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Political signs? (not a political thread)


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I think the hatred on either side is so strong that people are afraid to put out political signs. I have no intention of broadcasting my choice, because I don't want any sort of hanky-panky taking place. I also would never use a political bumper sticker -- and that is not just for this election. Why invite some wackadoodle to vandalize my vehicle?


That said, political signs are against our homeowners regulations. I did not vote in favor of that rule. :-) There's a part of me that wants to put a huge political sign inside my house, facing out my window.

One of my friends has had hers stolen/vandalized 8 times since she put it out before the primaries.

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Virtually no presidential yard signs here in CA. Some (fewer than usual) car stickers (most small window rather than bumper stickers). Probably more stickers for the runner-up vs the nominee (about half adorning a Prius).


I do think this is mostly due to some re-thinks by campaigns on the value of yard signs and political HQs. In the past, in my area, there would always be a campaign office nearby. Now "offices" are virtual, and people might get together and phonebank anywhere. 


Bill (signless)

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I'd been noticing the paucity of presidential campaign signs, too. A few here and there for the candidate of the party which this county tips heavily for. More signs than usual for third-party candidates. Same with bumper stickers. The one I've seen most is "Cthulhu 2016: Why settle for the lesser evil?"


ETA: Not sure about the theory that it's due to a rethinking of the effectiveness of signs. There's a contentious city council election coming up, related to a hotly disputed development in my neighborhood, and there are forests of signs related to those.

Edited by Violet Crown
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I noticed this too. Not that I miss the signs! But where are they?


Even the festooned house we laughingly titled "(Current Candidate) House" mid-summer has only a small sign left. I don't think they were stolen, as it would be unlikely in this neighborhood, and the remaining sign is the same.


Driving around, I see more Bernie stickers and leftover Obama stickers than bumper stickers for this year's candidates.

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Fewer than usual in general, and virtually no Presidential, around here.  I agree with pp that their perceived value in getting out the vote has decreased, so campaigns are not handing them out anymore... and people willing to put them up aren't necessarily eager to shell out $20 for the privilege, particularly in this election.



We have lots of local political signs.

There is a guy in town who has a collection of signs for a certain strange-haired candidate. He has a maze of wires around his display that he is always adding to. I guess people are stealing them? Honestly, his wire cage around the signs looks so crazy, it isn't doing the candidate any favors.



OK, this image just totally    :lol:  ....

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I genuinely had no idea! I always thought it was specifically a reference to kids sneaking around to have sex. Although I don't recall ever actually hearing someone use it in real life, lol, I'll have to keep that in mind if it comes up again.


Back on-topic: do people feel like they saw MORE lawn signs during the primaries? I feel like there wasn't as big of a stigma attached to supporting Rubio or Sanders as to supporting Clinton or Trump.


I think people actually LIKED Rubio and Sanders.  Trump and Clinton are more against the other person than actually pro particular candidate.  I think. 

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It seems to me that there are fewer federal election yard signs in my area than I recall all the way back to 1996.


There are clusters of signs for one candidate in various neighborhoods. For the other candidate, I have seen precisely 1 yard sign (plus a few stickers.). There are also a handful of signs for two of the smaller parties.


I have no yard or window signs. I am presently wearing a shirt for one of the candidates. The shirt is a first for me outside of a volunteer freebie worn at a political convention or gathering by candidate volunteers.


I do see a fair number of gag political signs like "F it all, 2016"

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There was a car that somehow I was frequently driving behind during primary season.  It had a distinctive vanity plate, so I knew it was always the same car.  This car sported a bumper sticker for one of the presidential candidates in the primary.  When this candidate dropped out, the bumper sticker was replaced (covered up?) by another bumper sticker for a different primary candidate.  A couple of weeks later, I saw the car again, and by this time, the second candidate had also dropped out, and, yes, there was a third (!) bumper sticker covering up the previous two.


Now, I haven't seen this car in a while, but I have to point out that the third bumper sticker was not the winner of the primary, so I'm curious to know the condition of this car's bumper.


And, as the sort of car owner who tends to keep cars as long as possible, until they are no longer fixable, this is why I never put bumper stickers (political or otherwise) on my cars.

Edited by GGardner
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Speaking of Bumper stickers -- I saw a guy with a prominently displayed presidential sticker on his wheelchair -- with the rules about promotional materials in the polling place, I wondered, How does he vote? Does he cover it? Take it off before he attempts to enter the polling place? I volunteered as an election official once but only had to tell people to put their buttons in their pockets or zip their coats.


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Today, I saw a flag on a flagpole for a candidate. A full size flag, run up the staff of a real flagpole in someone's front yard. All I could think was, "What did that flag cost?!"




On the plus side, I'd expect it's a good bit harder to steal than a yard sign, 'specially if alarm bells are attached to the ropes and a maze of wire is run around the base... the mind wanders.  Guy could be setting a new trend.

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The only signs in my neighborhood are left over Bernie signs. Saturday, my next door neighbor warned me that she was having a custom made yard art/Hillary for president/bra sculpture delivered this week.


I could not stop laughing.

Please, please, post photos!
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Speaking of Bumper stickers -- I saw a guy with a prominently displayed presidential sticker on his wheelchair -- with the rules about promotional materials in the polling place, I wondered, How does he vote? Does he cover it? Take it off before he attempts to enter the polling place? I volunteered as an election official once but only had to tell people to put their buttons in their pockets or zip their coats.

Vote by mail. Not very strict enforcement of the policy if he's not engaging in electioneering in some way. Draping a coat over it. Who knows? But there are lots of ways. Here no one gets to vote at polls, it's all mail-in so it would be moot.

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I have seen a few but none in my neighborhood area.  The ones that I have seen are in more struggling neighborhoods. I suspect that most people in my area are going to be voting for either one of the two major candidates and holding their noses.  My particular neighborhood is not enthused about either candidate.

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Apolitical atheist's observations in rural area; I believe it is a purple county in a blue state but I neither know nor care:


Huge Bernie sign on house across the street is still there. If you did not know the neighbourhood, it would be easy to mistake a private residence for a campaign headquarters.


A few tattered bumper stickers left over from incumbent POTUS' campaign 4 years ago.


Sign on local business that says "Alfred E. Neuman 2016" and "What, me worry?" apparently selling solar panels but the light turned green and it wasn't a very big sign.


That was all.

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