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WWYD? tEA content....enter at you own risk :)


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OK, I never thought I would have a WWYD of this nature. :/


I have been staying in a hotel by myself the last few nights. Yesterday afternoon, I got neighbors in the adjoining room. At first, I thought I was experiencing a "When Harry met Sally" moment and someone was joking around in the hallway. Uh...no. The new neighbors were very enthusiastically and loudly enjoying their alone time together.


After they were done and took a shower, they left their room.


Between that first time and when I checked out this morning, they brewed a few more pots of tEA and, at least the woman, enjoyed several cups per pot. :/


Now, I don't begrudge them their enjoyment of a good cup of tEA. I am happy for them! But, it was really uncomfortable. Lol.


They turned on the TV each time. I think maybe that thought it would drown out the noise of their kettle, but it did not.


I could put my earphones in and listen to a book, but that didn't drown it out either.


I was glad I was by myself and that, especially, my 11 year old wasn't with me. I don't know how I would have explained that.


I stay in hotels on average of at least 25 nights per year. My flight to Portland today got cancelled so I am getting part way home and staying in a new hotel in another state tonight.


WWYD if you found yourself in that situation? :/

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I would have knocked on the wall...pounded really or sent the manager up to tell them to pipe down as they were disturbing the other guests.


That's me though. I once yelled at another rocket team for being insane in the hotel hallway after 10 pm. Their mentor didn't seem to mind, but our team had the 6:30 am prep window and had to be up at 5 am so I was not amused!

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This happened to my aunt and I once a few years ago. The neighbors were very loud and enthusiastic and woke us both out of sound sleeps. I rolled my eyes and buried my head under the pillow, but my aunt banged on the wall and yelled at them to "finish up already!" Ha! They, finished fairly quickly after that and we let the front desk know that if they were booked again that evening, we requested a room change. Thankfully, they were checking out that day, so we didn't have an issue. :-)

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What Would I Do?


I'd sit up all night in my room, browsing Welltrainedmind and wishing I had the confidence to bang on the wall, or call the front desk to be moved.  


Not suggesting you do that, but to be honest, that's what I'd do.  Even though it's stupid because I shouldn't be the one who is embarrassed, were I in your shoes.

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I'd have either ignored it (bully for them!) & turned on some very loud movie or music or worn headsets. . . or, if it really bothered me for some reason or I had someone with me that made me particularly uncomfortable hearing that at any level, I'd have called the desk and asked for a new room because the neighbors were noisy. 


Life's both messy and noisy. TeA is natural and fun and sometimes noisy. Who knows the circumstances . . . could be a reunion of folks separated for military service, or folks just ABOUT to be separated, or one partner is about to have surgery that might compromise TeA brewing, etc. Or just some random lucky couple having a great time and too distracted or momentarily self-absorbed to STFU. In any event, the last thing I'd want to do is disrupt their pleasure. Life's hard, why make it harder? 


Really, IMHO, it's the fault of the hotel for having such thin walls. TeA is an expected menu option at a hotel; walls should be thick enough to insulate against noise short of ear-piercing screaming (in which case, really, folks, get a VRBO on acreage!) I hate noisy hotels. The things that bother me are usually just doors opening/closing or normal conversations in the hall . . . I recently had to go out and buy a HEPA room filter for the white noise just to survive the remaining 2 nights of a 3 night stay at a conference . . . I won't stay there again.


So, I wouldn't fault the couple or want to embarrass them if at all avoidable. 

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Okay, I get the 'tea' euphemism, but where did that start?

Do the letters stand for anything? What do the capitals in it mean? 




Time to Express Affection?


Totally Enthusiastic Adults?


The Ending's Amazing?


Too old for the Effort Anymore?

It started in this thread; If you want to cut to the chase (which is kind of what the whole thread is about :laugh: ) start with post 74.  One of the most entertaining threads ever on WTM.  :thumbup:

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I would feel really uncomfortable (like I was seeing someone naked without their permission). I would ask the front desk to let the guests know that people had complained and could they please keep the noise down. I wouldn't to this to be nasty but just in a "do unto others" way... I would want to KNOW this and adjust accordingly, not just have the guest move and be replaced by another guest who could hear our private stuff.

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Okay, I get the 'tea' euphemism, but where did that start?

Do the letters stand for anything? What do the capitals in it mean? 




Time to Express Affection?


Totally Enthusiastic Adults?


The Ending's Amazing?


Too old for the Effort Anymore?

I didn't read the entire original thread, but I always assumed "T" stood for bazzooms and "A" was for backside... Now I am properly informed!

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It's amazing how well we can draw out a euphemism, isn't it.


Seriously, next time call management and ask to be moved due to noisy neighbors. If they can't move you, tell them you need them to go up and knock on the door. It's not this couple's fault that the room isn't adequately soundproofed, but there's no need for you to have to deal with that

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Call the front desk and tell them the issue.  Ask whether they would prefer to move you, or the couple. Some hotels would rather move the noise offender, so that they don't just move you to another noisy room. 



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I'd ignore it entirely. Loud TeA is fun and I certainly enjoy it myself while in a hotel room. I'm not going to rain on anyone's parade. I also wouldn't feel uncomfortable hearing it. I probably wouldn't stay at that hotel again since their walls are too thin and I'd leave reviews about that.


If my kids were with me I'd likely just turn the tv up

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It started in this thread; If you want to cut to the chase (which is kind of what the whole thread is about :laugh: ) start with post 74.  One of the most entertaining threads ever on WTM.  :thumbup:



It was hard to look at nmoira's posts without some sadness.  


Anyone know how her family is doing?

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This happened to us last fall, when we were staying at a hotel for a month, for medical reasons.  The first night we let it go (and it was always late -- after midnight), but then it continued for three nights in a row.  But it was weird stuff, at least for a hotel!  You could hear everything.  It was very uncomfortable.  By the second night, I began pounding on their wall.  They stopped, but then got right back to it the third night.  I pounded on the wall again.  I think it was very disrespectful of them.  If it had continued one more night I would have called the front desk.  I probably should have done that the first night!

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It started in this thread; If you want to cut to the chase (which is kind of what the whole thread is about [emoji23] ) start with post 74. One of the most entertaining threads ever on WTM. [emoji106]

I have never read that thread (and only read the posts around 74...) But that gives me the history....


But I always felt it works so well with the "Don't make someone drink tea when they don't want tea" video...


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I made it to my new hotel tonight. Due to weather, I can't get home until Tuesday morning. At least I get a day all to myself tomorrow. :)


Like I said, I was happy they were enjoying themselves. I don't think it was so much that the walls were thin. This was a room that had an actual adjoining door to the room the were in. There was tile on the floor in front of the adjoining doors. The sound was definitely coming from under the door. I guess the tile could have been amplifying it.


I actually was on the phone last night trying to resolve my flight issues. I stood pretty close to the door in hopes that they could hear me and think, "if we can hear her, she can probably hear us." They didn't get the hint. Lol


I figured they were done for the night since it was quiet for a while. But, they were back at it at 8am. I immediately got in the shower to give them their privacy. Lol


I kept thinking, "maybe they are parents getting away from their kids for the weekend." :)


Tonight's hotel is very quiet and they even upgraded me to a very, very nice room. :)

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If you are traveling that often, do you have frequent visitor status? I often make a special request to be in a quieter room.

I do, but not for the particular chain I was staying at. It was actually very nice and very comfortable but for that one thing. :)


I did try turning up the tv. I also tried putting my headphones in. Didn't work. If that were to happen again, I would probably ask for a room change. Although they were the ones making the noise, I felt like I was invading their privacy. :/

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