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Where did you get your daughters ears pierced?


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1st set....Piercing/tattoo studio with a wonderful reputation. Expensive but professional. She was about 6yo.. They took the time to make sure they did it right and to plan for growth. It was not easy to find a professional who would pierce her that young, but they talked to her and felt that she was making the decision (not my prodding). 


2nd set....piercing/tatoo studio at the mall.  It was half the price of the first shop and more convenient. It was a big Mistake.  I had to tell the girl a few times they holes weren't in the right spot.  Once we figured it out and go them set right. she pierced one hole at an angle.  


3rd set is coming up and is a forward helix cartilage piercing.  DD is going back to the first place even though she is paying for it herself. 3 holes and jewelry will be $200.  We went by and talked to the piercer about what she wants and he took 15 minutes with us even though she wasn't getting it done that day. He was very realistic about the piercing and told her what to expect (pain/infection potential/restrictions/etc). The level of competence was phenomenal and made me sad that we wasted time/money on the 2nd person. 



DD has deformed ears and getting piercings are part of her accepting what she has.  The aren't severe, but if you look at them very long it is quite obvious that tops of her ears are folded/crumpled over.  

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Piercing shop. In my state, it can't be one that also does tattoos because they don't admit anyone under 18. I called and the owner suggested a mid-week, mid-afternoon (non-busy) time slot where she could do the piercing herself. Excellent experience, and I will take my other DDs there once they are old enough/express interest.

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Tattoo and piercing shop. My policy was that I would pay (to make sure that it was done right) and take her out to eat afterwards for her birthday/giftmas present, but she had to let me know ahead of time (so that she had a few months to be absolutely sure she wanted it) and I preferred a few months to set up our mother/daughter day.



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All of mine have had piercings at either the Piercing Pagoda or Claire's.  I wouldn't recommend going that route again.  We'll do a tattoo/piercing shop the next time.  Somewhere that doesn't use a gun.


One dd had the gun only go halfway through the first time (she has thicker earlobes) and the girl ratcheted it on through.  She's had trouble with that ear for years.  


Another dd decided to get a cartilage piercing last year, and we didn't do our research beforehand.  The rate of infection is much higher with guns for a cartilage piercing, and it never did heal properly.  She ended up letting it grow over.   

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My oldest doesn't want hers pierced and my youngest has not yet reached the age I feel comfortable with allowing it, but if we were to do it, our pediatrician's office offers it. A reputable tattoo shop may be hygienic enough but not the kind of atmosphere I want my minor child in.

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I had Meghan's ears pierced as a baby by her pediatrician. They were suppose to be baby proof and she would loosen them out of her ears. When she was older, her brother was getting his ear pierced and she wanted hers done too. I think she was 6ish? That time we went to Walmart. 

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Side question--How do you find a clean, reputable tattoo/piercing shop that will do a good job on ears? I only know of one shop that I thought might have an okay environment for my teen DD, but they don't do piercings. I'm in a large metro area, so there must be good shops around. I just don't know how to find them. We aren't opposed to tattoos (DH has a few, done when we lived elsewhere), but most of the people we know well enough to get recommendations from aren't the tattoo/piercing types.


What are good questions to ask when inquiring about piercings? Also, what is a usual cost for a piercing shop to do regular earlobes?

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My friend who is a primary care provider, focusing on peds, suggests Claire's in the mall.


That said, I went to a tattoo parlor to have my own ears redone and was very happy with them. Not super cheap but not bad....about $24 for both.

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Side question--How do you find a clean, reputable tattoo/piercing shop that will do a good job on ears? I only know of one shop that I thought might have an okay environment for my teen DD, but they don't do piercings. I'm in a large metro area, so there must be good shops around. I just don't know how to find them. We aren't opposed to tattoos (DH has a few, done when we lived elsewhere), but most of the people we know well enough to get recommendations from aren't the tattoo/piercing types.


What are good questions to ask when inquiring about piercings? Also, what is a usual cost for a piercing shop to do regular earlobes?

I looked up Yelp and Google reviews. My DD was 7, so I asked if they pierced children's ears. I wouldn't worry about a teen, especially during the day. Their prices are likely on their website. I don't remember the price. I think the earrings were more expensive than the service.

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I looked up Yelp and Google reviews. My DD was 7, so I asked if they pierced children's ears. I wouldn't worry about a teen, especially during the day. Their prices are likely on their website. I don't remember the price. I think the earrings were more expensive than the service.

Do you bring your own pre-purchased earrings or buy them there? Is it like a gun piercing where you need studs rather than regular posts?

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For myself, 1st and 2nd set done at a Claire's type of place with no issues (was very young). 3rd single and cartilage done at a mall kiosk, one of them still has issues 25 years later, would never go this route again. Single forward helix done at a highly reputable tattoo shop, healing well but still sore after 4 weeks, very happy with the experience. DD also had hers done at Claire's, with no problems. 


With all that said, I think Claire's would be fine for a first set, but I would ask for the most experienced person available. Perhaps a tattoo shop would also be very good, but not sure if necessary for just the lobes. 

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Do you bring your own pre-purchased earrings or buy them there? Is it like a gun piercing where you need studs rather than regular posts?

We bought them there. No, piercing studios use needles. My DD didn't even flinch. It seemed easier to me without the noise of the gun and less chance of getting it off center. They were titanium barbell style with a flat back. Tons of choices for the front from plain to bizarre. ;)

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First kiddos Claire's @ the mall, now we use the diy kit from Wal-Mart.  Dh has done the youngest 3 that have pierced ears with these kits.  They are affordable and easy to use.  


We've also done the DIY kit, but from Sally Beauty Supply. A gal at church offered to do my daughter's when she wanted them done. I was asking for local recommendations for somewhere to get them done (no great options), and she mentioned that she'd done her kids' piercings. Went smoothly.


Erica in OR

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Only my eldest, wo is 11, has them done.


Her older teen cousin took her to have her ears done initially, they went to a hair salon in the mall.  I wasn't super thrilled with that choice, they used an ear gun, but I figured it was ok for earlobes.  When I tried to take her she just cried when they tried to do her ears, and cried when we tried to leave, so I was glad to hand it over.


She also had a hole put in at the top of one of her ears for her last birthday.  We went to a proper piercer at a spa for that one.

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Side question--How do you find a clean, reputable tattoo/piercing shop that will do a good job on ears? I only know of one shop that I thought might have an okay environment for my teen DD, but they don't do piercings. I'm in a large metro area, so there must be good shops around. I just don't know how to find them. We aren't opposed to tattoos (DH has a few, done when we lived elsewhere), but most of the people we know well enough to get recommendations from aren't the tattoo/piercing types.


What are good questions to ask when inquiring about piercings? Also, what is a usual cost for a piercing shop to do regular earlobes?

Facebook group for our local area. I didn't even have to ask for recommendations as someone else already had. :D

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Well, it's my son, not a daughter, lol. 


He got his ear pierced at a stand in the Mall...but the woman there was very knowledgeable. I asked her some questions first and she was super happy to be asked, lol. She did use a gun, but he was a teenager, so I wasn't so concerned about growth etc. I figure his ears are about as big as they are ever going to get.  She did a nice job making sure it was well placed and looked right with his face. 

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We went to the local tattoo parlor.  Because dd was only 7, I was insistent that she have small hoops for easy cleaning which is only feasible with a needle-piercing.  It was a bit more expensive than going to a Claire's type place but we were very happy with the results and healing. We did schedule during the day and dh did know the person who would be doing the piercing.  It was still a little scary because the shop is overwhelming to a 7yo and the tattoo artist was exactly what you picture a stereotypical tattoo artist to be.....huge, bald, completely inked up, and limiting his conversation to explative-laced politics.  I thought it was hilarious.  Tattoo parlors are very highly regulated in our state.  I felt it was probably even safer than going to a doctor.  Plus, I worked for a pediatrician at one point in my life and he told me several times that he was the last person he would take a child to for a piercing because he did not have much practice and never really understood where to place the gun.

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We found a piercing place with the best reviews - she was 12 years old and it wasn't cheap (she got titanium implant-grade posts). I have suffered with issues and infections my entire life so I wanted to make sure if she got it done, it was getting done right. I had also read this article about plastic piercing guns that freaked me out big time. I got my piercings done at the mall over 30 years ago.


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