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Doctors are confusing sometimes

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It bothers me that they keep talking about wanting to send you home without a definitive diagnosis. I worry that after the steroids are finished you will deteriorate again and have to start all over.

Do you have a way to write down your questions? Will a nurse or an aide write them down for you? Can you ask the social worker or nurse about the lack of continuity of care between physician teams? It almost sounds like they are starting all over and not considering the previous care team’s opinions. If there’s no PET scan, have them articulate the reasons, especially since you were told there would be one. If it was truly a miscommunication, you might want to ask if they have put safeguards in place so that it doesn’t happen again.

Edited by TechWife
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I'm glad your husband was there and able to ask questions of the medical team.   Hopefully your dr is right and you will have results tomorrow.   Did they ever do the the PET scan?  At this point they may be waiting for the biopsy results, but I do think getting a PET scan is a good idea.

Continuing to pray for you.

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7 hours ago, popmom said:

I am so grateful you are able to continue to update us on how it’s going. I pray for you everyday.

Yes, I fully agree with this.  I find myself checking for her updates as soon as I am on the computer in the morning.   I also pray for her daily.  

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1 hour ago, Ditto said:

Yes, I fully agree with this.  I find myself checking for her updates as soon as I am on the computer in the morning.  

I’m another. 

Melissa, I hope they have useful results for you tomorrow, with a clear plan of action. So glad your dh was able to talk to the doctors.

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5 hours ago, Ditto said:

I'm glad your husband was there and able to ask questions of the medical team.   Hopefully your dr is right and you will have results tomorrow.   Did they ever do the the PET scan?  At this point they may be waiting for the biopsy results, but I do think getting a PET scan is a good idea.

Continuing to pray for you.

Not yet. So far I have fasted for the last 2 days for the pet scan but it gets put off at the last minute. Some administrative issues by hospital. 

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20 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Not yet. So far I have fasted for the last 2 days for the pet scan but it gets put off at the last minute. Some administrative issues by hospital. 

Is there a shortage of PET scan machines at the hospital? When I needed a PET scan done years ago, the PET scan appointments were all full for weeks and my oncologist obviously doesn’t want to wait that long so he recommended a reputable place nearby. I managed to get my PET scan done at the place my oncologist recommended within a few days by taking whatever slot they had. 

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38 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Not yet. So far I have fasted for the last 2 days for the pet scan but it gets put off at the last minute. Some administrative issues by hospital. 

That's ridiculous!  I'm so sorry you are dealing with this on top of everything else.  You need to eat when you are this weak. 😞 

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2 hours ago, Arcadia said:

Is there a shortage of PET scan machines at the hospital? When I needed a PET scan done years ago, the PET scan appointments were all full for weeks and my oncologist obviously doesn’t want to wait that long so he recommended a reputable place nearby. I managed to get my PET scan done at the place my oncologist recommended within a few days by taking whatever slot they had. 

No if I have a Pet scan while in hospital the hospital has to foot the bill. If I gave it done as an outpatient public health foots the bill. The ceo of the hospital has to personally approve the pet scan, and so far he hasn't 

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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Not yet. So far I have fasted for the last 2 days for the pet scan but it gets put off at the last minute. Some administrative issues by hospital. 

🤬  No words.  Lots of gentle hugs though.

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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Not yet. So far I have fasted for the last 2 days for the pet scan but it gets put off at the last minute. Some administrative issues by hospital. 

Praying. And glad your husband is there to advocate for you. It's not okay that they are depriving you of nutrition unnecessarily.

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2 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

No if I have a Pet scan while in hospital the hospital has to foot the bill. If I gave it done as an outpatient public health foots the bill. The ceo of the hospital has to personally approve the pet scan, and so far he hasn't 

Well I didn't think I get more ticked off, but this has done it.  I am livid on your behalf, just livid!

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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Not yet. So far I have fasted for the last 2 days for the pet scan but it gets put off at the last minute. Some administrative issues by hospital. 

This is not good. Not good at all. You are already very weak, and yet you're being forced to fast until the CEO signed a blinkin' form. Sometimes I really hate publicly funded health care. Do you have the option of going private in Australia? We don't in Canada, but those with $$$ just go down to the US. 

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4 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

No if I have a Pet scan while in hospital the hospital has to foot the bill. If I gave it done as an outpatient public health foots the bill. The ceo of the hospital has to personally approve the pet scan, and so far he hasn't 

That sounds way too similar to how my country of origin does things. My parents would pay for me to see private doctors because of that. I’m so sorry you have to put up with this. 

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7 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

No if I have a Pet scan while in hospital the hospital has to foot the bill. If I gave it done as an outpatient public health foots the bill. The ceo of the hospital has to personally approve the pet scan, and so far he hasn't 

Is this why they keep talking about sending you home? Somebody needs to raise Cain until the hospital administration sorts out how to get you the scan and let you eat. Are your dh or brother coming back soon? 

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27 minutes ago, wintermom said:

This is not good. Not good at all. You are already very weak, and yet you're being forced to fast until the CEO signed a blinkin' form. Sometimes I really hate publicly funded health care. Do you have the option of going private in Australia? We don't in Canada, but those with $$$ just go down to the US. 

Yes people can get private health, but I don't think I could mid desease like I am right now. 


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Not saying this works all the time but it tends to motivate some- Any chance your DH or maybe a friend or one of your kids could post on Facebook a “frustrated” post about how their mom/wife/friend is very sick and needs this test but the CEO is the hold up….. Perhaps, he/she needs a little public motivation.  

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29 minutes ago, Innisfree said:

Is this why they keep talking about sending you home? Somebody needs to raise Cain until the hospital administration sorts out how to get you the scan and let you eat. Are your dh or brother coming back soon? 

Yes that is why. 

Dh will be back on Friday. My brother unfortunately was admitted to hospital himself last night. 

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3 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

The doctor explained yesterday that the test isn't diagnostic but rather a marker to see how treatment works. Soo I am not so stressed now about it

The biopsy results are what will give the diagnosis. 

I’ve lost track. When are you supposed to get the biopsy results?

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Do you have any kind of patient portal online, with the hospital, that posts test results? With doctor's only rounding once a day, my mom often got results quicker by looking them up on the hospital online portal than from actually hearing them from her doctors. 

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28 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

The doctor explained yesterday that the test isn't diagnostic but rather a marker to see how treatment works. Soo I am not so stressed now about it

The biopsy results are what will give the diagnosis. 

Are you able to eat, then?

 I know you may not be hungry. But do try, if you’re not supposed to be fasting anymore. Sometimes protein shakes are easier to get down than food.

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Just got biopsy results 

Not lymphoma

But it is something supper super rare. They aren't sure what yet. What they could  determine is my body has made massive protective  balls around lots of  undetermined somethings. It could be 1 of 6 things. I will Need lots of specialised testing to work out what. It could include  more biopsies. The pet scan has now turned into a diagnostic tool.. 

I might be transferred to Melbourne to a specialist hospital. Will know more tomorrow afternoon

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26 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Just got biopsy results 

Not lymphoma

But it is something supper super rare. They aren't sure what yet. What they could  determine is my body has made massive protective  balls around lots of  undetermined somethings. It could be 1 of 6 things. I will Need lots of specialised testing to work out what. It could include  more biopsies. The pet scan has now turned into a diagnostic tool.. 

I might be transferred to Melbourne to a specialist hospital. Will know more tomorrow afternoon

I wonder if it could be fungal? 

Glad the PET is scheduled.

Hope you get answers soon.

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