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New Game: Tell something about your self that you have never told on the board before

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I'm having a party for 100 people on Sat. at my house - I haven't started cleaning or cooking yet. I'm beginning to think about it, though.


I also watch my son play hockey and secretly wish I had learned to skate when I was younger (and closer to the ground), because I would love to knock someone into the boards!!

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I grew up next to a family that were descendants of survivors of the Donnor Party.


I am trying to learn how to juggle more than three items. I also am trying to juggle clubs w/o hitting myself in the face.


I attended FIVE colleges to get my BA, then two more for advanced degrees - SEVEN total.

Edited by JFSinIL
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I've been mistaken for a prostitute on more than one occasion. ;) Been shot at, too...also more than once.


I used to be a probation officer with a runaway shelter that was located in the red light district in Dallas. I'd end up chasing the runaways down the street in the middle of the night and I'd get solicited regularly in the process! The badge usually sent the creeps scurrying, though one guy (who must have been high) didn't seem to care.

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I sang back-up in a rock band when I was 19. We once played in a bar in Queens that only served Rolling Rock beer, no lie, no other brand.


I won a national team award for Bovine Palpation. We beat 20 other vet schools and I personally bested 58 other competitors.


I really do want to run for public office once the kids are launched.

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I have dropped out of college 3 times.


After my first semester at a private college, I was put on (academic!) probation. That meant I could only be a part-time student, which takes away dorm privileges... and my scholarship. I was an intelligent kid, but I wasn't very smart.


Later, I went to community college *with my mother*, which was an interesting experience. About half way through the semester, I decided to leave home and bum around the private college with all of my friends who had also been put on probation.


When ds#1 was born, I signed up for a class at another cc. I was doing pretty well, having become a responsible adult. Before the end of the semester, my ex decided he didn't like having to care for ds while I was in class, and campus child care was only for full-time students. I was able to get an exemption rather than an incomplete or failing grade.


I've also registered for school multiple times since then. Something always manages to come up. Money issues, child care issues, a new baby, a move. I WILL have a degree one day. Mark my words.

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I won a national team award for Bovine Palpation. We beat 20 other vet schools and I personally bested 58 other competitors.


Bovine Palpation = feeling up cattle? ;)


I went to Kansas State University which has a vet school. I sometimes wish I'd gone to vet school instead of PT school.

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Back in elementary/junior high school I was a huge nerd, the only girl on teh HI-Q team and appeared on tv for competitions twice (Hi-Q was like reach for the top, an academic team), the only girl on the chess team, and was in 3 speech competitions placing bronze, silver and gold in that order. I only joined the speech contest to get over HUGE fear of speaking to others. Of course in high school I didn't want to be a nerd so I swung the otherway and became a troublemaker

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Bovine Palpation = feeling up cattle? ;)


I went to Kansas State University which has a vet school. I sometimes wish I'd gone to vet school instead of PT school.

Yes, that's pretty much what it is. Of course there is a LONG sleeve involved and some scientific know-how.

If you went to KState for vet school you'd be palpating cattle now too!

Instead you are touching humans....eewwww!

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Well, let's see...


1. I have a pathological fear of bees.


2. I once won a bikini contest and was a "Coor's Light" girl in posters.


3. I LOVE mixed martial arts and watch UFC fights all the time.


4. I can't stand cherries or anything cherry-flavored, olives or adult cartoons (like The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.)


5. I like banana and mayonnaise sandwiches


6. I won the spelling bee in elementary school


7. I can sing really well but have such unbelievable stage fright that I could never do it in public. I am quite sure I would puke or pass out if I had to do it.

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I am completely new, but I just have to get this out under the cover of anonymity- at age 18 I had a small (clothed) roll in a low budget horror movie.


I thought this bit of trivia would be carried to my grave (hehe) until a friend and I decided to run our names through the IMDB to see if any stars had our same names. Under my maiden name, the listing popped up.


Now I have to figure out if it is kind of cool to be connected to a low-budget slasher, or if I need to mangle the spelling of my maiden name on any forms I fill out. For the record: I have a very unusual maiden name.

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I taught wrestling to special needs kids. (My aide was a former wrestler - now a parapalegic). He talked me through the moves and I showed the kids. When one big boy was especially contrary, I pinned him!:)


I taught Neo Nazi kids in a high income suburban neighborhood. The boys (teens) were in love with me because they found out I could shoot a gun. I wished I'd been able to really reach them before I was assigned to a new group of kids - at lock-up!


I had a knife pulled on me once when subbing at a suburban high school. I told the teen (who was probably high) to "sit". He sat while I called for help and then resumed his attack as soon as I hung up the phone.


I don't know why I'm sharing these particular facts. Perhaps I miss my old life of being "Commando Teacher"?!:001_huh:

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I am completely new, but I just have to get this out under the cover of anonymity- at age 18 I had a small (clothed) roll in a low budget horror movie.


I thought this bit of trivia would be carried to my grave (hehe) until a friend and I decided to run our names through the IMDB to see if any stars had our same names. Under my maiden name, the listing popped up.


Now I have to figure out if it is kind of cool to be connected to a low-budget slasher, or if I need to mangle the spelling of my maiden name on any forms I fill out. For the record: I have a very unusual maiden name.



If you ran my name through IMDB, you would come up with a low-budget teen film, but I wasn't in it; my mil was. We have the same name (had, she's passed away). She played one of the screaming moms in the film.


And I actually can't really think of anything particularly interesting about myself. Hmmm... I grew up one town over from where the Clintons now live, but that's not really about me so much. My nickname in high school was Pizza, short for Road Pizza which is what I almost turned into when I stumbled into the road in front of a car one night (and, no, I wasn't drunk, I was just really silly).

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I took Latin for one year in high school. We had to do a project. I did clothing in the ancient times and dressed Barbies in togas and little sandals and such. The teacher liked it so much she made me dress the whole class in togas to present a little reading/skit in the lunch room. I had to wrap everybody in all kinds of varieties of sheets. Most embarrassing, it was. Walking around adjusting sheets on folks while in front of all the school during lunch.


I was in a musical my soph. year, Anything Goes. I was one of the fallen angels, Charity. I wanted to be really pretty and kind of sexy, but was really just goofy and geeky. Again, very embarrassing to look back at those pictures.

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I travelled in Up with People in the late 80s and visited East Germany when it was still names as such.


I got my Commercial Drivers licence and drove city buses to help pay for college & grad school expenses. I still keep the license current and have used it to get through unusual transitions in life.


I don't like (and can't stand to eat) most "all-American" foods: hotdogs, soda, & potato chips.

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I used to be a Serial Killer buff. As in I knew about every serial killer prior to the Green River Killer. Seriously considered a career in crime detection.


Did you know about Gene Simmons of Russelleville AR? I can remember the day the news came on telling what he had done. Shudder.

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Even though most of what we eat is from scratch and I grind my own wheat for our bread....I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE McDonald french fries w/ Cheese Whiz. Coke and fries are my comfort food of choice.


I was in an advertisement for an insurance company that went into many magazines from Time to Sports Illustrated.

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Wow, I worked some in forensics and ended up as a medical malpractice adjuster. I studied physical anthropology in college (forensics, among other things). I thought of going into profiling. (I minored in psychology in school.) I think I've told all these things before, though....


I was a big Quincy fan when I was growing up, and also liked Dick Van Dyke's programming. The stuff on today is too ridiculous for me - like CSI - stupid.


I like Patricia Cornwell's books, but she's added some sub-plots that I think are completely unnecessary in her later books. I just want the mainline story, not all the kinky sexual junk.....

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I know how to embroider. I can make pretty things....just like my grandmother. I don't do it much any more and thus get out of practice. I think it is a lost art.


Before my eyes went bad I used to do a lot of embroidery. I particularly liked enjoyed Hardanger embroidery. Here is a link to what it looks like, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Hardanger.png


When I went to Saudi I took a ton of Irish linen and a table cloth to embroider. That is what I did in the small amount of free time I had. Kind of ironic in a way fighting a war while hand embroidering tulips on a table cloth. So I guess I am a living breathing paradox :001_smile:

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