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Good news about dh!


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Just now, kbutton said:

Praise God! What a wonderful outcome!

Is he still having light-sensitivity, etc.?

Yes, but he says it’s better. He is still wearing the sunglasses in the house. He goes back to the surgeon for a check up Wednesday. He still has double vision so can only use one eye at a time. I noticed today him playing with his patch and trying to see close up things with the eye that just had surgery and trying to see middle distance with his bad eye. He says under certain circumstances he can see almost as good out of the surgery eye as the bad eye. Progress!!!

And he had dd take him up to his dads yesterday for a haircut and a shave. He came back looking like a new man. 🥰First time he has gone anywhere that wasn’t a doctors appointment since Feb 3. 

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26 minutes ago, Garga said:

This is excellent news! Wasn’t he worried he’d lose his sight completely? Does this mean there’s a good chance he will not lose his sight?

ETA to answer the actual question, yes!
He said the last few days he was starting to see some in certain circumstances out of the surgery eye(his former good eye) but he hadn’t said anything till today! The conditions have to be just so, but this is the first time he has seen any progress at all and has been able to see anything at least somewhat clearly! He had to hold his face pretty close to the paper to read it, but we’ll take it! He can see large blurry shapes and movement, he still can’t see my face unless he is right up in it 😆but said he has learned a lot about the different kids foot falls and voices. 

You guys I am so excited!

Edited by saraha
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He has really perked up the last couple of days and now I know why! This afternoon he said he’d like me to do some research on things that help see the computer screen as soon his short term disability runs out if they do t kick him off first. He has some vacation so was talking like if he has to go back to work he is going to use half days of vacation to lessen the strain.

I don’t know if that will really happen, but I am excited to hear him talk like that!

Edited by saraha
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39 minutes ago, saraha said:

Yes, but he says it’s better.

Oh, good! Any improvement there is probably a relief as well!

15 minutes ago, saraha said:

 This afternoon he said he’d like me to do some research on things that help see the computer screen

Windows has a certain amount of disability settings they offer by just playing around with what is there, including magnification and screen reading. I think there are screen reading apps that are better than the built-in stuff, but it's been a long time since I looked.

Does your current provider offer low vision evaluations and services? I will PM a practice local to us that at least used to have a low vision specialist.

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8 minutes ago, Grace Hopper said:

Do you have a tv that can hook to the computer? If he can use a large tv as a monitor screen perhaps that would make things easier to see/read. 

Thanks for sharing this good update. How are *you* holding up?


Today’s new trick helped. Thanks

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I’m not familiar with your husband’s story, but if it applies, you may want to check out resources available through American Printing House for the Blind (APH) 

We visited on a field trip and they have resources or referral to resources for those with going through vision loss, low vision, or who are blind. They aren’t just about printing in Braille but also about adapting workplaces for those who have experienced vision loss.

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