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What’s the vaccination rate in your county?


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I just feel like we should note that a lot of this data represents different things.

There's percent of the total population vaccinated (that's 55% here for me).

There's percent of eligible population vaccinated (I couldn't find this statistic, but others have shared it for where they live).

There's percent of adults vaccinated (that's 66% here).

Then, of course, there's percent with at least one shot. For here, adults, that's something like 75% the last I saw.

The numbers are higher in my zip code, but I couldn't find the number breakdown, I just know that they've been consistently in the middle - higher than the neighborhoods to the east (which are poorer overall) and lower than the neighborhoods to the west (which are richer overall). Sigh. We had the highest Covid numbers at the peak, but not the highest per capita rates because I live in the smallest and therefore most densely packed zip code in the not-a-state. They are going door to door here every weekend. They get people to volunteer. They got Fauci to do it one weekend, which was cool.

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My county only posts percent totally vaccinated per population which is 43.6% as of 7/13. 23,376 people out of 53.577 people in the county. Not all of those people are eligible, some will have had 1 shot, some will have had Covid. 


On June 29, the number was 42.5%. 


ETA: I haven't been watching the numbers, but I noticed my county had a death last week from Covid. 


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37% one dose, 35% fully vaccinated. 

I just feel like we should all be out in the street DANCING and CELEBRATING over the amazing miracle of this vaccine, and people act like it's poison or something. 😞 

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47.7% in my city with one dose.  

50.4% in the "metro area" with one dose

Our city went for Biden, but the surrounding county went for Trump.  We are definitely one of the blue areas that is poorer and higher percentage of minorities and more vaccine hesitant.  

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We are at 70% of 18+ but I think it is right at 50% of total population. I read somewhere (so not 100% sure it is true) that our state has the widest gap in vaccination rates between our urban and rural counties. Our urban counties are approx 70% adults fully vaccinated and the rural counties are averaging 30%.

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Both our county and our state are nearly at 70% for at least one vaccine for 16+.   For the entire population of our county, we're nearly at 60%.

It's really crawling now though.  Even though we're close to 70% (for 16+), I don't see us actually getting to 70% until late August.  It's a little disappointing.

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12 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

I can't find great data but it looks like 60-75% with at least one dose.    We are one of only 2 counties in my state with it this high.  You can understand easily why my county with its highly educated population but the other county is one of the most rural counties in my state with a super low socio-economic status.  I mean in my county- I would guess even somewhat reluctant people want to get the vaccines for travel or some such benefit.  The other county may have been very hard hit, I guess.  It is such a much smaller county.

I wish that were true. 


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2 hours ago, lauraw4321 said:

I wish that were true. 


Well I am not sure where anyone is getting their data,.  I looked on another site and also on the Al dept of health site.  We are doing fine over here. Considering hardly anyone is getting tested anymore ,  The site I was on had fdata up to July 18th and had a chart with hospitalizations, etc.  

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In my zip code:
Of the total population, about 
77.3% have gotten at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and about 60.4% (30,165 people) have been fully vaccinated.

Of the population over 12, 99.1% have gotten at least one dose and 77.5% have been fully vaccinated.

There are places I avoid going in my county. I hate to say it but homeschooling circles have a much more concentrated population of unvaccinated and anti-mask. 3.3 million people live in my county.

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Our paper is reporting that over 50% of young Mainers 12-19 have been vaccinated, which seems dismally low except apparently nationwide that age group is around 14%. I wish they would make it mandatory for schools (with the obvious rare but necessary medical exemption, of course).

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I don't really understand the numbers right now. My town straddles 2 counties.  1 county says 35.5 percent vaccinated.  Right now we have 4 cases per 100,000, but an infection rate of .76 ( actually first time I have seen it that low. Past few days it has been 1.25 or something) and positivity is 10.2 percent which shows a lot of community spread, but then why do we only have 4 cases per 100,000.  When the positivity was that high last time, we had 15 -35 cases per 100,000.  

The other county I guess hasn't been reporting.  We haven't had daily cases or spread numbers. It says 29 percent vaccinated and a positivity of 8.9 percent.

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Numbers from Covidactnow.org 

46% fully vaccinated and 50% at least one dose in my metro area. The infection rate is 1.2 in my city, after reaching a low fo .69 in May. 😔 It’s so disheartening.  

In Williamsburg, the rates are even worse: only 43% fully vaccinated. I am beside myself with anger at William and Mary. The idiot administration has decided that they will operate fully in person and at full capacity with no masking, distancing, or vaccine requirements. Who cares if students/faculty/staff get sick, have long Covid, or die as long as W&M gets their money? I was proud to say I was a Tribe mom a few years ago. Now all I can do is hang my head in shame, and pray that my dd isn’t one of the ones that this horrible institution sacrifices in the name of the almighty dollar. 

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4 minutes ago, I talk to the trees said:

. 😔 In Williamsburg, the rates are even worse: only 43% fully vaccinated. I am beside myself with anger at William and Mary. The idiot administration has decided that they will operate fully in person and at full capacity with no masking, distancing, or vaccine requirements. Who cares if students/faculty/staff get sick, have long Covid, or die as long as W&M gets their money? I was proud to say I was a Tribe mom a few years ago. Now all I can do is hang my head in shame, and pray that my dd isn’t one of the ones that this horrible institution sacrifices in the name of the almighty dollar. 

Especially since UVA does have a vax requirements,  and VA doesn't have a legislature that prohibits public colleges from requiring the vaccine! (Which is the problem with my school)

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28 minutes ago, I talk to the trees said:

Numbers from Covidactnow.org 

46% fully vaccinated and 50% at least one dose in my metro area. The infection rate is 1.2 in my city, after reaching a low fo .69 in May. 😔 It’s so disheartening.  

In Williamsburg, the rates are even worse: only 43% fully vaccinated. I am beside myself with anger at William and Mary. The idiot administration has decided that they will operate fully in person and at full capacity with no masking, distancing, or vaccine requirements. Who cares if students/faculty/staff get sick, have long Covid, or die as long as W&M gets their money? I was proud to say I was a Tribe mom a few years ago. Now all I can do is hang my head in shame, and pray that my dd isn’t one of the ones that this horrible institution sacrifices in the name of the almighty dollar. 


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70% of 12+ have had at least one dose in my county. 
In my zip code that number is 75%.  We have lots of anti vaxxers  (here it’s the free spirited hippie variety), but I am pleased with our numbers. I am hoping it continues to edge up. 

Lowest rates continue to be among certain Hispanic areas. Really hoping folks aren’t afraid due to their legal status to access vaccines. 

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1 hour ago, TexasProud said:

Better or worse?

Worse. Someone said the Huntsville area was at least sixty percent vaccinated, but my friend had told me repeatedly that it is much lower. The last time we texted she said it was barely above forty. I do believe that cities with universities have higher numbers of vaccinated. I am certain that is the same in regard to my county.


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1 hour ago, TexasProud said:

I don't really understand the numbers right now. My town straddles 2 counties.  1 county says 35.5 percent vaccinated.  Right now we have 4 cases per 100,000, but an infection rate of .76 ( actually first time I have seen it that low. Past few days it has been 1.25 or something) and positivity is 10.2 percent which shows a lot of community spread, but then why do we only have 4 cases per 100,000.  When the positivity was that high last time, we had 15 -35 cases per 100,000.  

The other county I guess hasn't been reporting.  We haven't had daily cases or spread numbers. It says 29 percent vaccinated and a positivity of 8.9 percent.

High positivity and low case numbers means not enough testing.  

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48 minutes ago, Idalou said:

Worse. Someone said the Huntsville area was at least sixty percent vaccinated, but my friend had told me repeatedly that it is much lower. The last time we texted she said it was barely above forty. I do believe that cities with universities have higher numbers of vaccinated. I am certain that is the same in regard to my county.

Covidactnow says Madison County, AL: 43.9% one dose, 37.5% fully vaccinated.


AL state Covid Dashboard has the same numbers:





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12 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Well I am not sure where anyone is getting their data,.  I looked on another site and also on the Al dept of health site.  We are doing fine over here. Considering hardly anyone is getting tested anymore ,  The site I was on had fdata up to July 18th and had a chart with hospitalizations, et

Not disagreeing, just springboarding off this.


Now that many are vaccinated it does seem that hospitalization rate is more important than just case rate. There are just so many people that have either had it or will have a mild case (as always) or have a mild case because vaccinated that case rates seem less important.  This is especially true because many unvaccinated areas are filled with people who don't test either.  Hospital capacity and death rates are more important. 


My city has over 54% vaccinated but the borough north of here is barely breaking into the 30s but the city with the higher vax rate has a lot more official cases because they test. The borough north of us also has a large unexplained increase in deaths that were not from Covid supposedly. I guess we are to just believe they had an unlucky year for other illesses and injury. 🤷


I know a LOT of people in that borough. I grew up there, have tons of family and old friends there so I have first hand experience with the attitudes. No they won't test, so case rate means squat. They won't vaccinate and it appears there are at least a number of them trying to not put Covid on the death certificate. The gap between number of deaths in a typical year and last year is much much larger than their Covid count. I do think deaths from other things could have went up too for a variety of reasons such as delaying treatment, etc but it is awful fishy.

Case rates are not the same as hospitalizations and deaths and I think the latter are better signals.

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1 minute ago, frogger said:

Now that many are vaccinated it does seem that hospitalization rate is more important than just case rate. There are just so many people that have either had it or will have a mild case (as always) or have a mild case because vaccinated that case rates seem less important.  This is especially true because many unvaccinated areas are filled with people who don't test either.  Hospital capacity and death rates are more important. 

Do you mean that the rates are more important for decision-making? 

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12 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Do you mean that the rates are more important for decision-making? 

I mean comparing case rates across counties is meaningless. Positivity helps balance it out but from what I can tell it won't make up for it entirely. I think hospitalizations is a better marker between counties.

Growing case rates (combined with positivity) within a county can still be a useful tool to get general direction and speed of growth. I just think comparing across counties with very different demographics isn't going to mean much. The other variables are too squishy, in my highly technical jargon. Ha


ETA:My first post should have not been made before coffee! Lol It went around in a circle with a bunch of random facts. 




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2 minutes ago, frogger said:

I mean comparing case rates across counties is meaningless. Positivity helps balance it out but from what I can tell it won't make up for it entirely. I think hospitalizations is a better marker between counties.

Hospitalizations might be more important from the public health perspective, but given the different rates of vaccinations, they aren't a good proxy for actual case numbers. But you're right that nothing is -- I think we'll have to use all the information we have. 


2 minutes ago, frogger said:

Growing case rates (combined with positivity) within a county can still be a useful tool to get general direction and speed of growth. I just think comparing across counties with very different demographics isn't going to mean much. The other variables are too squishy, in my highly technical jargon. Ha

Yeah, I think you're right. 

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21 minutes ago, regentrude said:

Covidactnow says Madison County, AL: 43.9% one dose, 37.5% fully vaccinated.


AL state Covid Dashboard has the same numbers:





We had higher in the Spring so that just doesn't make sense at all.  I guess it fell because of under 16s or something?????

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18 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Do you mean that the rates are more important for decision-making? 

I am now trying to decide where I want to vacation in August.  I don't care about positivity-I care about hospitalizations because I don't want to go to an area where there is a problem with getting medical care if either dh or I need it.

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2 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

I am now trying to decide where I want to vacation in August.  I don't care about positivity-I care about hospitalizations because I don't want to go to an area where there is a problem with getting medical care if either dh or I need it.

I'd personally also not go to a COVID hot spot. But I suppose I mightn't care as much if I didn't have unvaccinated kids. 

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12 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

We had higher in the Spring so that just doesn't make sense at all.  I guess it fell because of under 16s or something?????

I think you are correct. They were probably reading % of those over 16 and now they reading % of those over 12.

My state has an all ages tab, an over 12 tab, and an over 65 tab so you can see the difference. 

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14 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

We had higher in the Spring so that just doesn't make sense at all.  I guess it fell because of under 16s or something?????

Probably. Here they measure it mostly for 12+ age group since those are the only ones who qualify. Kids 12 and under represent 18% of our county’s population.

My guess is they are measuring either total population or 12+ group instead of 18+ only as they did prior. 

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4 hours ago, Idalou said:

Thanks. My best friend lives in Huntsville, and her numbers just didn't jive with what someone was claiming here.


1 hour ago, TravelingChris said:

We had higher in the Spring so that just doesn't make sense at all.  I guess it fell because of under 16s or something?????


1 hour ago, Roadrunner said:

My guess is they are measuring either total population or 12+ group instead of 18+ only as they did prior. 

From Alabama’s webpage, the column heading says “Population > 16”

https://dph1.adph.state.al.us/covid-19/ (ETA: 69 counties were listed, I just cropped the excel file for the screenshot)


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15 minutes ago, Arcadia said:



From Alabama’s webpage, the column heading says “Population > 16”



Also, my county has an incredible growth rate too.  I would surmise that the vaccine rate is much higher in my area and other highly educated areas than in areas that are more rural.  I know specifically that some people definitely move into the county vs either Huntsville or Madison because they are anti- all sorts of things.  My family (other than me-since I cannot) is into caving and with natural caving and also hiking, they go into more rural areas too-  just like in many places, the more anti-govt people are, the less likely they are to be vaccinating, I think.

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ALso, I do not know if AL dept of health is getting info for federal vaccine distribution like VA and military-  this is a high military area.  But personally, I don't think I have all that much risk from under 18s - they tend not to be going to the same medical facilities I go too and neither do they go to grocery stores much or other places I go to.

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1 hour ago, regentrude said:

Covidactnow says Madison County, AL: 43.9% one dose, 37.5% fully vaccinated.


AL state Covid Dashboard has the same numbers:





Yes, the numbers are quite clear, and quite clearly not the optimism shown elsewhere.  Madison County is also currently considered high risk and is getting back into the 30-40 cases a day range. All is not well in the rocket city.

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1 minute ago, lauraw4321 said:

Yes, the numbers are quite clear, and quite clearly not the optimism shown elsewhere.  Madison County is also currently considered high risk and is getting back into the 30-40 cases a day range. All is not well in the rocket city.

But hospitalazations are low.  That is what I am concerned about- I don't want my medical choices to be stopped again and after being hospitalized for a week in March where my dh stayed in the room with me and helped me a lot- I do not want to have a hospitalization at all but really don't want one without my dh.

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6 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

But hospitalazations are low.  That is what I am concerned about- I don't want my medical choices to be stopped again and after being hospitalized for a week in March where my dh stayed in the room with me and helped me a lot- I do not want to have a hospitalization at all but really don't want one without my dh.

Then definitely leave the state.  😞



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3 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

I am now trying to decide where I want to vacation in August.  I don't care about positivity-I care about hospitalizations because I don't want to go to an area where there is a problem with getting medical care if either dh or I need it.

New England is a pretty safe bet right now. 

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67.2 % fully vaccinated

71.4 % one dose

People from redder counties come here to shop, so I try not to take too much comfort in our rates.

For my state, 58% of the TOTAL population is vaccinated.  I'm guessing about 15 % of the population is too young for the vaccine.  That leaves a little over 25% that haven't been vaccinated for any number of reasons.  I'm willing to bet that most of them just don't WANT it. I 'm in Maryland.

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On 7/19/2021 at 4:19 PM, historically accurate said:

My county only posts percent totally vaccinated per population which is 43.6% as of 7/13. 23,376 people out of 53.577 people in the county. Not all of those people are eligible, some will have had 1 shot, some will have had Covid. 


On June 29, the number was 42.5%. 


ETA: I haven't been watching the numbers, but I noticed my county had a death last week from Covid. 


Quoting myself with more data that I pulled from various sites.


56.4% vaccinated with 1 dose. 44.1% fully vaccinated.

Positivity rate is back up to 4.8% (it has been as low as 1.2%). 405 tests performed last week.

Cases: 6.4 per 100,000. 

The region just fell below Illinois' target of 20% of ICU being available. It's at 19.3%.

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