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When did you first start visiting the wtm boards?

When did you first start visiting the wtm boards?  

  1. 1. When did you first start visiting the wtm boards?

    • 2008
    • 2007
    • 2006
    • 2005
    • 2004
    • 2003
    • 2002
    • 2001
    • 2000
    • 1999

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I put 2002, but it could have been 2003. It was around then anyway. In a completely anal retentive phase I had mapped out my then 3yo's entire educational plan from pre-pre-k to grade 12. :lol:


I have no idea where that notebook is now.

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I put 2002, but it could have been 2003. It was around then anyway. In a completely anal retentive phase I had mapped out my then 3yo's entire educational plan from pre-pre-k to grade 12. :lol:


I have no idea where that notebook is now.



Me too. :D


And then you had to just sit around and wait to implement it. (Except of course for reading, reading and more reading.)

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I'm thinking late 1999 or early 2000, somewhere in there. I lurked. Well, I rarely posted, and I didn't use my current user name. I was a wanna-be homeschooler. DH insisted on public school, which didn't work out well for DS. Thankfully, due to my haunting these boards, I was well prepared.


We started hsing in 2004.

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I read the book the first time in 2005, I tried the old boards but could never follow them in the format they were in. I'd poke around to try to find an answer to a specific question if I had one. Which is how I ended up registered in March. I had a question and found the new format. I did vote 2008 though since that was when I started visiting regularly.

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I put 2002, but it could have been 2003. It was around then anyway. In a completely anal retentive phase I had mapped out my then 3yo's entire educational plan from pre-pre-k to grade 12. :lol:


I have no idea where that notebook is now.


But wouldn't it be fun to look at it?? You've inspired me to go up into the attic and look at my old homeschool boxes. I think I have some notebooks up there with my plans too. :)

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I'm thinking it was around 2003 when I stumbled onto these boards. I don't know that I posted back then, but I lurked ALOT! I still have a tendency to revert back to lurk mode. I think things get to moving too fast and I just forget which threads I was posting in. Maybe I have BADD(board attention deficit disorder):lol:

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1999. I was Hillary in ID then.


I remember discussing what would happen to the boards with Y2K. (Boards still ran, but the year reset to 1900.)


People did'nt post as often, there were fewer people, and several people used their real first and last names.


I remember that boards had names like "Spring /Summer 1999" before they'd flip and be archived.

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2005...I think!! I also remember Colleen's baby, but I remember he was young (infant). I know I started reading these boards in October, and then Ree's (at the time) new blog just a few months later. I have been reading both, faithfully, ever since!


I think I was a Michelle in NC at the time, but there were other (lots of other) Michelle's, so I changed my name to Just Me and started going with the "Life is Good" theme

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I think I lurked a little in 2000, but we began homeschooling in 2001, so that was when I began posting actively.


We just got high speed connection in my area that year and it made a WORLD of difference.


I LOVED it back then because I could talk about homeschool BOOKS (still like it here but I no longer NEED to talk about hs books).


Vegsource was good then too but went through some bad times, and it's never been the same. Ellie helped me on Vegsource to chose R&S math 3 for my oldest ds at the time.

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I put 2002, but it could have been 2003. It was around then anyway. In a completely anal retentive phase I had mapped out my then 3yo's entire educational plan from pre-pre-k to grade 12. :lol:


I have no idea where that notebook is now.


That makes me smile. One of those things that can go under, "things homeschool moms do to make themselves crazy.". I coordinated my 2 youngest in SL cores/ WP all the way through HS and then figured out that ds is not a SL kid. Sigh.

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I put 2002, but it could have been 2003. It was around then anyway. In a completely anal retentive phase I had mapped out my then 3yo's entire educational plan from pre-pre-k to grade 12. :lol:


I have no idea where that notebook is now.


LOL - this was so me. Now, we're on to child #4 and I've not even mapped where this three old will fit into our history rotation yet.


I chose 2001, but I think it may have been 2002. My oldest was 4 or 5.

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I remember discussing what would happen to the boards with Y2K. (Boards still ran, but the year reset to 1900.)






I though I'd been here since 2000, but I remember the Y2K issue distinctly!


Now it occurs to me that it was the fall after my younger son was born that we began homeschooling, so I have been hanging around here since 1999.

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I remember when Quiver 0f 10 was Quiver of 7 and that would have been 1999.



Really? That long ago? Cause I definitely remember QuiverOf7 and I think I remember QuiverOf6, but I'm not sure. If I do, it was just when I started that she 'graduated' to QuiverOf7. But that was 1999? It doesn't fit in my timeline at all. My eldest would have been 2yo and we were not thinking about homeschooling at that point. He was 4 when we took the decision to skip kindergarden.

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It might have been late 1999, or early 2000. That was when we moved, I took my oldest dd out of Montessori preschool, and we decided to homeschool.


But I didn't visit regularly. I just popped in and out occasionally until '04 or '05. Actually, I think it was '05... maybe '06 that I got my Dyson vacuum cleaner because of the board. LOL. (And it's still going strong! First vacuum cleaner that has lasted over a year in my house without declining in performance!)

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I thought this was fairly new, I guess I assumed that because of the "Join dates" listed on everyone and I've never seen one early than 2008.


I joined this year. I had never before visited a "forum" on-line, and have still not ventured into any others....I always thought on-line forums were for perv guys living in basements and back bedrooms somewhere! I'm still trying to break that conception I have ;).

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And then you had to just sit around and wait to implement it. (Except of course for reading, reading and more reading.)


Me three. I hadn't even had kids yet when I first found the WTM forums. I just came back once or twice a year and read through every message, until I was actually teaching 1st grade. Then I read at least weekly. But I didn't really feel comfortable participating until the board switch.

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I put 1999, but I will qualify it with an -ish. don't recall exactly, but I know that it was when we lived in West Virginia....and that was over 8 years ago. I recall very well being at the mall in the bookstore and finding wtm. At the time the kids were probably 2 and 3 and walking around the mall and hanging out at the bookstore was our only real out of the house winter entertainment, as we were so poor. We did buy the book, however, and William Bennett's The Educated Child around that time. This forum has been my main place of fellowship and camraderie for all these years....I have often said that some of my best friends are invisible....These past few years have been a bit weird for me here...for one because my kids go to school now, and another because of all the bickering that goes on....I never remember that in earlier times, but maybe I would just skip those posts. I didn't warm up to this new format very quickly.


This morning my husband and I were talking about the school we just pulled our kids out of. It is a small charter school that has a great vision, but has not done a good job at all pulling it off....way too many problems and no good communication about them. He said that he wondered about why some people are still keeping their kids there. I told him that some probably feel that "at least it is small, and safer and better than a real public school... no matter how bad it is, it has to be better than the local public schools......" He told me that I was probably right, and wondered how I would know that. I told him that I have gained much insight into the anti-public school, homeschooling at all costs is better mentality here.....no offense to anyone, please....but here we are not all on the same page with how we feel about public schools...and that is ok. He said he was glad that they didn't kick me off because I am no longer a homeschooler....I said that this was not an exclusive place, but really a place of wisdom and help for one another. And that here I am valued for the wisdom I have gained in parenting and schooling my kids, and that my help is often helpful despite our non-homeschooling status. So thanks everyone. Let's keep up the good (safe place to be) work.

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I thought this was fairly new, I guess I assumed that because of the "Join dates" listed on everyone and I've never seen one early than 2008.


I joined this year. I had never before visited a "forum" on-line, and have still not ventured into any others....I always thought on-line forums were for perv guys living in basements and back bedrooms somewhere! I'm still trying to break that conception I have ;).


Alaska Mom, that's because until very recently the forums were a different format. When they switched over to this current format, all users had to "join" and create a profile. That's why we all have recent join dates.

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