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What do YOU want for Christmas this year?


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2 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

We had this problem. If you pull fuse number 7, it will stop the battery drain (and unfortunately kill the autolocks and kill the power part of the doors but you can manually slide them) until you can figure out if it is the sensor or the latch. 

This is a pretty wellknown issue with a lot of fixer DIY videos on YouTube and advice on the Ody Club website.

Oh, thank you! 

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I want to swap places with dh from now until after Christmas. Let him carry the mental load of planning and executing Thanksgiving and Christmas, including gift buying/wrapping/mailing.  He could handle the logistics of doing our family traditions, choosing and planning activities for the season. He can meal plan and then buy and prep the food, and also communicate w the family about who is bringing what to each meal. We’re hosting both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals because my family wants to do it but nobody wants to host, 

I’ll be him. I’ll handle writing half the Christmas cards and help decorate the tree. I’ll help clean for guests, as long as I’m given a list. 

This is not a slam on him- it’s just that I’m tired of all the work that goes into the holidays and would love to be him. I have suggested skipping Christmas and going to the beach (every year for the past five years) but so far it hasn’t happened. 

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A trip to somewhere tropical and sunny. Bask in the sunshine. Low light is beginning to kick my butt and my energy levels.

That isn't happening. So I would settle for my middle son's employer not being a wicked asset. But that probably isn't an option either. After the 1st of the year, his resume' is going out to many places.

I can't think of a material thing that I really want. Can some of our Aussie bees bottle sunshine and send it to me? 

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5 hours ago, 73349 said:

World peace being something my family is unlikely to accomplish in six weeks...

It's unlikely that there will be an end to world hunger either in that time which is too bad.

I haven't made a wishlist yet, but the above two would be wonderful.



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2 hours ago, Annie G said:

I want to swap places with dh from now until after Christmas. Let him carry the mental load of planning and executing Thanksgiving and Christmas, including gift buying/wrapping/mailing.  He could handle the logistics of doing our family traditions, choosing and planning activities for the season. He can meal plan and then buy and prep the food, and also communicate w the family about who is bringing what to each meal. We’re hosting both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals because my family wants to do it but nobody wants to host, 

I’ll be him. I’ll handle writing half the Christmas cards and help decorate the tree. I’ll help clean for guests, as long as I’m given a list. 

This is not a slam on him- it’s just that I’m tired of all the work that goes into the holidays and would love to be him. I have suggested skipping Christmas and going to the beach (every year for the past five years) but so far it hasn’t happened. 

I will admit to feeling like this too. People have no idea. They think they do, but they are wrong. LOL

I have felt like this once or twice…


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12 hours ago, Tenaj said:

I made a wishlist because my adult children were asking.  An Audible membership was high on it (even a month or two would be fun), a bunch of kitchen stuff - I need a wedding shower because everything in my kitchen is falling apart!  Measuring cups, plates and bowls, pans.  I just started an herb aerogarden and I wouldn't mind having another larger one to do lettuce in but $$.  Socks (sounds boring but I love some nice socks and I am always out of them because I don't like wearing shoes in the house.

I, too, always ask for a nice pair of warm socks.

Socks also reminded me of Dumbledore. 😉


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Oooh! I just got my favorite Christmas gift early! DH. He is traveling this month so that perhaps, maybe he won’t have to travel in Dec. And it worked! Just got confirmation that he can bow out of Dec travel — essentially just a party anyway. Wheee! I’m done. I need nothing else.

Now if the Icelandic volcano can just stay quiet and decide *not* to erupt — for the benefit of Icelanders, and also selfishly so DH can get home through Keflavik in a few days.


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My kids always ask, so I'm trying to come up with a list of reasonably priced things.

Fancy hot chocolate or teas 

New earrings and necklaces (Kohls, not real stuff, $8-15 range)

Last year they got me a mothers necklace and I live it.

Personalized ornament for the year

Once I got a recipie card book- love it!  

Hand weights and a stretching cloth thing?


I'm getting myself a new Kindle- the one I currently use was bought for one of the kids in 2013!  I also just bought myself new Corelle- I got money for that last Christmas from other family members.   I was also given money for a specific type of earrings, so still looking for those.  I love finding good deals and sales.  

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11 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

Honestly I’d love to just skip Christmas entirely.  


Same.  I just hate it.  

The only thing I want that anyone can give me is this::  I like when the kids load my digital frame with new photos.  Everything else I want can't be bought, wrapped, promised, or given...


But skipping Christmas sounds like the best gift of all mentally and physically for me.  

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7 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

I hear  you.

I bought a set of two (much cheaper, and shorter) solar versions for two small trees out front.  They stay lit almost all night, and are so cool.

Solar outdoor tree lights!!  May I ask where you found these?

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14 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

bought my gift for myself already - a nice pair of slippers from LLBean. 


I'm getting dd a pair of these this year and decided I would like one too. The shearlings are so soft and cozy! Is that what you bought?

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15 hours ago, Tenaj said:

I made a wishlist because my adult children were asking.  An Audible membership was high on it (even a month or two would be fun), a bunch of kitchen stuff - I need a wedding shower because everything in my kitchen is falling apart!  Measuring cups, plates and bowls, pans.  I just started an herb aerogarden and I wouldn't mind having another larger one to do lettuce in but $$.  Socks (sounds boring but I love some nice socks and I am always out of them because I don't like wearing shoes in the house.

As for socks, I love either darn tough or smart wool socks. Before moving to Alaska, I much preferred bare feet. Now.... I adore socks 🙂

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6 hours ago, Annie G said:

I want to swap places with dh from now until after Christmas. Let him carry the mental load of planning and executing Thanksgiving and Christmas, including gift buying/wrapping/mailing.  He could handle the logistics of doing our family traditions, choosing and planning activities for the season. He can meal plan and then buy and prep the food, and also communicate w the family about who is bringing what to each meal. We’re hosting both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals because my family wants to do it but nobody wants to host, 

I’ll be him. I’ll handle writing half the Christmas cards and help decorate the tree. I’ll help clean for guests, as long as I’m given a list. 

This is not a slam on him- it’s just that I’m tired of all the work that goes into the holidays and would love to be him. I have suggested skipping Christmas and going to the beach (every year for the past five years) but so far it hasn’t happened. 

I am changing my list to this!!  Dh will actually do anything I ask him to help with, but usually I have already planned it all out.  We are not hosting anything that I know of since family is too old to travel to us.  But carrying the mental load everyday is exhausting

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2 hours ago, Anne said:

Solar outdoor tree lights!!  May I ask where you found these?

where else?  amazon.

these are the ones I bought - they come in other colors.  

I'm sorely tempted to get another set and put them on my arbors.  (put the solar panel where they'd get the most sun.

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I just saw a sports car in my all time favorite color for sale in a sketchy online add that gave obviously inaccurate details, and didn't include pictures that show the important things. I want it. I want a sports car. I want something impractical. Not really. I just want my car to not be a boring color like all the other cars. Maybe I will settle for a pack of sharpies and go doodle on my car. Won't happen. It would make my husband and one adultling cry. Because for some reason maintaining the status quo of boring is important. 


We need to do a fake gift exchange where we buy ourselves things we would never buy ourselves and ship it to ourselves with a fake return address and claim it is a boardie gift exchange and that we absolutely have to use the item so as not to hurt any feelings. 



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13 hours ago, MsTake said:

I'd like for my utility bills to go down a bit. They jumped almost 100% in the past few years, and it sucks.



Though I would settle for not receiving emails about how we used less this week compared to last week/month/year and in big happy font it shows that how much more our bill will be.


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Power tools. They have been on my wish list for years but I suspect no one takes me seriously since I have never received any. As I've been working on remodeling parts of the house, I've needed various tools to get it done and would have just bought what I wanted except my father would say, "You can just borrow my (insert the non-power tool version of what I needed)." Ugh, my arms still hurt just thinking about all the sawing I have done.

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2 hours ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Power tools. They have been on my wish list for years but I suspect no one takes me seriously since I have never received any. As I've been working on remodeling parts of the house, I've needed various tools to get it done and would have just bought what I wanted except my father would say, "You can just borrow my (insert the non-power tool version of what I needed)." Ugh, my arms still hurt just thinking about all the sawing I have done.

Buy the tools (and an extra battery pack for the cordless stuff). Ignore your father.  I have been happy with my DeWalt collection. I really wish we had done it 25 years ago instead of 2 years ago. 

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35lb weights, silicone muffin pans and that's about it.   I usually put a few things I'd buy eventually in the Amazon cart and he researches the best prices and gets them.  Otherwise he and SD go out to Marshall's and will find a few things they know I like.

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16 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

I am changing my list to this!!  Dh will actually do anything I ask him to help with, but usually I have already planned it all out.  We are not hosting anything that I know of since family is too old to travel to us.  But carrying the mental load everyday is exhausting

Like yours, my dh will gladly do anything I ask. But the mental load is the hard part for me, and it’s what sucks the joy out of the holidays. We just had a discussion of what are the important things to include this year, and he’s working really hard to make it easier on me. But I’ve been carrying the mental load since we started having kids and the oldest just turned 40…and it’s just super hard for him to learn to carry a load he never gave a thought to. 

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4 minutes ago, Annie G said:

Like yours, my dh will gladly do anything I ask. But the mental load is the hard part for me, and it’s what sucks the joy out of the holidays. We just had a discussion of what are the important things to include this year, and he’s working really hard to make it easier on me. But I’ve been carrying the mental load since we started having kids and the oldest just turned 40…and it’s just super hard for him to learn to carry a load he never gave a thought to. 

Same, except it has not been that long.  I feel like it is the same of teaching kids how to do chores.  It is way easier and faster to just do it yourself until they really get it.  The mental load of a household is a lot of work. 

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I'm having trouble thinking of anything.  I made a note months ago that I could maybe ask for an egg skelter as an idea for the kids to give me, but that was before I realized just how many eggs our chickens would be producing--the egg skelters I have seen hold nowhere near enough to keep eggs sorted by age for us.  



I would totally rather just not spend money and have less stress about reaching financial goals.  Or maybe put some cash aside to go towards a fund for a long-term stretch dream. That's not likely, though.  

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On 11/13/2023 at 7:49 AM, Murphy101 said:

Honestly I’d love to just skip Christmas entirely.  Can we all just hibernate until Easter?

I'm with you on this plan. My MIL passed just after Christmas last year and I'm dreading this Christmas so much.  If I could skip the next 2 months I 100% would. 

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On 11/14/2023 at 1:34 AM, SHP said:


Though I would settle for not receiving emails about how we used less this week compared to last week/month/year and in big happy font it shows that how much more our bill will be.


This! If my stupid freaking cell phone would not bling me at odd times with "check your weekly report, you used your phone five minutes less this week than last week", that would be a Christmas miracle I would enjoy.

If I were religious, I would say that auto-messaging is a tool of the devil. So tired of it!

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7 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

This! If my stupid freaking cell phone would not bling me at odd times with "check your weekly report, you used your phone five minutes less this week than last week", that would be a Christmas miracle I would enjoy.

If I were religious, I would say that auto-messaging is a tool of the devil. So tired of it!

You may be able to turn that off, I did and have no regrets. 

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I love this thread! 

I don’t really need anything, but I would love an electric blanket, a heated vest, really just a body heater attached to my person. 😄

I would love more hagiographies of saints (especially St. Catherine of Siena) and memoirs of women like Susannah Wesley.

Tea, yummy dessert teas.

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