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People in our state who used the proper process to report violations were more than dismayed when trolls used the Freedom of Information act to get their information and to then send threatening phone calls etc.  The threats were reported to the police but I would think twice about possibly putting myself in danger from anti-mask fanatics (and that's what this level of threatening behavior amounts to). 

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I do know someone who used an anonymous way to give feedback to an institution that was breaking their own masking policy.  It wasn't a "report" as such but feedback letting them know that if they are going to bother having a policy then perhaps it would help to be consistent in following it.  The problem was fixed, as far as I know, though I  haven't asked specifically. 

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Depends on circumstances. I think enforcement is minimal even where mandates are in place and compliance is decent.  So I feel like it probably wouldn't result in positive change for the most part.  

One thing I did do for one particular business that advertised covid safe curbside pick up was put a review on yelp that basically said "if you're looking for covid safe pick up, this isn't it."

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I wouldn't.  We have left businesses that are lax with their policy and don't do business with them.  I also avoid business that state their mask policy in a snarky way, like they are following the state mandates by posting the masks requirements but they won't enforce it at all even with their own employees.

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I haven't reported my printing company or my car mechanic. I keep my mask on and stay inside as little as possible. Neither of these places have room to really sit down inside, so risk is somewhat minimized.

If it was a restaurant, or large store with multiple employees not following, I'd probably say something to management (probably anonymously) to see if that fixed the issue first, before considering official reporting.

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I would if it was a store, especially if employees weren't following protocols.  I'm considering contacting the management at one of our local stores about employees wearing masks under their noses 

I really, really want to report the school where my son attends because they are not following masking mandates at all. I feel like the risk is too great that they would find out and there would be ramifications for my kids so I continue to mask when I am there and ignore the rolled eyes I get.

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No. There’s been a mask mandate where I live since spring, but many businesses have ignored it from the start. We just stay away from those places.

Local officials and authorities have basically said they don’t have time or resources to enforce it and there isn’t any type of punishment anyway.

Covid has been spreading like crazy here for the past few months and continues to get worse, but a lot of people are happy to patronize businesses that don’t require masks.🤷‍♀️

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No--I'd just stop patronizing them.

Of course, I say that, and I'm about to go to the local corner store to get milk because it's vastly more convenient than going to the large market in town.  And the corner store employees only wear face shields, which drives me crazy.  I console myself with the idea that I'm probably not going to get it in the two minutes I'm in there.  

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I haven't or won't. I was just curious how others here felt about this. 

There is a store near me that had a sign up about someone reporting them and that bugged me and I thought they should just shop elsewhere. This was weeks ago.

Fast forward to this morning, I saw our preschool library group we attended pre-covid and they posted a picture on Facebook with kids standing shoulder to shoulder. I kind of felt rage-y. They gave me papers at the beginning of the year explaining all the precautions they would talk. I still declined to attend.  For a second, I wanted to report them, but I won't.  I love everyone at our library, but it really bugged me they would sell their program as safe and adhering to guidelines and then make public a bunch of 4 year old crammed together.  

That is all.  

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1 hour ago, Arctic Bunny said:

I would just spend my money elsewhere if you are considering reporting. We do not have any mandates about masks in stores here. There are Facebook pages that list stores with no masking, and pages that list stores with masking, for those who shop based on that info.

I'm not really considering reporting. I just had a grumpy minute this morning. Then I was curious how many people out there really are reporting.

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I haven't, because our state specifically says only Department of Health will enforce, and they're not going to go to an individual store.  Maybe if things were super egregious, and nobody masked and they made a big deal about it?  I just wouldn't patronize the establishment.  

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12 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I'm not really considering reporting. I just had a grumpy minute this morning. Then I was curious how many people out there really are reporting.

My area has good compliance with a mask mandate.  So if I do see the occasional person without a mask or with an improperly worn mask I think that most people ignore it.  No employees around here go without masks so it would only be a customer. 

The places that I heard were reported in this area (but more like other parts of the state) were reported because they were a bar opened when bars were supposed to be closed or something like that.  I don't think that people were reporting individual instances of people being unmasked.  I never actually saw outright flouting of the shutdown phase (which was really what it was about, and not about masks themselves) but would have had mixed feelings about it.  I definitely wouldn't have wanted to give them my business.  I have seen people at private parties who were not masked and not distancing.  I kept far away from them and decided that going to the (one) outdoor party was a mistake on my part. 

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I'm not sure if I would or not.   Compliance around here is really good among public businesses, but possibly because there were fines and loss of licenses back in the spring.   Mostly bars and restaurants I think but I did hear about one store that was fined.  

I think it would depend on the circumstances.  Is it a business that it's easy for anyone to just go somewhere else?  Probably wouldn't bother if it was just once or twice.   A business that is the only good option in an area, especially for the elderly or those in poverty, and is an ongoing problem where they refuse to comply?   I may report it in that case.  

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I did complain when the DMV ignored the city ordinance about masking&distancing.

This is not simply a business I can choose not to patronize - I am required by law to use the DMV and spend considerable time there in unsafe circumstances. Not ok.

As for businesses, it's a shit show here in the rural Midwest, but since there is no mask mandate, there's nothing to do but see the numbers climb. Yes, I am angry about that.

ETA: I will let my friends know that the chiropractic office does not use masks. I couldn't believe when I found out - they are literally inches from your face during therapy. They are health care professionals. They should know better.

Edited by regentrude
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No, I just wouldn’t go there any more than I could help.

I’d tell my friends and neighbors, though.

I’m trying to look over parking lots pretty carefully before I choose to even go into a grocery store, and only go in if the parking lot is sparsely populated.  I wear a mask carefully inside, and I grab one of their wipes and wipe down my hands and then the handle of the shopping cart before using it, even if they say they sanitize their carts before putting them out for use. 

I don’t want to be a snitch, but I don’t choose to spend at places that are not being careful either.

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I'm not really considering reporting. I just had a grumpy minute this morning. Then I was curious how many people out there really are reporting.

I hear you. Our office gym has a booking system now, and you’re only allowed to go if you’re working. I use the gym when I’m working nights, because there are only 10-11 of us in the building. And I am not self-confident enough to work out on front of three other people that can see my name on a schedule, lol. Two nights ago someone was booked into the gym at 10pm! I sent off an email clarifying if you had to be working, or just working that day. Anyway, after pressing send, I wished I hadn’t, because who really cares except me that doesn’t want someone to see me on a treadmill? But, alas, our new email program doesn’t have a retract button....

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I was very tempted to report a local tourist farm.  I decided not to but they have been reported.  They have very aggressive signs plastered all over the entrance that their employees are not and will not mask.  No social distancing will be required.  Several signs are championing their constitutional rights. We won't be going back.  Lots of people are choosing to go and offering to contribute towards any fines.

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If there was a mask mandate and they were not following the mandate, I think I would. 

Here in Middle Tennessee we don't have a mandate, so I choose to do business in Nashville where they do have a mandate.

My homeschool co-op group meets without masks and social distancing, so I opted out of participating this year (my youngest child is a senior this year so  I will not be going back to the co-op). Every time they post pictures on Facebook I am glad we opted out.

Covid cases are going up in rural areas here, so I hope people start taking this virus a bit more seriously. 


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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I haven't or won't. I was just curious how others here felt about this. 

There is a store near me that had a sign up about someone reporting them and that bugged me and I thought they should just shop elsewhere. This was weeks ago.

Fast forward to this morning, I saw our preschool library group we attended pre-covid and they posted a picture on Facebook with kids standing shoulder to shoulder. I kind of felt rage-y. They gave me papers at the beginning of the year explaining all the precautions they would talk. I still declined to attend.  For a second, I wanted to report them, but I won't.  I love everyone at our library, but it really bugged me they would sell their program as safe and adhering to guidelines and then make public a bunch of 4 year old crammed together.  

That is all.  

Our church is following the state guidlelines, I believe, as to who should be required to mask in preschool/Sunday School, which, I think, is kids 5 and under or maybe 4 and under do not need to.  One of my friends is a preschool teacher of the 2 or 3 year old class and they aren't wearing masks.  But, as I said, definitely kids in those ages are exempt. And it is even more reason that I don't go to church in person now that they have allowed nursery and preschool classes. (Another reason is that I am ADHD and have a hard time paying attention and not fidgeting during the now much longer children's message, etX and our music is on video anyway in church now because of COVID).  

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2 hours ago, regentrude said:

I did complain when the DMV ignored the city ordinance about masking&distancing.

This is not simply a business I can choose not to patronize - I am required by law to use the DMV and spend considerable time there in unsafe circumstances. Not ok.

As for businesses, it's a #### show here in the rural Midwest, but since there is no mask mandate, there's nothing to do but see the numbers climb. Yes, I am angry about that.

ETA: I will let my friends know that the chiropractic office does not use masks. I couldn't believe when I found out - they are literally inches from your face during therapy. They are health care professionals. They should know better.

I haven't complained, but I would under similar circumstances.

I found out another local chiropractor that practices the same way as mine follows guidelines. Since cases are skyrocketing, I asked for a referral. I am not generally in close contact for anywhere close to 15 minutes even if I add it all up (different methods require different closeness), but ours refuses to even consider masking. 

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Not the business as a whole but I have wanted to report employees to management for not masking properly. We were picking up subs at Publix and at least half of the employees behind the deli were wearing their masks under their chin or only over their mouths. Then I saw a manager walk in with his mask the same way and a couple of days ago, I saw a manager walking around with nothing. We are in a mask mandated county. 🤦‍♀️ If you are going to prepare my food, please put a mask on. Geesh. 

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20 minutes ago, SereneHome said:

 I don't think govt should be allowed to mandate it in non-govt businesses in the first place.

How do you feel about food safety laws then? They serve exactly the same purpose: preventing people from getting sick or dying.

By that same logic, the government should not be allowed to mandate safe food handling and storage. I fail to see what's different here.
People are all quite happy the government regulates drug safety, aviation safety, there are building codes etc.

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6 minutes ago, regentrude said:

How do you feel about food safety laws then? They serve exactly the same purpose: preventing people from getting sick or dying.

By that same logic, the government should not be allowed to mandate safe food handling and storage. I fail to see what's different here.
People are all quite happy the government regulates drug safety, aviation safety, there are building codes etc.

Yes, but that's there already and people don't think about it (or what would happen if you got rid of it.) 

People don't spend a lot of time looking under the hood of how society functions. It's too bad. 

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14 minutes ago, regentrude said:

How do you feel about food safety laws then? They serve exactly the same purpose: preventing people from getting sick or dying.

By that same logic, the government should not be allowed to mandate safe food handling and storage. I fail to see what's different here.
People are all quite happy the government regulates drug safety, aviation safety, there are building codes etc.

Not serenehome, but I'll add my two cents.   

All businesses have state healthy and safety and a multitude of other regulations they must adhere too.  If they don't they are penalized, shut down by the health department, fined, etc.    Until it becomes an OSHA law or other federal or federal law, the restaurant or business has a choice.  Our governor wrote it in to the health and safety code and mandated it must be posted in every business.  It wasn't a choice if you wanted to stay in business as OSHA would be making the rounds.    I don't think they should be bullied into by customers when that company may or may not be in a hot spot.  Private citizens  have a choice of whether they patronize said businesses as it's always been.  Word of mouth helps or harms business, but unless they are blatantly breaking a law, then it shouldn't be reported. 

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Early in the pandemic, I reported a large outdoor party that was violating noise ordinance, in part because they were clearly not masking. It was like, the second weekend of lockdown, I think. It was a bunch of young government staffers, I think. We knew so little then and I was ticked about them spreading the virus. Virtually no one was wearing masks yet. I wouldn't report that again just because of what we know about transmission. 

Only once have I seen anyone in a store not wearing a mask since we got our ordinance - and we got ours very early on. I was so shocked that I just moved away. I was almost done shopping, so I finished up and left. I had to think through what I would do if I saw that again. I was so surprised because masking is so good here. We're ranked best in the nation for masking right now. But if I saw it again at the grocery store, I'd go to security right away. If it was at a small store and it was obvious to the staff, I'd leave. And then, yes, I'd probably report the business... though it would depend a little.

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24 minutes ago, Robin M said:

All businesses have state healthy and safety and a multitude of other regulations they must adhere too.  If they don't they are penalized, shut down by the health department, fined, etc.    Until it becomes an OSHA law or other federal or federal law, the restaurant or business has a choice.  Our governor wrote it in to the health and safety code and mandated it must be posted in every business.  It wasn't a choice if you wanted to stay in business as OSHA would be making the rounds.    I don't think they should be bullied into by customers when that company may or may not be in a hot spot.  Private citizens  have a choice of whether they patronize said businesses as it's always been.  Word of mouth helps or harms business, but unless they are blatantly breaking a law, then it shouldn't be reported. 

My response was specifically to the statement that "the government should not mandate it in non-government businesses".
I am not talking about private citizens enforcing anything. My question was: how is government mandating Covid safety procedures different from the other state and safety regulations. You seem to be ok with those.

I also don't see any reason why businesses should adhere only to federal law - and not state or city ordinances. Why do you find federal is ok, but local mandates are not?

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49 minutes ago, regentrude said:

My response was specifically to the statement that "the government should not mandate it in non-government businesses".
I am not talking about private citizens enforcing anything. My question was: how is government mandating Covid safety procedures different from the other state and safety regulations. You seem to be ok with those.

I also don't see any reason why businesses should adhere only to federal law - and not state or city ordinances. Why do you find federal is ok, but local mandates are not?

I guess I didn't explain that very well or didn't read your question clearly.   All federal, state, and local regulations must be followed. If Federal contradicts the state or local level, we adhere to the local level which generally is state level as well.  @SereneHomeThe government can mandate as they have regulations for businesses, different regulations for different industries up to the mom and pop small shops.   We have a brick and mortar business and have local, state, and federal employee, health, ada, etc, mandates we have to follow.  Maybe I'm going off on a tangent that didn't make sense. This was in regard to the face masks and not all the safety procedures.  How is federal government safety procedures different?  Federal said the face mask was a choice and didn't mandate masks for every small business in every state. They left it up to the states.  In California, the state govt,  mandated face masks for all and we had to post publicly and on the employee board, the regulation stating so and adhere to it. Cal osha would be making spot checks to make sure business owners were abiding by health and safety rules.   

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3 hours ago, regentrude said:

How do you feel about food safety laws then? They serve exactly the same purpose: preventing people from getting sick or dying.

By that same logic, the government should not be allowed to mandate safe food handling and storage. I fail to see what's different here.
People are all quite happy the government regulates drug safety, aviation safety, there are building codes etc.

I don't know how deep into discussion you want to get into....but if you do, I'll be happy to share my thoughts. I also don't want to derail OP's thread.

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17 hours ago, fifiruth said:

No, I have not, and I won’t. Ratting out businesses to the gov. is too communist or Big Brother for me. If you don’t feel safe somewhere, don’t go there.


11 hours ago, SereneHome said:

I wouldn't report it to the govt! For many reasons, one of which is that I don't think govt should be allowed to mandate it in non-govt businesses in the first place.


11 hours ago, Robin M said:

No I wouldn't. Feels too much like Fahrenheit 451's big brother. 


Ok, do all of your feel it is too big brother/Farhenheit 451 to report other instances of law breaking? Like, if you knew a restaurant was refusing to keep their meat at safe temperatures, or had up a sign saying they don't care what the government says, they will not require employees to wash hands between using the bathroom and preparing food, etc? Would it be dystopian for a customer to report blatant and willful health code violations? If not, then what is different about Covid health regulations and those regulations?

10 hours ago, Robin M said:

Word of mouth helps or harms business, but unless they are blatantly breaking a law, then it shouldn't be reported. 

Well, if there wasn't a law about it I don't think there would be any point in reporting it - what would you report? I'd assume we are taking about reporting a violation of a state or local mask mandate - which has the force of law. If there is no law/mandate, then I agree, no point in reporting anything. 

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I filled out an online form on one business way back in the beginning. Nothing’s changed.

In my area, it isn’t always as simple as just going somewhere else, though it is easier for me than for some others. Driving 8 or more miles for gas and a gallon of milk sucks.

Having seen how some employers (all 3 of my kids’) handle potential and official positive contacts makes me much more serious about avoiding unmasked people. Ds is on the verge of getting fired.

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8 minutes ago, fifiruth said:

As far as masks, our state made it through nearly five months without a mask mandate, and we did pretty good. Now we have one, and cases are going very high, so clearly, they don’t stop the spread of the disease. The focus is now on controlling what’s going on inside someone’s home. If you care about civil liberties, this should be pretty concerning.

There are plenty of us who can anecdotally say the opposite. High numbers, mask mandate, dropped numbers. I’m not sure why your evidence would be clearer than mine.

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12 minutes ago, fifiruth said:

The question was about reporting a business, not specifically a restaurant. My ds’s company was reported and he couldn't even think of who wasn’t wearing a mask, and it really wasn’t appreciated. The question then became, “Who reported us?”

When he told me, it reminded me of when a neighbor, and I don’t know which one, reported me to social services when we first started homeschooling. I was like, “Who reported me?” It’s a bad feeling and experience and masks are not worth getting the state involved.


Well, I assumed that in the situation suggested in OP that there was an actual blatant disregard of the law. Obviously reporting someone for no reason is bad, no matter what the circumstances are. And I'd say if it is an indivudual employee, I'd report to the store if I felt a need to report. I'd only report to the authorities if it was a blatant thing by the owners of the store to disregard health ordinances. 


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17 minutes ago, fifiruth said:

As far as masks, our state made it through nearly five months without a mask mandate, and we did pretty good. Now we have one, and cases are going very high, so clearly, they don’t stop the spread of the disease. 

Faulty argument. You don't know how bad things would be without the masks. 

There's plenty of research demonstrating that masks are effective in preventing droplets from reaching another person. I can't understand how that can still be disputed. 

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20 minutes ago, fifiruth said:

As far as masks, our state made it through nearly five months without a mask mandate, and we did pretty good. Now we have one, and cases are going very high, so clearly, they don’t stop the spread of the disease.

Sigh. In fact, taking your logic just a tad further, they spread the disease all by themselves. 

Maybe the correlation is the other way? The mask mandate followed the increase in case numbers? 

Edited by Not_a_Number
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