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What do you think about marijuana for recreational use in older ppl?


Marijuana use?  

153 members have voted

  1. 1. Marijuana use for recreational purposes in older adults

    • Yes, it's fine. It's just like a weekend cocktail!
    • Nope, it's a drug and should not be used!

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It's not my cup of tea, and I have tried it a couple times.  If you live where it is legal, I don't see it as any different than consuming alcohol. So my feelings about it's use by adults is the same as that. If you like it and can use it responsibly, then it's your business, especially if you aren't breaking any laws.


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How would it be procured?  What safeguards would there be against fraud and elder abuse by younger people wanting the drug?  What do we know about how much long-term mj use impacts an older person's ability to care for and protect himself/herself?


Also, 50 is pretty young!  I will hit that milestone this year, and I have a lot of working and driving and taking care of children in my future.  Everyone I know who is under 70 is still working at a job, driving, etc.

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I personally think it should be decriminalized but that it is still immoral (as is consuming enough alcohol to become intoxicated). I know people in their 60's and early 70's who still use it regularly (for "back pain" or some other non-serious medical reason, with a prescription). Baby Boomers who never truly became full adults...

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I have not seen anything that demonstrates conclusively that this is worse than alcohol, so I see no reason for the drastic prohibition.

However, I would find it problematic if the older person were breaking the law, because of all the consequences that entails.


My stance is: legalize it already, and save the taxpayer millions now spent on prosecuting and incarcerating users. That money could be better used to treat addiction.


ETA: I fail to see what it has to do with being over 50. Are you implying that 50 is so decrepit and beyond that possible long term consequences won't manifest anymore? Or what is your purpose behind this number?


Edited by regentrude
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One of my good high school buddies' parents still smoke marijuana. They were always casual about it, didn't smoke in front of the kids until they were adults and were always very respectful of not smoking in front of people. I never knew until I was an adult and after Thanksgiving dinner, they passed around a pipe. Very "normal" and successful family that smokes pot on occasion. 

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I guess I picked the age of 50 because that is where I am right now and I am thinking of picking it back up on a recreational basis. Both my kids are now out of the house so that would not be an issue. I am also finding at 50 that I care less and less about societal norms and are more interested in just doing what makes me happy - as long as it does not effect my ability to be a good mother or hold down a job etc. etc.


I realize some people at 50 still have kids at home or whatever. I am just at a point now where I am getting divorced, moving into my own place, and for the first time in a long time have the space to decide what I want to do. This does not mean I would be smoking pot 24/7, but whereas I would have NEVER done it before while married and with kids at home, I am now more like "hmm, that could be nice on the weekends." I guess I have less responsibilities now.



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Why do you care what a bunch of strangers think?


I'm against it but I suspect that I'd be against a lot of behaviors that middle-aged divorcees choose to engage in (like casual hookups). Frankly, I think a lot of people revert to adolescent-like behavior after divorcing and smoking pot (ETA: without a serious medical condition like cancer) would definitely fall into that category.

Edited by Crimson Wife
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I see marijuana as different from alcohol in that alcohol tastes good.  I take a dim view of anyone consuming either in order to get high.  

I can't explain it, but an older person smoking pot is somehow sad.   

That said, if there was a genuine need for it, then grow your own plant.   I used to have a friend with M.S. and she said it helped with the symptoms.  In fact, she moved to where it is legal.  

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Why do you care what a bunch of strangers think?


I'm against it but I suspect that I'd be against a lot of behaviors that middle-aged divorcees choose to engage in (like casual hookups). Frankly, I think a lot of people revert to adolescent-like behavior after divorcing and smoking pot (ETA: without a serious medical condition like cancer) would definitely fall into that category.


Lol, Crimson, you are really working the haters mojo today.


I am guessing aside from your wonderful impersonation of The Church Lady you have other talents, like' judging other women based on length of skirt and finding them lacking' and 'mentally slut shaming teenage girls at the mall.'

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I don't understand why it is even a question!


Barring predisposition or history of addiction, I can't imagine a valid reason against it.


But I am a morally corrupt middle aged divorced woman.


I spend all my time selfishly immersed in adolescent behaviors.

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FTR my response was based on (a) the fact that it's illegal where I live and (b) the research and anecdotal evidence I've seen, which shows there are more serious detrimental effects than for cigarettes, and the effects are more long-lasting than all but the most extreme alcohol abuse.


Also FTR I don't engage in alcohol or nicotine use either, so the hypocrisy argument doesn't apply.  :)


I don't think it's immoral other than to the extent it is illegal.  However, I think people are believing "information" about its "safety" that is untrue.  For that matter, I have known smokers who insisted that the reports about tobacco being unhealthy are all lies.  Wrong beliefs aren't immoral, but they cause just a many problems as intentional foolishness.

Edited by SKL
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It is different than alcohol because it pollutes the air of those nearby.


But, more importantly, intoxicated people have more accidents and injuries. Since I work in an ER, I see the worst of the worst. It does not matter if the intoxication is caused by alcohol, marijuana, prescriptions, etc.


As we age, we progressively lose balance. By age 65, most people can no longer stand on one foot. Adding intoxication to the mix equals head bleeds and hip fractures, in my mind.

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I know plenty of people on their 40s and 50s who smoke pot recreationally and see no reason not to if you don't struggle with addiction

Me too . It's decriminalized in my state. I've seen middle aged people smoking at no- kid gatherings No big deal for a responsible person to use it recreationally - legally - occasionally. Edited by poppy
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It's on my bucket list, but it's not legal where I live yet. If/when it is, yeah, I'd probably give it a try, for no other reason than because for decades I was told I couldn't for reasons that I consider incredibly stupid.


I think mj should be legalized for recreational use by adults.

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 (b) the research and anecdotal evidence I've seen, which shows there are more serious detrimental effects than for cigarettes, and the effects are more long-lasting than all but the most extreme alcohol abuse.




I'm wondering about your research considering most of what I've seen says the opposite.

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To those who think it is juvenile or possibly life-altering, how is it any different that alcohol? (Not trying to start an argument! Just interested in opinions :)


Drinking in order to deliberately get drunk (as opposed to accidentally imbibing too much) is also juvenile. Having a glass of wine or a mug of beer with dinner or at a social event is totally different than seeking out intoxication.


I would ask yourself why you feel the need to get high at your age.

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Alcohol in small doses has beneficial health effects particularly with the heart.  Pot has no such benefit.   Smoking pot is not good for your lung health.  Then there is the question of legality.  I would never recommend anyone to smoke it if it was illegal in their state. 


What I worry about legality is the rights of non smokers to not be bothered with smoke.  THat includes landlords being able to put no smoking anything rules in their leases and apartment dwellers not be subject to smoke from other units.

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Drinking in order to deliberately get drunk (as opposed to accidentally imbibing too much) is also juvenile. Having a glass of wine or a mug of beer with dinner or at a social event is totally different than seeking out intoxication.


I would ask yourself why you feel the need to get high at your age.


I know people who smoke just enough pot to relax, just like they would have a bottle of beer or a glass of wine to relax.  They are not seeking out intoxication, although technically I guess they are slightly high.


Also wondering how an adult "accidentally imbibes too much".

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Alcohol in small doses has beneficial health effects particularly with the heart. Pot has no such benefit. Smoking pot is not good for your lung health. Then there is the question of legality. I would never recommend anyone to smoke it if it was illegal in their state.


What I worry about legality is the rights of non smokers to not be bothered with smoke. THat includes landlords being able to put no smoking anything rules in their leases and apartment dwellers not be subject to smoke from other units.

There are beneficial, medical uses for marijuana.

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Lol, Crimson, you are really working the haters mojo today.


I am guessing aside from your wonderful impersonation of The Church Lady you have other talents, like' judging other women based on length of skirt and finding them lacking' and 'mentally slut shaming teenage girls at the mall.'


Plenty of people who dress immodestly do not engage in casual s*x and plenty of people who are promiscuous do not dress immodestly. I'm not going to make an assumption about somebody's behavior simply based on how she is dressed. Nobody ever caught some nasty, incurable disease from wearing too short of a skirt.


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What do you think about marijuana for recreational use



I don't, at all. It falls into the same category as high heels for me. Wear them, don't wear them....Wear them in appropriate settings, wear them in inappropriate settings....


Not my feet.

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To those who think it is juvenile or possibly life-altering, how is it any different that alcohol? (Not trying to start an argument! Just interested in opinions :)


Maybe it's because I recently lost a loved one to lung cancer, but yeah, I see anything you smoke much more negatively than I do alcohol. Plus, I hate, hate, hate how entitled smokers feel to smoke in public spaces and only hope that the legalization of pot doesn't turn into that. I could care less about your pot brownies.

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I guess I picked the age of 50 because that is where I am right now and I am thinking of picking it back up on a recreational basis. Both my kids are now out of the house so that would not be an issue. I am also finding at 50 that I care less and less about societal norms and are more interested in just doing what makes me happy - as long as it does not effect my ability to be a good mother or hold down a job etc. etc.


I realize some people at 50 still have kids at home or whatever. I am just at a point now where I am getting divorced, moving into my own place, and for the first time in a long time have the space to decide what I want to do. This does not mean I would be smoking pot 24/7, but whereas I would have NEVER done it before while married and with kids at home, I am now more like "hmm, that could be nice on the weekends." I guess I have less responsibilities now.


Well I do admire your honesty.  LOL

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I'm over 50. Personally, I wouldn't. I don't like it, and the smell makes me ill. That is totally personal preference. I'll drink my wine, and someone else can smoke marijuana. Only if it's used to excess, either one, would I have an issue. I know recreational users who are over 50. I've never considered it in relation to their age.

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But, more importantly, intoxicated people have more accidents and injuries. Since I work in an ER, I see the worst of the worst. It does not matter if the intoxication is caused by alcohol, marijuana, prescriptions, etc.


As we age, we progressively lose balance. By age 65, most people can no longer stand on one foot. Adding intoxication to the mix equals head bleeds and hip fractures, in my mind.


I think that your profession skews your view on these things.  We are not talking about passing out or driving into a wall.  I've drunk alcohol all my life, and smoked pot a bit in my younger days.  I've never injured myself, ended up in hospital or driven after having drunk/smoked.  


I'd like to stack my over-fifty body (10,000 steps a day; yoga twice a week; stand up from sitting on the the floor without using hands or knees)  against many of the young things who come to my yoga class and disappear after one session.  The young men seem particularly disheartened.


Even after a drink/smoke, I'd be well ahead.

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I do not use and would never recommend using illegal drugs. I have never used marijuana illegally.


However, I do enjoy it when and where legal, which would include my state right now. I think light use is fine. I voted for it to be legal as well, but even if it had not passed, I would not have broken the law.


I like marijuana. It's like a little flight when you get the right stuff. I can't use it too often or I'd lose all motivation!

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My personal opinion is that all people who eat cupcakes (ever) are just above scum level.  (Because some people eat too many cupcakes and become obese, putting a burden on society).


I'm kidding, that is a crazy way to think.  I don't personally like weed; I got too old or something and I can't stand it around or smoke it (it's legal here).  I think on the whole alcohol and tobacco are both worse for health and society, and I don't begrudge smokers or drinkers their vices, as long as they have relative control of themselves.  Why would I treat weed differently?  I have had relatives die of cigarette smoking and of alcohol abuse (none of obesity, but statistically cupcakes aren't much better), but no marijuana-induced deaths :)

Edited by ananemone
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"  I have had relatives die of cigarette smoking and of alcohol abuse (none of obesity, but statistically cupcakes aren't much better), but no marijuana-induced deaths :)" QUOTE



I have . My own father died ( Suicide) while using weed. I have relatives who's lives are completely screwed up because of the use of. I personally do not have any relatives who smoke cigarettes or had an alcohol induced death.



I did state that this is my personal opinion and I believe that this thread was asking for personal opinions. If the only people who post are people were are all for drug use ( or don't care how others destroy their life) than it wouldn't be a balanced poll would it? 



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my personal opinion is that all users are just above scum level.



sorry - Too many people in my life affected by the use of it. I cannot stand what it does to people- just hearing the word makes me get mad.


"  I have had relatives die of cigarette smoking and of alcohol abuse (none of obesity, but statistically cupcakes aren't much better), but no marijuana-induced deaths :)" QUOTE



I have . My own father died ( Suicide) while using weed. I have relatives who's lives are completely screwed up because of the use of. I personally do not have any relatives who smoke cigarettes or had an alcohol induced death.



I did state that this is my personal opinion and I believe that this thread was asking for personal opinions. If the only people who post are people were are all for drug use ( or don't care how others destroy their life) than it wouldn't be a balanced poll would it?


My initial reaction to your posts: Um. Okay, Just. Wow... That is your personal experience. No denying or downplaying it. It is not my experience though.


I am truly sorry about your father's suicide. I had a very close cousin (as in almost sibling like relationship) commit suicide. While not a parent, I felt immense pain and can only imagine what you went through. My cousin's death, while drug related, was not due to marijuana, but prescription anti-depressants and sleep aids.

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