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For coffee-drinkers: how do you take your coffee?

How do you take your coffee?  

  1. 1. How do you take your coffee?

    • Black.
    • Sweet (sugar).
    • Sweet (artificial sweetener).
    • Sweet (natural sweetener other than sugar).
    • Light (milk).
    • Light (cream).
    • Light (flavored creamer).
    • Light (plain non-dairy product, incl. soy, rice milk, etc).
    • Obligatory other.

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It's very strange, but I always drank it black, my whole life-then after I had my first baby, for some reason, I could never have it black again!:001_huh: But I still only have milk with it, not sweet. The only time I add a flavored creamer is if I have a cold and have had cough drops at night.

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Sugar is optional but the cream is NOT!! I can not drink coffee without some kind of dairy in it, and that dairy has to have plenty of fat. And no flavor unless it's a mocha, which is a completely different thing altogether.... :)


If we're out of half-and-half, I can use vanilla ice cream, but it doesn't make me happy.

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When I used to drink coffee in excess I drank regular coffee. I really don't drink much coffee now, but when I do I'll drink:



milk 2%, whole, half/half, flavored creamer liquid


But my FAVORITE would be one I don't believe you offered as a poll choice and that is.................


FLAVORED COFFEE! New poll time.........what flavor!!!



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I voted sweet (natural other than sugar) and milk, but that's not quite right, so maybe I should've voted other...?


I use stevia to sweeten but lately I've been using the flavored stevia syrups - peppermint and chocolate are my favorites! When I'm out I usually get flavored coffees (hazelnut or cinnamon or even better... cinnamon hazelnut!) and unflavored stevia tabs...


I use fat-free half and half when home, and whole milk when out.

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Black, black, black.


Unless I'm driving and stop at Dunkin' Donuts. Then I have it with cream and sugar, because if I don't, it's so freaking hot that I arrive at my destination before I can even take a sip!


I cannot stand cream and sugar in my coffee any other time or place. Just Dunkin' Donuts. Don't ask me why.



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Funny thing...I drink it black most often, but will have it with cream when at someone's house or at a restaurant. I think it has something to do with the fear of someone making really bad coffee and wanting to "tame" it in some way.


When I first started drinking coffee, I used to do cream & sugar, and when I wanted to cut calories I switched to a no-cal sweetener -- I hated it so much that it was easier to cut the sweetness entirely! I eventually ended up drinking it black after a camping trip where dh and I forgot any creamer.


I've told my kids (the ones who like the smell of coffee) that if they want to drink coffee, they have to learn to drink it black or they'll always want the high-fat, high-sugar variety. Mean mama, huh?

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I don't drink coffee at all, but dh does so this is how he drinks it. He is a coffee snob and only drinks Starbucks. He buys the beans and grinds it fresh. If he's drinking hot coffee, he takes it with raw cream. If he has a lot of driving to do, he will make a travel cup of coffee with cream and put the rest of the coffee with cream in a quart jar.


For cold coffee, he takes hot coffee and mixes with sucanat. Then he adds cream and pours the mixture over ice.


His coffee must be STRONG and he will not drink coffee from a thermos.



Edited by Melinda S in TX
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