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Turning on the air conditioner


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If you live in a warmer, humid climate, when do you turn on the a/c?  It was 85 here today and I flipped the air on at 81 degrees in the house but I'm thinking for summer temps of only running the a/c to bring the temp down to about 78.


We live in an older house. We've done new insulation both in the walls and attic, but haven't replaced the windows yet so it seems to heat up quickly.

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it's not humid here. when we were in humidity, we didn't have ac. we have found that over 80, it just uncomfortable, and it's hard to get it back to being pleasant. i like to keep it around 78, but d likes it much cooler. we compromise that i keep it warmer during the day, and he turns it down at night. 

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76 here. We turned it on a few weeks ago because we had a couple days where our inside temps were just hovering at 77 but the air was so humid it was hard to breathe. Then just a few days ago it was so cold I actually thought of turning the heat back on. lol. Today it's hot again and the a/c is doing its thing. :thumbup1:

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We live in an area that gets very hot, however it is almost always a dry heat. We set our air conditioner to come on at 76 degrees and then it shuts completely off at 11pm. We have the heater set at 66 degrees in the winter and it too shuts off at 11pm. We do not run the air or heat at night.


We have already had to run the air a few times in the last couple of weeks. I love the temps between 66 & 76 when we do not have to run the air or heat!

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It's hot and humid here, and there is no such thing as "when do you turn on the a/c." I seriously doubt we ever go a month without turning on the a/c. 


We kept it about 72-74 for a long time, but now I'm a menopausal lunatic and it's at 70-72. 


When it's cold, it's usually under 70, because artificial heat is, I dunno, stupidly hot to me. 

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Pnw I don't mind it being warmer but my husband and family melt over 74 so a.c. comes on at 73. It will be turned on a few times May/June and Sept. It runs for at least a short bit each day in July/Aug.


Heat comes on at 71-72.

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Hot, but no humidity where we currently live. We have the air conditioning more far more often than the heat (I think we ran the heat maybe 4 times this past winter?)


We started running the a/c in March. It hasn't been on daily since then, but that's when we started seeing temperatures of 88+. It's been more frequent lately, with temperatures regularly climbing into the mid and high 90's. We're looking at 100+ next week. 

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We have a programmable thermostat. Right now it's set for the AC to come on if the inside temperature gets up to 75 during the day and to bring it down to 72 at 9:00 p.m. If the temperature drops below 65 during the night then the heat is set to come on and bring it up to 69 by 6:00 a.m.

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I never turn the a/c off, but I also never turn the heat off.  We have one (well, two since we have two a/c units, one upstairs and one downstairs) of those smart thermostats and we keep it set to 70-80 and it does heat or a/c as needed to keep our inside temperature in that range.

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Right now (in IN), I'm still set on heat at 71. It's been getting up to about 74 during the day inside but it drops at night still.


When I lived in hot, humid Florida we had to keep the AC set around 76/77 when it got hot out or it would stay too warm for too long inside.

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We have a programmable thermostat. Right now it's set for the AC to come on if the inside temperature gets up to 75 during the day and to bring it down to 72 at 9:00 p.m. If the temperature drops below 65 during the night then the heat is set to come on and bring it up to 69 by 6:00 a.m.

This is us, except it's set to 69 at night. We only have used our heater to knock the chill out a few mornings this year. Otherwise it's been AC all year. It was a ridiculous winter. I think we only had one cold snap.

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I'm in the midwest and have had it on for about 3 weeks. It hasn't even been humid yet. Our house heats up very easily, then takes forever to cool down. I can't sleep like that.


I have it set at 70 for the air. Anything over say, 72, is way too hot for me. Makes me feel sluggish. Still using the heat on occasion. It's not out of the ordinary to be mid 80's during the day, then dip down into the 30's or 40's at night.

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I am always hot! Our air is set at 68-70 at night in the summer. To compromise with my budget-conscious DH we keep it at 75 during the day. If I had my choice it would be set at like 65 all the time! I literally cannot sleep if its not chilly. I remember sleeping with a big fan blowing on my face when I was in early elementary, so I've always been this way.

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We use the a/c most of the year. We also have days where we use both the a/c and the heater. I think we ran the a/c this winter because some days it was just that warm. I live in a humid area. We live in an older house, too. Dh and his dad like to run the a/c at specific times to supposedly cut down on costs. I don't really like the method as I get cold easily and have trouble dealing with the a/c being on a X time to prevent needing it on at Y time. Dh likes to run ceiling fans a lot. They give me a chill. I don't know how to answer your question haha but basically unless it's really cold outside you can assume we're probably using our a/c. We also have some thermal curtains.


Part of the answer to the question will depend on if you're walking into the house from being outside long. If I had just gone on a walk I might want the a/c on even if the house was at 78. I don't know.

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If you live in a warmer, humid climate, when do you turn on the a/c? It was 85 here today and I flipped the air on at 81 degrees in the house but I'm thinking for summer temps of only running the a/c to bring the temp down to about 78.


We live in an older house. We've done new insulation both in the walls and attic, but haven't replaced the windows yet so it seems to heat up quickly.

Insulating curtains can go a long way towards keeping your house cool. Keeping the house darker during hot days does a lot. Even if you need the light in a main room, darkening lesser used room will help.

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Insulating curtains can go a long way towards keeping your house cool. Keeping the house darker during hot days does a lot. Even if you need the light in a main room, darkening lesser used room will help.


Definitely! We do use them in the winter! It's hard in the summer because I love natural light (much to my vampire teens' chagrin).  I have noticed a HUGE difference since we switched entirely to LED bulbs for our lighting too! It cut down on the heat a lot.

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I overheat very easily and cannot function at all if it is 75+ in the house. I set the thermostat to 72 in the summer. The last couple years we were renting a house with only window units and it was hard on me! Especially pregnant.



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I have to turn on the AC way before I would like to because the second floor gets really hot and takes a long time to cool off, and the AC unit up there is worse. That means I also need to keep the first floor cool, or the warm air will just rise up the stairs and make the second floor's problems worse.

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We have hot humid summers.  But our weather is also quite wacky in general.  So it's nearly mid May and I have to still sometimes turn on the heat.  Which is not typical really.  May basically could go any which way.


By June usually I have to turn on the air.  July for sure.  August yes.  I tend to put them in early for the occasional hot day leading up to that time because I have bad allergies and that's better for me than opening up windows and using fans. 

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We turned ours on for the first time this week. It was 79 to 80 in the bedrooms. I cannot function in that heat either, it's also very humid. It's cooler today and I imagine my mom will want windows open. We generally keep the AC on about 75-77 although this will be our first full summer in this house. We had it at 74 last night for a while. 


My mom didn't want to turn it on the other day, but we outnumbered her. I remember as a kid not being able to sleep because my dad wouldn't turn it on until it was near 100, like mid-July. I would nearly be comatose by that time, so I do not deal well with not being comfortable in my own home. 

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Upper midwest here. Right now it's still cold enough at night to need the furnace. I could probably power through without the a/c for far longer, but dh doesn't sleep well without it when it gets really humid so when it's on, we keep the house warmer during the day than we do at night. So...78 during the day and I can't remember what it's set to at night. It's definitely in the 70s, maybe 72?


The only downside to keeping it set at 78 during the day is that sometimes it doesn't come on often enough to keep the humidity down in the house and it can start to get quite uncomfortable. I have to run a dehumidifier in the basement during the summer so we often head down there.

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After Brazil, I can tolerate more heat than I could previously, but still not "Gulf Coast of Texas" heat.....and no more being cold inside my house, ever, so our thermostat is set to a pretty constant 73-74 all year long. 


DH sometimes tweaks the A/C down to 72, and while he prefers the heat not to come on until it's below 70, we made a bargain when we moved back that I get to be in charge, so I try to keep it around 73. Various times, situations, etc, will have us adjusting it but that's the norm. 


Probably both of these, heat & A/C, comes from not being able to control our indoor temp for 6 years.....now that we can, we are choosing to do so. 

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We have had a cool week, so it's now 9:30 in the morning and 72 in here.


We have a time of use plan that charges extra from 2 to 7, so during those hours we do 78. It doesn't seem to matter, because our AC doesn't keep up with those hours, even though it's new. I think old windows and just the hottest part of the day don't combine well.


Before and after, we do 75. Our AC has been on a month? We use it when the heat from the dehumidifiers gets uncomfortable. We run the dehumidifiers when we don't have the AC on because of the humidity in the house (gets up to 70-80% regularly).


Our heat is set to turn on if it gets colder than 61, so it hasn't been on in a few months.

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I'm a wimp in the heat, but try to put off a/c for as long as possible. It has been on and off hot where nights aren't cool enough to cool the house down, but the forecast has me hopeful. So, unless the house is going is 80 in the morning, I will have the kids gut through it.



It is cooler in the basement and the kids will camp out in the basement bedrooms if they can't sleep in the heat upstairs.


A/C will be set to 77-78 except for really hot days when I'll crank it down to 75 or 76 temporarily to keep up.

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I've had mine on a few times already. We keep it set at 76-77 during the day and it drops to 70 at night. No one in my family can sleep if it is warmer than that. 


OTOH during the winter we have the heat set on 66-67 during the day and drop it to 60 at night.


I'm a firm believer in dressing for the season. If you wear shorts in my house in the winter, you will probably be cold. If you wear sweats in the summer, you will be hot. The temperatures I choose are those where I am comfortable wearing seasonal clothing.

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If you live in a warmer, humid climate, when do you turn on the a/c?  It was 85 here today and I flipped the air on at 81 degrees in the house but I'm thinking for summer temps of only running the a/c to bring the temp down to about 78.


We live in an older house. We've done new insulation both in the walls and attic, but haven't replaced the windows yet so it seems to heat up quickly.


I live in Texas. I've been in rentals that require we turn A/C on to keep temperatures at 80 or lower to prevent mold/mildew problems.  We generally keep it set to 78.

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Ha! Ours is set on 70 for day and 66 at night. We will bump it up to 71/72 and 67/68 as it gets warmer.


!! I would freeze at your house. My next door workmate keeps his AC at 72 and I would wear a sweater if I had to hang out in his office too long (mine is set somewhere between 76 and 78 for comfort. And even then sometimes I put a sweater on when it is actually blowing)

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