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Peeing behind a dumpster. Would you still be friends?

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Everyone is going to take me off their friends list for this one!


On Wednesday, my children and I were traveling to our Assisted Living ministry and my dd6 announced that she had to go to the bathroom. She is still in the "I have to go right now" stage, I had to take the first exit off of the freeway. I found a gas station and we went running to the counter to ask for the bathroom key. The attendant told us that someone was in there and to stand outside the door. But as we waited we could hear a long stream of ranting coming from in the bathroom.


I asked my dd if we could please get in the car and look for another gas station but she was at the dancing stage and was desperate. And so now I was desperate too! I looked around and saw a dumpster pulled away a bit from a wall and so I took dd there to do her business behind the dumpster (just number 1). But she had bad aim and all her clothes got wet despite our best efforts. So I took off her bottoms and wrapped her in a sweater and put her in the car. While I was doing that, a homeless man came out of the bathroom and starting ranting at ds11 (he said it was ok, he couldn't understand what he was saying!)


But now I had a further dilemma. We were late for setting up the sound system etc. and we had the key to the chapel! So I dropped off ds11 and the key. But now I had to go shopping for some bottoms since we had no change of clothing in the car. But when I got to K-Mart I had to figure out what to do with dd6. It is a very bad area of town. I saw one pimp and one prostitute hanging out just outside of K-Mart. But I couldn't very well take in dd without anything on her bottom! But dd6 had the great idea of zipping up her sweater on her bottom half so it looked like a skirt. We shopped, went back to the Assisted Living apartments and cleaned her up and changed. We got to the Bible study with 5 minutes to spare!


If you've read this far: I shared this story (funny to me) with a very put-together friend. I got the impression she didn't share my understanding of the humor in the situation but shrank back in thinly veiled disgust. Trust me, I don't go around teaching my kids to pee behind dumpsters! But sometimes we are a bit closer to the homeless in our basic needs than we would like to admit. Would you still be my friend?

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Yes, I would still be your friend. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


I had a portable potty that came with large baggies and was designed to be put in cars for when problems like this came up. Of course, once I bought it, no one ever had to use it. I considered the expense to be insurance.


I associate dumpsters with rats, though -- not human kind.



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When ya gotta go, ya gotta go....


When we lived in Belgium, I saw several men 'watering' the shrubbery in public view. Once, my ds and I noticed a woman doing her business behind a bush.


As I sat on my balcony overlooking a street, I saw a small commercial vehicle pull in sharply to the driveway to an apartment building. The passenger (male) hopped out. Copiously 'watered' the brick wall. Hopped back in and they sped away. I laughed out loud.


I'm a farm girl and sometimes ya just gotta go...

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Of course, I would still be your friend! Little girls can't wait and they can't aim. You do what you have to do. I think you two were pretty resourceful!


You might consider keeping a complete change of clothing for her in a ziploc bag in your car. Actually, it's handy to have a complete change for everyone in the family! When someone spills a drink all over themselves, falls into a puddle, or has a bathroom accident, it's good to be prepared! The ziploc keeps the clothes clean while not in use, and then the dirty/wet stuff can go into it and not mess up your trunk.

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I leaned up against a tree one time in college to pee. When I stood back up, before I pulled up my pants, I lost my balance and fell into a sticker bush. My roommate had to use tweezers to, well, you know.


Oh my goodness, I almost peed in my pants reading this! (That would be a whole 'nuther thread!) :smilielol5:

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And sometimes middle aged moms with several children would pay for a dumpster to hide behind when they're in the middle of the desert. :blush: Mother nature being what it is.


Would someone seriously not be your friend because your daughter couldn't wait????



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I'd still be your friend, and by being appalled at your story, that other person has been virtually guaranteed a similar experience in their future. I DO have a problem with teaching kids to pee outside just because they don't feel like walking back to the house or something, but an emergency? I'm in the "You gotta do what you gotta do" camp. Personally, I'd almost PREFER to pee behind a dumpster than in most gas station bathrooms *barf barf*

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I have a friend that let her dd (almost 3) pee behind some raspberry bushes at a pick-your-own farm. Apparently she forgot to mention to her that this technique was only to be used in emergencies and not in the public eye, because the next Sunday at church her dd pulled down her bottoms and squatted right there on the front lawn, in front of everybody. :001_huh:






Oh, and we're still friends. :D

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If you've read this far: I shared this story (funny to me) with a very put-together friend. I got the impression she didn't share my understanding of the humor in the situation but shrank back in thinly veiled disgust. Trust me, I don't go around teaching my kids to pee behind dumpsters! But sometimes we are a bit closer to the homeless in our basic needs than we would like to admit. Would you still be my friend?


I would not only be your friend, but I would get in my car and bring you bottoms for your dd if you called me up and asked. :auto:


After I stopped laughing.


Perfect friends are sometimes a hard cross to bear, aren't they? :)

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Dd was in a parade last year. We know some people who live near the end of the parade route, and we go to their place and have food and fun while we wait for the parade to go by.


One of the high school bands was passing by when one of our friend's two year old sons dropped trou while standing at the curb and started peeing out into the middle of the street. The band had to stop playing it was so hilarious!

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Not only would I still be your friend, I'd be the person training your daughter in the fine art of "behind the dumpster", because it is art. Balancing there, missing one's feet and pants - it's all in the thighs baby! And, I don't care what any well put together person has to say about it, it is one of life's most essential skills for us women, created as we were with indoor plumbing!


I use my skill on a fairly regular basis - not so much behind dumpsters any more, but on camping trips, in questionable bathrooms, and when stuck in a major traffic jam when all I had handy was an empty Planter's Peanuts jar and the back of my minivan. Phew!


You go mom! (oooh...bad word choice ;)) --- Mom....you rock!

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I would still be your friend as long as you would forgive me for peeing in your driveway!


When we were on vacation in TX and evacuating from Hurricane Rita in 2005, it was a very long, dark night in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the worst traffic jam in history. The driveways off the highway were the only place to pull over. Luckily, the homes sat a few hundred yards back. So, we did what everyone else did. It was pitch black and with a little creative use of the car doors, the 2 million other people driving by didn't see a thing. ;)

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Oh, no, this could not change our friendship! I have my own "past" in this area...


I was driving home ON Labor Day so the traffic was horrible the whole way. We made a couple of stops but as we got closer to home, we decided to take the back way, hoping to avoid traffic. Well, those roads were all parking lots too. :) Can I just say I was thankful that I only had my sisters in the car? And that I was mortified, knowing that even though no on could SEE what was happening, they all surely KNEW what was happening. We had been laughing for miles at the people who we knew must be stopping for a bathroom break... ;)

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does SHE have kids???



I'd like to be put together as much as possible but my first priority is taking care of my kids.


It could have been just TMI for her???

I have to stop myself at times as not every one finds humor in my mom stories.


She needs to get over it.


She has 6 kids. But she is really, really, organized. There is not a speck of dust even under her refrigerator. And I get the impression that her children never have had to pee or puke or anything else at an inopportune time. But God made me her friend just to loosen her up! (She did recoil but I know that she will come around in the end.)

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Is it ok if I laugh?


Oh my goodness...I have been so close to being in your shoes.

My 4 yr old, however, just lets loose all over herself. There's no trying to aim behind a dumpster. And that would be why I now carry a change of clothes for her AND the 2 yr old. She's needed the change more than he has ;)


I don't fault you for what you did, that's for sure.

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My girls have learned the fine "art" of peeing in a stall (the horse kind) at the barn where we board. We can use the house if needed (a good friend of mine) but they have a poor septic system and it is a hike to the house. The stalls are just quicker. Even *I* have been known to use the stalls on a rare occ.


Our doctor once told us that a 5 quart ice cream pail is needed in each and every vehicle. Great for all sorts of emergencies. Lined with a plastic garbage bag and a few papertowels you have a great "potty". It makes a great "puke pail" as my kids call it as well. The lid is handy.

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Everyone is going to take me off their friends list for this one!


On Wednesday, my children and I were traveling to our Assisted Living ministry and my dd6 announced that she had to go to the bathroom. She is still in the "I have to go right now" stage, I had to take the first exit off of the freeway. I found a gas station and we went running to the counter to ask for the bathroom key. The attendant told us that someone was in there and to stand outside the door. But as we waited we could hear a long stream of ranting coming from in the bathroom.


I asked my dd if we could please get in the car and look for another gas station but she was at the dancing stage and was desperate. And so now I was desperate too! I looked around and saw a dumpster pulled away a bit from a wall and so I took dd there to do her business behind the dumpster (just number 1). But she had bad aim and all her clothes got wet despite our best efforts. So I took off her bottoms and wrapped her in a sweater and put her in the car. While I was doing that, a homeless man came out of the bathroom and starting ranting at ds11 (he said it was ok, he couldn't understand what he was saying!)


But now I had a further dilemma. We were late for setting up the sound system etc. and we had the key to the chapel! So I dropped off ds11 and the key. But now I had to go shopping for some bottoms since we had no change of clothing in the car. But when I got to K-Mart I had to figure out what to do with dd6. It is a very bad area of town. I saw one pimp and one prostitute hanging out just outside of K-Mart. But I couldn't very well take in dd without anything on her bottom! But dd6 had the great idea of zipping up her sweater on her bottom half so it looked like a skirt. We shopped, went back to the Assisted Living apartments and cleaned her up and changed. We got to the Bible study with 5 minutes to spare!


If you've read this far: I shared this story (funny to me) with a very put-together friend. I got the impression she didn't share my understanding of the humor in the situation but shrank back in thinly veiled disgust. Trust me, I don't go around teaching my kids to pee behind dumpsters! But sometimes we are a bit closer to the homeless in our basic needs than we would like to admit. Would you still be my friend?



Ok first of all :smilielol5::smilielol5: :lol:


I am laughing but i do feel bad taht you all went through that!


And whats up with your friend???:001_huh: Seriously. Does she have kids??

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I had a friend drop by one day asking if her son could use our facilities. They were in the area and her son had to go bad. Of course I let him. We chatted for a bit and as they were leaving she expressed appreciation that we were home. I told her if we ever weren't home when they dropped by for such purposes, there were plenty of trees on our property. That's when she confessed that he had used trees on our property in the past. :lol:

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I had a friend drop by one day asking if her son could use our facilities. They were in the area and her son had to go bad. Of course I let him. We chatted for a bit and as they were leaving she expressed appreciation that we were home. I told her if we ever weren't home when they dropped by for such purposes, there were plenty of trees on our property. That's when she confessed that he had used trees on our property in the past. :lol:


I wish I could give you some rep!!

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Sure I'd still be your friend. Goodness I can't imagine never having to do that with kids. I've lost count of pee beside the road/behind the tree incidents. Your friend must be organised beyond my comprehension.


Funniest peeing story I have is when DD announced she was busting in the middle of an airport store. Then without further ado she peed all over the floor. It was particularly funny as they'd just refused to refund me for an internet card; for non functioning terminals that I wouldn't be able to use because we were about to fly out of the country. That's revenge for you.


Our bags were checked in and we had no spare undies (big mistake!) so DD did a 5 hour flight with no underwear...when she said she needed to do #2s on the plane I made a very big dash to get there!

Edited by keptwoman
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And sometimes middle aged moms with several children would pay for a dumpster to hide behind when they're in the middle of the desert. :blush: Mother nature being what it is.


Would someone seriously not be your friend because your daughter couldn't wait????




you open the front and back door on the side that points off the road and you lean against the footboard of the front door. :D And YOU hold the CAMERA. So YOU are in charge of what gets photographed. :001_rolleyes:


I learned this from many LONG drives through desert, forest, mountains, and any other off-road experience you can imagine...

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you open the front and back door on the side that points off the road and you lean against the footboard of the front door. :D And YOU hold the CAMERA. So YOU are in charge of what gets photographed. :001_rolleyes:


I learned this from many LONG drives through desert, forest, mountains, and any other off-road experience you can imagine...


Does this tutorial come with pictures?:lol:

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