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Get rid of it all 2019


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I hadn't been doing any decluttering, but I made up for it today. I had dd go through her clothes and filled a box of outgrown clothes to donate and a small box of things I might try to sell. I also pulled down 4 plastic bins of clothes from the attic crawl space. Those clothes were hand me downs that didn't fit anyone when I put them up there. I had both dd and ds pull out what they can wear, had dd box up a few of the things she likes but needs to grow into, and then I put the rest into the car to be donated. Two large boxes, one large toy, and four stuffed kitchen garbage bags are going out.

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I am clearing out my elderly dad’s house 🤪🙄😢!  We have moved the minimal amount of stuff he wanted to keep/maintain and I have an estate sale planned for mid-April.  Very eye opening experience.  When his place is done, I will be working ruthlessly on my house.  At some point, likely in the near future, I will also have to help DH clear out his parent’s house of 50+ years and I want mine done.

My dad is amazed I don’t want all his “stuff’ but, really, he didn’t treat a lot of it like it was special or important.  I took a few very meaningful things, but the rest is going.  I will have a hard line for my DH’s parent’s stuff too.  I will not do this to my boys and I hope to be downsized to a smaller house before I am too old to make such decisions for myself.  And...anything I do keep, I hope I have somehow labeled as to who it belonged to and why it was special to me.  I have already told them that, when I am gone, they should get rid of what they want with no guilt.  Everything except the photo albums I have made of their lives 😂😂😂😂!  My dad is like, “Don’t you want this or that?” but cannot tell me where it came from or why it was important to him or mom.  I’m not keeping stuff just because it was in his house.

So much time spent on stuff and the guilt associated with getting rid of it.  Guilt about poeple’s feelings over the stuff that is going and what to do to dispose of it the best way possible.  So much time....

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Wish I had seen this thread earlier.. 

I did a serious 3 week purge. I am so tired, but my house looks amazing. 

We rented a storage room since we are thinking of moving, and we had some furniture from another house that was just making this one feel tight. I was able to store some books in there that should have been donated. I have dishes from the other house, too. Just not sure how much to hold on to as the kids will need stuff for their college apartments, etc.. 

I got rid of a lot! A LOT! but there is more to do. We still have toys; my youngest is 17. Too many raggedy towels that I hold on to for cleaning stuff; need to get rid of still.

The best we did was clean out a strange closet in the garage that had been storing paint cans. We went through all of them (so very old) and added drying stuff to the paint we don't need to take to the dump. Decent paint will be donated. That closet is huge and is insulated. I got most of my Christmas stuff in there. That was the best discovery. Still hoping to find another secret huge closet that is under-used.

Then I did a BIG clean - scrubbed everything, shined everything, washed windows, refreshed the yard. I am tired. 

BUT it is worth it. I love a clean house. I love opening my closet and have it organzied and uncluttered. I love my pantry filled with white baskets that make it look orderly. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Still plugging away here. Have cleaned out & purged bed linens & towels.

A favorite local charity of mine runs a temporary thrift shop for about eight weeks to raise funds. When I saw they were opening their store, I gathered a bunch of stuff to donate to them -- books, decorative items, some dishes/serving ware, etc. Dropped off a car load this past weekend. I have more gathered that I'll be donating at the end of the week.

I'm re-visiting my closet & trying to reduce more in there. Dd has her "den" in an extra bedroom. The closet in there holds a random assortment of stuff -- clothes from various family members, suitcases, the chairs to our card table, etc. Dd wants to pack up & store some things, but I don't think they would be well-served by the temperature extremes of storing in the attic. So, we'll unload this closet, put in what she wants to store & things I deem most essential to be stored there & then redistribute or get rid of the rest. By working on my closet, I think I will be able to fit my luggage in it (still with room to breathe in the closet). Possibly can do that in ds' room too. Again, basically looking at what we have stored/used where & deciding if there is a better way to store or access things (or get rid of them). I read that oftentimes, you make decisions on where stuff will be stored when you move in a place & then never revisit or change things down the road even if a better arrangement would work better for you. (Thinking of kitchen cabinets & drawers here.) I've been here a long time & am trying to really assess what we use now, how we use it now, & decide on the best ways to have our things in the house now. I'm really happy so far with the changes I've made.

Next week, I'm helping a friend work on cleaning out her garage. She is hoping we can make massive progress.

What is everyone else up to?

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2 hours ago, Stacia said:

I read that oftentimes, you make decisions on where stuff will be stored when you move in a place & then never revisit or change things down the road even if a better arrangement would work better for you. (Thinking of kitchen cabinets & drawers here.) I've been here a long time & am trying to really assess what we use now, how we use it now, & decide on the best ways to have our things in the house now. I'm really happy so far with the changes I've made.

We've been in our house 20 years and in that time added 5 kids and with them came the need for lots more and bigger dishes/pans.  Last fall I got so tired of running all over the place gathering baking supplies (they were stored in 3 different areas) and I went through and rearranged everything in the kitchen.  My silverware and utensils had been in the same spots for 20 years and I MOVED them.  I am thrilled with the results, the flow of things is so much better, things are stored close to where I use them, baking supplies are in one spot etc.  Since I do 99% of the cooking, I figured I earned the right to arrange things how they worked for me.  However, the rest of my family is not thrilled.  After 6 months they are still going to the wrong drawer for silverware and grumbling because I MOVED them.  It's so easy to get in a rut and so freeing when you really take the time to reevaluate.

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For the stuff that dd wants to pack up & store, we had some of the original boxes in the attic. I got those down for her. While doing that, I also pulled out a bunch of empty boxes (many for things we no longer even own or, if we do, don't want the box anyway) & put a big load of broken-down boxes for the recycling people tomorrow. (I wonder if my trash & recycling folks are getting tired of my bins being stuffed to the top every week?)

My trunk is loaded with stuff I've gathered in the past few days (some of dd's clothes, various shoes from all of us, extra purses, more dishware, books, a few random items I pulled out of the attic tonight) & will donate it tomorrow.

I also have a couple of bags of linens & towels to donate to the vet office.

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I haven’t gotten a whole lot done lately, but I feel some motivation coming on!

It’s officially mud season here.  The snow is mostly gone, but it will be a long while before things turn green, so everything just looks dead and gross. That usually makes me desperate to create clean and calm spaces, lol.

I did finally have an old, broken bookcase taken away this week. We’re only allowed 2 bulk items a month, so that was sitting in my living room waiting for its turn for a few weeks. I’ve also continued to make small amounts of progress on paper files. I think I could knock it all out if I had an uninterrupted day to myself, but that’s not happening anytime soon!

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It’s starting to warm up around here ever so slowly.   Yesterday I went through my winter closet and everything that I didn’t wear this past season got bagged up and put in a donation bin that’s near my house.

Today, I’m going through the scarves/hats/gloves, etc.  We had a huge pile of stuff, but wore almost none of it.  Time to let it go.  🙂

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53 minutes ago, Garga said:

Today, I’m going through the scarves/hats/gloves, etc.  We had a huge pile of stuff, but wore almost none of it.  Time to let it go.  🙂

Is there a homeless shelter you could donate to? I heard a homeless lady at the library saying a stranger gave her a blanket while she was sleeping at the train station and it helps her a lot since our nights are windy chilly (even though our winters are very mild)

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1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

Is there a homeless shelter you could donate to? I heard a homeless lady at the library saying a stranger gave her a blanket while she was sleeping at the train station and it helps her a lot since our nights are windy chilly (even though our winters are very mild)

That's a good idea. I know there's a homeless shelter that some people from my church provide food for.  I can find out if the shelter also takes clothing items, like hats/scarves.  Thanks for the suggestion!

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I just realized this is April.  In a couple weeks will be ds birthday.  I told myself back in the fall I would NOT be doing the wild and frantic
"flight of the bumblebee"  hiding stuff and cleaning before the grandparents came over.   I told myself the house would be cleaned out (mostly) and just have to do a quick general clean.

Uh huh that happened.  I think I just got my swift kick in the butt to get moving.  Geez 

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Spring Break this week for us, no school for the kids enrolled and most of our extracurricular are also on break.

I told the kids we are Spring Cleaning every day and then going to do something fun as a reward in the afternoons. 

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I think last time I posted here, I was stuck on paper clutter. I went through everything and have 2 cardboard diaper boxes of papers we no longer need sitting in the garage. We will burn them this spring and summer when we sit around the fire pit.

I now sort of have a system for incoming paper. Its not perfect but we are officially moving and I needed to move on to other things so we'll see what the flow of the incoming paper is in the new house. 

I decluttered the boys' room and set up a toy rotation system for the new house since its a major downsize. It also means 3/4 of their toys are already packed! Win, win!  

I gave two huge reusable shopping bags full of girl clothes to a friend with a daughter younger than mine. We also gave away dd's huge Barbie dream house and all the barbies and their clothes! So glad to be rid of all that!

This weekend, I threw out 2 big garbage bags of junk (broken/worn out kid stuff) and 2 big trash bags of things to donate.

I packed the hall closet and the linen closet. The bathrooms are down to essentials only, the rest is packed. The tv stand contents are packed. I gave away a bunch of babyish DVDs. The living room bookcase is packed. The storage Ottomans are emptied (they are to heavy to move when full). The medicine cabinet is essentials only, the rest is packed.

I gave away several of dh's suits, dress shirts, and ties to someone in need. They no longer fit him and he had way more ties than he needs anyway. 

Today the kids put essential school work for the next month in their backpacks so now I can declutter and pack the school room. That room is dead last on my list though! 😄 

I'm happy with the things I've done but there is still so much to do! 😱

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I've been working through the whole house, starting with a couple of the kids rooms and my room. Some things have just gotten put in storage (Ds14's legos that he no longer wants in his room 😥), but we've taken huge piles of stuff to Goodwill. My husband finally consented to get rid of some clothes. He doesn't shop for clothes, but he accumulates them (his sister gives him a collared shirt most birthdays and Christmases, and he gets a few company shirts each year). He doesn't not like getting rid of them, but this time he did sort off 3 large bags full. He still has enough t-shirts for every day of the month. Well, maybe just February. I'm trying to sell some things now. I don't know if they'll sell or not. It is probably not worth my time to try.

We are all enjoying the house more. I'll be excited when we finish.

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Three bags gone to the thrift store--including one of schoolbooks.  I couldn't find one of next year's spelling books, so I had an afternoon of taking EVERYTHING out of all the various boxes of school stuff stashed around the house and hunting for that *(&^&* book.  

I found it. 🙂

And two more piles of stuff waiting to go on the next trip on Monday.

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In preparation of redoing/reusing the closet in the extra bedroom (which dd wants part of for storage), I was going to revisit my own closet so various things can go in my closet.

I decided to KonMari it. (This includes my closet as well as some additional clothes I had stored in the extra closet last year.) Wow. It was like unloading a clown car. Stuff just kept coming, and coming, and coming. How can so much fit into a closet? I have many large bags of clothes, shoes, & accessories to donate. (My sister gives dd & me a lot of clothes, so we always seem to accumulate a lot.) Now I have room in my closet to store my luggage, possibly other pieces too. And all the gift wrapping stuff.

My car is loaded for donation again. Plus, I have a lamp in there as well as a cat climbing tower that my cats never use.

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My daughter was looking for 2 watercolor paintings she made for her grandmas. I knew I put them in a safe place. Since we konmaried, I've been able to find everything!

We looked in the pantry first with her other paintings but didn't see them there. We searched several other places but I remembered all the paintings were stored together (fabulous konmarie tip of storing like things in only one place) in the pantry. We looked again and sure enough, they were tucked behind another painting. 

It really has made a difference to "see" everything in one place. When I pull out the battery container, if we're running low on AA batteries, I know I need to add them to the shopping list because there aren't other packages of batteries around the house - soooooo much easier!

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I was hoping to plan a big purge (meaning big stuff, mostly shed junk) for this weekend, but it looks like we might be getting iced in tomorrow. Though Sunday is supposed to be lovely! But probably quite muddy. @@

I suppose I should purge the master bath instead.  My kids all share the main bathroom, and we manage to keep that pretty minimized just fine... because all the junk gets stored in mine!!!

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Made the kids try on their spring/summer clothes the other day. Youngest grew (yay!! she's below the 1st percentile still, but she grew!), so all of her clothes from last year were a no-go. Made a list of what needs to be purchased and contacted some friends to see if they could use last year's clothes. 

I have a little corner of the room where the goodwill/giveaway pile is. It's growing pretty quickly; I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to set up a table at the neighborhood garage sale in a month or two. 

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Dh is outside right now cleaning out the garage. I put my car in the garage, but his side is filled, end to end, with junk. He scraps metal, but he tears stuff apart to get the metal and to get the best price. He's really busy with work and volunteer stuff and the stuff piles up and piles up and then he spends hours tearing it apart. It's really not the most productive use of his limited time. It does bring in a little extra money and I don't care if stuff comes in and then goes right to the scrapyard, but it has taken over the garage/basement/shed. The piles of (other people's) junk is the one thing we argue about, especially since I've been decluttering all my nice stuff while he keeps bringing in more junk. Clutter totally stresses me out and I'm just not going to put up with whole areas of our house full of broken and useless things that he's going to get to someday. 

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Got some stuff to Once Upon a Child and boxed up the the stuff they didn't take for Thred Up. Not much $, but out of my house and a little bit of cash for it is nice.

Returned extra swimsuits to Justice - I ordered 3 and DD got to pick the best. 

Kids went through their closet this morning (I made them de-junk the floor) and got rid of several old toys. They're in the goodwill pile at the moment.

Dropped off 5 books at the Little Free Library in front of the elementary school. 

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I just got back from the donation center and unloaded a whole SUV full of stuff!

A highchair, a whole set of pots and pans, muffin tins, plastic food storage containers with lids, cake decorating supplies, an electric skillet, trash bags full of outgrown kid clothes, cookbooks I never use, and an old Play Station 2 with all the cords, tons of games, and the inserts that came with the games.

So so so happy to be done with all of it and I'm motivated to get rid of more!

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50 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Ok the sticky strips that came with the spice racks didn’t hold up well. Ugh. Dh and I will replace with some better quality 3M strips. Had ds take down all the spices (after a few had fallen). 

I bought some like that from Amazon a few years back. I tried to remove them to paint my cabinets recently but couldn't get them off, not even prying with a knife! I was amazed. Good thing I like them where they are!

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I got to do the garage today! Went from a precarious path out to the freezers to possible to park two minivans in it. If I didn’t instead have a massive old pickup and a tank for a van, I’d probably be more excited about that aspect. lol

And we almost have the master bathroom lowered ceiling with fluorescent bulbs replaced with can lights and new tiles. Then I have all week to paint the toilet/shower area, sinks and closets area and then the actual bedroom.

The only things left in the garage I still need out are the window ac units for upstairs.  We will likely put in next weekend. I don’t expect to use them for another month, but better to install before it’s 100°.

And a drop leaf table that I started refinishing 10 years ago and never finished. Really close too. Iirc I was done with the top and legs and was down to the trim and getting new hardware. Ugh. I’d super love to have it done and in use. I could really use it. Especially at holidays. But alas if I can’t commit to getting it done, I guess I should get rid of it. ☹️

I’m excited about the bedroom. It’s had the same crap puce color from the previous owner all these 12 years and I have always hated it. And all the lighting was horrible and broken. I was down to one fluorescent bulb that flickered to put makeup on by. 

ETA: next months goal is to tackle the garden beds. I should be doing it now, but that’s just not going to fit in the April calendar. 

Eta2: oh! Added bonus! There was a bring your scrap metal for donations event today. So all the old fluorescent lighting fixtures, a grill that doesn’t work and a barrel smoker that’s kaput were all gotten rid of at no cost. They came and picked it all up for me even.

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On 4/1/2019 at 7:38 AM, Arctic Mama said:

Mud season here too and it is driving me nuts!  We still don’t have flooring in all our house either, and my husband sanded the drywall to prep for more painting next weekend, so it just feels like a constant mess being tracked everywhere. I can’t really spring clean until the renovation is done and grrrrrr I want to!


I know people think it looks old lady or ugly  but I love either indoor/outdoor “carpet” or a very large patio rug right outside of my doors.  Young people just aren’t thoughtful about mud and dirt and this way no matter what, they have to scrap their shoes at least a little bit before coming in. It makes a tremendous difference. 

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On 4/1/2019 at 8:54 AM, ScoutTN said:

My mom is downsizing and gave us a load of linens. Culled those down to what we can actually use and dropped the rest at the thrift store.

This week: 

Sell books at McKay

Reorganize linen closet. (Borrow a label maker for this!)

Don;t you love McKAys? I love trading in a whole box of things I don't want and getting one or two things that I really LOVE!

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26 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Don;t you love McKAys? I love trading in a whole box of things I don't want and getting one or two things that I really LOVE!

Yes! It is worth it to be patient and go back several times to find a treasure. We usually go Monday or Tuesday mornings. It is across town for me, about a 25 minute drive. I wish there was a coffee shop next door or even a good food truck in the parking lot! 


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Dear Ab bee 🐝 hive,

 Looking like a bomb or tornado went off here.  (Though roof is fine TG).  

I’m caught between taxes and purging, plus some other stuff, and have created a Grid lock of chaos.  

What should I do? 

Signed, Hopeless in Havocville, 

or Befuddled by cluttered chaos cottage

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Just now, Pen said:

Dear Ab bee 🐝 hive,

 Looking like a bomb or tornado went off here.  (Though roof is fine TG).  

I’m caught between taxes and purging, plus some other stuff, and have created a Grid lock of chaos.  

What should I do? 

Signed, Hopeless in Havoc

That's when I break out A Slob Comes Clean method of focusing on just one little area and 1) throw garbage away and 2) run the easy stuff that has a home to its home right now. It makes a dent at least.

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17 minutes ago, Arctic Mama said:

I’m sorry you’re stuck!  That’s where I just find new podcast and power through until 2 am, feeling very proud of myself and accomplished for martyring myself to the Pile of Doom 👀


Can I ... have brownies as I work on The Giant Pile of Doom?  (I am trying to do keto, and no sugar but ...). 

And what sort of podcast helps to power through?  


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1 minute ago, Arctic Mama said:

YES!  I had some Oreos as I worked on mine today; and I’m supposed to be on a candida autoimmune paleo protocol.  But since we had birthday cake yesterday I felt another meal of cheat wasn’t the end of the world.


We got drywall dust all over the entire kitchen today, along with great blobs of drywall mud all over the house.  I ended up cleaning much of the kitchen mess, then trimming and repotting all my succulents, reorganizing the kitchen, and finally completely reorganizing the pantry because my washer drain kept spewing water all over the floor and cardboard boxes due to a clog somewhere under the slab 😭

I started at 2 pm and finished at 11:30 tonight.  So yeah, accomplished a ton.  But now my feet, left ankle, and back are kiiiilling me.  But the satisfaction of seeing it all clean almost makes it all worth it 😆



I am impressed: Good for you!  👏👏👏


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I read this advice one time, about knowing where to start, if there is no obvious place.  It said just start on one side of the room and move towards the other side of the room!  For some reason this has really helped me to get started when I don't know where to start.  

Otherwise -- I tend to go with Flylady (or my version lol) and start with dishes and laundry.  Then I move from there to the living room.  Then bedrooms.  That works well for me when things aren't too bad.  When things are bad -- I just need to start somewhere and move across the room, or move in a circle through a room, and just Start Doing Something.  

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This isn't exactly decluttering, but I pulled the umbrella out of the shed and installed it on the picnic table and I swept up the big pile of leaves on the deck. It was a beautiful day and I needed to at least do something outside.

I did get dh to take a whole van load of stuff to Goodwill from the garage. I've seen parts of the garage floor that have been buried for years and found a few things that I can use now!

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Dh and I cleaned out his work truck today. 2 big black trash bags of trash out of it and a BUNCH of supplies going to the company warehouse in the morning. I drove it to the nearest carwash and vacuumed it out. It took four rounds of vacuuming but it looks awesome now! 

I made a small dent in the garage. I am parting with 2 complete scuba sets, a trash bag full of dh's too small (or too many) winter work clothes and work coats, and a ton of grocery bags to recycle. I organized the kids outdoor toys but they wouldn't let me donate any of them. That's what I get for going through it while they were right there, playing outside. 😁 

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Genius use of tension rods! Definitely stealing that idea. 

Finally cleaned out and reorganized my linen closet. (intended to two weeks ago) Two large bags to thrift. 

Next up: 

seasonal clothes switch out

The Shed! 

Maintain the lovely, organized family room closet by removing stuff dh has randomly put in there recently. 

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9 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I got tension rods to help streamline my gift wrap storage. Now for the gift wrap bucket I own? Either get rid of it or maybe use as a hamper or toy bin. But might want to just donate since it takes up space. 

Found these rods buy one get one 50% off at Family Dollar. 


This is brilliant! I have some extra rods from another project that I’m going to try to put to use. You rock!

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I had my dad's estate sale on Saturday and I am sitting in my van at his house watching the haul away people take the rest away.  Weight on my shoulders lifting as I type.  Taking a week off and going to start working on my house.  Can't wait!

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I can't remember if I posted this last week or not but I don't think I did:

2 full sets of scuba gear donated

Another trash bag of clothes donated

A car booster seat

The donation place is closed Monday so this will be tomorrow's HUGE purge: 

A futon

A TV stand

A dresser

A large toddler tool bench toy

Another trash bag of clothes

A wall clock

A set of prints for the kitchen wall

A set of prints for a child's bedroom or bathroom

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This isn’t an actual *complaint*, but I do need to put down a mini-vent! 

Dh is going through a lot of difficult family stuff. Though he’s been on board with all of the decluttering, he’s recently had the chance to salvage some things from his childhood home, which is a whole emotional thing for him in the midst of insanity.  So now we have MORE STUFF!!! And mostly stuff that we’d be just fine without.

I’m not about to stop him right now, because I think it’s really helping him.  But OMG. It’s definitely stressing me out!

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On 4/21/2019 at 7:35 AM, Carrie12345 said:

This isn’t an actual *complaint*, but I do need to put down a mini-vent! 

Dh is going through a lot of difficult family stuff. Though he’s been on board with all of the decluttering, he’s recently had the chance to salvage some things from his childhood home, which is a whole emotional thing for him in the midst of insanity.  So now we have MORE STUFF!!! And mostly stuff that we’d be just fine without.

I’m not about to stop him right now, because I think it’s really helping him.  But OMG. It’s definitely stressing me out!


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