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Could you live with an iPad in place of a computer?


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Why or why not?


I'm thinking of going pro (as in iPad pro) and wondering if I could do that and eliminate my iMac. I do almost everything from my iPad. I am ONLY concerned about photos, and what to do with them; how to get them uploaded, printed, make books, etc.


If it weren't for photos/videos, I wouldn't be remotely worried about ditching my computer.


What does the hive say? What are the other things I'm not considering that would require me to keep a computer?

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I have desperately tried to go iPad only. I have on, Ds has one, and we sync so much. It is really great, but does not replicate the laptop. Many programs are getting better, but still do not have ideal functioning with tablets. They get glitchy. They are streamlined without maximum features, they are difficult without a mouse/keyboard/usb.


We are getting a Macbook later this year.

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I couldn't, but I'm a gamer. I use a tablet for many things everyday, but until I can play Blizzard games or my Steam collection on one I'll be sticking with a computer. Apart from games, I could probably go computer-free but I don't really have any urge to. Some tasks are just much easier for me on a computer.

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I've done it since the first iPad came out, and with an iPod touch before that. We do keep a computer for sending print jobs and playing DVDs but for 99% of my computing I use my iPhone now, having retired my last iPad and realizing I didn't need the bigger form factor anymore. I do everything on here and with an external keyboard, if need be. For classes I do need the Windows capabilities of running Parallels for things like excel, but college is the only thing that haS *required* that. My phone is set up with our Xerox and as long as I'm on our wifi network our AirPrint works just fine.


So for me. It replaces a computer. Pretty much entirely. But I've had years of experience with mobile platforms (I used a Palm back in the day, for example) and there is a bit of a learning curve for things like editing photos or video, or taking meeting minutes, with a phone. It's much easier on an iPad and makes it even more doable.

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iBooks (the program to make books) is not available on iPad. I can print to my wifi printer and upload to any cloud storage.

iMovies work well on iPad.


It is harder for me to take photos using my iPad Pro compared to my iPhone because of the weight. It was easy for me to use the on screen keyboard to type in english, chinese and german as the screen is big.

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Maaaaaaybe.  If I had to.  But, I only have an iPad 2, so the Pro might have more features, and I think it has a bigger screen and multitasking ability.  (Only being able to use one app at a time is sometimes a pain.)  I could do most things via the iPad with a keyboard, but theere are a few things that are tricky about it.  It doesn't have a lot of storage, so I have to be careful about what I keep on it, whereas my computer has a ton of storage.  OneNote does not have as many features on the iPad as OneNote on the computer, so that would be a slight drawback.  Plus, sometimes I just find it easier to use a mouse than a finger.  My printer does use AirPrint, so I am able to print from the iPad.  I've been iPad only for a while when my computer's been acting up, and it's been okay.  With a really good new iPad, it really might be just fine.  The line between tablet and computer sure is blurred nowadays!

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Nope. We use a little chrome book for the majority of our needs but it just won't do everything. For one big thing it and the iPad don't have enough storage for the PDFs of all the books and things I have for school and for another I can't get it to print from there(although our new printer was supposed to be capable it keeps giving us fits unless we use the desktop) and lastly I prefer a regular size keyboard.

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My dh has an iPad pro with keyboard.


I know myself personally, I need my macbook.  It's light and thin and easy to lug all over everywhere, but it does all that I need a laptop to do.  I like having usb drives and HDMI ports and keyboard shortcuts.


ITA with the above. We have a number of iPads. I spend hours a day and get a lot of work done on my MBP. I'm just not interested in a smaller screen, a smaller keyboard, and everything tied to the cloud.



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I have an IPad Pro with a pen and keyboard. Photoshop has a few apps, but there is no way to get the level of precision required for my digital scrapbooking. I can start the projects, however. But, the only thing I still use a laptop for is scrap booking. If you are just modifying the photos a little, then uploading to shutterfly, you could make the switch.

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I had an iPad before I got my Macbook, and honestly, I've just about stopped using my iPad.  My Macbook is just as portable and far more powerful.  I'm in college though, so I do a ton of paper writing, and online classes.  There is no way I could deal with those on the iPad.  

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NOOOOOO......I can't even get this forum to work on my iPad.


I hate the app versions of most websites but many websites don't work the same on an iPad.   I actually prefer the computer and may look at getting the smallest version of the iPad Air to replace the 10" iPad.

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No is the answer to your question. A computer is much more flexible in what it can do.  An Android phone (and probably an iPhone also?) is IMO more powerful than a Tablet. However, I do not have much experience with Tablets, so that's a Disclaimer. NOTE: Another possibility for you is to investigate a PHablet.  Those are cell phones with large displays, I believe starting at about 6.9 inches. Too big for a man to put in his pocket, but no problem, for a woman to put in her purse.  Possibly a little uncomfortable, because of the size, if one is long winded on the phone. I consider our Android phones to be very powerful. A tiny computer that can also communicate.  GL with whatever you decide to go with!

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I wouldn't want to.  I like having access to a normal keyboard for typing and I find printing from the ipad a total pain.  Plus, even when I can print, the formatting is often off, which makes it totally useless.  I do love my ipad, but if I had to pick between an ipad and our mac laptop, I would definitely pick the laptop.

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I guess it depends on what you do, right?  I need to be able to open Word documents that other people send me as attachments, I need to use spreadsheets, I need to plug in DVDs and CDs on occasion.  I make photo books on both iPhoto (faster / easier / less cluttered formats / better quality paper / can do them offline on a plane or in a train) and on Shutterfly (cheaper / more flexible formats / can have distant family and friends review them before I send off to printing), and I guess I could live with Shutterfly alone... but wouldn't want to.


And by the time you put a real keyboard on -- and I couldn't live without a real keyboard -- you pretty much have the size / weight / clutter of a laptop, KWIM?



My now 17 yo son has exclusively used Surface Pros with keyboards since the day the first model came out.  He has a magnetic cover that's also a bluetooth keyboard.  It has all Excel, Word, powerpoint etc on it and he does all his schoolwork on it-- but also uses it just as a tablet to watch video etc.  He's not so much an apps/games guy, though -- evidently that's the downside with Surface.

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Thanks for all the input. I occasionally get on my computer for viewing the boards and Facebook (but I do both of those on my iPad on phone most of the time), and I do type docs (which I could do on my iPad as well), but other than that it's only for doing stuff with my pictures.


I have no desire to have a laptop. I have an iMac, iPad (because I do need portability when I meet people tor Disney planning), and iPhone (because I simply couldn't live without that).


My iMac is fairly new and there is no place for CDs or DVDs, so that doesn't even factor into the decision. The main thing is the issue with the photos for me. A full size keyboard is easy, and it doesn't have to be attached all the time, so I would have no problem dealing with that.


Also, I can't make my photo books on my Mac. We live in the boonies and have an unstable internet connection. Because it sometimes loses connection during the upload, I have to start all over AND I get charged for the book every time I start uploading, so I've had three charges for one book in the past. That's why I use shutterfly now - I just do the lay flat pages and they are a lot nicer.


Anyway, I don't know about all this - just thinking about it. I've been trying to pare down my life and figure I could possibly replace my iPad Air and my iMac with an iPad Pro and I'll be able to do more than with just my iPad Air - just not sure if it'll even come close to having the iMac (and from what y'all are saying, that's a no).

Edited by StaceyinLA
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You already have an iPad, so you know what you like. But I do not like my iPad. It is fine when I want something light weight to carry along. But, I have had the iPad for many years and I just never use it. I way prefer my MacBook Pro. I would never willingly go over to an iPad exclusively.

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Thanks for all the input. I occasionally get on my computer for viewing the boards and Facebook (but I do both of those on my iPad on phone most of the time), and I do type docs (which I could do on my iPad as well), but other than that it's only for doing stuff with my pictures.


So, what is it that you are trying to do with photos that your iPad can't handle? I'm just curious. There are a lot of reasons I wouldn't give up my MacBook and go all iPad. I thought about it when we got the iPad, but there were too many things I couldn't do or couldn't do as well. However, photos weren't one of them. That makes me wonder if it could work for you.

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Thanks for all the input. I occasionally get on my computer for viewing the boards and Facebook (but I do both of those on my iPad on phone most of the time), and I do type docs (which I could do on my iPad as well), but other than that it's only for doing stuff with my pictures.


I have no desire to have a laptop. I have an iMac, iPad (because I do need portability when I meet people tor Disney planning), and iPhone (because I simply couldn't live without that).


My iMac is fairly new and there is no place for CDs or DVDs, so that doesn't even factor into the decision. The main thing is the issue with the photos for me. A full size keyboard is easy, and it doesn't have to be attached all the time, so I would have no problem dealing with that.


Also, I can't make my photo books on my Mac. We live in the boonies and have an unstable internet connection. Because it sometimes loses connection during the upload, I have to start all over AND I get charged for the book every time I start uploading, so I've had three charges for one book in the past. That's why I use shutterfly now - I just do the lay flat pages and they are a lot nicer.


Anyway, I don't know about all this - just thinking about it. I've been trying to pare down my life and figure I could possibly replace my iPad Air and my iMac with an iPad Pro and I'll be able to do more than with just my iPad Air - just not sure if it'll even come close to having the iMac (and from what y'all are saying, that's a no).

Just wanted to make sure you know that for $80 you can buy a usb drive that will play cds, dvds, and mp3s. Since a lot of my curricula is cd or dvd based, this is a key reason why I still need a laptop for schooling on the go.

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No I use excel for lesson planning and other things. I am a faster typer then a pecker (can't really type without keys). I also don't think they could make a I-pad with how many photos we have on our computer. It would be several G of memory! I like to spread out stuff when I am working on it on the home screen and I don't think I-pads let you have 2 apps open at the same time (or at least not all apps you can do that with). I also occasionally have issues with my i-phone (6+) or my i-Pad (Air) and Skype. I talk to my family primarily through Skype. 


So no I couldn't do it. 

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Why or why not?


I'm thinking of going pro (as in iPad pro) and wondering if I could do that and eliminate my iMac. I do almost everything from my iPad. I am ONLY concerned about photos, and what to do with them; how to get them uploaded, printed, make books, etc.


If it weren't for photos/videos, I wouldn't be remotely worried about ditching my computer.


What does the hive say? What are the other things I'm not considering that would require me to keep a computer?

I would rather not.  I do some work online and source a lot of products I need.  I'd prefer to be sitting in front of my huge monitor with a keyboard.  I do use the iPad to look at things casually, but I'd rather not type on there, and some things do not format correctly. 

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There are a lot of people responding to this thread that have not actually used an iPad Pro. You can run two apps split-screen, you can store both photos and documents in the cloud if you need more space, you can get a full-size Bluetooth keyboard, and using the pencil is actually more precise than using a mouse. You can get Word and Excel (or use Apple's word processor or spreadsheet) for the iPad Pro if that is something you need.


It really depends on what you need to do. I use my iPad Pro 99% of the time. I use my old MacBook the other 1%, usually for the cd drive. I used to do all my photo editing on the MacBook, but I now use the iPad. I don't make photobooks though, so that isn't something with which I am familiar.

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Nope.  But aside from being a mom/homeschooler/caregiver I am also a CPA student and a contract non-profit accounting worker who needs a full set of office applications and several versions of QuickBooks and able to access databases.  If I wasn't in school or working?  I might be able to do without a regular laptop or computer but I would sure appreciate access to one!  

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No. We have iPads, a MacBook, and a Mac desktop.


I use the iPad more than the others. But I want a desktop computer with a big screen and storage for two reasons.


-- sometimes I want to open multiple windows at once and drag objects around. A big screen is best, along with a big memory.

-- I like to store things on my computer and find old photos or documents easily. Btw, I am paranoid about privacy. I would not want my old tax returns, for example, in the cloud, even though I routinely change my name to Jane Doe when I am done, lol.

-- I like to be able to connect with a cable for backing up an so on.

-- some apps only work on computers. Ds uses an iPad almost exclusively, but needs computer for AutoCad, for example.

Edited by Alessandra
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My DH uses only iPad; DD uses only iPad for college (however, she does have access to school computers if necessary AND she says she wants a laptop for next school year).


I use my iPad daily, but I could not hope to function with my photography on only iPad. It may be that I am simply not savvy enough, but I must have full functionality to manipulate phots, upload, organize and transfer them, not to mention just plain old hard storage space. My Macbook needs serious cleaning as it is because I have over 12,000 photos and many of them are in raw format taking up gobs of space.

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Yes and for the most part I do. I get in an actual computer *maybe* twice a year.


I don't even have an iPad pro either. If I did, then I most certainly would be fine without a desktop mostly collecting dust in another room.

So, it's a "dust-top"? :)

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So, it's a "dust-top"? :)

Ha! Pretty much. I have two for that matter. One is an old acer, I think 9 yr old. The other is a Mac that's about 2 years old. The Mac is used for an Teaching textbooks geometry program a kid takes and I store some stuff on it and backup our devices to it. That's about it.

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Ha! Pretty much. I have two for that matter. One is an old acer, I think 9 yr old. The other is a Mac that's about 2 years old. The Mac is used for an Teaching textbooks geometry program a kid takes and I store some stuff on it and backup our devices to it. That's about it.

I have a Mac Dust-Top, too, but it is MUCH older than yours. This is why it's a dust-top. It had the old iWork word processing system on it, but the last time I brought the OS up to date, it made those old documents inaccessible. I can see them, but they are ghosted. I really have no idea what to do about that or how to get that Mac functioning for document writing now.

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I have a Mac Dust-Top, too, but it is MUCH older than yours. This is why it's a dust-top. It had the old iWork word processing system on it, but the last time I brought the OS up to date, it made those old documents inaccessible. I can see them, but they are ghosted. I really have no idea what to do about that or how to get that Mac functioning for document writing now.

The only reason I have the Mac is because my mil bought it with all the trimmings and then said she preferred a PC. So it was just sitting in her garage and when she saw my dh it occurred to her - hey they home school, maybe they could use it and she gave it to him. It's quite nice. But can't compare with as nice as using my iPad while stuck sick in bed.Ă°Å¸ËœÅ½

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So, what is it that you are trying to do with photos that your iPad can't handle? I'm just curious. There are a lot of reasons I wouldn't give up my MacBook and go all iPad. I thought about it when we got the iPad, but there were too many things I couldn't do or couldn't do as well. However, photos weren't one of them. That makes me wonder if it could work for you.

The main thing I need to be able to do is upload them and make photo books on shutterfly.

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re making photo books

The main thing I need to be able to do is upload them and make photo books on shutterfly.


Oh, I thought you were actually making some of them on iPhoto.  Can't you upload from the iPad to Dropbox or something not-Mac and then drag them over to Shutterfly?  The iPads in our house are my daughters' -- I use both a MacBook and a PC -- so I've never tried this, but I would think so?

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No, it would drive me nuts to only have an iPad.  They're fine for simple web research and quick notes and simple apps, but otherwise I find them difficult to work with.  Having to touch everything instead of quickly making changes, etc., using my keyboard, feels sooo slow.  I also write a lot and want to be able to just open, and type.  Also, I often have multiple pages/programs running at once, and that  is so much easier to do on a laptop.  No, I'd take my Macbook over an iPad any day.

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Your needs might change. Today, an iPad or an Android Tablet might do what you want it to do. But, if tomorrow,  or next month, you have a new interest, and the Tablet can't do it, then you will need to buy  a computer.  GL with your decision!

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The main thing I need to be able to do is upload them and make photo books on shutterfly.


Just saw this. Wouldn't you do this the same way regardless of device? Open Shutterfly website and shift pictures there? I don't own an iPad, but I am not understanding what is different. I have ordered pictures from Shutterfly and store some photos on Photobucket but I use a PC.


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In the app they only give an option for one type of book. I know I can go to the site from the iPad and have the option of making other types - just wondered if anyone knew about making adjustments to the photo book pages and if that would be possible from the iPad.


I guess what I need to do is break out my iPad and try it.


I'm not worried about the lack of keyboard because when I need a keyboard, I can use a full size bluetooth one (bought them for my grandkids' iPads for about $15 each and they are almost identical to the Mac wireless keyboard). I already have a wireless printer so I can definitely print from an iPad with no problem.


I know doing actual typing of documents would be different, and it would take getting used to (because of using the touch screen versus clicking a mouse), but I don't see it being any more of a learning curve than anything else. I cannot STAND using a trackpad on a laptop and that would be a huge adjustment for me, but people with laptops have no problems with that.


I certainly haven't made any decisions, but I am up here typing on my $1400+ iMac that I use once a week at best, wondering if I could live without it...

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