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Personal covid experiences


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My dd who had a negative covid test but had many of the symptoms, including losing her taste and smell almost completely (not quite) has regained her taste and smell. Also she told me that she only had a low fever (gone), coughing (mostly gone), worsening of her asthma (mostly gone) and fatigue (gotten better but not gone).  She knows where she got it (Thanksgiving with her boyfriend's family who promised they would mask, etc and then violated all rules).  She will do Zoom Christmas with us since she wants to be very sure she doesn't infect us.

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10 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

First of all, I know that in many, many areas of the country, there are more crimes than police can handle without minor laws or not even laws being flounted and reported.  Currently there is a shortage of police in many areas and there has been a rise of crimes recently.  We don't need the police getting even more work, especially as it isn't really their responsibility.  If you want health care investigators monitoring people with regards to COVID things, that at least is more appropriate.

Second of all, I don't think people should be calling police for mandates that aren't laws.  This is a site that has a definition of police powers. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/police_powers#

Thirdly, the Stasi back before communism in East Germany collapsed and China currently use the population to spy upon people for violating laws and mandates,  This is not what I want our country following.  

And no, I am not about personal freedom to the point that some posters are implying.  I think that health departments are allowed to mandate mask wearing, for example.  But I am rightly horrified how some of these orders are nonsensical and against recommendations of Covid panel and also how favored industries and companies are exempt and small business are not.  Also how many politicians have flouted the rules they have made and while most were Democrats, the latest is a Rep Gov of Mississippi and I don't care if they are Dems or Reps.  Any official who violates the rules they set out is a horrible hypocrite.

This is an interesting discussion for me, given my background, but let's maybe come back on topic? 🙂 I'd like to stick to mostly discussion personal experiences. 



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22 hours ago, Pen said:

i heard it with my very own ears — Kate Brown herself saying to contact police same as for noise infractions.  


Ok, so is reporting a noise violation also orwellian? Cause I did it two weeks ago - it was 1am and the neighbors were blasting music and having a party. Didn't feel dystopian at all to call the police to have them told to turn it down.

21 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Since I am the person who started saying that these orders to report people disobeying the rules strikes me as a bit Orwellian or Stasi like,  I really object to your response to Pen,. If you all have a stupid governor who makes dumb answers like Yes, people should report violators, that is on the stupid governor. 


Am I stasi like for calling the non emergency number so the police would tell a house on the next cul de sac to turn down their music at 1am? If not, what is the difference? It's okay to be annoyed by noise, but not by disease transmission that could lead to deaths?

17 hours ago, Scarlett said:

Why are we so horrified about reporting violators of laws/mandates?

I have no rational idea. Other than a cultlike belief in  libertarianism. 

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4 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Ok, so is reporting a noise violation also orwellian? Cause I did it two weeks ago - it was 1am and the neighbors were blasting music and having a party. Didn't feel dystopian at all to call the police to have them told to turn it down.

Am I stasi like for calling the non emergency number so the police would tell a house on the next cul de sac to turn down their music at 1am? If not, what is the difference? It's okay to be annoyed by noise, but not by disease transmission that could lead to deaths?

I have no rational idea. Other than a cultlike belief in  libertarianism. 

Let's come back to actual experiences, if you don't mind 🙂 . I am not in any way committed to always keeping conversation on-topic, but this is becoming quite a long digression. 

Feel free to start a new thread on this, if you like! 

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My parents (87 and 84) are pretty much back to the health they had before they were sick. My dad was in the hospital for a week with pneumonia, my mom didn't really have any symptom other than fatigue.  I started caring for them several weeks into their illness, and although they both were still testing positive, the drs really did think they were not contagious. I just got tested today after being with them for 10 days and I was negative. 


Just for more info - my dad is now about 5 weeks from first symptoms. I started staying with them when he was Day 23 from positive test. My mom tested negative then, but tested positive the next week, so she was at day 15 from testing positive when I started staying with them.

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My Sister in law who was exposed Wednesday started getting sick last night and threw up and had diarrhea all night.  Early this morning her roommate took her to urgent care.  She was dehydrated....bp low, heart rate high,  but  no fever.  She tested negative for the virus and the docs said her symptoms are not typical but who knows.  I don’t think enough time has passed since exposure to get a positive test if she has it.  They could not find a vein to give her fluids so kept her there while she drank some water and kept it down.  Which is all kind of ridiculous IMO.


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27 minutes ago, Toocrazy!! said:

My parents (87 and 84) are pretty much back to the health they had before they were sick. My dad was in the hospital for a week with pneumonia, my mom didn't really have any symptom other than fatigue.  I started caring for them several weeks into their illness, and although they both were still testing positive, the drs really did think they were not contagious. I just got tested today after being with them for 10 days and I was negative. 


Just for more info - my dad is now about 5 weeks from first symptoms. I started staying with them when he was Day 23 from positive test. My mom tested negative then, but tested positive the next week, so she was at day 15 from testing positive when I started staying with them.

So glad they pulled through ok and you didn’t catch it 

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My husband teaches at Northeastern U in Boston and they gave faculty and staff the option of teaching/working remotely or face to face (F2F) this semester. My DH opted to teach F2F.  They test every time he steps on campus (three times a week) and gets the results back in hours - they invested in an on campus lab facility to do all testing in-house.

He's been great all semester and the end is next week.  Tonight he got an email from a student of his saying he has come down with COVID.  He doesn't know how he got it - his roommate has been out of town since before Thanksgiving, he's conscientious and doesn't party.  He last saw my DH Wednesday and was diagnosed on Friday night.  

My DH wears a Totobobo mask with the N99 filter option and the classroom is large and has good ventilation (in addition to open windows).  He wasn't going back on campus until Wednesday but I told him he would be going back tomorrow morning to be tested or else.  He'll repeat on Wednesday.  We're supposed to take a small getaway next week for two days - let's see if we go now.  He is taking D and C but won't take anything else 😤I, for the first time ever, am thrilled I have chronic Hep B, as I am taking a similar anti-viral to Remdesivir to keep me safe which has been shown to have some positive effect on COVID.  Prayers please.

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14 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

My husband teaches at Northeastern U in Boston and they gave faculty and staff the option of teaching/working remotely or face to face (F2F) this semester. My DH opted to teach F2F.  They test every time he steps on campus (three times a week) and gets the results back in hours - they invested in an on campus lab facility to do all testing in-house.

He's been great all semester and the end is next week.  Tonight he got an email from a student of his saying he has come down with COVID.  He doesn't know how he got it - his roommate has been out of town since before Thanksgiving, he's conscientious and doesn't party.  He last saw my DH Wednesday and was diagnosed on Friday night.  

My DH wears a Totobobo mask with the N99 filter option and the classroom is large and has good ventilation (in addition to open windows).  He wasn't going back on campus until Wednesday but I told him he would be going back tomorrow morning to be tested or else.  He'll repeat on Wednesday.  We're supposed to take a small getaway next week for two days - let's see if we go now.  He is taking D and C but won't take anything else 😤I, for the first time ever, am thrilled I have chronic Hep B, as I am taking a similar anti-viral to Remdesivir to keep me safe which has been shown to have some positive effect on COVID.  Prayers please.

I will say a prayer for you both. I take Acyclovir everyday and just hope that it has some effect on COVID.

Edited by popmom
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On 12/6/2020 at 9:12 PM, Matryoshka said:

I consistently managed to keep stomach bugs to the person who brought it home.  That person was required to sit/lay on a designated area of the sofa all day which was completely covered with towels.  They also had a designated bathroom that no one else used.  A puke bucket and more towels was given in case of not being able to make it to the bathroom.  No getting up, roaming about, or touching ANYTHING.  Sofa was in front of TV, no school that day, and everyone got to watch fun videos all day so sofa kid wasn't bored (other kids could be in room but not go in toweled area - norovirus not airborne).

After not puking for a few hours, sips of gatorade and nibbles of crackers could commence, and quantities could be upped unless puking recurred.  At the end of the day, all the towels plus the sheets on the bed were washed with bleach, and the designated bathroom washed down with bleach.  Kid had to remain on BRAT diet for an additional few days.

I never had it spread beyond the first person, and I never had a stomach bug last in anyone more than 24 hours with this protocol, 3 kids very close in age over their entire childhoods.

I’ve never thought stomach bugs were that contagious because they haven’t been in my experience. Growing up, it was always just one or two of us but never all six. With my own kids, it was always only oldest who got them but none of the rest of us ever did. We never did anything special, or separated people, but the majority of us never got sick. Oldest one ended up in the hospital because his stomach bug was so bad but the rest of us were fine. I guess we’re weird. 

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On 12/11/2020 at 5:11 PM, StillJessica said:

Quoting myself to say that all of the in-laws tested negative!  What a huge relief!   Still quarantining, of course, in case of false negatives.

My mom is feeling better except for the headache, no results on her test yet.  Her neighbor is positive now; she’s a nurse who works on a COVID floor.  Mom didn’t know what her symptoms were or how sick she is. 

My mom’s test was negative, too!   

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I tell ya it is rampant.  I feel like it is closing in on us.  A dealership we do a lot of business with has 2 positive employees.  My dad and I were in the office of one of those employees on December 5th when my dad bought their new car.  We were masked and it was a short time. Maybe 15 minutes.  

We just had a tow truck driver come to our door without a mask.  We wouldn't let him in.  He was so unconcerned.  He says he has lupus and takes hydroxychloroquin so he is immune to Covid.  And did we know Covid has been around for a long time?  


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Tonight's update:  DH's Covid test today came back negative.  He'll do another one Wednesday and then again on Monday.  I have one scheduled on Friday.


Today I also found out the principal of the boy's elementary school in our community caught covid and tested positive over the weekend.  His daughter (who is in my daughter's F2F class) caught covid in September by not masking with a positive family.  Luckily (!) he and his family were out of school from last Thursday as they were out of town so hopefully no children were further exposed at the school.  There has to be a underlying current of COVID going on and some of the community want to try to root it out with online schooling and communal testing to re-enter school but most people are completely happy with their heads in the sand.

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10 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

My dh learned that a fellow he graduated with died of covid over the weekend. Excellent health. no underlying conditions, 46 year old pastor and father of 4 children.



Oh, geeez. I'm so sorry. 

I've never heard of so many healthy people in their 40s and 50s dying from the flu, you know that? 😕  I don't understand why some people aren't taking this seriously... (Well, I do understand, but it's not a good decision on their parts.) 

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My ds8 tested positive today. I have no idea where he got it. June-October we were doing more things (outside) than we are now. I think it is just so much more prevalent now so everything is just more risky.

He had no symptoms until this morning when he woke up with a fever. Later in the afternoon I felt like he was breathing weird so I took him to the dr. His oxygen was fine, but his fever was 104 and dr said the breathing probably sounded weird because of the high fever. (He explained why too). He says he has a headache and he can’t taste. 

So far he is the only one in our family with symptoms. I’m trying to keep him away from others, but it hasn’t gone perfectly. 

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8 minutes ago, kand said:

Oh, dear. I hope he’s feeling better really soon and that the rest of the family stays healthy. Has he been in school or anything? It’s concerning when people catch it and don’t know how 🙁

We have no idea how my mother in law came across covid. But it’s apparently rampant in the county she lived in and she was definitely not very careful. She was high risk and likely would’ve been in one of the first groups to be vaccinated had she lived. But it is so disconcerting that she could get so sick and not have a clue where it came from. 

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3 minutes ago, kand said:

I’m so sorry. I have to imagine it’s especially hard for people who get sick now at this point, with the vaccine starting to be administered. I just wish no one else had to die from this between now and everyone getting the vaccine 😢

I know, right? 😞 

I'm starting to feel myself relaxing a bit because of the vaccine -- not, like, doing anything more risky, but just feeling less tense... and it's a bad idea. I should stay equally tense and paranoid until the vaccine comes. It's hard, though. 

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30 minutes ago, kand said:

Oh, dear. I hope he’s feeling better really soon and that the rest of the family stays healthy. Has he been in school or anything? It’s concerning when people catch it and don’t know how 🙁

My high school son is in school and dh goes to work. Both places are very good about masks and haven’t had any documented spread, but I am wondering if one of them got it and didn’t know. 

DS is participating in a research study at a local hospital and he was there on Wednesday. He may have gotten it there, but he is in a room with only 2 researchers and everyone is masked. 


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So at what point do I decide I'm a long hauler? 😭

I was (pretty mildly) sick for 2ish weeks.  Week 3 I was fine and probably pushed myself too much in retrospect.  I decorated for Christmas mainly but we go all out and that was several days of work.  I took a nap daily but other than that, was up and about.  Week 4 and now week 5 are so very much worse.  I get light-headed easily and my heart races.  Some headaches but not all the time. Shortness of breath.  Heaviness in my chest like it is in a vice.  I saw a dr last week and my heart and lungs sounded fine.  He said it could take months for these symptoms to lessen.  He prescribed a z pack which I finished yesterday as for some reason it is helping covid patients(he explained it but the brain fog is pretty bad)  This morning I felt pretty good so was hopeful that it helped but this evening is not good.  Basically I can't do really anything.  If I don't do anything I feel pretty normal but any amount of activity and I just feel horrible.  

I really felt grateful at the time that my case was mild. But this hanging on with symptoms is horrible ☹️. And I feel like I'm crazy because it's not like I'm sick.  I don't have aches or congestion or a fever or anything to indicate that I am unwell.  Just these weird symptoms that come if I do much of anything. 

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12 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

We have no idea how my mother in law came across covid. But it’s apparently rampant in the county she lived in and she was definitely not very careful. She was high risk and likely would’ve been in one of the first groups to be vaccinated had she lived. But it is so disconcerting that she could get so sick and not have a clue where it came from. 

I am so sad for your family.  I know so many older people who are just refusing to take it seriously.  And my sister who is about to turn 52 this month is just adamant that she is going to keep living her life.  I am so worried for her and for our father and her mother.  By the time the wedding happens just after Christmas I think it will be prime time to turn into a super spreader event. 

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11 hours ago, busymama7 said:

So at what point do I decide I'm a long hauler? 😭

I was (pretty mildly) sick for 2ish weeks.  Week 3 I was fine and probably pushed myself too much in retrospect.  I decorated for Christmas mainly but we go all out and that was several days of work.  I took a nap daily but other than that, was up and about.  Week 4 and now week 5 are so very much worse.  I get light-headed easily and my heart races.  Some headaches but not all the time. Shortness of breath.  Heaviness in my chest like it is in a vice.  I saw a dr last week and my heart and lungs sounded fine.  He said it could take months for these symptoms to lessen.  He prescribed a z pack which I finished yesterday as for some reason it is helping covid patients(he explained it but the brain fog is pretty bad)  This morning I felt pretty good so was hopeful that it helped but this evening is not good.  Basically I can't do really anything.  If I don't do anything I feel pretty normal but any amount of activity and I just feel horrible.  

I really felt grateful at the time that my case was mild. But this hanging on with symptoms is horrible ☹️. And I feel like I'm crazy because it's not like I'm sick.  I don't have aches or congestion or a fever or anything to indicate that I am unwell.  Just these weird symptoms that come if I do much of anything. 

From what I've read, you should definitely take it easy and not try to push through it. Respect your body's limitations (even if you don't seem sick in the usual way, you are) and don't do too much. 

I know that's hard, but from everything I've read, it's the way to get things to improve. I hope you have enough support that you can do that... 

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9 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

From what I've read, you should definitely take it easy and not try to push through it. Respect your body's limitations (even if you don't seem sick in the usual way, you are) and don't do too much. 

I know that's hard, but from everything I've read, it's the way to get things to improve. I hope you have enough support that you can do that... 

Yes.  The car crash analogy is useful. You may look okay on the surface but your body has had a major assault on multiple organs, and is working hard to heal itself.

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12 hours ago, busymama7 said:

So at what point do I decide I'm a long hauler? 😭

I think, at some point, we're going to see long-recoverers and then long-haulers as two groups, with long-haulers having permanent side effects or something like identifiable autoimmune diseases caused or illuminated by Covid. Just my theory.

From having had bad bronchitis twice and postpartum hemorrhage once, I would say 6-8 weeks is a dragging it's feet but typical recovery time for an illness that was rougher than expected for the severity of the illness. 

I hope you feel better soon, and I agree that you should give yourself as much rest as you can. Hang in there!

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DS's girlfriend was tested for COVID two weeks ago and still has not received her results.  She had a headache and a fever for a couple of days; no one else in her family got ill.  She felt fine after a couple of days and is assuming that she did not have COVID.

DD was going to visit a friend last week until she found out the friend's "elderly" parents would be there from out of town.  DD is careful, but has not been totally isolated and she did not want to be responsible if the friend's parents got ill.  (I put elderly in quotes in that was the term she used and then I found out the parents are my age and younger than DH. 🙂 )  Now she is glad she did not go because that entire family is ill with two of them receiving positive COVID results so far.  It appears, given the timing of symptoms, that it was the parents who were the source of the infection.  So far, they seem to be having mild cases. 


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44 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

From what I've read, you should definitely take it easy and not try to push through it. Respect your body's limitations (even if you don't seem sick in the usual way, you are) and don't do too much. 

I know that's hard, but from everything I've read, it's the way to get things to improve. I hope you have enough support that you can do that... 

I do. It is frustrating to say the least but my kids are old enough (6-20 at home although the 18 and 20 year olds are working) and capable enough that I can just lie around all day.  This morning is ROUGH.  Super weak and shaky.  I worked on a puzzle with my 8 year old for about 20 min and read a picture book aloud and that is all I've been able to manage.  I did more yesterday which just might be why today is worse.    I have Christmas things to do but mostly we are almost completely ready and I have kids who can make the food for Christmas eve if it comes to it.  I've had bronchitis at Christmas before and we survived. It's just not what I want.  I just want to feel well and do all the things so I'm sad and frustrated.  

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3 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

I do. It is frustrating to say the least but my kids are old enough (6-20 at home although the 18 and 20 year olds are working) and capable enough that I can just lie around all day.  This morning is ROUGH.  Super weak and shaky.  I worked on a puzzle with my 8 year old for about 20 min and read a picture book aloud and that is all I've been able to manage.  I did more yesterday which just might be why today is worse.    I have Christmas things to do but mostly we are almost completely ready and I have kids who can make the food for Christmas eve if it comes to it.  I've had bronchitis at Christmas before and we survived. It's just not what I want.  I just want to feel well and do all the things so I'm sad and frustrated.  

Have you considered joining one of the long covid support groups?  May be helpful to get ideas on what’s helped people get by and some idea of how long it’s lasting.  I think you’d probably fit the definition.  

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6 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

I do. It is frustrating to say the least but my kids are old enough (6-20 at home although the 18 and 20 year olds are working) and capable enough that I can just lie around all day.  This morning is ROUGH.  Super weak and shaky.  I worked on a puzzle with my 8 year old for about 20 min and read a picture book aloud and that is all I've been able to manage.  I did more yesterday which just might be why today is worse.    I have Christmas things to do but mostly we are almost completely ready and I have kids who can make the food for Christmas eve if it comes to it.  I've had bronchitis at Christmas before and we survived. It's just not what I want.  I just want to feel well and do all the things so I'm sad and frustrated.  

My early pregnancies were both like this... I couldn't do ANYTHING. But of course, with pregnancy, you know it'll be over... 

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2 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Have you considered joining one of the long covid support groups?  May be helpful to get ideas on what’s helped people get by and some idea of how long it’s lasting.  I think you’d probably fit the definition.  

Yes I'm on one on Facebook.  It makes me scared though because of how long some are struggling and no one really has anything to do that I'm not doing(resting and vitamins etc)

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I have covid. Symptoms: fever chills cough headache body aches fatigue (slept 18 hours yesterday) loss of taste

Tested positive this afternoon 

my 22 yo married dd is positive too with similar symptoms. Probably caught it Saturday at the small masked funeral we attended for my mil who died of covid.

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16 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

I have covid. Symptoms: fever chills cough headache body aches fatigue (slept 18 hours yesterday) loss of taste

Tested positive this afternoon 

my 22 yo married dd is positive too with similar symptoms. Probably caught it Saturday at the small masked funeral we attended for my mil who died of covid.

I am so sorry.  I feel like the 50mg of zinc I started brought back my taste and smell.  Order from Amazon if you don't any.  

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18 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

I have covid. Symptoms: fever chills cough headache body aches fatigue (slept 18 hours yesterday) loss of taste

Tested positive this afternoon 

my 22 yo married dd is positive too with similar symptoms. Probably caught it Saturday at the small masked funeral we attended for my mil who died of covid.

Gentle hugs. I'm so sorry you caught it! Get plenty of rest, and I hope you feel better soon.

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37 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

I have covid. Symptoms: fever chills cough headache body aches fatigue (slept 18 hours yesterday) loss of taste

Tested positive this afternoon 

my 22 yo married dd is positive too with similar symptoms. Probably caught it Saturday at the small masked funeral we attended for my mil who died of covid.

Oh no, I am so sorry.  And I am really sorry to hear about your MIL.  

I hope that you and your DD feel much better soon.

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On 12/15/2020 at 1:19 AM, busymama7 said:

So at what point do I decide I'm a long hauler? 😭

I was (pretty mildly) sick for 2ish weeks.  Week 3 I was fine and probably pushed myself too much in retrospect.  I decorated for Christmas mainly but we go all out and that was several days of work.  I took a nap daily but other than that, was up and about.  Week 4 and now week 5 are so very much worse.  I get light-headed easily and my heart races.  Some headaches but not all the time. Shortness of breath.  Heaviness in my chest like it is in a vice.  I saw a dr last week and my heart and lungs sounded fine.  He said it could take months for these symptoms to lessen.  He prescribed a z pack which I finished yesterday as for some reason it is helping covid patients(he explained it but the brain fog is pretty bad)  This morning I felt pretty good so was hopeful that it helped but this evening is not good.  Basically I can't do really anything.  If I don't do anything I feel pretty normal but any amount of activity and I just feel horrible.  

I really felt grateful at the time that my case was mild. But this hanging on with symptoms is horrible ☹️. And I feel like I'm crazy because it's not like I'm sick.  I don't have aches or congestion or a fever or anything to indicate that I am unwell.  Just these weird symptoms that come if I do much of anything. 

Please schedule with a cardiologist if you can. You can't "hear" cardiomyopathy just listening during a regular doctor appointment. And do take it easy. (my late, ex husband died of cardiomyopathy that may have been induced by a virus,  and the symptoms are easily overlooked or thought to be "just" lungs...but shortness of breath, fatigue, rapid heartbeat for the level of exertion, etc are the signs. Please get checked out. It likely will take a while to be seen, so if you schedule now and feel better before the appointment you can cancel.)

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DS is still sick. Doctors say his covid test should have been accurate since he was quite symptomatic at the time. (negative). Also, his worst symptom is tonsilittis, with white plaques, which is not common in Covid supposedly? Rapid strep was negative when he went to the Minute Clinic, but they didn't sent out a culture! ARGH! Told him he had "a virus" and when he called back the next day even worse they refused to do anything. Family practice doc is booked up. Teledoc virtual appointmnt prescribed Omnicef as he had all symptoms of strep plus sinus infection (he has a long history of them). Only today, over 48 hours later, is he finally able to get a little relief. He didn't sleep for two days, the pain was so bad - and this is my kid that breaks bones without flinching, had multiple ear infections as a kid without complaining, etc. He also had a headache for days that was very bad - any noise was too much. 

So..who knows. I gave him a narcotic out of my supply last night at 2am and he FINALLY was able to sleep for a whole 6 hours, sitting up in a chair. The last two nights he was taking 800 mg ibuprofen evry 6 hours, alternated with tylenol midway, with almost no relief, and no sleep. So either it is strep or other bacteria and the antibiotics are kicking in, or the sleep is helping his body kick it, or the virus is running its course, I don't know. From the look of his throat I almost was thinking mono, but he's not that fatigued like I'd expect. 

And he doesn't want to go get another covid test, and I don't blame him - it was a two hour wait last time!

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Oh, and we are not going anywhere, just in case test was wrong. DH works from home, DS is not going into work (obviously) and I'm getting anything we need delivered. Only outside time was walking with the kids around a lake at a park no one goes to - we didn't come without 100 ft of anyone the whole time. 

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2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

I have covid. Symptoms: fever chills cough headache body aches fatigue (slept 18 hours yesterday) loss of taste

Tested positive this afternoon 

my 22 yo married dd is positive too with similar symptoms. Probably caught it Saturday at the small masked funeral we attended for my mil who died of covid.

Hope you both have a mild case and feel better soon.  

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3 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Y’all I am so disappointed. My younger brother who lives overseas was coming in for Christmas at my dads as was my older brother and his girls and his new wife I’ve never met. The first time we would’ve been together for holidays in about 5 years.

Oh, that IS disappointing 😞 . 

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Ds22 finally shook symptoms over the weekend, but still tested positive. Waioon another test. His little brother (6?) is now positive and asymptomatic. 

And now dh is positive. I’m freaking out. He’s been sick since Friday, but not severely. He actually feels almost fine now, but couldn’t get a test until Tuesday and results just a little while ago. He was coughing in my living room for at least a couple hours on Friday, and then I locked him up. 

DD and I were out in public yesterday. UPS, CVS, Wawa, gas station. All precautions taken, but we really didn’t think dh had it. Dd has been monitoring his vitals (masked and then washed up). Nothing remarkable.  I’m devastated thinking we may have taken the virus out of the house. 

Guess I’ll be calling our doctors tomorrow.  Also canceling next week’s dentist appointments and possible washing machine delivery. (Mine broke last week, and now I can’t even go to the laundromat.)

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2 minutes ago, kand said:

I’m so sorry! I can’t remember, does your ds22 Live at home? I’m trying to think of who might be able to help you out with getting laundry washed. That really adds insult to injury. do you have any friends or family who have already recovered from Covid might might take some laundry for you? I hope everyone is all better very soon.

This thread is kind of eerie the way the cases touching board members seem to be ever increasing. In the beginning, it seemed rare for anyone to know someone with it  I hope to goodness the trend slows down and reverses soon and everyone heals up well.



 No, ds is over a thousand miles away. It was awful not being there for him, and now he can’t be here for us, lol. 

On the bright side, as someone who’s known people from the beginning, I have fewer people dying now!

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Please schedule with a cardiologist if you can. You can't "hear" cardiomyopathy just listening during a regular doctor appointment. And do take it easy. (my late, ex husband died of cardiomyopathy that may have been induced by a virus,  and the symptoms are easily overlooked or thought to be "just" lungs...but shortness of breath, fatigue, rapid heartbeat for the level of exertion, etc are the signs. Please get checked out. It likely will take a while to be seen, so if you schedule now and feel better before the appointment you can cancel.)

So I have been wondering about that but I can't figure out how to make it happen.  Will a cardiologist see me without a referral? My insurance doesn't require a referral but I don't have a cardiologist so not sure how to get into one. I could go to er but my deductible is high enough that I do not want to go that route.  

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4 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

So I have been wondering about that but I can't figure out how to make it happen.  Will a cardiologist see me without a referral? My insurance doesn't require a referral but I don't have a cardiologist so not sure how to get into one. I could go to er but my deductible is high enough that I do not want to go that route.  

My kids have all kind of (non-covid so far 🤞) medical issues that require specialists, and we also don't have insurance referrals.  We've never had any problem just calling and making an appointment directly with the specialist.

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5 minutes ago, busymama7 said:

So I have been wondering about that but I can't figure out how to make it happen.  Will a cardiologist see me without a referral? My insurance doesn't require a referral but I don't have a cardiologist so not sure how to get into one. I could go to er but my deductible is high enough that I do not want to go that route.  

You can try just calling one and explaining your symptoms, and that due to having covid you want to be checked for any cardiac complications. 

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