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Jobs people couldn't pay you enough to do (lighthearted)


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I thought this would be a fun thread.


I am currently sitting at Panera Bread and there are window washers washing a 12 story building next door. They are just hanging, no box (don't know what you call them). They are just hanging by ropes. Concrete beneath them.


Nope, nope, won't do it. Fear of heights.


What job would you definitely NOT take.

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School bus driver. Terrifying within the bus and on the road! I am taking about dealing with 40 little kids after school, not even teens. I admire the nerves of steel of anyone who does it.



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You mean they aren't disposable???? hahahaha.




The other morning there was a commercial on the radio for a company that deals in porta potties.  They have all sorts of porta potties, even extra fancy and posh ones.  They really made it sound exciting in the commercial.  I just thought...well that's a shitty business.  :lol:

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Housekeeping - it is my hubby's area of expertise :)

Driving - I drive like a race car maniac on my provisional license decades ago, no one will hire me even if I make the effort to pass a driving test

Anywhere medical like hospitals and clinics - I tend to get the flu bug from the waiting room.

Edited by Arcadia
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Movie reviewer.  I couldn't stand to watch all the awful, awful movies that are are churned at an embarrassingly expensive rate to coddle all those celebrities, most of whom seem to me to be short on talent.  Gah.  I'd rather clean port-a-potties.  At least you'd be doing something useful!! 


Now I do like movies. I really am an old movie buff, but I want someone else to vet them for me.  Whenever I am forced to sit through a bad movie, I always think of how I can never get that time back or remove those awful images from my head.  I think:  I coulda been cleaning a bathroom!!!!

Edited by Faithr
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Any sort of cleaning after people, from port o potties to houses or offices.  Cleaning after critters is ok.  There's something about a barn...


Any teaching of kids who aren't mine if they haven't at least reached high school age.



I gotta say, I have only taught 6-12 before now, but this year, for the first time in my life, I also have K-5. I am actually enjoying it and shocking myself. I didn't think I would!


I have K-12 every single day.

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Podiatrist, because feet gross me out.  Actually, being any kind of doctor or nurse would gross me out.


I also couldn't stand being a teacher.  Having been a classroom helper for years when my kids were in school, I know that I definitely do not have what it takes to deal with other people's kids on a daily basis. 



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I don't do well working in offices day in and day out. Give me a barn or something outdoors all day long. At the very least my car....I was in my car ALL day yesterday.


No heights, thank you very much.


No cleaning....I'm just not good at it.


I'm sure there are others.



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caretaking my mil.


she's currently living with my sil. (sil is paid).  niece was there, and I made the comment "I wouldn't let her live with me for $1M "   niece added "a day".



eta: I've come to appreciate her better points - but I'm not oblivious to her ability to drive people seriously crazy.

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Podiatrist, because feet gross me out.  Actually, being any kind of doctor or nurse would gross me out.


I also couldn't stand being a teacher.  Having been a classroom helper for years when my kids were in school, I know that I definitely do not have what it takes to deal with other people's kids on a daily basis.

Oh, that reminds me, I couldn't be a dentist or dental hygienist. People's teeth and mouths gross me out.

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Any sort of cleaning after people, from port o potties to houses or offices.  Cleaning after critters is ok.  There's something about a barn...




Count me in here too- cleaning up outside of my own house. Particularly toilets. But cleaning up strangers dishes or anything else would freak me out too. To be honest I don't even know how waiters and waitresses clear tables.....grad school caused me a bit of germaphobia on some things. 


Also, working at a daycare. I couldn't handle that at all. I'm not sure which would be worse for me, dealing with the kids or the parents. 

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Agreeing with window washer (especially considering that in my neck of the woods the buildings are 40-100+ stories) and assorted human/animal waste cleanup.


Adding: anything that requires being out in the weather or on the water, anything requiring physical strength/stamina, and police officer.  Oh, and POTUS! 


I'm sure there are lots more, but I don't need to think of those to be immensely grateful for my cushy office job that comes with free heat & AC and a reasonably-comfy chair.  ;)



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Oh, that reminds me, I couldn't be a dentist or dental hygienist. People's teeth and mouths gross me out.


I was fine(ish) with teeth till Eldest needed to have oral surgery, twice. I use to be able to brush my kids teeth when they were small, pull out loose teeth. But, now I'm afraid of teeth. 


After Eldest had his first surgery he came out, wet around the eyes from crying, very little looking in the hospital bed. If the nurse didn't push me into a chair I would have fainted. Teeth, with the exception of brushing my own, now bring out that feeling in me. 

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Commercial daycare worker.   Especially the 4 to 7yo age group. The age when they.do.not.stop.talking.


Any kind of meat processing or slaughter house. 


Wife to a high profile person, so that you have to watch every little thing you say.  It could be a politician's wife or a pastors wife.  The pay/position doesn't matter, any position where people are waiting for some gossip to slip from your lips. 



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Pilot. A job in which slightly imperfect execution kills hundreds of people is not for me. If I scrub a toilet wrong, it's not on CNN, you know?


Kindergarten teacher, because I get a headache every time I visit a K class. And I've taught middle school (often very happily).

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  Oh, and POTUS! 




You couldn't pay me a gazillion dollars to do that job. And I wouldn't want a family member to do it either. To live life in a fish bowl and have your every move (and every move of your family) scrutinized and criticized, no thanks. And this ISN'T political, I feel sorry for the family members, no matter who is POTUS.

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I thought this would be a fun thread.


I am currently sitting at Panera Bread and there are window washers washing a 12 story building next door. They are just hanging, no box (don't know what you call them). They are just hanging by ropes. Concrete beneath them.


Nope, nope, won't do it. Fear of heights.


What job would you definitely NOT take.

This is currently my four year olds ultimate ambition in life.

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The other morning there was a commercial on the radio for a company that deals in porta potties. They have all sorts of porta potties, even extra fancy and posh ones. They really made it sound exciting in the commercial. I just thought...well that's a shitty business. :lol:

Years ago, I used to pass a porta potty business all the time. It was on the way to town from my house. I never thought much of it but one day I was having a really bad day. I pulled up to the intersection and saw the business and thought, "And I thought I was having a shitty day!"


I don't think I could be a Dr. I don't want anything to do with any of the orifices. I always wandered what made someone want to do that. "Oh, I know what I want to do every day for the rest of my life! I want to be a gastroenterologist!" Uhhh...no.

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ob/gyn, urology, podiatry...even though they have their yucky moments I can see why they might interest people...but proctology?  What happened there?  At what point did the person think I'd like to spend my career looking up arses?  LMAO


Seriously. At least with OB/GYN a baby sometimes pops out of the hole.

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Anything that required me to answer phones all day.


I could *almost* answer the phone all day. Less build up and more just do it. I could never call people all day. I would go mad. It takes me forever to work up to calling anyone but my mother or my husband.

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