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Is there a scent that evokes pleasant memories of your past?

Chelle in MO

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WD-40. It sends me back to my grandfather's shop. For most of my life he owned a small vacuum cleaner and sewing machine repair shop that sat behind his house. Usually the kids were supposed to stay out, especially if there were customers. But when I got a little older, because I was the quiet one, sometimes I could get away with just sitting in there while he worked. The whole place reeked of WD-40. A whiff of it instantly sends me back there.

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Well, not exactly what you asked but... My grandmother owned a diner at the stockyard. Yes, where they auction off cattle. All the years I worked at 5 star hotels, whenever they had a high dollar auction for expensive vacations and other things... I could smell the auction yard outside my grandmother's restaurant. Totally psychosomatic. When I hear an auctioneer, I smell cow poop, lol. Cant help it.

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My father's mother used Cashmere Bouquet. My mother's mother's house also smelled like moth balls.


Lovely smells from my past: mimosa trees in Puerto Rico, night blooming Jasmine outside my bedroom window in Florida, wood burning pizza ovens in Sicily, that kind of cool wet salty fishy smell on a pier at night.


I have hundreds of fond smell memories.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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When were you in high school?


I  :001_wub: this thread!


Well, that info would help, wouldn't it?!  Late 70s - early 80s. I'm sure the cologne I bought was readily available at Walmart (lol), but that's all I remember!  I've tried Googling.

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Horses - like the smell you get when you bury your face in a horse's neck. That has been a favorite smell my entire life.


Lily of the valley - when I was around 3-4 years old, my mom had a bottle of lily of the valley perfume that she kept in the fridge and I would sneak spritzes of it.


Lemon drops - my grandma always had lemon drops in her purse and the sight, smell, or taste of them instantly reminds me of her.

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Well, that info would help, wouldn't it?!  Late 70s - early 80s. I'm sure the cologne I bought was readily available at Walmart (lol), but that's all I remember!  I've tried Googling.


Ah, I'm no help then. I was in high school during the Calvin Klein years.  :)

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Lemon drops - my grandma always had lemon drops in her purse and the sight, smell, or taste of them instantly reminds me of her.


Oh, yes!  My grandparents had a cut-glass candy dish with a lid, and it was always full of lemon drops (or lemon drips, as my little brother called them!).


Ah, I'm no help then. I was in high school during the Calvin Klein years.  :)


You youngster, you!  

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Well, that info would help, wouldn't it?!  Late 70s - early 80s. I'm sure the cologne I bought was readily available at Walmart (lol), but that's all I remember!  I've tried Googling.


Okay, I'm still going to give it a try. Could it be any of these?



Oleg Cassini for Men

Yardley Original





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Roses. My great grandma brought a rose bush with her to Florida from North Carolina in 1960. Lord only knows how old the rose bush was when she dug it up, but it was definitely cultivated before most roses had the smell bred out of them. I wish I had it now.


Orange blossoms. My great grandad grafted his own orange trees in 1960 when they moved to Florida. I was born in 1969. When I was a little girl Pappy and I used to sit outside around Christmas time and eat oranges until I was sick on them.


Also gardenias. Same reason. I have a lot of really lovely memories tied to my great grandparents.

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Well, that info would help, wouldn't it?! Late 70s - early 80s. I'm sure the cologne I bought was readily available at Walmart (lol), but that's all I remember! I've tried Googling.

Wait. Was there walmart then? I heard of Walmart for the first time in 1989.

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Chanel no 5 - my mom's favorite perfume.


Old Spice - grandpa!


Palmolive and Avon Wild Rose perfume - grandma all the way.


Petrichor (that wet pavement smell) - fond memories of rollerblading for hours around our pool.

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Tobacco.  Not cigarette smoke, but real tobacco.  It takes me back to summers of playing with my cousins in my grandparent's tobacco barn.


This reminds me:  Pipe smoke.  My grandfather smoked it and the few times I've smelled it it took me right back to my grandparents house.  I love the smell of pipe smoke - much more pleasant than cigarettes, even though it still does damage.

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There was a certain sunscreen my cousin and I had when our two families vacationed in Italy. I don't even remember the name but when I smell it I know it and for a brief moment I am back in Rimini.


Pies baking - Grandma


Salty air - ocean (always pleasant for me) and seafood bbq at the beach



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Oil of Olay (original) -- my grandmother She put it on every night and had the softest prettiest skin

My mom used Oil of Olay and I always loved it.


For me, it's honeysuckle. My grandmother's house sat on a double lot and had a 6' chain link fence all the way around. However, you couldn't see any of the fence for all the honeysuckle.


The house we live in now has some growing in the woods. I can't wait for it to bloom each year. I've taught the kids how to eat honeysuckle. I hope it brings them good memories as well.

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