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What do you think of high heels?

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Do hhs (for argument's sake make it the stiletto-ey kind) make sense in promoting women's equality to men? I would say, no, high heels are not good for women in general. I'm pretty sure you couldn't get a guy or kids to walk 5 steps in them (or even wedges) without complaining endlessly, and if you did, they would call it enslavement or torture. This voluntary burden of hhs has always struck me as exceedingly odd. From prostitutes to Sex-in-the-City-Jimmy-Choo-types, many women feel compelled to wear them. The legs look elongated I guess, but I remember seeing a photo of Reese Witherspoon or Sar Jess Parker majorly preggo and wearing heels. Color me :confused:


I found this in http://www.lifeinitaly.com/fashion/high-heels.asp "One mystery to men is why women would voluntarily torture their toes with pointy toed shoes or high heels, yet these continue to be the most popular styles for dress shoes today. This is because high heels work wonders for a woman’s figure. They make the legs look long and shapely, tuck in the tummy, lift the bottom, make hips sway. They make a woman look sexy and confident. What more can one want of a fashion accessory?


... While many women today take pride in their ease and speed as they rush around in their 5" Manolos, it's likely that the 16th century women of France, Spain, and Italy could have literally given the modern beauties a run for their money. In the mid 1500's, Chopines became popular, particularly in Venice. Chopines are extremely tall shoes that reached heights of 24".


The higher the woman was in social status, the more restricted her movement, forcing women to carry canes or take servants to help them."


Let's say we all agree that requiring servants and canes to help you walk in your sexy Chopine shoes is decidely not sexy. Ok. But when you see an attractive lady wearing stilettos in 2009, do you see her projecting "sexy and confident" or do you see her projecting "I'm trying to project sexy and confident. It hurts a lot, but I've gotten used to it."?


Which reaction is the society who has accepted women's equality supposed to have?

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I like aleast an inch heel because I'm short. I will even wear them with pants.


Short guys like 'lifts' too. I think many would like it to be more acceptable to wear some type of heel to look taller.


HH can be so high and fancy that you really can't walk in/stand in them very much. Or they can be more foot friendly. I really like when 'clunky' heels are popular and hate when stilettos are popular. Just because they are more comfortable. Of course I'm getting to an age when I have stopped worrying about what's in style. But if it isn't in style then it is hard to find in the stores.


There is one shoe company that supposedly makes HH that are as comfortable as tennis shoes. They were on Oprah. I love to try those shoes.


I think women driving/not driving affects their mobility than shoes.

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I find anything with more than 1/2" heel on it very uncomfortable - and even that 1/2" is pushing it to be honest. I love my flats (or just bare feet if I can get away with it). Being only 5' tall, the height of heels would be nice, I guess, but they just aren't me.


I don't really think women choosing to wear heels (or not) reflects anything about equality with men or acts as any sort of societal indicator. I'd find it rather sad if we could use fashion as an indicator of our society's freedom and equality. Please, say it ain't so.

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I don't really think women choosing to wear heels (or not) reflects anything about equality with men or acts as any sort of societal indicator. I'd find it rather sad if we could use fashion as an indicator of our society's freedom and equality. Please, say it ain't so.


But Chinese footbinding was looked down upon. That too was perceived as fashionable. Feet like dainty lillies. Rears swaying like ... (I forgot the analogy but you get the picture)

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If these shoes are wrong http://piperlime.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=19795&vid=1&pid=688189&scid=688189002 then I don't want to be right!! :D

I think it's more harmful for women to judge each other for wearing sweats and flip flops everyday, or makeup and heels. I don't wear shoes that hurt my feet and I don't fit in anywhere between a prostitute or a silly sex in the city mentality.

I've got a lot of health issues that effect the way I look and feel. When I go out I like to look and feel as good as I can.

I'm not sure what I'm thinking when I see a woman in heels, I do often stop and say "hey you look great in those shoes!" I like to say things that put a smile on a sisters face. Why not?

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I love my high heels! Because as you quoted:

This is because high heels work wonders for a woman’s figure. They make the legs look long and shapely, tuck in the tummy, lift the bottom, make hips sway. They make a woman look sexy and confident. What more can one want of a fashion accessory?


I wear high heels about 60-70% of the time I am out of the house. I can wear them all day and still feel comfortable, and I don't consider them a torture device. AND I wore them while pregnant :tongue_smilie:

I like the height they give me, the leg elongation and the way they make the calf and ankle look when in a skirt. I like 'em a lot.


I am neither a hooker, or a sex in the city girl. Although I'd love to have the style of Charlotte:D

I don't really think women choosing to wear heels (or not) reflects anything about equality with men or acts as any sort of societal indicator. I'd find it rather sad if we could use fashion as an indicator of our society's freedom and equality. Please, say it ain't so.

It ain't so as far as I'm concerned!


If these shoes are wrong http://piperlime.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=19795&vid=1&pid=688189&scid=688189002 then I don't want to be right!! :D

You're singing my song :D

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Hmm...never really thought about it as an equality thing. Personally I don't care what others wear, and I am not going to wear anything that hurts my feet for any reason. My family has enough back issues, and the thought of surgery to my feet or anywhere really (yes I know several women that have had that because of heels) scares me. I don't wear flip flops for the same reason even though they are super comfortable. :glare:

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I think they can look pretty in certain situations (wedding, business meeting, night out with hubby etc) but just don't get it when I see people wearing them at the grocery store, mall, park etc (not judging, they can do what they want, I just don't get it. I want to be comfy in those situations and I don't find pumps comfy or practical chasing a bunch of kids lol).


I never wear them anymore b/c of pain from a previous broken foot and back problems--but wish I could wear them sometimes

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Only if it's obvious that she can't walk in them.


:iagree: If I see a chickie (of any age) sashaying happily down the street in her heels, I think "You go girl!" though I lprefer my loafers. If I see a chickie tottering down the street in her heels, I think "For goodness sakes, kid, you ought to practise before you go out. Didn't your Mamma teach you anything?"



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After my last MS attack, I went to pt in crocs for months. Now, that is all I can walk in! It is humiliating, but even my Bjorn flats cause me to revert to a 4 point cane instead of my single point.:001_huh:

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I wear sneakers, hiking boots, sandals, or flats and wouldn't so much as touch anything with a heel even though I'm short. I've never cared what was in style...


AND I don't care what others wear nor do I often even look at them.


People should wear what they want to wear... both genders - any age.

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I personally don't care what others wear. I grew up with a mother that NEVER wore shoes. not even shopping. anything looks smart compared to that.


I can't wear high heals at all. I have a foot deformity ( pes cavus), and have prosthesis in my shoes so I can walk . so I have to have those flat shoes that can fit a prosthesis.

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High heels?? Ha. Sure, if I want to fall on my nose. :tongue_smilie:


I live in crocs. Oh, and winter boots when it snows. No heels there either - winter boots with big heels puzzle me... how on earth anyone tromps through the snow in stuff like this, I'll never know. :001_huh:

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I wear sneakers, hiking boots, sandals, or flats and wouldn't so much as touch anything with a heel even though I'm short. I've never cared what was in style...


I wear sneakers, hiking or cowboy boots, sandals or flats. I have never been able to wear heals. Even as a teen, any type of heal immediately caused me ankle pain. If I insisted on wearing them, I'd be limping by the end of the night. I gave that up 25 years ago. I can only wear my cowboy boots riding, even those heals cause me pain. I've never figured out what the problem was. I just assume that the conformation of my foot is negatively effected by the presence of a heal.


I think women who want to wear heals should wear heals. I do not understand WHY they would want to because I know heals are bad for your feet and feet are pretty important to the ability to walk. (As I get older, I'm thinking more and more about perserving my health in every way)....but, to each his own.

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I love my high heels!

I wear high heels about 60-70% of the time I am out of the house. I can wear them all day and still feel comfortable, and I don't consider them a torture device. AND I wore them while pregnant :tongue_smilie:

I like the height they give me, the leg elongation and the way they make the calf and ankle look when in a skirt. I like 'em a lot.


:iagree: I LOVE heels and I work in a world of men. When I have to go to a cabinet meeting full of suit-and-tie men, I love walking in with my high heels and a skirt. I love being feminine AND powerful. :cool:

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I've always been a tomboy....I don't do heels LOL. The first and last time I wore heels was in my wedding (and only because my mom convinced me to). My back was absolutely killing me and I pretty much had to make a bolt for the Motrin after the ceremony so that I could make it through the reception. I'd rather be comfortable.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I don't care what anyone else wears, but I can't wear heels. I have arthritis in one of my big toes and wide feet that are hard to squeeze into most modern heels. I also don't like pain.


I do know wearing heels all the time can cause harm: varicose veins, bunions, shortened achilles tendon, and many other problems. I met a woman once whose feet were deformed from wearing high heels constantly.

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I don't wear them for everyday, but love to put on a pair of heels when going somewhere special. Usually during the day I'm in a pair of flip-flops or sandals.


I don't judge anyone else for what they wear or really even pay much attention to what other people have on their feet.

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I've just never seen the point :confused: Of course I'm tall and clumsy, and high heels just seem like a joke on me. I can't wear anything but tennis shoes and granny shoes because of my neuroma in my foot, so it doesn't matter. When the podiatrist told me to stop wearing heels I laughed...I owned one pair of true heels, and had only worn them a couple of times.

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I usually go barefoot at home, and mostly sneakers. But I like heels, they look so much better with most skirts and dresses. I think the wedge kind of sandals are the best though, they are more comfortable and steady, but still look as good as heels.


I also think anything looks better than flip-flops (which I think are WAY more uncomfortable than heels). There are some cute flip-flops out there, I just can't get past the fact that they are flip-flops.

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The only person I know personally who wears crazy-tall stiletto-type heels is my 26-year-old sister. She wears them ALL the time, including with jeans. She tries to tell me that they are comfortable, but then again, she also believes that using tanning beds has no long-term effects on her skin. She is 5'9", so she doesn't need the height--for her it is part of the whole "sexy" image she wants to project. Never mind that she already has bunions and her toes look permanently squished and mangled--she's got to keep up appearances.


Her vanity doesn't surprise me anymore, though. At 16 she threw a screaming, crying fit because my dad wanted her to run an errand with him at 7:00 am where no one would even see her, but didn't want her to take the time to put on makeup. At 22 my parents paid for her laser eye surgery so she wouldn't go blind from wearing contacts & mascara constantly (and sometimes to bed!) despite infected eyes.


During WWII, my grandmother worked for the VA and wore high heels every day on cement floors. She has permanent damage to her legs/feet because of it.


Generally, I think crazy-high heels are silly, but I don't pay much attention to people wearing them. My husband thinks they are ridiculous and often comments on them to me.

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I love how they look. When I put on heels, I instantly feel 'Shazam!' My dh also loves me in them. I have some that are modest, and also a pair that are a good 3-4 inches high, black, with a double strap at the ankle. Seriously woo hoo as far as dh is concerned :D They hurt though, so rarely wear them.


If I could find comfortable heels, I would wear them all the time. I just really do feel pretty and sexy wearing them!

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I used to love them and wore them regularly when I worked in the insurance field before I was married. When I got married and moved, I worked in marketing and did trade show planning/logistics...and got more and more practical about my footwear. I just couldn't stand for 12 hours a day in heels, and I couldn't heft boxes, run across a convention center either. I switched to Dansko clogs (the clonkier the better is a phrase in our home -- even my girls wear wooden clogs). Additionally, I tore both ACLs skiing at Steven's Pass in Washington State in 1994, had reconstruction in one leg, and left the other leg torn (I wish I'd left BOTH torn). I wore heels for a while after that but as I got older it became more and more painful and obviously bad for my knees.


My husband says he loves my clogs. we both kind of like an euro-style type of dress anyway, so he's cool with it. I'm thankful he is!

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I used to never wear heels (in high school & college). Now I love to wear them! However, I only wear them with dresses, skirts, dress pants; and I only wear these to church, or special ocassions. I actually just bought these:



Because I have a few dresses with orange in them. I don't go for anything too high. I still want to be comfortable. I like looking feminine, and I like the looks I get from my hubby. I don't feel I have to look like a man to be equal with him.

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But when you see an attractive lady wearing stilettos in 2009, do you see her projecting "sexy and confident" or do you see her projecting "I'm trying to project sexy and confident. It hurts a lot, but I've gotten used to it."?



It honestly depends on how well she carries herself in the shoes. If she takes ridiculously tiny steps, essentially shuffling her feet across the ground just so she can remain upright, I think she looks like she is trying too hard and needs to chuck the heels.

Women who can actually walk across the floor in the same manner they would in flats, though? I think they look fabulous in heels.


I wear them when I go out with my husband. He loves dancing with a tall woman. ;)

I don't think that lessens my equality, though. I love it when he wears cowboy boots and tight Levi's, so occasionally he does.

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I never really thought about it. I wear shoes for comfort. The only time I wear heels now is if I am attending a formal affair. If I see a woman tottering about I will think "practice before you leave the house." Or perhaps "You look like an idiot." Other then that-if heels make you happy then wear them. Isn't that what fashion is supposed to be about?


As for equality-being equal means having the ability to pick you shoes. As far as aI know, no one is holding a gun to anyone and saying "wear these crippling shoes".

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She casually mentioned to me once that the most noticable difference between old women and old men is that old men can walk. That impressed me! I was an engineer at the time, usually wearing 2 inch spikey-heeled pumps with my suits. I looked for flat but professional shoes and switched to them.


I know I looked more powerful and more professional and more attractive in those pumps, but now I wear them only occasionally for presentations.


I would rather be able to walk when I'm 80 than to look hot all the time now.

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Hate them! Hate them! Hate them! My first impulse to answer that question was "instrument of the devil". :lol::lol:


I used to wear them when I was younger but being pregnant did something to my feet and legs and I haven't been able to tolerate them since. I have some with a very small heel that I will wear to weddings, funerals that type of thing but other than that it is sneakers, comfy easy spirit sandals or barefoot.

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I wear them when I go out with my husband. He loves dancing with a tall woman. ;)



There's the other reason I don't wear them (besides the fact that I would fall over and prolly knock down a few other people too) -- my dh and I are the same height (5'8") and heels would make me taller than him... neither of us want that. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm 6'2" and used to HATE being so tall. But then I matured and realized I was perfect, just the way God made me, and I wasn't going to appoligize for my height. So for me, wearing heels is a way of saying "I know I'm tall without them, but I want to wear them and to heck with social norms!" But for comforts sake, I don't go much over an inch and a half and I like a thicker heel, not a teensy spike.

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There's the other reason I don't wear them (besides the fact that I would fall over and prolly knock down a few other people too) -- my dh and I are the same height (5'8") and heels would make me taller than him... neither of us want that. :tongue_smilie:


It took years for me to get used to it. We're both 5'10". I hated being taller than him, but he loves it.

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I love high heels but will not wear the pointed toe type. I typically wear a 3 inch heel (I am 5'3")


I wear them with dresses, the dress capri, and dress jeans/pants.


I would never wear them with shorts.


I have comfortable heels and then heels that I wear for my dh. These are sexy but not practical or comfortable.


I have old fashion ideas about wearing heels. They are to be worn with a walking grace. The women and teens that stomp, wobble, shuffling, and have the exaggerated hip movement just need to stay out of heels IMO


I work a job in scrubs (asexual environment) no nail polish, jewley, perfume.


I like looking feminine when I go to church or out to dinner


Now around the house and running errands, I love flip flops.

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I have never been very graceful as it is but I look like Bambi learning to walk in a pair of heels. Luckily, my life does not require I wear them so I haven't even owned a pair in 20 years. Also, hubby is only an inch taller than me and neither one of us would care to change that.


On of my minor irritations in life though involves heels. It never fails that any movie in which a woman is required to run, she is wearing 3" heels at the time. I end up yelling at her to ditch the heels, hon.


And finally, I read a book that said many people could not make it down the stairs wells in the Twin Towers because so many women had ditched their shoes there that is made it impassable. If I ever have to flee anything for any reason, you can bet your butt I won't have to stop and take my shoes off to do it. :tongue_smilie:

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I would love to wear heels that have a long and skinny heel but I have never been able to wear them. I don't know why. After about half an hour I am in so much pain that I end up limping. And I have tried different types of shoes and only end up in the same way. I can only take a chunky heal that is not very high. I wish i could.

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Do hhs (for argument's sake make it the stiletto-ey kind) make sense in promoting women's equality to men?


Which reaction is the society who has accepted women's equality supposed to have?

I'm still unable to determine the relationship between "woman's equality" (which means different things to different people) and a particular piece of fashion.


If it makes you feel any better, my hatred for ties probably equals or exceeds yours of heals :D

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I used to wear high heels and business suits with my first job after college even while traveling and lugging luggage through the airport. Now I cannot wear them at all. They absolutely kill my feet. Plus, I have a bunion. I do wish I still could wear them occasionally.

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I wear high heals on rare occasion to accessorize a particular outfit or dress. I wear little one-inch, cute sandals several times a week because they are comfortable and stylish. True 2 to 3 inch heals I wear about 4 times a year on our business trips. I see them as a choice not a torture device. Wear them or don't wear them but don't blame someone else for what you decide. :)


P.S. the amount of pain or comfort I find in a heal often coincides with the quality of shoe. Cheap shoes hurt! Some stupid expensive heals do too. Choose wisely :)

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