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OK...the dad COLLECTED toilet pee...


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I saw that too. You can see the test struggles to show positive in the video because it's watered down, but does turn. It says at the end that she took another test to confirm the results. I also saw the video after they lost him/her. So sad. :(


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Social media brings out the oddest stories sometimes.  I feel really bad for the people who think that they will post a little video online and then have it blow up in their faces.  But then there are the ones who use it as a chance to practice their acting skills......

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I wasn't sure if it was staged until the end where she specifically asks him if he used a dropper to do the test. Seemed strange she would use that exact word. And the whole perfect hair and makeup thing.

I watched the video and thought the same thing about her using the word dropper. Also, if my husband did that, I think I'd be a bit more "Eww..." About the whole thing. I didn't know about the miscarriage until this thread. I hate to think badly of people, but.....

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The timeline just doesn't work out for me. She says she was two weeks late and her husband tested and they found she's pregnant. Just a few days later, they find out she miscarried because the baby didn't have a heartbeat? I am the only one who's had ultrasounds before they can confirm a baby's heartbeat? I mean... the heart doesn't start beating until 5 weeks and can take several days after that to show up. And the whole thing about them trying to use their "fame" to get free entrance for their family in to Legoland the day after the miscarriage and getting upset when the person didn't recognize them and wouldn't let them in? YIKES. They're pretty much wrapping themselves in red flags. And that they're admitting that they'd love for their videos to go viral and make them famous, quitting jobs (or pretending to quit jobs?), demanding free stuff... just ick.

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I thought it seemed fake, too. I still don't know, but I can't imagine taking a miscarriage that lightly...??

If it's a very early miscarriage (possibly just a chemical pregnancy) and they haven't despaired of being able to have another due to secondary infertility/recurrent miscarriages, I can see taking it pretty lightly. I was disappointed after my first early miscarriage but I wasn't alarmed or concerned until my third. My first second trimester loss was way harder. Honestly, I assume when anyone announces a pregnancy that early that they are unburdened by a history of past miscarriage.


I assume he's a nurse or something from his scrubs so I'm guessing he has a high tolerance for gross.

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Am I the only one who thought "she doesn't flush?"


(I haven't watched either video, so I don't know if that was addressed)

He said she doesn't flush at night so as to not wake the baby. I don't flush at night either so as to not wake people up. That part didn't seem odd to me. Small houses, apartments, thin walls, light sleeping babies. You make adjustments.

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The timeline just doesn't work out for me. She says she was two weeks late and her husband tested and they found she's pregnant. Just a few days later, they find out she miscarried because the baby didn't have a heartbeat? I am the only one who's had ultrasounds before they can confirm a baby's heartbeat? I mean... the heart doesn't start beating until 5 weeks and can take several days after that to show up. And the whole thing about them trying to use their "fame" to get free entrance for their family in to Legoland the day after the miscarriage and getting upset when the person didn't recognize them and wouldn't let them in? YIKES. They're pretty much wrapping themselves in red flags. And that they're admitting that they'd love for their videos to go viral and make them famous, quitting jobs (or pretending to quit jobs?), demanding free stuff... just ick.

Yeah, that's odd. 2 weeks late means 6 weeks pregnant or so. Lots of people have healthy pregnancies when there's no detectable heartbeat at 6 weeks. I have a 6 year old who had no heartbeat detected at 6 weeks.


Ù/s could have showed something that wasn't even as large as a 5 week yolk sac though. I've had early u/s were it was pretty clearly not a developing pregnancy early on.

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The timeline just doesn't work out for me. She says she was two weeks late and her husband tested and they found she's pregnant. Just a few days later, they find out she miscarried because the baby didn't have a heartbeat? I am the only one who's had ultrasounds before they can confirm a baby's heartbeat? I mean... the heart doesn't start beating until 5 weeks and can take several days after that to show up. And the whole thing about them trying to use their "fame" to get free entrance for their family in to Legoland the day after the miscarriage and getting upset when the person didn't recognize them and wouldn't let them in? YIKES. They're pretty much wrapping themselves in red flags. And that they're admitting that they'd love for their videos to go viral and make them famous, quitting jobs (or pretending to quit jobs?), demanding free stuff... just ick.


Wait, what? They were at Legoland the day after a miscarriage?  To each their own and all that, but I can't imagine coping with bleeding and grieving while running around an amusement park. Never mind the weird freebie expectation.

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Yeah, that's odd. 2 weeks late means 6 weeks pregnant or so. Lots of people have healthy pregnancies when there's no detectable heartbeat at 6 weeks. I have a 6 year old who had no heartbeat detected at 6 weeks.


Ù/s could have showed something that wasn't even as large as a 5 week yolk sac though. I've had early u/s were it was pretty clearly not a developing pregnancy early on.


Ah, I misunderstoof their video, since they entitled it "Our baby had a heartbeat". I thought they'd actually seen the baby with a heartbeat on the ultrasound, and then lost it after, which would juse seem odd to me. Turns out they just lost the baby at home just a few days after finding out but hadn't had any medical test or scans or anything yet. The timeline would be a bit more plausible that way... but I don't understand why they'd title the video that, then. :confused1:


They seem sweet enough, but something about the clear desperation to be big youtube stars and having their kids on camera all the time, recording things as simple as clothes shopping and doctor's appointments just feels so disingenuous and contrived to me in the first place, so I'm probably automatically coming at this from a place of suspicion.

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When you repeatedly say that your goal is to be famous, expect suspicion when you post news in such a melodramatic fashion. I don't buy for one second that the pregnancy announcement was genuine. And vlogging as a career makes my brain itch.

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Even before the weirder stuff started coming out, I don't get the "surprise" announcement.  Going from the view that the pregnancy was legit (which I don't really believe) - she told him she was two weeks late so she had to suspect she could be pregnant.  So how much of a surprise could it really be? She acted like she had no clue she could possibly be pregnant and it came completely out of the blue.    :confused1:

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The timeline just doesn't work out for me. She says she was two weeks late and her husband tested and they found she's pregnant. Just a few days later, they find out she miscarried because the baby didn't have a heartbeat? I am the only one who's had ultrasounds before they can confirm a baby's heartbeat? I mean... the heart doesn't start beating until 5 weeks and can take several days after that to show up. And the whole thing about them trying to use their "fame" to get free entrance for their family in to Legoland the day after the miscarriage and getting upset when the person didn't recognize them and wouldn't let them in? YIKES. They're pretty much wrapping themselves in red flags. And that they're admitting that they'd love for their videos to go viral and make them famous, quitting jobs (or pretending to quit jobs?), demanding free stuff... just ick.


I have to address this -

they start counting pregnancy from the first day of your *last* period.  conception is 'usually' two weeks later.  so - five weeks of pregnancy = three weeks of embryonic development. (or as my ob said, only embryologists care about that.)

the heart starts beating at approx. 21 days. (or about a week late for women with a 28 day cycle)  or about two weeks after it begins the process of implantation.  yes, I've had several internal US (external US don't show very much if anything at this stage, and a Doppler won't get anything) with dudeling that early because I was bleeding. we could see the heart beating - so we knew he was alive.  my ob sent me to the hospital for them - not in his office.


and yes - their behavior is quite over-the-top and would lead one to conclude it's fake.

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Wait, what? They were at Legoland the day after a miscarriage? To each their own and all that, but I can't imagine coping with bleeding and grieving while running around an amusement park. Never mind the weird freebie expectation.

Well I was at the zoo with my kids the day after we lost our baby at 15 weeks so it's not that unbelievable to me. W had to postpone the trip because of the miscarriageandit was easier being there where the kids were distracted then dealing with their questions about it all if we had been home. I certainly didn't look nearly as happy as them.I was miserable inwardly but did enjoy myself with the kids and dh.


I still think they faked it all though.

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The dollar store pregnancy tests have droppers and you are supposed to pee in a cup and then take the dropper and use that to put 2-3 drops of urine on a very small test strip in a small plastic casing. I assume that is how they sell them for $1- way less plastic.


What is odd to me is any woman with a regular period and two kids being a full two weeks late without already testing. I think the pregnancy may have been real but the reverse announcement was probably staged for YouTube hits.

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I don't like judging how other people grieve, having gone through miscarriage and stillbirths more times than I care to remember. There are times when I'd just be in bed for days, and time when I'd want nothing more than to go to special things with the kids to hold on for dear life to the things I love most. Everyone deals with things differently, and I can't blame them for wanting to take a trip or just get back to life. That being said... I can't imagine going up and trying to get special treatment saying "Don't you know who we are?! We're the ones who had those pregnancy and miscarriages videos go viral! Ugh, he hasn't seen the videos... it was worth a shot." I mean... there are a lot of ways to grieve but I really have problems seeing that sort of behaviour as one of them. I don't know, if it IS real I feel bad for not believing it, but it just gives me such a gross feeling. Miscarriage is not a publicity stunt.

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If it's a very early miscarriage (possibly just a chemical pregnancy) and they haven't despaired of being able to have another due to secondary infertility/recurrent miscarriages, I can see taking it pretty lightly. I was disappointed after my first early miscarriage but I wasn't alarmed or concerned until my third. My first second trimester loss was way harder. Honestly, I assume when anyone announces a pregnancy that early that they are unburdened by a history of past miscarriage.


I'm so sorry for your losses, Katie.  Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea to judge either how much people are actually grieving or how much they should be.    

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That said quite possibly the thing that irritates me the most is them saying they are on a new mission to educate people about miscarriages. Um, one very early pregnancy loss doesn't make them special experts or spokespeople for miscarriages. Most early miscarriages are wholly unpreventable and unexplainable. A lot of pregnancies end spontaneously in the first few weeks. It's such a privileged and self centered thing for them to think this is unusual.

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I tend to have very high beta levels when I get pregnant. Even if you take out the triplet pregnancy. I find it VERY hard to believe that he fished this out of a toilet bowel unless they had VERY little water in it to begin with. The lowest a FRER will register anything is with a beta of about 25. Which when you factor the dilution factor of a normal toilet would be at least 7 weeks. 


Going to legoland after the miscarrage, to me that was tasteless to ask for the bill to be footed for you. I don't care where you go after a miscarriage. I personally was not in any mood to do anything after my 2 miscarriages, and they were after child losses which were 1000X worse for me to go through. However to each their own. The whole "give me free stuff" because of what I went through just makes me want to vomit though. I am sure I could have got a ton of stuff after what I have been through in my life, heck DH and I were just talking about if we should have sued the hospital where our sons died for malpractice after his death, but for me, I couldn't see ever enjoying anything that came from a death. That isn't to say I wouldn't use my husband's life insurance if something should happen to him, but that is different, and we would be anything but happy to use it.

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Here's what I don't get. He claims that because he's a nurse, he recognized the signs of the impending miscarriage, and then it happened.


What, exactly, are the signs of an impending miscarriage? AFAIK, the only sign of miscarriage is actual bleeding, and even then it sometimes isn't an actual miscarriage.


I was almost certain two of my pregnancies were going to lead to miscarriage, and they both did.  However, the way I "knew" was abnormally (for me) low hCG levels, which would obviously make it extra unlikely that a toilet bowl sample would have resulted in a positive test.  With each of my viable pregnancies, I tested strongly positive about 9-10 days post-ovulation.  With each of my miscarriages, my period did not come on schedule, but I repeatedly tested negative.  Both times I finally got a weak positive result about 20 days post-ovulation and then miscarried a few days later.



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Here's what I don't get. He claims that because he's a nurse, he recognized the signs of the impending miscarriage, and then it happened.


What, exactly, are the signs of an impending miscarriage? AFAIK, the only sign of miscarriage is actual bleeding, and even then it sometimes isn't an actual miscarriage.

Loss of pregnancy symptoms.


Low back pain

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Honest question: Do those symptoms show up before the bleeding?


I had an early miscarriage, and i didn't know until the bleeding started. Then came the cramps. But I know every woman is different.

I've had somewhat different experiences each time but for me, unless it's just a chemical pregnancy that presents like a late period, I do generally notice a loss of pregnancy symptoms (ie- my breasts felt less tender and I wasn't queasy anymore) and sometimes some pain before bleeding. I have had repeated losses. Three times bleeding never started and we had to get medical assistance.
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Honest question: Do those symptoms show up before the bleeding?


I had an early miscarriage, and i didn't know until the bleeding started. Then came the cramps. But I know every woman is different.


I don't imagine there's any one order.

I never had any cramps at all, but I also didn't have any pain through a 2 month ordeal with an (eventually ruptured) ectopic pregnancy.  My body has no business representing "normal".

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I don't like judging how other people grieve, having gone through miscarriage and stillbirths more times than I care to remember. There are times when I'd just be in bed for days, and time when I'd want nothing more than to go to special things with the kids to hold on for dear life to the things I love most. Everyone deals with things differently, and I can't blame them for wanting to take a trip or just get back to life. That being said... I can't imagine going up and trying to get special treatment saying "Don't you know who we are?! We're the ones who had those pregnancy and miscarriages videos go viral! Ugh, he hasn't seen the videos... it was worth a shot." I mean... there are a lot of ways to grieve but I really have problems seeing that sort of behaviour as one of them. I don't know, if it IS real I feel bad for not believing it, but it just gives me such a gross feeling. Miscarriage is not a publicity stunt.

:iagree: :iagree:


The legoland thing is the biggest :huh: to me. I mean, I find it incredibly cringey when actual movie stars go around expecting to be recognized and to get special treatment. To expect it from a viral youtube video is just super weird and awkward.

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I just watched parts of the original pregnancy announcement video (it's over seven minutes long... no way I'm watching the whole dang thing.) If these people faked the whole thing and put their kids through that when the kids were all happy and excited just for internet attention... Ugh, that just makes me feel ill. I really hope the whole thing is real.

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If it's a very early miscarriage (possibly just a chemical pregnancy) and they haven't despaired of being able to have another due to secondary infertility/recurrent miscarriages, I can see taking it pretty lightly. I was disappointed after my first early miscarriage but I wasn't alarmed or concerned until my third. My first second trimester loss was way harder. Honestly, I assume when anyone announces a pregnancy that early that they are unburdened by a history of past miscarriage.


I assume he's a nurse or something from his scrubs so I'm guessing he has a high tolerance for gross.

Yeah, me too.  I always think, "That's brave!"


Honest question: Do those symptoms show up before the bleeding?


I had an early miscarriage, and i didn't know until the bleeding started. Then came the cramps. But I know every woman is different.


They do for me.  About a day and a half before the bleeding, generally.  

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It's very possible she mentioned things that, hindsight being 20/20, he could say "Oh, yeah, I can see you were getting ready to miscarry."  On the announcement video she said she hadn't been nauseas at all and she had been by then with the other two.  That could be looked back on and you could think it was a "sign" (never mind no nausea does NOT mean you'll miscarry or even that you are likely to).


The positive test with toilet water barely looks positive.  I got a positive with my oldest and youngest at 8 dpo and they were darker than that test.  Not surprising how diluted the pee would be.  The confirming test at the end looks very, very positive as one would expect at 6 weeks pregnant.


It was odd how she asked if he used a dropper from the toilet, but then if she's always used that type of pregnancy test or he jokingly said he could use her toilet pee, I could see her asking.


I only flush at night when it's that time of the month.  Otherwise I wait until morning to flush.  I don't think that's unusual.


I can't wrap my head around waiting until 2 full weeks late before testing.  I knew I was pregnant with all four kids before I was even due for my next period.  Apparently I cannot wait to test.


The Legoland thing is weird whether she had just miscarried or not.

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