for years!" The other day when I was told ds to come in and cool off (before going to tennis), friend was trying to negotiate - what if we drink more water, what if we play in garage, what if we sit for a while. NO, ds needs to come in to cool off. There was something else in the past week or so as well. If friend weren't the only boy close to ds's age in the neighborhood, friend wouldn't be allowed to play.

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DS has a friend over to play. It is a beautiful day outside, but they are playing inside b/c friend is "allergic to the pollen". (I'm not sure I believe that.) They are playing upstairs so that friend doesn't have to deal with our dog. DS knows not to play in my room. I went upstairs to take up some laundry and found them in my room. When I asked ds if he knew not to play in my room, he looked guilty and said yes so I'm sure that friend said something about going into my room.






My kids do play in my room with permission. They like to play on the "big bed" mainly.


You don't believe the friend is allergic to pollen? Why? If it's because you don't see symptoms when he is outside you should know that many pollen allergic people react the next day after exposure. It can be entirely miserable even with antihistamines. My child is suffering today because he was outside yesterday. He takes zyrtec routinely or it would be worse.


If the child is a horrible influence or if the friend was a manipulator I think I'd limit contact no matter the amount of other kids. Friends do matter and you have to protect your son. However because your kid will always be around other influences if the friend isn't horrible (nothing your wrote sounds atypical to me) it might be a chance to work on his ability to stand his ground? It's hard to tell from what you wrote the exact character of this child. My kids look guilty over stuff that was equally (or soley) their idea. But if you are certain this was entirely the friend's idea and your son somehow didn't have what it takes to say "no, it's against the rules" maybe this is an opportunity for growth for him? If alarm bells are going off that your child is actually in danger because this child is manipulative and might coerce him into something far worse than going into your room listen to that. Is your son happy when the friend comes over or resistant?

Edited by sbgrace
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I used the same rule my sister had for her kids (and me) when they were little- "You can only go into Mama and Papa's room if you have been requested or invited to enter."


Both my sister and I had little houses, but even if we lived in mansions, I am sure we would have had the same rule.


I just needed someplace that I didn't have to babyproof, or keep super clean, etc. Where I could go to hide away and breathe, etc.


Sounds, as others have suggested, that there are other issues with this particular friend. If it were me, I would heavily "tomato stake" while he was visiting, or have son take a break from him for awhile, until he gets that he is responsible for his actions even when friends want him to do something wrong.

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My dc are not allowed to play in my room. I don't even like them coming into my room at all. They have to knock and ask permission to come into my room. Too many time dh or I will be getting dress (our bathroom is part of the master suit) and the kids want to come in.

When my nieces and nephew come over I show them what rooms are off limits. Maybe you should tell her dc's friend what rooms they are allowed to play in when they first come to your house so there is no confusion. That way if your dc's friends asks to play in your room, your dc can say that you already told them you can't.

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They don't 'play' in my room, as in bring toys or such in there, but they are welcome in there as long as the door isn't closed. Sometimes they will read on my bed; most frequently they will be play-acting in front of the full-length mirror :D.


Other kids aren't allowed in there, but they did break this rule once. I just fussed at them, kicked them out, and moved on with life.


But this isn't really about whether kids should play in their parent's room, right?

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My children are allowed to come into and play in my room when I am there and authorize it. They do not have unrestricted access to my room and they are not allowed to bring friends into my room.


ETA: I forgot to mention that my office is connected to my room and this is where we schooled so they are frequently in there. Also my kids tend to congregate in my room to talk with me. My house is 3000 sq.ft. and we spend a great deal of time with 6 people crammed in a 10X13 room.

Edited by KidsHappen
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They aren't supposed to play in there with friends over but it's not usually an issue. It's not very fun in there. :)


I don't think they've really wanted to play in there but if I'm in there doing something like folding laundry they might come in and play to be near me and that's fine.

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Sure, they are allowed to play anywhere in the house as long as they clean up the mess.


He sounds like a negotiator to me, which can be annoying, but it isn't like he is trying to negotiate clear cut issues of right and wrong. Perhaps he is just used to having more freedom at home to self-regulate? In your example over the coming in to cool off, if your son wasn't asking to come in, I think it is pretty normal and not disrespectful to try to negotiate an alternative.


With the bed time, I remember being shocked at kids in first grade who said they had to be in bed at 9 pm. I just couldn't comprehend having that early a bedtime. Mine was 11. It is just different way of life, not wrong. He is just commenting and possibly can't understand why anyone would go to bed that early. Now that I am the mom, I can see that I have to do things differently with multiple kids than my mom did (I was an only 'til 12).


So, I'm in the different strokes category.

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Our family bed has turned into the family wrestling ring. :glare: I'm not happy about it (I like quiet, lol), but it doesn't really bother me. Unless I'm trying to read or rest. Or I'm looking for my lipstick and someone has borrowed it. Again.




No. Their friends are NOT allowed in our bedroom. It's not open to the public.

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But this isn't really about whether kids should play in their parent's room, right?


This is what I was thinking as well. The OP seems much more bothered by the possible negative influence of this neighborhood boy.


Do I let my kids in my room? Yes, always have. I've never owned anything that I would want to keep away from my kids. I don't mean that to be snobby, just being honest. We don't have breakable knickknacks or dangerous substances. We've always kept cleaning products on a high shelf in the linen closet and medications on a high shelf in the kitchen. I don't have balls of yarn or other sewing things they might unwrap or mess up. We don't have any hobby materials at all. And the only time I really need my room to be totally private is when DH and I want some alone time and we close/lock the door after telling the kids we need some alone time. Oh, and our room has the 2nd bathroom which is used quite frequently.


Would I be worried about this child's behavior? No, not in the least. But parenting styles differ so greatly and if the OP is concerned about this child, then I think she should take some kind of action. I would take temptation away by cutting off the areas you don't want the children. I'd lock the bedroom door or at least check on the kids frequently to make sure they are still in the son's room. I'd also go over 'house rules' every day with both kids to keep reminding them they are still in effect. Also, have some type of consequence and follow through to show you are serious. Perhaps if they get into the bedroom again, the boy will go straight home and cannot come back for the rest of the day and the son should have a consequence as well. Just MHO.

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I do not let my kids play in my room when friends are over . I don't want random people in my bedroom! If it's my kids, then it's fine . As far as friends who sow seeds of unrest..ditch them! I have had to learn this over time. It's just not worth it. I feel my kids would be better off with no friends, then friends who lead them down the wrong path. I tell my kids it is better to have one good friend then five bad ones. Even if you go through a season with no close friends, it is ok. (This can sometimes go for adults too!) I pray that God will bring a good playmate into their life. I just know that it's not worth it to waste time on those kids who drag them the wrong way. My dd had a little girl she liked to play with but every single time she came over they would do something they were not supposed to do. My dd couldn't seem to say no to this girl. So she had to go! I love all children and wish them the best...but I cannot afford to have my children being negatively influenced if I can avoid it.

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My kids do not play in my room and never had. The most they have done is watch a program on our tv with permission and certainly not when anyone else is over. THey have their rooms and public rooms to do their projects, play, etc. Why would I allow them to use my room except for certain exceptions. By the way, we all treat each other's rooms as private like I may put some clean clothes away or a book away in one of my kid's rooms but I wouldn't think of co-opting it for some project of mine or to read a book or whatever else that is more than extremely temporary.

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The kids are only allowed in our room if there is a reason. They have their own rooms, and I don't hang out in their rooms either. It isn't thoroughly baby proofed like the rest of the house so I have never allowed them in there.


I think that ds's friend sounds pretty normal for that age (assuming 8/9). They are commonly exploring the differences between families and rules of the households. Negotiating is also common in young kids. If he kept pushing that may be more of a behaviour issue, and you can politely let him know that you don't negotiate your rules. Different families have different tolerances when it comes to this kind of thing, and you just need to let him know what is acceptable at your house..I don't expect my children to do this. If one of the friends is acting way out side of our rules (I don't do this for minor variances) then I step in and gently let them know our rules and why we do things the way we do them. I find that treating kids with respect most often gets you respect in return.

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My room is strictly off limits...at least during daylight hours :D Its my sanctuary, mine and Wolf's, where we go to be ALONE, preferably with each other :D;) Its something I started as a single mom. I needed one safe place where it wasn't about the kids, since everything else was, lol


The only thing that's changed is that Tazzie will come in at night, or wakes up in the wee morning hours and will either camp on the floor, or snuggle up beside me until a more decent hour.

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They don't 'play' in my room, as in bring toys or such in there, but they are welcome in there as long as the door isn't closed. Sometimes they will read on my bed; most frequently they will be play-acting in front of the full-length mirror :D.


Other kids aren't allowed in there, but they did break this rule once. I just fussed at them, kicked them out, and moved on with life.


But this isn't really about whether kids should play in their parent's room, right?


:iagree: This is how it is at our house too.


Maybe you need to kindly set some boundaries. It sounds more like you are tired of dealing with this particular friend. Are his indiscretions enough that you feel the need to terminate the friendship? Are there other groups, places, etc. where your son could form friendships? Perhaps this child just needs an adult who will help him to learn proper boundaries through example, someone who cares a little about him. Usually kids that behave this way are allowed to be like that at home and towards the adults in their home. They have learned that negotiation is a means to an end - the one they want. They may not have their own personal space and therefore cannot fathom why someone else needs one. They often say things that seem superior simply because they don't feel validated by others, or because the adults in their life behave the same way.


Sorry for the rambling post.:D I hope you can find a solution that is helpful for your son. I know how frustrating it can be. It's a lot easier to put up with the idiosyncrasies of our own children than someone elses's!

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No, I really try to enforce this rule. They have their space & plenty of family space. They do not need my bed or my room as a playground. They sneak in & I immediately overrule!


We often read in bed or talk... they even sleep with me occassionally since DH works away... but no toys or playground area...

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No, but then I can't say they have ever really wanted to. If I'm in there and the door is open then they are welcome to come in and visit. If the door is closed then no. If they need something they knock and wait for me to respond. As others have said they have their own rooms and the common areas of the house to play in.


As far as the friend goes nothing you have mentioned here would really concern me. He might just have different rules at home and negotiating is common in young kids. My guess would be that it works at his house so he uses it. I think you need to nicely but firmly let him what the the rules are in your house and check on them fairly often. When he tries to negotiate with stand your ground and he will learn that it doesn't work with you.

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I don't care if our kids are in my room. I don't like them taking friends in there because it's usually a mess LOL.

I don't think this childs behaviour would bother me much. C also has similar bedtimes and a friend who makes the same kind of comments. I just had a chat with C about differing house rules and why we run ours the way we do. And the negotiating; C is like that. He started negotiating as soon as he started speaking. So that wouldn't bother me either.

To me it's simple. Your house your rules. Once the kid knows them surely he will respect them?

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No, our sons were not allowed to play in our bedroom. I'm wondering why the friend wanted to play in your room.


I had a house guest with 3 kids about 3, 7, and 9. They picked up lots of things, and while the 3 year old tended to throw whatever she had in her hand the moment a sib showed interest, the 7 year old just dropped everything he picked up, plunk, right where he was standing. The 7 and 9 were magnetically drawn to the "grown ups rooms". Pick up some antique glass and shake it. Sit in the antique platform rocker and rock HARD, pull the 60 year old tag off my mother's 60 year old side table, snoop through the antique silver and get into my drawers in the living room and my bedroom. Since mother didn't stop them, only I did, repeatedly, I have to think they are allowed everywhere. I told 7 year old "no" to a bath in my bathtub (in my room and an all wood room where child's splashes would stain). He asked again, and then had Mom come and ask for him. I kept up with the no's.


Some people live different lives. Since mom didn't even say thanks for the place to stay and the ferrying back and forth hubby did, and when she called would just start talking without introducing herself (this was before we met), I have to think the acorn is right under the oak. It made me writhe underneath, because they smacked a bit of the "unsocialized homeschooler".

Edited by kalanamak
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Yes, they are, and love to be in there. On Saturdays, we have "cuddle watch" time in the morning, where the dc & I watch Mr. Rogers and Animal Planet, and eat breakfast in the bed. Dh has a fit about crumbs though. I would live in the bed if I could-give me my books, food, tv and the family, and I'm set.:D


But...I do not allow any of my dc's friends in there, and they know better than to bring them in. I leave the door closed when anyone is over.

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No. She has her own spaces and and one of them is not our room. She's only able to come in if we're in there and she must knock first and ask. So I'll cuddle on the bed with her in the am or even in the afternoon, but for the most part it's off limits. In my house kids don't need to be everywhere. Some room has to be mine and I hold our bedroom somewhat sacred...and peaceful.

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G- is welcome in my room, but doesn't play in there.. its mostly for making beds and folding clothes - being in our room means there is work to do :lol:

We don't have a TV, so I'm sure that minimizes hangout and play time. We cuddle on Sat/Sun mornings and that stuff and he's never refused entry.

But.. he knows no one else is allowed in the room. Our room is for family only - I don't hang out in there with my friends, kwim? We have a young lady on our street though that makes it a point of trying to hang out in the parents room in every house she visits. I agree it just seems to be a thing for certain kids and I don't know what their house rules are. We just remind everyone, if they head that direction. Our house, our rules...if they don't like me, I'm really okay with it. I've limited our son's time over at a neighbors house b/c the young man did not display the behavior and respect that we require in our house. He can come to our house - but my son's visit's to his house are strictly limited to a fixed amount of time.. .50 hour or 1 hour.. something like that.

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Absolutely my children can play in my room. I don't mind at all. They sometimes like to play in our closet because it is huge. My oldest likes to lay on our bed and read. Sure, he has his own room but I don't mind if he wants to lay on my bed. What does it hurt? He says he likes the way the light falls in the afternoon in our room. I agree with him, it is cozy in there in the afternoon.


The other thing is that we have a retreat, basically and extra room, that you can only get to by going through the master bedroom. It is a good sized room and we turned it into our school room. There are a lot of toys, school related activities, etc in there and the kids are allowed to get those things whenever they want. They have to go through our room to get there so it seems silly to ban them from our room.


I do prefer that when they have friends over that they play in their own rooms. But I'd never ban my own children from spending time in my room.

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Yes, we have a small house, and they will watch movies on our bed, sometimes have a pretend picnic on our bed (it's larger than theirs), and sometimes read alone on my bed (because the brother is in the bedroom that they share).


They don't mess with my things (except my hand weights), so I don't mind. Other kids don't play in our room.

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Kids should be allowed to do what ever they like only if you take responsibility of taking care of them. According to kid's psychology if he or she is not allowed to do certain things than it is sure that he will go for it.

Playing in room is not a big issue just talk to him and convince him to play carefully.

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My kids are allowed to play in my room. They pretend that they are in someone else's house. They use the TV in my room to watch their dance DVDs.

I understand they need a change of scene once in a while. But are not allowed to jump on the bed, nor leave toys after they are done.

However no friends of theirs are allowed in my room! Not even relative's kids. The master bathroom is not totally kid-prooffed.

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We don't have a tv or anything in our room and my kids are too old for family bed issues. My kids are allowed in my room if they need something-the bandaids, nail polish, lots of stuff they use is kept in there. If I'm in there and the door is open they come in and talk with me while I'm doing chores, getting ready for our day or whatever. If my door is shut and they need something then they must knock and wait for a response. They aren't allowed to play in there. I wouldn't expect them to take a friend into my room unless they were getting nail polish or some such.

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My kids love me bedroom. Its probably the most peaceful, and in some ways interesting room in the house...artwork, crystals, just interesting stuff, but a very uncluttered and peaceful space as well. In the past, we would do evening read aloud in my bed, although not for a couple of years now. I welcome them into my space, but as a privelege and its to be respected. Definitely no friends.

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No...if that had been my son and one of his friends, I'd have shooed them out of there immediately. I don't like anyone going into my room without my permission. Kids are definitely "by invitation only" and they have to knock before entering otherwise.


For me, it's an issue of respecting an adult's space. But I'm the kind of person who needs a certain degree of privacy to stay sane. :D

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There are guns (albeit they are locked up and store safely) in my room. So, NO, the kids are NOT allowed to play in there. My question...why would a child even want to play in an adult's bedroom? Other than to watch TV on occasion, my kids don't even really feel the need to go in my room. There is nothing FUN in there. LOL


I think house size and layout have a lot to do with it.


Our house is 1,100 sq ft. Less than half of it is one hallway with all three bedrooms and a bathroom acessible from the hallway. You can walk down the length of our house in about 8 seconds. I think the boys got comfortable with our room from birth, and even now, it is normal to continue conversations with people while walking through the house and entering my room.


They don't often play "together" in our room, but if they want to be in separate rooms, I will allow one of them to hang out on my bed, or if we want the living area to be quiet, they may watch a movie in our room.


One of my favorite pictures of Nathan was taken on my bed with all of his audio picture books spread out around him.



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I think house size and layout have a lot to do with it.


Our house is 1,100 sq ft. Less than half of it is one hallway with all three bedrooms and a bathroom acessible from the hallway. You can walk down the length of our house in about 8 seconds. I think the boys got comfortable with our room from birth, and even now, it is normal to continue conversations with people while walking through the house and entering my room.


They don't often play "together" in our room, but if they want to be in separate rooms, I will allow one of them to hang out on my bed, or if we want the living area to be quiet, they may watch a movie in our room.


One of my favorite pictures of Nathan was taken on my bed with all of his audio picture books spread out around him.




Awww, that is an adorable picture! Is that a king's crown he is wearing as well? How cute!


You may be right about house size. Our house is 3400 sq ft (according to the home appraisal we had last week...I always thought it was closer to 3100) and there are LOTS of places for the kids to go to be apart. Currently, my 6year old is finishing lunch at the bar in the kitchen and my 10 year old is in the "man room" (bonus room?) watching TV. This morning I was downstairs doing laundry, hubby was canning tomatoes, the kids were doing their own thing, and I am not sure we saw or heard each other for about 2 hours! When we lived in our 1400 sq ft house, it was impossible to do that!

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